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An apocrine hidrocystoma of the shoulder of a 59-year-old woman is, to our knowledge, only the third reported case that arose outside of the head and genitalia. Its origin was nonetheless consistent with the distribution of apocrine glands in adults.  相似文献   

原发性肝癌是我国的常见病、多发病,且90%的患者合并有肝硬化,肝切除术是主要的治疗方法,而肝脏在受到损害或切除之后,可以显示出强大的再生能力,这一现象早已被人们所发现并研究.就肝硬化肝切除术后肝再生、肝再生受损机制以及肝再生评估予以综述.  相似文献   

In previous studies, 90% partial hepatectomy in the rat was invariably accompanied by 100% mortality within 40 hr. This paper describes the effect of enhanced reticuloendothelial system (RES) on liver regeneration after 90% partial hepatectomy. RES was activated using 5 K.E. of OK-432 injected intraperitoneally 24 hr before 90% partial hepatectomy. Ninety per cent of the liver mass was resected and rats were provided with tap water or 20% glucose orally and subcutaneously. Survival time was strikingly different. In rats provided with tap water only; 100% of rats died before 42 hr. In rats provided with 20% glucose; 44.2% of rats survived beyond 42 hr. In rats pretreated with OK-432 and provided with 20% glucose; 87.0% of rats survived beyond 42 hr. This regimen results in severe hypoglycemia and dead within 42 hr. When RES was activated before 90% partial hepatectomy, significantly higher blood glucose level was observed. BrdU labeling index was significantly higher in rats pretreated with OK-432 than in control rats. The results indicate that enhancement of RES before 90% partial hepatectomy provides acute metabolic support and enhancement of liver regeneration resulting in improved survival.  相似文献   

Clonal chromosome aberrations identified after short-term culture are presented for 13 chondrosarcomas; in 5 cases both the primary tumors and local recurrences were studied. The stemline chromosome number was hypodiploid or hyperhaploid in 9 tumors. The most frequent numerical anomalies were, in falling order of frequency, loss of chromosomes Y, 10, 13, and 6, and gain of chromosomes 7 and 20. No recurrent structural rearrangement was found, but chromosome bands 5q13, 1q21, 7p11, and 20q11 were each involved in three different rearrangements. Karyotypic heterogeneity was assessed in two different ways: as the presence of more than one clone in one sample and as the presence of different clones in different samples from the same surgical specimen. Clonal karyotypic evolution was demonstrated in 6 of the 7 cases in which two or more samples could be investigated. All 6 showed intersample heterogeneity. Intrasample heterogeneity was found in only 5 of the 28 samples with aberrations. By comparing the incidences of the nonrandomly occurring aberrations in stemlines and sidelines in the heterogeneous tumors, it was possible to conclude that loss of chromosome 13 and rearrangement of band 5q13 were early events in the clonal evolution.  相似文献   

The effect of age on hepatocyte mensuration and mitotic activity 48 h after partial hepatectomy was investigated in rats. Both age and partial hepatectomy had significant effects upon hepatocyte counts per microscopic field. The number of hepatocytes per microscopic field declined with age in the control groups of different advancing ages and in the experimental groups of advancing ages. There was essentially no mitotic activity in the livers of the control groups. However, mitotic counts were greatly increased in livers from those animals that were partially Hepatectomized; the increase in mitotic activity in the 13-month-old animals was double over that observed in both the very young and the very old.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several cutaneous tumors are characteristically associated with considerable and sometimes incapacitating pain. OBJECTIVE: A review of the histologic features of these tumors, subjective characteristics of the pain, hypotheses proposed to explain the mechanism of pain production by the tumor, and treatments that have been effective in abolishing or relieving the patient's perception of the stimulus. METHODS: Review of case reports as well as studies that have proposed mechanisms of pain production based on histologic, electron microscopic, and pharmacologic studies. RESULTS: Several hypotheses may be equally valid in explaining the cause of pain of a single tumor type, while no apparent cause is found in other types of tumors. There is variability in the success of a treatment between patients. CONCLUSION: Our understanding of the mechanism of pain production by cutaneous tumors is limited by the small number of studies (and sample size) addressing the issue as well as by our incomplete general understanding of pain production.  相似文献   

In an attempt to clarify the role of macrophages and their mediators during regeneration of the liver, the difference of liver regeneration among C3H/HeN (LPS-responsive strain) and C3H/HeJ (LPS-resistant strain) mice was investigated. After a 67% partial hepatectomy, an increase in the weight of regenerating liver was significantly delayed in the C3H/HeJ mice, as compared with C3H/HeN mice. The number of hepatocytes labeled with antibody against PCNA reached maximum levels 48 hr after partial hepatectomy, but the PCNA labeling index in C3H/HeJ mice was 20% less than that for C3H/HeN mice. In addition, TNF-alpha activities in serum were enhanced shortly after partial hepatectomy in C3H/HeN strain mice, but were not increased in C3H/HeJ strain mice. Serum IL-6 levels were markedly enhanced in both C3H/HeN and C3H/HeJ mice, but a bimodial peak (14 and 48 hr after partial hepatectomy) was demonstrated in C3H/HeN mice, in contrast to a single peak (at 24 hr) in C3H/HeJ mice. Suppression of Kupffer cells by previous administration of gadolinium chloride in C3H/HeN mice reduced the increase in both serum TNF-alpha and IL-6 concentrations, reduced PCNA labeling index of hepatocytes by 20%, and disturbed the regeneration of the liver. Previous administration of antibody against TNF-alpha reduced the PCNA labeling index of hepatocytes by 20% after partial hepatectomy in C3H/HeN strain mice. These results suggest that LPS-responsive macrophages in the liver and their mediators, especially TNF-alpha, could partly play a role in liver regeneration.  相似文献   

