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Gapes D  Pratt S  Yuan Z  Keller J 《Water research》2003,37(11):2678-2690
The two steps of nitrification, namely the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate, often need to be considered separately in process studies. For a detailed examination, it is desirable to monitor the two-step sequence using online measurements. In this paper, the use of online titrimetric and off-gas analysis (TOGA) methods for the examination of the process is presented. Using the known reaction stoichiometry, combination of the measured signals (rates of hydrogen ion production, oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide transfer) allows the determination of the three key process rates, namely the ammonia consumption rate, the nitrite accumulation rate and the nitrate production rate.Individual reaction rates determined with the TOGA sensor under a number of operation conditions are presented. The rates calculated directly from the measured signals are compared with those obtained from offline liquid sample analysis. Statistical analysis confirms that the results from the two approaches match well. This result could not have been guaranteed using alternative online methods.As a case study, the influences of pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) on nitrite accumulation are tested using the proposed method. It is shown that nitrite accumulation decreased with increasing DO and pH. Possible reasons for these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

A nitrifying activated sludge reactor fed with a high salinity medium was operated efficiently at ammonia loading rates between 1 and 4 g NH4+ -N l(-1) d(-1). The system became completely inefficient at inlet salt concentrations higher than 525 mM due to the mixed inhibition effect of salts and ammonia. The final product was mainly nitrate although dissolved oxygen limitations caused sporadic ammonia and nitrite accumulations. Specific nitrifying activity decreased due to the saline effect. A set of activity tests showed that in the continuous reactor non-adapted biomass is rather more sensitive than biomass to the saline effect. Physical properties of biomass in the reactor (sludge volumetric index and zone settling velocity) were not affected by the saline concentration, a biomass concentration of 20 gVSS l(-1) was achieved.  相似文献   

Manser R  Gujer W  Siegrist H 《Water research》2006,40(12):2416-2426
A knowledge of the decay rates of autotrophic bacteria is important for reliably modeling nitrification in activated sludge plants. The introduction of nitrite to activated sludge models also requires the separate determination of the kinetics of ammonia- and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. Batch experiments were carried out in order to study the effects of different oxidiation-reduction potential conditions and membrane separation on the separate decay of these bacteria. It was found that decay is negligible in both cases under anoxic conditions. No significant differences were detected between the membrane and conventional activated sludge. The aerobic decay of these two types of bacteria did not diverge significantly either. However, the measured loss of autotrophic activity was only partly explained by the endogenous respiration concept as incorporated in activated sludge model no. 3 (ASM3). In contrast to nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria needed 1-2 h after substrate addition to reach their maximum growth rate measured as a maximum OUR. This pattern could be successfully modeled using the ASM3 extended by enzyme kinetics. The significance of these findings on wastewater treatment is discussed on the basis of the extended ASM3.  相似文献   

Micro-profiles of activated sludge floc determined using microelectrodes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Li B  Bishop PL 《Water research》2004,38(5):1248-1258
The microbial activity within activated sludge floc is a key factor in the performance of the activated sludge process. In this study, the microenvironment of activated sludge flocs from two wastewater treatment plants (Mill Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant and Muddy Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, with aeration tank influent CODs of 60-120 and 15-35 mg/L, respectively) were studied by using microelectrodes. Due to microbial oxygen utilization, the aerobic region in the activated sludge floc was limited to the surface layer (0.1-0.2mm) of the sludge aggregate at the Mill Creek plant. The presence of an anoxic zone inside the sludge floc under aerobic conditions was confirmed in this study. When the dissolved oxygen (DO) in the bulk liquid was higher than 4.0mg/L, the anoxic zone inside the activated sludge floc disappeared, which is helpful for biodegradation. At the Muddy Creek plant, with its lower wastewater pollutant concentrations, the redox potential and DO inside the sludge aggregates were higher than those at the Mill Creek plant. The contaminant concentration in the bulk wastewater correlates with the oxygen utilization rate, which directly influences the oxygen penetration inside the activated sludge floc, and results in redox potential changes within the floc. The measured microprofiles revealed the continuous decrease of nitrate concentration inside the activated sludge floc, even though significant nitrification was observed in the bulk wastewater. The oxygen consumption and nitrification rate analyses reveal that the increase of ammonia flux under aerobic conditions correlates with nitrification. Due to the metabolic mechanisms of the microorganisms in activated sludge floc, which varies from one treatment plant to another, the oxygen flux inside the sludge floc changes accordingly.  相似文献   

