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一个多点触摸系统软件体系框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着多点触摸技术的发展,出现了大量可以提供多点触摸接口的软件。但是不同的多点触摸系统的软件在很大程度上具有相似性,却没有太大的互操作性。为了提高这些软件的互操作性和兼容性,本文根据这些软件系统的特点提炼出它们之间的共同特征,提出一个分层软件架构。该架构定义不同层次之间的通用接口,并为开发人员屏蔽不同类型的硬件设备平台,提供一个统一的界面。  相似文献   

一种新型红外多点触摸识别算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李钧 《计算机与现代化》2012,(9):178-180,189
近年来,多点触摸技术逐渐成为最为重要的人机交互设备,得到了广泛的应用。本文提出一种新型红外多点触摸识别算法原型,该算法同时在两个不同坐标体系中对用户的触摸进行识别,克服了传统红外触摸屏在识别多点触摸时存在的伪触摸点的问题,实验证明该算法提高了红外触摸屏的多点触摸识别率。  相似文献   

目前多点触摸桌面广泛采用计算机视觉技术实现.触摸信息是通过手指反射的红外线在红外摄像机下成像,然后对红外相机得到灰度图像进行手指区域提取,跟踪,校正得到.由于桌面表面红外光照射不均衡,环境噪声干扰等因素,目前存在的多点触摸工具包在检测和跟踪方面效果较差,也没有考虑手指运动和摄像机畸变的影响.本文提出基于图像局部极值点检测手指触摸区域,结合手指运动和相邻帧信息进行手指跟踪,实现摄像机畸变校正的多点触摸桌面系统工具包MTDriver.实验结果表明,MTDriver 跟踪识别准确,效率高,鲁棒性强,具有实用性.  相似文献   

基于多点触摸的交互手势分析与设计*   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
提出了基于多点触摸的交互手势分析与设计方法。引入触摸手势元动作,采用接触面类型和状态及运动方式描述触摸手势,给出了简单触摸手势的统一描述框架,并提出了交互手势与交互任务的映射规则,将手势定义和手势意图联系起来。向交互设计者提供一种系统化和标准化的方法,提高了交互手势设计的通用性。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于机器视觉的多点手势识别方法及其人机交互技术框架。指尖跟踪和手势识别服务程序通过一个普通的摄像机捕获用户手的运动,对多个指尖目标进行实时检测和跟踪,在指尖跟踪结果基础上利用BP神经网络实现多点手势识别,并根据指尖跟踪和手势识别结果构造相应的消息(包括低级指点消息和高级手势消息)发送给客户端应用程序,客户端响应消息并进行相应的处理。该框架可以帮助开发人员的在应用程序中增加类似iPhone多点触摸控制的多点手势识别控制功能,实现更加自然的人机交互,提高用户操作体验。  相似文献   

多点触摸随着iphone的推出风靡全球,是当今最炙手可热的人机交互方式。该文对多点触摸的原理和编程模型进行简要的介绍,并给出了一些触摸手势的C#编程实现。  相似文献   

基于视觉的多点触摸基本技术实现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐婷  王锋 《计算机技术与发展》2009,19(10):138-140,144
高性能的图像处理技术是基于视觉的多点触摸技术的关键,对于特征点的检测和跟踪是完成多点触摸系统的基础.文中主要介绍了几种算法用来解决特征点的识别和跟踪的问题.首先,图像轮廓变换算法用来分析手指与屏幕的接触区域,以及在此基础上采用中心计算算法确定特征点的中心坐标;再次,最小距离优先(MDF)算法对在两个相邻图像中的相应的特征点进行识别和跟踪,为随后的事件检测和手势识别提供了前提条件.实验结果表明,算法的性能满足多点触摸系统的实时要求.  相似文献   

在对鼠标事件特性分析和触摸手势描述的基础上,设计实现了一种基于鼠标事件映射的多点触摸交互中间件,包括声明法、映射法两种实现途径。该中间件能够不进行程序改造而在传统基于鼠标交互的应用程序上实现多点触摸,具有平台无关的通用性。最后通过在多款地理信息系统软件中的应用对该中间件进行了验证和评估。  相似文献   

王晓庆  陈戈  王栋  王春 《计算机科学》2012,39(103):522-525
针对目前多点触控系统缺乏对触摸手势含义的理想描述和解析,提出了一种通用的多点触摸手势分析与设计框架,研究了高性能的算法合理解析并优化多点触控指令,使其更符合用户的思维与认知。设置触点位移和时间函数双阈值来提高触点识别的精确性,防止突增杂点的误判断,减缓过快操作产生的抖动;采用RAF神经网络模型解决动态手势识别的问题,并引入基于欧氏距离函数的聚类统计量作为网络的特征参数,大大提高了多点触摸手势识别的效率和精确度。  相似文献   

魏嘉玮 《网友世界》2014,(14):32-32
随着大屏硬件技术与多点触摸式技术的发展,通过大屏多点触摸技术的BI方案将成为"领导管理驾驶舱"形象体验的一个有效的解决方案。本文将介绍基于大屏多点触摸技术的BI管理驾驶舱解决方案以及数据仓库项目在这方面的工作情况。  相似文献   

