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互动型印刷媒体广告是在传统印刷媒体广告的基础上发展起来的一种设计形式,更注重受众的阅读趣味,将受众的参与环节设计到完整的作品表述中,借助有趣的互动使受众轻松愉快的接受作品的信息传递。互动型印刷媒体广告让作品信息的被动传达转变为受众对作品内涵的主动发掘,并使之成为一种自觉自愿的愉悦体验,真正实现了设计师、设计作品和受众之间的完整循环。  相似文献   

基于数字化的未来趋势,所有媒体广告都可实现从消费者对广告的接触到消费者对商品及服务产生购买行为的全程追踪。  相似文献   

<正>3G时代,手机上看到的广告应该是什么样子的?可以肯定的是,短信广告、垃圾群发等强制传播形式将日渐式微,只有创新才能为手机媒体广告寻找到未来。3G时代连同移动互联网的发展,将带来崭新的新媒介传播环境,手机上的广告也将随之而变。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,商业竞争越来越激烈,导致了广告媒介被广泛发掘的现状。本文通过对平面流动媒体广告的媒介、设计方法进行分析,得出了相关的认识与结论。  相似文献   

通过对中国动漫产业的现状分析,提出以京剧为题材的京剧动漫形式,并从树立京剧动漫品牌、衍生品的设计与推广、媒体广告宣传等方面来研究设计管理在中国京剧动漫推广中的运用。  相似文献   

徐会生 《程序员》2012,(11):47-49
在移动云计算如火如荼、媒体广告一片狂轰烂炸的局面下,无数新概念蜂拥而至。面对如此热闹的场景,企业级架构规范是否还有用武之地呢?  相似文献   

本论文具体来探讨影响报纸媒体广告版面版值的相关因素,以便使得广告的创作与投放达到最好的效果,最终的目的是要提高整个报业集团的社会和经济效益。  相似文献   

李晓谭 《数码摄影》2007,(1):120-123
读图时代,无论是电脑网络、报刊杂志,或是各类媒体广告招贴,都充斥着色彩斑斓、极具冲击力的彩色画面。久而久之,人们的视觉产生了疲劳,渴望得到一种新的缓解,  相似文献   

基于多媒体广告机安全性的SSL研究与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文详细介绍了如何实现SSL在多媒体广告机上的应用以及多媒体广告机和服务器之间的通信安全,包括SSL协议结构和将SSL加速器安装在服务器PCI插槽上以保证通信安全;而对于客户端,则是通过实现一个精简的SSL客户端来适应嵌入式平台。  相似文献   

自己做个调速器近来带调速功能的散热器频频出现在媒体广告上。笔者的CPU是毒龙850,配用的散热器是九洲风神AE-58,在炎热的夏天多数时候在42℃,冬天不开机箱时只有32℃左右,近一段时期带调速功能的散热器频频出现在媒体广告上,我由此受到启发,为什么不自己做一个调速器呢。气温高时让CPU散热风扇全速运转,气温低时就可手动调低CPU风扇的转速,从而可以大大降低风扇噪声,同时还可以延长风扇的使用寿命。自做风扇调速器的方法很简单,需要的材料是四个二极管 IN4001、一个三刀开关、几根细电线、一把剪刀、一块绝缘胶布。二极管及三刀开关很容易在电子市场买到。  相似文献   

通过对富媒体广告实例的调查分析,发现大部分富媒体广告只是单纯的增加画面的大小与信息的数量,而忽略了基于富媒体技术所应该具有的交互性,本文提出富媒体广告需要结合用户体验中的感官体验和情感体验增加交互界面设计,并在此基础上提出富媒体广告界面设计应遵循相关性、直观性、简约性等原则,满足用户体验的需求,深化互动层次,才能提升广告的宣传效应。  相似文献   

在传媒生态、科技、广告设计理念、受众消费意识等多种因素作用下,平面广告中的互动性设计作品越来越多,在二维空间中实践着广告与受众的即时互动。杂志因自身媒介属性.成为互动性平面设计作品亮相的主要舞台。本文将对杂志广告中常见的互动性设计样式进行大致的归类,借此明晰主要的设计手法,透视传统平面媒体在新媒介环境下对广告产品的创新经营。  相似文献   