Rapid small-scale column tests (RSSCTs) were employed to evaluate the impact of the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in the water used to create steam on the reactivation of spent granular activated carbon (GAC) using three novel thermal reactivation procedures: steam-curing, steam-curing with ramped temperature, and steam pyrolysis reactivation. Evaluation of the physical properties of the reactivated carbon showed a change in mass and volume loss with a change in DO. Performance testing of the carbons for removal of the taste- and odor-causing compound 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) showed that MIB uptake generally increased as the DO concentration decreased. Decrease in MIB removal with an increase in surface acidity, a phenomenon found in the literature, may be responsible for the changes in adsorption performance, as the higher DO concentrations yielded carbons with higher total surface acidity. In addition, the steam-curing process, which was implemented at 375 degrees C (i.e. about 400 degrees C lower than typical reactivation temperatures) with a low DO concentration (i.e. 3-4mg/L) had comparable performance to the virgin carbon counterpart, which could manifest cost-savings due to the low temperature associated with this protocol compared to conventional reactivation. Furthermore, since the mass loss associated with this steam-curing protocol was low, less virgin carbon make-up would be required also improving the economic viability of this reactivation protocol.  相似文献   

A laboratory model nitrifying activated sludge plant treating OECD synthetic sewage was designed and constructed by each of three laboratories in Germany, Scotland and Spain in order to produce a sludge inoculum for 5 rapid toxicity bioassays. The plants were run for 3 years and produced sludge for the microbially based bioassays Vibrio fischeri bioluminescence, ATP luminescence and respiration, and, nitrification and enzyme inhibition. Although the initial sludge inoculum for the plants differed, as did some of the running conditions such as temperature regime, the sludge produced within the different countries had similar characteristics with respect to sludge age, total suspended solids and volatile suspended solids. Nitrification was generally maintained over the 3-year period although there were occasions when the process was inconsistent. Nitrification recovery was afforded by reseeding with a nitrifying sludge from a local wastewater treatment works (WWTW) or imposition of starvation conditions for a period of time. The sludge produced was used to carry out toxicity testing and results compared well with those using sludge from a WWTW. Overall, the use of sludge generated in the laboratory could be used for toxicity testing negating the need to resort to the use of natural WWTW sludge, which may contain a range of toxic substances due to uncontrolled industrial and domestic inputs and an unbalanced microbial consortium.  相似文献   

AO—MBR工艺短程硝化处理高氨氮废水试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用AO—MBR工艺短程硝化处理高氨氮废水,系统可以快速启动实现全程硝化。结果表明,AO—MBR工艺在温度为24~32℃,pH值为7.8~8.4,好氧池DO降至0.5mg/L时,运行21天后全程硝化转变为稳定的短程硝化,氨氮去除率和亚硝酸盐氮积累率均大于90%;接种后及硝化类型转变时污泥浓度会大幅降低,运行中后期污泥浓度基本保持稳定。  相似文献   

In order to better understand the mechanisms of N(2)O emissions from nitrifying activated sludge of urban WWTPs, sludge from the Valenton plant (Paris conurbation) are subjected to lab-scale batch experiments under various conditions of oxygenation. The results show that the highest N(2)O emissions (7.1 microgN-N(2)OgSS(-1) h(-1) in average) occur at a dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration of around 1mgO(2)L(-1). These high emissions at low oxygenation (from 0.1 to 2 mg O(2)L(-1)) are due to two processes: autotrophic nitrifier denitrification and heterotrophic denitrification. Nitrifier denitrification always dominates, representing from 58% to 83% of the N(2)O production. This N(2)O production originating from nitrifying activated sludge becomes 8 times higher when nitrite is added at a DO of 1 mg O(2)L(-1); a decrease is observed both at higher and lower oxygenation. Heterotrophic denitrification represents less than 50% of the N(2)O production, decreasing from 42% to 17% when oxygenation increases from 0.1 to 2 mg O(2) L(-1). We show that ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) can shift to nitrifier denitrification when oxygen is depleted in the environments including in the WWTPs, nitrite then plays the role of oxygen as the final electron acceptor. As opposed to what happens in nitrification, the end products of nitrifier denitrification are gaseous forms of nitrogen, where N(2)O is not negligible compared to N(2). Overall, N(2)O emissions represent 0.1-0.4% of oxidized NH(4)(+), depending on the oxygenation level. N(2)O emissions would range from 0.11 to 0.42 TN-N(2)O day(-1) for a tertiary treatment of the Paris wastewater effluents, consisting exclusively of activated sludge nitrification.  相似文献   

