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选择机械行业879名工人作为观察组,另选年龄、性别、工龄相近的946名行政管理人员作为对照组,通过询问调查及体验,观察组人员肌肉骨骼损伤的检出率显著高于对照组(P0.01),且随着工龄延长而升高。体验的各种指标阳性率显著高于对照组(P0.01)。患有肌肉骨骼损伤的观察组工人中有90.3%的人认为长期固定的作业姿势是造成肌肉骨骼损伤的原因。提示:长时间固定的作业姿势是肌肉骨骼损伤的一个危险因素。  相似文献   

目的 调查破拆作业人员相关肌肉骨骼疾患(WMSDs)发生情况,对影响身体各部位WMSDs发生的危险因素进行探讨,为破拆作业人员WMSDs预防提供科学依据.方法 采用整群抽样法抽取调查对象,结合《北欧肌肉骨骼疾患调查问卷》(NMQ)和荷兰肌肉骨骼调查问卷(DMQ)对103位作业人员进行问卷调查;运用SPSS26统计分析软...  相似文献   

对2141名电子行业坐位作业工人及2486名对照组人员的颈、肩、腕和下背肌肉骨骼损伤情况进行了流行病学调查,同时对工人的工作环境及工作场所人机界面进行了调查。结果表明:观察组人员颈、肩、下背、手及腕部肌肉骨骼损伤的患病率明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。且患病率均随工龄延长而升高,观察组高于对照组(P<0.01)。体征检查结果,观察组的颈部活动受限,颈部压痛、颈突轴位挤压试验、肩部活动受限、肩部压痛、Thomas征及Tinel’s征等项指标阳性率均高于对照组(P<0.01)。患病人群病因构成显示,与工作有关的占病因第1位。因此认为不良的作业坐姿、工龄及重复用力是肌肉骨骼疾患的重要危险因素。  相似文献   

探讨选煤厂拣矸作业中危险姿势对工人肌肉骨骼损伤的影响。通过问卷调查和工作姿势分析系统(OWAS)对工人不良作业姿势重复出现的比例以及身体损伤状况进行评估与分析。结果显示工人背部和颈部出现不良作业姿势的比例、危害和损伤程度较高。这与疲劳自觉症状调查和OWAS系统分析所得出的结果基本一致。采取恰当的轮岗方式,增加座椅以及防护装备可有效降低工人肌肉骨骼的损伤程度,同时会更好的提高工作表现并减少工伤事故的发生。  相似文献   

张瑞秋  李泽  李育奇 《包装工程》2020,41(14):49-60
目的肌肉骨骼疾患是与工作姿势有关的主要职业病,不仅影响工人的健康,而且对经济造成巨大的损失。而不良的工作姿势是引发肌肉骨骼疾患的主要原因。因此评估工作姿势所造成的肌肉骨骼疾患并采取科学的纠正措施逐渐成为相应领域研究的热点问题。基于现有对肌肉骨骼疾患风险评估方法的研究现状和未来趋势进行分析与展望。方法通过对肌肉骨骼疾患、人因风险评估、人体姿态识别等核心概念的相关文献进行梳理和归纳,论述了肌肉骨骼疾患风险评估的主要方法,并重点分析了图像识别技术在肌肉骨骼疾患风险评估中的应用,结合人体骨架与神经网络算法模型对作业姿势进行识别,探讨了人工智能环境下,基于图像识别的评估方法中待解决的难点问题,对未来可能发展趋势进行预测。结论将肌肉骨骼风险评估方法总结为三大类,并分析其在现场评估应用过程中的优缺点;结合图像识别技术的发展,对肌肉骨骼风险评估提出了展望,即智能化自动化评估、多评估方法融合、多通道特征识别。  相似文献   

赵冬冬  孙钊  张智君 《人类工效学》2011,17(3):88-90,79
青少年肌肉骨骼疾患是一个需要引起足够重视的问题.现有的研究主要集中在电脑使用、课桌椅匹配和坐姿等相关生理因素的考察.本文对已有的相关研究作了一个总结,提出了青少年肌肉骨骼疾患发生、发展的模型,同时结合中国的实际情况进行了研究展望,以期为进一步研究提供参考.  相似文献   

坐姿工作者躯干慢性肌肉骨骼损伤工效学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
躯干慢性肌肉骨骼损伤(CMI)是坐姿体位工作人群的一类与工作有关疾病.为了研究坐姿体位与颈椎病、肩颈痛和下背痛的联系,文章调查分析了709名坐姿体位、836名坐立交替体位和648名站立体位工作人员躯干CMI患病情况,调查结果表明,坐姿体位人群肩颈和下背部CMI患病率比其他2种体位人群明显升高,不同坐姿体位间患病率也存在差异。结果提示长期坐姿工作是躯干CMI患病危险因素之一,不同坐姿体位对CMI发病也会产生较大影响。  相似文献   

