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低温调理中式鲜肉糜制品的研制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文介绍并讨论了低温调理中式鲜肉糜制品如肉丸、肉糕等的制作工艺和配方,以肥瘦比2∶8~3∶7的鲜猪肉为原料,经肉糜腌制等工艺制得的低温调理中式肉糜制品味道鲜美,细嫩,有弹性,色香味、营养俱佳。  相似文献   

山梨醇对预调理猪肉糜制品品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究无磷持水剂山梨醇对预调理肉糜制品(猪肉丸)品质的影响.将0%、1%、5%、8%、10%的山梨醇分别加入猪肉丸中,研究其对猪肉丸的持水、质构、感官指标的影响.结果表明:山梨醇的添加能够显著减少猪肉丸滴液损失、解冻损失、蒸煮损失,提高猪肉丸得率(P<0.05);对猪肉丸的硬度有明显的改善作用(P<0.05),但对质构的其他指标影响不显著;感官各项指标加权综合评分,添加量为5%时,评分最高.  相似文献   

探讨了蚕蛹肉糜肠的生产配方。以蚕蛹、淀粉、盐等为辅料,通过单因素实验和正交实验,确定蚕蛹肉糜肠的最佳配方为猪瘦肉80%、猪脂肪20%、蚕蛹的添加量3%、淀粉的添加量30%、盐的添加量3.5%时,肉糜肠品质最佳。  相似文献   

立了最优的工艺条件,即:酶活度1.95 U/g、压强450 MPa、保压时间22 min。此条件下验证实验得到凝胶保水率可达到(90.1±0.5)%。酶活度与压强和保压时间交互作用显著(P<0.05),而压强与保压时间交互作用不显著(P>0.05)。研究表明,TG酶和超高压结合能够促进鸡肉糜形成良好的凝胶,在鸡肉糜加工中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

肉糜类制品感官评定的模糊数学方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
食品感官评定学是利用人的感觉器官(眼、耳、鼻、口、手等)对食品进行定性评价或定量描述,以确定食品质量优劣的一门科学。由于食品的直接受用对象是人,食品的某些性状是难以完全依靠科学仪器检测或化学分析定量的,因而食品质量的感官评定在食品性状分析、评价中,占有相当重要的地位。由于人类感官的生理局限,依靠感官对食  相似文献   

提高肉糜类制品保水和乳化性能的添加剂   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

随着经济的发展,人们对物质生活的需求不断提升,以低胆固醇、高蛋白含量为代表的牛肉产品逐渐受到大众青睐,牛肉肉糜类产品种类也日益增多,成为广大消费者日常饮食的重要组成部分。本文概述了当前牛肉肉糜制品的主要种类,对牛肉肠、牛肉脯、牛肉饼、牛肉馅、牛肉丸、牛肉发酵香肠和牛肉膨化食品等牛肉肉糜产品的生产技术、品质与保鲜技术等进行了比较系统的阐述,并对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

通过对三种类型中式禽肉制品加工工艺进行分析、总结,将加工过程归纳为加热和传送两种主要方式。利用目前已经成熟的加热、控制技术,开发研制出禽肉制品的煮制、杀菌等加热设备。物料的传送则采用周转箱、托盘加人工方式来解决,形成一整套完整、实用又经济的中式禽肉制品加工生产线。  相似文献   

牛肉糜的腌制及牛肉糜制品的加工   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
将牛肉绞碎或斩拌成糜 ,加盐 1 .2 %~ 1 .6% ,拌匀 ,在 0~ 4℃腌制 2 0~ 2 4 h,可以获得有良好粘结性、弹性、持水性和乳化性的牛肉糜 ,用这种牛肉糜为主要原料制得的肉糜制品细嫩 ,弹性好 ,口感优异  相似文献   

斩拌条件和添加成分对肉糜类制品质量的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
在肉糜类制品的生产加工中斩拌工序起着至关重要的作用,此工序的工艺参数稍有变化,就会对产品品质有很大影响。因此,对此工序的深入研究在提高产品品质方面显得尤为重要。本文从斩拌的作用、原理及对产品的影响效果等方面介绍了肉糜类制品加工中斩拌工序的研究进展。并着重探讨、总结了影响斩拌效果的因素及斩拌的最佳工艺参数。对于提高肉糜制品的品质,提供技术支持和理论指导具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

畜禽副产品的开发利用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
综述了畜禽副产物的开发利用现状,并探讨了副产物在食品工业、医药工业以及其他领域的应用。  相似文献   

酵母抽提物(Yeast Extract,YE)是以可食用的酵母为主要原料,采用生物酶解等技术制成的一类天然风味物质,其富含大量的呈味氨基酸、肽类、核苷酸等酵母细胞中的可溶性成分,具有鲜味丰富,口感醇厚,天然营养的特点.速冻调理产品是肉制品中重要的产品类型,其采用速冻工艺,并在冻结状态下(产品中心温度在-18℃以下)贮存、运输和销售,产品经解冻后香气、厚味等是评价其品质的重要指标之一.本文通过对速冻调理专用型YE进行了开发,并对其在调理产品中的应用进行了研究,结果表明:速冻调理专用型YE能延长香气的滞留时间,增加产品的厚实口感,对速冻调理产品的整体风味的提升具有较好的协助作用.  相似文献   