By recovery of heat from the raw wastewater in the sewer system, the influent temperature of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is reduced. This can have a negative effect on nitrification in the WWTP, since this process strongly depends on temperature. The analysis of the temperature regime in the WWTP of Zurich, Switzerland, revealed that in the cold season, the effluent temperature is about 0.7 degrees C higher than the influent temperature and that nitrification is not affected by a decrease of the influent wastewater temperature lasting for a couple of hours only, but is significantly affected by a longer lasting temperature decrease. Three diagrams were developed with a steady-state model, from which the consequences of a permanent temperature decrease on the nitrification safety factor, aerobic sludge retention time and total nitrogen removal can be evaluated. Using simulations with a dynamic model, calibrated for the Zurich WWTP, a quantitative relationship between the wastewater temperature and the ammonium effluent concentration was established. This relationship can, in combination with measured effluent concentrations of an existing WWTP, be used to predict the increase of the ammonium effluent concentration in this plant resulting from a permanent decrease of the wastewater influent temperature.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence and fate of colloidal and dissolved organic nitrogen (CON and DON) across biological nutrient removal (BNR) activated sludge bioreactors. Primary and secondary effluent total nitrogen (TN) measurements and component fractionation, CON and DON concentration profiles across BNR bioreactors, and laboratory batch experiments with the process mixed liquor were carried out at several full-scale BNR plants in northern Poland. The organic nitrogen (ON) components were divided into high CON, low CON, and DON based on sequential filtration through 1.2, 0.45 and 0.1 μm pore-size filters. The average influent DON0.1μm (<0.1 μm) concentrations ranged from 1.1 g N/m3 to 3.9 g N/m3 and accounted for only 4-13% of total organic nitrogen. In the effluents, however, this contribution increased to 12-45% (the DON0.1μm concentrations varied in a narrow range of 0.5-1.3 g N/m3). Conversions of ON inside the bioreactors were investigated in more detail in two largest plants, i.e. Gdansk (565,000 PE) and Gdynia (516,000 PE). Inside the two studied bioreactors, the largest reductions of the colloidal fraction were found to occur in the anaerobic and anoxic compartments, whereas an increase of DON0.1μm concentrations was observed under aerobic conditions in the last compartment. Batch experiments with the process mixed liquor confirmed that DON0.1μm was explicitly produced in the aerobic phase and significant amounts of ON were converted in the anoxic phase of the experiments.  相似文献   