A method for volume selective proton spectroscopy is presented based on a multiecho sequence with short refocusing interval tcp. It is demonstrated, that by appropriate choice of tcp on the order of 4-6 ms, signals from overlapping multiplets like the glutamine and glutamate (Glu/Gln) resonances in spectra of the human brain are considerably increased compared with a conventional PRESS volume selection scheme. Thus proton spectra from J-coupled multiplet signals can be acquired with TE on the order of 20-30 ms avoiding the baseline problems arising at shorter echo times due to broad resonances. This allows to selectively acquire spectra from substances with longer T2 without the confounding effects from J-coupling occurring in conventional volume selection techniques.  相似文献   

Thrombolytic therapy in acute ischemic stroke is safe and effective in a defined subgroup of stroke patients. Until now, different fibrinolytic substances including urokinase, streptokinase and recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) have been tested regarding safety, efficacy, dosage and economic parameters in patients suffering from both carotid and basilar artery territory strokes. Recently, two large multicenter placebo-controlled intravenous rt-PA studies were published. The results show that thrombolysis of acute carotid territory strokes (European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study) and of strokes with a deficit measurable on the NIH Stroke Scale (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke rt-PA Stroke Study) improves clinical and economic outcome parameters in patients who were treated within 6 hours of the onset of symptoms and had that no signs of extended early infarction on the initial CT-scan. The occurrence of intracranial hemorrhages is more frequent after thombolytic therapy, but the majority of bleeding complications referred to petechial or more confluent hemorrhage limited to the infarcted tissue, without clinical deterioration. However, the identification of the appropriate patients is difficult and depends on the level of clinical and diagnostic experience. In vertebrobasilar artery territory stroke, local intraarterial thrombolysis with urokinase or streptokinase is performed in most cases. Thrombolytic treatment within twelve hours of the onset of symptoms was associated with significantly better results concerning both survival and neurological recovery.  相似文献   

The liver is of central importance in the metabolism of essential and toxic metals such as cadmium. Cadmium pretreatment suppressed the liver regenerative response to partial hepatectomy, due to the inhibition of the enzymatic activity of thymidine kinase. Exogenous putrescine administration has been reported to stimulate liver regeneration in animal models of acute liver failure. The purpose of this study was to document whether the administration of this polyamine enhances the impaired regenerative capacity of hepatocytes in cadmium-pretreated partially hepatectomized rats. The intraperitoneal administration of putrescine (1 or 10 mg/kg body weight), at the time of surgery and at 4 and 8 hr postoperatively partly restored the suppressed hepatocyte deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) biosynthesis and thymidine kinase activity in cadmium-pretreated partially hepatectomized rats. Mitotic activity and the percentage of hepatocytes positive for proliferating cell nuclear antigen nuclei were in accordance with the liver proliferative status. Our results showed that exogenous putrescine administration is able to improve diminished liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in this animal model of acute hepatic injury.  相似文献   

At 6 months of age the first spermatozoa appear in the testes of the African catfish considered to be adolescent, since the development to adulthood (12 months of age) is accompanied by further morphological and functional differentiation of Leydig cells. There are increasing plasma levels of 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) and an increasing responsiveness to luteinizing hormone (LH) of testicular androgen secretion in vitro. Whether treatment of adolescent males with key hormones of the brain-pituitary-gonad axis [gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), LH, and 11-KT] affects the testicular steroidogenic response to a challenge with LH in vitro 7 days later has been investigated. Injection of GnRH (2.5 microg chicken GnRH-II per kilogram of body weight), LH (25 microg/kg), or a high dose of 11-KT (50 microg/kg) down-regulated basal and LH-stimulated testicular androgen secretion to a minimum of 35% of control values. Treatment with LH was, moreover, associated with changes in the ultrastructure of Leydig cell mitochondria which were either swollen and had a less electron-dense matrix or showed an elongated shape. Conversely, a moderate dose of 11-KT (20 microg/kg) enhanced LH-stimulated, but not basal, androgen secretion in vitro to a maximum of 190% of control values. In view of the generally low LH plasma levels and of the steadily increasing 11-KT plasma levels during puberty, 11-KT may be involved in the up-regulation of the testicular steroidogenic capacity observed during development to full maturity.  相似文献   

Liver regeneration following partial hepatectomy is significantly impaired in rats with hereditary vasopressin deficiency (Brattleboro strain), both in rate of DNA synthesis and in return of liver DNA content to normal. Vasopressin treatment at physiological doses ameliorates the defect and thus appears to be an important modulator of liver regeneration in response to partial hepatectomy in the rat.  相似文献   

Enteral oxygenotherapy influence was studied on rats with acute liver dystrophy caused by CCl4. Intragastric introduction of oxygen foam dicreased the intoxication and promoted a more rapid and complete restoration of the bile secretion intensity, the synthesis of primary biliary acids and their conjugation with amino acids, and also improved bile stabilizing properties.  相似文献   

The acute therapy of the cerebral infarct necessitates the fast evaluation of the favorable risk factors and the assessment of its pathogenetical mechanisms to facilitate a specific treatment as early as possible. Acute treatment procedures like the rheologic therapy, anticoagulation, thrombolysis, application of calcium antagonists, and antiedematous therapy are discussed. Recommendations for the secondary prophylaxis with drugs like acetylsalicylic acid or triclopidine after transitory ischemic attacks or manifest brain infarctions are given. The indications for the surgical therapy of stenoses of the extracranial vessels supplying the brain are discussed and rules for the emergency management of the transitory ischemic attack are introduced.  相似文献   

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