正随着我国经济体制的变革,宏观经济发展趋于稳定,国家越发重视企业职工劳动安全健康的保护工作,先后发布的《国家卫生健康委员会职能配置、内设机构及人员编制规定》、《作业场所职业健康监督管理暂行规定》等文件,重点开展职业病检测、职业健康风险评估和职业人群健康管理等工作,协调开展职业病防治工作。肌肉骨骼疾患(Musculoskeletal Disorder,MSD)是一类与作业姿势有关的主要职业病,因其症状前期的不表现性和延迟性,患病工人前期与健康正常工人并无差异,导致MSD容易被人们忽视,而工人长期处于肌肉骨骼损伤中,不仅导致工作效率低下,也容易引发重大安全事故,造成巨大的社会经济损失。  相似文献   

对我国汽车生产物流行业中存在的职业性肌肉骨骼损伤(OMSD)的危险因素进行分析,发现作业中主要以手工搬运为主,并且自动化程度低。结合已有研究证明的OMSD影响因素和汽车生产物流行业现状,选择了快速上肢评估(RULA)量表进行风险评价,并对作业过程中存在的问题进行改善。得到的结论:(1)快速上肢评估量表能够与汽车生产物流作业现场实际情况相结合,能够准确的对不同的作业工种的肌肉骨骼损伤风险等进行评价。(2)汽车生产物流员工的肌肉骨骼损伤风险较高。(3)应用作业方法改善,辅助作业器具的使用和行政管理方法的调整能够有效地降低肌肉骨骼损伤风险。  相似文献   

旨在研究MSDs职业病在网店从业人群中的分布情况和影响因素,并给出相应改善建议。研究采用肌肉骨骼疾患调查表,发现样本的年患病率高达94.7%,其中以颈部和肩部患病率最高。因此,需从人体工效学角度科学地设计办公间的布局和人机界面,合理调整工作姿势,尽量保持高频率的工间休息,并结合有氧运动、柔韧练习等运动疗法,以缓解和治疗MSDs。  相似文献   

目的评估煤矿工人工作相关肌肉骨骼疾患(WMSDs)健康教育的效果,为制定预防WMSDs的策略、措施提供理论依据。方法干预的538名煤矿工人群体,在时间段2 a内无任何其他同类干预的情况下,分别于2009年10月和2011年7月对该群体横断面整群抽样,并分析干预前后煤矿工人对WMSDs的认知和态度的变化,以及WMSDs患病率的改变。结果干预后与干预前相比,工人在WMSDs的认知和态度方面皆有改善(P<0.05)。任意部位WMSDs的年患病率在干预前、干预3个月后以及干预后21个月分别为78.3%,64.1%和73.7%(P<0.05)。其中,掘进区工人腰部WMSDs的年患病率下降明显,分别为70.8%、35.0%和54.5%(P<0.05)。煤矿工人根据干预措施采纳程度不同分为"全部采纳"组和"几乎无采纳"组,两组在主观回答WMSDs的防治效果上是不同的(P<0.05)。结论干预措施对掘进区工人腰部WMSDs患病率降低效果明显。在煤矿行业实施针对性的职业健康教育,使工人对WMSDs的"知和信"两方面都有改善,并能长期降低工人任意部位WMSDs的年患病率。因此,在我国针对煤矿行业WMSDs采取健康教育是一种经济有效的干预措施,应长期推广。  相似文献   

School closures may reduce the size of social networks among children, potentially limiting infectious disease transmission. To estimate the impact of K–12 closures and reopening policies on children''s social interactions and COVID-19 incidence in California''s Bay Area, we collected data on children''s social contacts and assessed implications for transmission using an individual-based model. Elementary and Hispanic children had more contacts during closures than high school and non-Hispanic children, respectively. We estimated that spring 2020 closures of elementary schools averted 2167 cases in the Bay Area (95% CI: −985, 5572), fewer than middle (5884; 95% CI: 1478, 11.550), high school (8650; 95% CI: 3054, 15 940) and workplace (15 813; 95% CI: 9963, 22 617) closures. Under assumptions of moderate community transmission, we estimated that reopening for a four-month semester without any precautions will increase symptomatic illness among high school teachers (an additional 40.7% expected to experience symptomatic infection, 95% CI: 1.9, 61.1), middle school teachers (37.2%, 95% CI: 4.6, 58.1) and elementary school teachers (4.1%, 95% CI: −1.7, 12.0). However, we found that reopening policies for elementary schools that combine universal masking with classroom cohorts could result in few within-school transmissions, while high schools may require masking plus a staggered hybrid schedule. Stronger community interventions (e.g. remote work, social distancing) decreased the risk of within-school transmission across all measures studied, with the influence of community transmission minimized as the effectiveness of the within-school measures increased.  相似文献   

Little research has been reported on the risky behaviors of pre-driving adolescents revolving around alcohol use, in particular impaired driving behaviors, which in general have been shown to be higher in rural areas. This study investigated the prevalence of drinking while driving and riding with a drinking driver among 290 middle school students in a Mississippi Delta area middle school. Just under half (45.3%) responded that at least once in the past 30 days they had ridden with a drinking driver and 17% indicated they had driven an automobile after drinking alcohol. The prevalence of underage drinking, driving under the influence of alcohol, and riding with a drinking driver among our sample of middle school students is alarming. This study shows alcohol-related driving behaviors are not solely performed by those who are legally licensed to drive, but simply by those who have access to vehicles. The authors recommend that prevention programs focusing on reducing the incidence of impaired driving should start in early adolescence.  相似文献   