Su Y  Mennerich A  Urban B 《Water research》2011,45(11):3351-3358
A wastewater-born and settleable algal-bacterial culture, cultivated in a stirred tank photobioreactor under lab conditions, was used to remove the carbon and nutrients in municipal wastewater and accumulate biomass simultaneously. The algal-bacterial culture showed good settleable property and could totally settle down over 20 min, resulting in a reduction of total suspended solids from an initial 1.84 to 0.016 g/l. The average removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand, total kjeldahl nitrogen and phosphate were 98.2 ± 1.3%, 88.3 ± 1.6% and 64.8 ± 1.0% within 8 days, respectively, while the average biomass productivity was 10.9 ± 1.1 g/m2·d. Accumulation into biomass, identified as the main nitrogen and phosphorus removal mechanism, accounted for 44.9 ± 0.4% and 61.6 ± 0.5% of total inlet nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively. Microscopic analysis showed the main algae species in the bioreactor were filamentous blue-green algae. Furthermore, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and 16S rDNA gene sequencing revealed that the main bacteria present in the photobioreactor were consortia with sequences similar to those of Flavobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidia and Betaproteobacteria. This study explores a better understanding of an algae-bacteria system and offers new information on further usage of biomass accumulated during treatment.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that activated-sludge processes having stable and complete nitrification have significant and similar diversity and functional redundancy among its ammonia- and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, despite differences in temperature, solids retention time (SRT), and other operating conditions. To evaluate this hypothesis, we examined the diversity of nitrifying bacterial communities in all seven water-reclamation plants (WRPs) operated by Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC). These plants vary in types of influent waste stream, plant size, water temperature, and SRT. We used terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) targeting the 16S rRNA gene and group-specific ammonia-monooxygenase functional gene (amoA) to investigate these hard-to-culture nitrifying bacteria in the full-scale WRPs. We demonstrate that nitrifying bacteria carrying out the same metabolism coexist in all WRPs studied. We found ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) belonging to the Nitrosomonas europaea/eutropha, Nitrosomonas oligotropha, Nitrosomonas communis, and Nitrosospira lineages in all plants. We also observed coexisting Nitrobacter and Nitrospira genera for nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB). Among the factors that varied among the WRPs, only the seasonal temperature variation seemed to change the nitrifying community, especially the balance between Nitrosospira and Nitrosomonas, although both coexisted in winter and summer samples. The coexistence of various nitrifiers in all WRPs is evidence of functional redundancy, a feature that may help maintain the stability of the system for nitrification.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a previously developed toxicity monitoring method for activated sludge wastewater treatment employing a bioluminescent bacterium (Shk1) was evaluated in batch experiments and a bench-scale activated sludge system exposed to heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Ni, and Cd). Influent wastewater (primary clarifier supernatant) and activated sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant were used in both batch experiments and in the bench-scale wastewater treatment system. Shk1 bioluminescence was most sensitive to Cd and Zn, followed by Cu, and then Ni in order of decreasing sensitivity. In contrast, activated sludge specific oxygen uptake rate was most sensitive to Cu, followed by Cd and Zn, and finally Ni. The same pattern of sensitivity was observed in batch and bench-scale evaluations. Batch experiments examining the effect of metal adsorption were performed. The adsorption of metals to activated sludge and reduction in bioavailability due to chelation by soluble organics or by precipitation in wastewater was found to be an important effect in mediating differences in toxicity response between bioluminescence and respirometry. Batch adsorption experiments indicated that the activated sludge adsorption capacity was highest for Cu, followed by Cd, Ni, and then Zn. A simple mathematical model for the soluble metal concentration in the aeration basin and clarifier was developed utilizing metal distribution coefficients determined from the batch adsorption experiments. Model predictions compared well with results from the bench-scale activated sludge experiments.  相似文献   

This study discusses the results of the continuous monitoring of nitrous oxide emissions from the oxidation tank of a pilot conventional wastewater treatment plant. Nitrous oxide emissions from biological processes for nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment plants have drawn great attention over the last years, due to the high greenhouse effect. However, even if several studies have been carried out to quantify nitrous oxide emission rates from different types of treatment, quite wide ranges have been reported. Only grab samples or continuous measurements over limited periods were considered in previous studies, which can account for the wide variability of the obtained results. Through continuous monitoring over several months, our work tries to fill this gap of knowledge and get a deeper insight into nitrous oxide daily and weekly emission dynamics. Moreover, the influence of some operating conditions (sludge age, dissolved oxygen concentration in the oxidation tank, nitrogen load) was studied to determine good practices for wastewater treatment plant operation aiming at the reduction of nitrous oxide emissions. The dissolved oxygen set-point is shown to play a major role in nitrous oxide emissions. Low sludge ages and high nitrogen loads are responsible for higher emissions as well. An interesting pattern has been observed, with quite negligible emissions during most of the day and a peak with a bell-like shape in the morning in the hours of maximum nitrogen load in the plant, correlated to the ammonia and nitrite peaks in the tank.  相似文献   

Tandukar M  Ohashi A  Harada H 《Water research》2007,41(12):2697-2705
This study compares the performance of a pilot-scale combination of UASB and DHS system to that of activated sludge process (ASP) for the treatment of municipal sewage. Both systems were operated in parallel with the same sewage as influent. The study was conducted for more than 300 days, which revealed that organic removal efficiency of UASB+DHS system was comparable to that of ASP. Unfiltered BOD removal by both systems was more than 90%. However, UASB+DHS system outperformed ASP for pathogen removal. In addition, volume of excess sludge production from UASB+DHS was 15 times smaller than that from ASP. Moreover, unlike ASP, there is no requirement of aeration for the operation of UASB+DHS system, which makes it an economical treatment system. Considering the above observations, it was concluded that UASB+DHS system can be a cost-effective and viable option for the treatment of municipal sewage over ASP, especially for low-income countries.  相似文献   