多模态人机交互旨在利用语音、图像、文本、眼动和触觉等多模态信息进行人与计算机之间的信息交换。在生理心理评估、办公教育、军事仿真和医疗康复等领域具有十分广阔的应用前景。本文系统地综述了多模态人机交互的发展现状和新兴方向,深入梳理了大数据可视化交互、基于声场感知的交互、混合现实实物交互、可穿戴交互和人机对话交互的研究进展以及国内外研究进展比较。本文认为拓展新的交互方式、设计高效的各模态交互组合、构建小型化交互设备、跨设备分布式交互、提升开放环境下交互算法的鲁棒性等是多模态人机交互的未来研究趋势。  相似文献   

计算机虚拟校园的建造与人机交互的实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了构建"数字校园",展示校园风貌、传播校园信息,建立了一个虚拟校园漫游交互系统.利用视景仿真工具MutiGen Creator和Vega在计算机上虚拟校园并实现人机交互.以上海电子信息职业技术学院为原型,逼真的模拟了校园场景及多方位漫游,并且在虚拟漫游系统中通过了多种方式达到了人机交互的效果.将该系统在多种硬软件平台下运行,均有较好效果,表明其具有移植性好、感觉直观、操作灵活、交互性和沉浸感强等特点.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the use of icons in human-computer interaction (HCI). Icons are pictographic representations of data or processes within a computer system, which have been used to replace commands and menus as the means by which the computer supports a dialogue with the end-user. They have been applied principally to graphics-based interfaces to operating systems, networks and document-processing software.The paper attempts to provide a more systematic treatment of icon interfaces than has hitherto been made, and to create a classification which it is hoped will be of use to the dialogue designer. The characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of icon-based dialogues are described. Metaphors, design alternatives, display structures and implementation factors are discussed, and there is a summary of some icon design guidelines drawn from a variety of sources. Some mention is also made of attempts by researchers to measure the effectiveness of icon designs empirically.  相似文献   

A framework is described for conceptualizing the interactions between people and computers which, it is hoped, will provide the basis of a theoretical model of human-computer interaction (HCI) sufficient to stimulate and guide research in the field. HCI is viewed as an exchange whose primary purpose is to affect the states of the agents that are involved. The exchange is ultimately between people but is partly mediated by artefactual agents acting as intermediaries or drones of their human owners. A distinction is drawn between interface and interaction, and the purposes of an interaction in this context are identified and discussed. In particular, the important purpose of morphogenesis is further elaborated. On the basis of this, a brief comment is made on what this implies for the improvement of interactions and then a longer comment is made on the implications for the separability of front ends. The conclusion is reached that, even on engineering grounds, the notion of a separate user interface management system is inherently flawed and that the current trend towards separable 'interfaces' is an undesirable development.  相似文献   

针对传统陀螺仪定位的精度和稳定性问题,结合加速度传感器和陀螺仪各自的优势,提出一种组合的定位采集方法。在该采集方法中,利用MPU集成模块实现加速度传感器与陀螺仪数据采集的接入;然后通过卡尔曼滤波算法实现数据的融合;平均值滤波实现信号的预处理,最后再通过零速率的基准值动态自校正方法实现对采集到的坐标校正。MATLAB仿真结果表明,构建的体感设备定位采集方法可行,且精度高。  相似文献   

Obrenovic  Z. Starcevic  D. 《Computer》2004,37(9):65-72
Incorporating the well-known Unified Modeling Language into a generic modeling framework makes research on multimodal human-computer interaction accessible to a wide range off software engineers. Multimodal interaction is part of everyday human discourse: We speak, move, gesture, and shift our gaze in an effective flow of communication. Recent initiatives such as perceptual and attentive user interfaces put these natural human behaviors in the center of the human-computer interaction (HCI). We've designed a generic modeling framework for specifying multimodal HCI using the Object Management Group's Unified Modeling Language. Because it's a well-known and widely supported standard - computer science departments typically cover it in undergraduate courses, and many books, training courses, and tools support it - UML makes it easier for software engineers unfamiliar with multimodal research to apply HCI knowledge, resulting in broader and more practical effects. Standardization provides a significant driving force for further progress because it codifies best practices, enables and encourages reuse, and facilitates interworking between complementary tools.  相似文献   

Human-computer interaction is considered a core element of computer science. Yet it has not coalesced; many researchers who identify their focus as human-computer interaction reside in other fields. The author examines the origins and evolution of three HCI research foci: computer operation, information systems management, and discretionary use. The author describes efforts to find common ground and forces that have kept them apart.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a model-based approach for minimization of test sets to validate the interaction of human-computer systems. The novelty of the approach is twofold: (i) Test cases generated and selected holistically cover both the behavioral model and the complementary, fault model of the system under test (SUT). (ii) Methods known from state-based conformance testing and graph theory are extended to construct efficient, heuristic search-based algorithms for minimizing the test sets that are constructed in step (i), considering also structural features. Experience shows that the approach can help to considerably save test costs, up to 60% Fevzi Belli received the M.S., Ph.D., and Habilitation degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from the Berlin Technical University. He is presently a Professor of Software Engineering in the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany. Prior to this, he headed several projects at a software house in Munich, was a Professor of Computing Science at the Hochschule Bremerhaven and a faculty member of the University of Maryland, European Division. He chaired several international conferences, e.g., ISSRE 1998 and is author and co-author of more than 100 papers published in scientific journals and conference proceedings. His research interests are in testing/fault tolerance/reliability of software and programming techniques. Christof J. Budnik received the MS degree in electrical engineering and computer science in 2001 from the University of Paderborn. In 2002, he joined the Department of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics at the same University where he is currently a faculty member. His research interests are in the areas of software quality, testing of interactive systems and safety-critical user interfaces.  相似文献   

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