The term ambient media was in its beginning used only for ambient advertising. Nowadays it denotes the media environment and the communication of information in ubiquitous and pervasive environments. With the addition of intelligence, the new field of semantic ambient media was established. In recent years, the field of semantic ambient media has spread its span from only a few sub-areas, such as ambient advertising, to new ones, such as ambient-assisted living (AAL) and health-monitoring media, significantly supported by intelligence. The study presented in this paper provides an advanced introduction to the field of semantic ambient media including the solutions for threat issues and illustration of success stories of the field. It conducts a survey of the related work and presents a thorough discussion of it. The related work is grouped according to the coverage of the principles of semantic ambient media. Based on the state-of-the-art research, the future possibilities of the field are demonstrated, especially for the ambient-assisted living, audio-visual rendering of media objects, user design principles and the society impact of the field. The paper provides ideas for impacting ambient media and directions and questions for further research. It also discusses the potential of the combination of several research studies.  相似文献   

Ambient Media describe media environments, where the medium is embedded within the natural environment. They follow the anytime, anywhere, and anyhow principle for media access. The Nokia Ubimedia MindTreks Awards have been established a few years ago to explore the potential of ambient media. In this article we analyze the total project portfolio submitted to the 4th Nokia Ubimedia MindTrek Awards in 2010 according to their business value, innovativeness, and use of ambient media. The aim of this article is to gain insights into the general characteristics of ambient media, their properties, and business functions. The article rounds up in providing a substantial framework and guidelines for ambient media developers in their product designs.  相似文献   

In the age of ambient media, people are surrounded by lots of physical objects (media objects) for rendering the digital world in the natural environment. These media objects should interact with users in a way that is not disturbing for them. To address this issue, this work presents a design and automation strategy for augmenting the world around us with personalized ambient media services that behave in a considerate manner. That is, ambient services are capable of adjusting its obtrusiveness level (i.e., the extent to which each service intrudes the user’s mind) by using the appropriate media objects for each user’s situation.  相似文献   

数字式信息传播在现代人类生活中发挥着越来越大的作用,网络、手机、互动电视等新兴媒体成为人们信息获取的重要来源,这些结合了视、听等多感官刺激的媒体不仅满足了人们在获取信息时的感官多样性、多层次需要,更预示着现代人类对互动的思维方式的渴望。这种渴求也使得是否互动成为当代广告成功的关键。如何将互动这个"动"的概念融合到"静"的平面广告中,成为平面广告研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

Ambient awareness refers to the awareness social media users develop of their online network in result of being constantly exposed to social information, such as microblogging updates. Although each individual bit of information can seem like random noise, their incessant reception can amass to a coherent representation of social others. Despite its growing popularity and important implications for social media research, ambient awareness on public social media has not been studied empirically. We provide evidence for the occurrence of ambient awareness and examine key questions related to its content and functions. A diverse sample of participants reported experiencing awareness, both as a general feeling towards their network as a whole, and as knowledge of individual members of the network, whom they had not met in real life. Our results indicate that ambient awareness can develop peripherally, from fragmented information and in the relative absence of extensive one-to-one communication. We report the effects of demographics, media use, and network variables and discuss the implications of ambient awareness for relational and informational processes online.  相似文献   

The Internet is full of unwanted traffic, from junk mail, to advertising and scams that pose as social media, to fake "clicks" on ads, to denial-of-service attacks against online services. Each type causes problems in one way or another, and network operators have to work hard to identify and eliminate unwanted traffic. This issue examines the overall problem, and presents a selection of research into mitigation.  相似文献   

Research on the effectiveness of cross-media campaigns has shown that combining online advertising with advertising in offline media can result in more positive consumer responses than using only one medium. However, when using computers, people increasingly engage in more than one media activity at a time (i.e. media multitasking), which might influence how consumers respond to advertisements they encounter in these media. Therefore, this paper investigates advertising effects during media multitasking. More specifically, the paper gives insight into the effectiveness of simultaneous exposure to online and radio advertising, because simultaneously surfing the internet and listening to the radio is a common media multitasking combination. Results of an experimental study with 111 participants showed that combining online and radio advertising resulted in more positive affective and behavioral responses than using only one medium. However, media multitasking seemed to have a negative influence on the recall and recognition of auditory information as combining media did not result in superior cognitive responses compared to using online ads alone.  相似文献   

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