陈广 《山西建筑》2014,(20):151-152
研究了上海某A/B/C活性污泥工艺污水处理厂出水SS偏高的问题,对影响出水SS的主要影响因素进行了综合分析,并提出了工艺调整措施,在实际运行中取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

Removal of 28 human and veterinary antibiotics was assessed in a conventional (activated sludge) and advanced (microfiltration/reverse osmosis) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Brisbane, Australia. The dominant antibiotics detected in wastewater influents were cephalexin (med. 4.6 microg L(-1), freq. 100%), ciprofloxacin (med. 3.8 microg L(-1), freq. 100%), cefaclor (med. 0.5 microg L(-1), freq. 100%), sulphamethoxazole (med. 0.36 microg L(-1), freq. 100%) and trimethoprim (med. 0.34 microg L(-1), freq. 100%). Results indicated that both treatment plants significantly reduced antibiotic concentrations with an average removal rate from the liquid phase of 92%. However, antibiotics were still detected in both effluents from the low-to-mid ng L(-1) range. Antibiotics detected in effluent from the activated sludge WWTP included ciprofloxacin (med. 0.6 microg L(-1), freq. 100%), sulphamethoxazole (med. 0.27 microg L(-1), freq. 100%) lincomycin (med. 0.05 microg L(-1), freq. 100%) and trimethoprim (med. 0.05 microg L(-1), freq. 100%). Antibiotics identified in microfiltration/reverse osmosis product water included naladixic acid (med. 0.045 microg L(-1), freq. 100%), enrofloxacin (med. 0.01 microg L(-1), freq. 100%), roxithromycin (med. 0.01 microg L(-1), freq. 100%), norfloxacin (med. 0.005 microg L(-1), freq. 100%), oleandomycin (med. 0.005 microg L(-1), freq. 100%), trimethoprim (med. 0.005 microg L(-1), freq. 100%), tylosin (med. 0.001 microg L(-1), freq. 100%), and lincomycin (med. 0.001 microg L(-1), freq. 66%). Certain traditional parameters, including nitrate concentration, conductivity and turbidity of the effluent were assessed as predictors of total antibiotic concentration, however only conductivity demonstrated any correlation with total antibiotic concentration (p=0.018, r=0.7). There is currently a lack of information concerning the effects of these chemicals to critically assess potential risks for environmental discharge and water recycling.  相似文献   

Schuler AJ  Jang H 《Water research》2007,41(10):2163-2170
Recent research has demonstrated that biomass density can vary in activated sludge systems, and that this can affect biomass settleability. Other factors related to floc structure are well known to affect settleability, and these can also vary considerably across samples. A new method to isolate density effects on sedimentation was developed and applied based on the addition of commercially available, high and low density microspheres. Density was a linear function of microsphere dose in five full-scale samples, and it was negatively correlated with sludge volume index (SVI) values. Density effects on SVI were similar to previous reports where density varied with biomass polyphosphate content. A new method to calculate water content and floc volume was developed and applied, and water content was inversely correlated with density, polyphosphate, and non-volatile suspended solids. These results suggest microsphere addition may be useful in future studies of biomass sedimentation and other properties.  相似文献   

Chua AS  Takabatake H  Satoh H  Mino T 《Water research》2003,37(15):3602-3611
In this paper, the production of biodegradable plastics polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) by activated sludge treating municipal wastewater was investigated. The effect of three operational factors, i.e. the acetate concentration in influent, pH, and sludge retention time (SRT) were studied. Sludge acclimatized with municipal wastewater supplemented with acetate could accumulate PHA up to 30% of sludge dry weight, while sludge acclimatized with only municipal wastewater achieved 20% of sludge dry weight. It was found that activated sludge with an SRT of 3 days possessed better PHA production capability than sludge with an SRT of 10 days. Sludge acclimatized under pH 7 and 8 conditions in sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) exhibited similar PHA production capability. However, in PHA production batch experiments, pH value influenced significantly the PHA accumulation behavior of activated sludge. When pH of batch experiments was controlled at 6 or 7, a very low PHA production was observed. The production of PHA was stimulated when pH was kept at 8 or 9.  相似文献   

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