畜禽肉品分割加工智能化发展现状及趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了现阶段我国畜禽肉品分割加工存在的问题,提出畜禽肉品分割加工智能化发展的迫切性。在分析研究国内外智能化技术、畜禽肉品分割加工应用现状的基础上,指出了我国畜禽肉品分割智能化发展的趋势,助推我国畜禽加工产业智能化发展。  相似文献   

1概述 KS经编机可以生产一般结构的平纹及拉绒织物,还可生产一些有规律的几何图案.要获得自由的花纹图案,必须依靠贾卡经编机来完成.为了满足人们对产品的感观要求,增强产品的卖点及亮点,我们通过一些后整理方法,开发了仿贾卡织物、提花拉毛布和隐形面料.  相似文献   

The effect of protein isolate mixtures of sunflower and soya bean seeds on the structural and mechanical properties and the biological value indicer of chopped meat products has been studied. The possibility of using the structurized oilseed proteins in chopped meat products at the rate of 30–50 per cent has been shown.  相似文献   

A new quaternary ammonium compound, hydrolysed ginseng-saponin quaternary (HGSQ), from Korean ginseng saponin and 2,3-epoxypropyltrimethyl ammonium chloride, has been developed as a conditioning agent for hair care products. This structure has a hydrophobic group from the aglycone of ginseng saponin which is biologically active and considered as the most important component of Korean ginseng. Its properties of surface tension, conductivity, critical micelle concentration (CMC), eye irritation, sorption onto hair, tensile strength for 20% extension and moisture retention effect were studied. Its cationic character allows the molecule to be more substantive than ginseng saponin. HGSQ had good physical properties and was safe enough as a cosmetic raw material. Also half-head tests of HGSQ-containing shampoo were carried out to evaluate the conditioning effects in shampoos. HGSQ showed good conditioning properties in a shampoo.  相似文献   

Minced fish products, like pastes, sausages and hamburgers, usually are produced with the addition of spices, and the amount of the individual flavouring ingredients is chosen hitherto on basis of the trial and error method. A more efficient approach, based on predictor equations, is described in this paper.  相似文献   

Natural antioxidants in meat and poultry products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In response to recent claims that synthetic antioxidants have the potential to cause toxicological effects and consumers' increased interest in purchasing natural products, the meat and poultry industry has been seeking sources of natural antioxidants. Due to their high phenolic compound content, fruits and other plant materials provide a good alternative to conventional antioxidants. Plum, grape seed extract, cranberry, pomegranate, bearberry, pine bark extract, rosemary, oregano, and other spices functions as antioxidants in meat and poultry products. Pomegranate, pine bark extract, cinnamon, and cloves have exhibited stronger antioxidant properties than some synthetic options. Plum products, grape seed extract, pine bark extract, rosemary, and some spices all have been shown to affect the color of finished meat or poultry products; however, in some products such as pork sausage or uncured meats, an increase in red color may be desired. When selecting a natural antioxidant, sensory and quality impact on the product should be considered to achieve desired traits.  相似文献   

Thermophysical properties of processed meat and poultry products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermophysical properties of various meat and poultry emulsions were evaluated at four temperatures (20, 40, 60 and 80 °C). Thermal conductivities (0.26–0.48 W m−1 K−1) increased linearly with temperature between 20 and 60 °C. Between 60 and 80 °C, it remained constant for most products except bologna. Curves for thermal conductivity as a function of temperature could be roughly grouped into two different categories: products containing meat particles and those containing meat emulsions. The application of various models was investigated for thermal conductivity prediction. It was found that a three phase structural based Kirscher model had the potential for predicting thermal conductivities with acceptable accuracy. Densities decreased slightly as a function of temperature from 20 to 40 °C. A transition phase was observed from 40 to 60 °C, which was followed by a decrease from 60 to 80 °C. There was a decrease of about 50 kg m−3 between the density of a raw product at room temperature (at maximum 1070 kg m−3) and the product heated to 80 °C (at minimum 970 kg m−3), due to the gelation or setting of the structure. After a transition period from 10 to 30 °C, the heat capacity increased linearly from 30 to 80 °C, and ranged from 2850 to 3380 J kg−1 °C−1, respectively. Densities and heat capacities were strongly influenced by the carbohydrate content (i.e. as the carbohydrate content increased the density decreased). The salt content adversely affected thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity values. However, these parameters increased with moisture content.  相似文献   

Traditional cooking‐cooling of processed meat and poultry products is industrially carried out in smokehouses or autoclaves. A mathematical model was developed to simulate these operations. Equations, describing heat transfer and thermal destruction of micro‐organisms and quality characteristics, were solved numerically. The model was validated experimentally for heat transfer and energy consumption and was used to perform a sensitivity analysis. Input variables were: process time (PT), smokehouse temperature (TSH), bologna size (diameter, D and height, H), surface heat transfer coefficients (hheat and hcool), product thermal diffusivity (αheat and αcool). Output variables were: product core temperature (Tc), core and volume‐average lethality (Pcm and Pvm) and cook (Cc and Cv) values as well as surface (Qs) and volume‐average (Qv) quality retention, total specific energy consumption (En) and energy efficiency (Ce). Multiple linear regression models were developed to predict Cc and Cv from five inputs and used to obtain acceptable deviation ranges.  相似文献   

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