目的在特定实验任务中,对专业木工和初学者木工的表面肌电图信号进行差异性分析,为木工提供合理的工作策略指导其减少工作相关肌肉骨骼疾患(WMSDs)的发病率。方法本研究模拟木工的工作任务,测定21名专业木工和21名初学者木工的4块前臂肌肉(肱桡肌、尺侧腕伸肌、尺侧腕屈肌、桡侧腕屈肌),3块肩部肌肉(前部三角肌、中部三角肌、后部三角肌)和斜方肌的表面肌电信号(sEMG)差异,并以经验水平、工作任务和肌肉类别为对比项对表面肌电信号的平均值和峰值统计学分析。结果专业木工和初学者木工之间sEMG的均值和峰值无显著性差异,初学者木工8块肌肉都表现出较高的肌肉活动水平;从局部肌肉的sEMG均值和峰值来看,木工工作任务对前部三角肌和后部三角肌造成较大肌肉负荷;经验水平、工作任务和肌肉类别对专业木工和初学者木工上半身的肌肉负荷的影响有显著差异。结论经验对木工的肩膀肌肉负荷有较大缓解作用,对降低木工工作时的肌肉疲劳度和损伤风险度具有积极作用。  相似文献   

Ergonomic risk factors which include force, repetition and awkward postures, can result in Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) among workers. Hence, systems that provide real-time feedback to the worker concerning his current ergonomic behaviours are desirable. This paper presents the design and implementation of a human-machine interface posture assessment feedback system whose conceptual model is developed through a model-driven development perspective using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and interface flow diagrams. The resulting system provides a shop floor with a simple, cost-effective and automatic tool for real-time display of worker's postures. Testing the system on volunteer participants reveals that it is easy to use, achieves real-time posture assessment and provides easy-to-understand feedback to workers. This system may be useful for reducing the rate of occurrence of awkward postures, one of the contributing factors to risk of WMSDs among workers.  相似文献   

The Department of Aerospace Engineering, Mechanics & Engineering Science at the University of Florida in conjunction with the School Board of Alachua County, Florida has embarked on a four-year project of university-secondary school collaboration designed to enhance mathematics and science instruction in secondary school classrooms. The goals are to provide teachers with a fundamental knowledge of flight sciences as well as stimulate interest among students, particularly women and minorities, toward careers in engineering, mathematics, and science. In the first year, all thirteen of the county's eighth grade physical science teachers and their 1200 students participated. The activities included a three-day college level seminar for the teachers, several weeks of classroom instruction for all the students, and an airport field trip for a subgroup of about 400 students that included an orientation flight in a Cessna 172 aircraft. The project brought together large numbers of middle school students, teachers, undergraduate and graduate engineering students, school administrators, and university engineering faculty. In Year 2, we are expanding our coverage and improving our minority outreach by offering the program to additional counties and the Florida Comprehensive State Center for Minorities. We are also introducing a program to recruit undergraduate minority engineering students for teaching careers by teaming these students with middle school teacher “mentors”, and having them work with teachers in the classroom.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the rate and pattern of unintentional school injuries among primary and middle school students and to explore the major risk factors involved. STUDY DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey of more than 10,000 students attending 6 primary and 4 middle schools selected randomly from all schools in Maanshan City of Anhui Province in eastern China was conducted to collect information on school injuries occurring in the 12-month period before the survey. Rate ratios for risk factors were estimated using the negative binomial regression analysis. RESULTS: The annual person-based school injury rate was 5.22 (95% CI: 3.90-6.53) percent. The annual event-based injury rate was 5.40 (95% CI: 4.04-6.76) per 100 students. Most injuries in school were relatively mild and only 1.53% (9/590) of the episodes resulted in hospitalization. The most frequent injures were falls (73%), and the most commonly injured sites were the upper limbs (46%). Male sex, primary school grades, poor health status, poor ability to concentrate, bad risk-taking behavior and high study-related stress were important risk factors. CONCLUSION: This study provided useful baseline information on school injuries in China and identified important risk factors that would be important in planning prevention strategies.  相似文献   

This study investigated the use and misuse of child restraint systems (CRS) in Flanders (Belgium). Observations were conducted at a random sample of primary school and recreation areas. In total 1376 children were observed. A logistic regression model was constructed in order to determine the variables involved. The parameter-estimates of this model have shown that children are more often restrained when the driver buckles up, the ride takes less than 1h, the children are younger, the children sit in the front seat of the car, a recreational area is the destination of the trip and there are less than five children in the car. Also premature graduation to CRS was analysed. More than half of the children are not appropriately restrained, according to their age, weight or height. Improper shoulder belt use (putting the shoulder belt behind the back or under the arm) was observed in 8.99% of the children being restrained with high back booster seats, in 32.73% of the children being restrained with backless booster seats and finally in 19.07% of the children being restrained with seat belts. The risk of incorrectly using the shoulder belt increases when children are prematurely graduated in a CRS. The results are discussed in the light of other studies on this matter.  相似文献   

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