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王峻涛?老榕?《大连金州不相信眼泪》?如果你用以上的顺序提问,我敢保证响应的程度一定是按升序排列的。王峻涛,网名老榕,当年以一篇《大连金州不相信眼泪》红遍网络、媒体和足球界,赢得超级球迷的称号,随后创办8848做电子商务,同样在IT圈里燥热一时,被誉为“中国电子商务第一人”。现任北京西单电子商务有限公司CEO。和王峻涛谈电子商务他很严肃,和老榕谈足球他神采飞扬,也许是因为两件事情从技术含量到精神结构上都无法类比吧。  相似文献   

很偶然的机会,让我结识了贵刊(也就是手中正拿着的这一本97/2)。说实话,计算机类的报刊我看得多了,而且也订阅了不少独具特色(但并不雷同)的报刊,见到贵刊的第一眼,我就决定买下它看看,如果它很平庸,一如被我放弃的某些刊物,那么……。现在我想拥有下一期,也但愿会一直保持这个想法! 辽宁大连金州重型机器厂质量处边立文答:当我们着手办这样一份看起来似乎不合时尚、不合潮流的计算机文化杂志的时候,尽管我们充分估计了我们可能遇到的困难,但现在看来,我们的估计显然还是非常不足的。我们同样  相似文献   

2003工业以太网络产业暨技术趋势论坛在京举行 <本刊讯>2003年9月19日,由工业串口设备通信产品制造商—台湾四零四-Moxa(摩莎)科技与其分销商北京金州工程技术有限公司联合主办的2003工业以太网络产业暨技术趋势论坛于北京翠宫饭店隆重举行。 会议在主办单位代表金州公司总经理特别助理张恒利先生和Moxa公司副总经理陈添顺先生的致辞中拉开帷幕。此次论坛不但有Moxa市场推广经理陈朔宴先生关于《工业以太网的技术与发展趋势》的精彩演讲,而且还邀请了多位国内外著名公司的专家就工业以太网技术及产品在各领域的应用进行了详细介绍,包括罗…  相似文献   

本年度网络双星:老榕【中国第一网虫,代表作《大连金州不相信眼泪》】:我不相信8848会崩塌,就像亚马逊永不会干涸一样。菜青虫【陈帆红,第一位“中国网络小姐”】:  相似文献   

没有多少人想到,Sybase高级副总裁及亚太区总经理王一义先生在龙舞的热烈气氛中坐着龙轿进入会场。一下子,Sybase 2001年亚洲用户大会开幕式现场的近千名贵宾被中国百姓过节般的喜庆和温暖感染起来。其实,被中国感染的,还有Sybase的亚太市场,甚至Sybase全球市场。 主题演讲中,王一义谈到,Sybase2000财年收入达历史最高水平,到2001年9月30日现金储备已达3.303亿美元。在全球市场发展中,Sybase  相似文献   

1.小麦稳产高产新品种选育及其理论与方法的研究(获国家经委、计委、科委、财政部表奖)2.金州马育种(获农牧渔业部技术改进二等奖)3.草莓茎尖分生组织培养瓶外生根法(获辽宁省重大科技成果三等奖,同时获省农牧  相似文献   

太古,人们的世界是光与暗分离的世界,继承光的使徒和继承暗的使徒各自有各自的生存领域,互不侵扰同时也互不接触。但是,就在大陆历1405年的龙舞之日……暗之王(魔族)梅迪西斯突然率领黑暗军团向光的世界宜战了……魔王梅迪西斯的侵攻并没有成功,最后的圣魔殿一役,光之王舍身击倒了梅迪西斯。而为了防止再有劫难的发生,当时的人们运用绝对魔法阵的力量将魔族封印在时间和空间的尽头,从此一切的灾难也就此终结……第一关:唤醒天魔刃 前述:依莉丝·梅迪西斯乃魔王之女,这一天她的老师──黑暗大贤者哈杰特让她来到时间和空间…  相似文献   

工业设备联网解决方案的领导品牌MOXA与其经销商上海华章和北京金州,分别在8月17日上海建国宾馆和8月19日天津红楼大酒店,联合举办了”2004MOXA工业以太网行业解决方案”研讨会。MOXA指出:据权威机构ARC公司的预测-2002~2007年,工业以太网节点每年会保持84%以上的增长。这也正是MOXA举办以次研讨会的目的,以工业以太网为核心,  相似文献   

曾因老榕的《金州不相信眼泪》、王洪的《请看我买XX电脑上大当》等等撼世佳作而名播天下的四通利方网站10月19日不知吃了什么药,一夜间脱胎换骨,面目一新,让网友们意外惊喜了一把。随后听到风声,网站已经改名“利方在线”,并准备赌下重金,直奔“中国人的门户”而去。 这一异变非同小可,在网友中素有名望的ChinaByte、国中网、广州网易及瀛海威等“内容提供商”如梦初醒,纷  相似文献   

一、研究地区自然概况研究地区为辽东半岛南端,包括旅顺、大连、庄河、新金、金州、复县等沿海地带及滩涂。属于暖温带湿润、半湿润季风气候区。年降水量500~1000毫米,自西向东递减,无霜期190天,年均温度8—11℃,年均蒸发量1500~1900毫米。滨海盐生植被有碱蓬、铁杆蒿、盐角草和  相似文献   

龙舟文化具有悠久的历史,值得我们深入研究。文章通过梳理龙舟的来历和组成,概括分析了龙舟的特点,并着重剖析龙舟龙头的外部轮廓造型及象征意义、龙头的色彩组成及象征意义,为保留和研究岭南龙舟艺术积累有益的资料。  相似文献   

基于字的流密码Dragon的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
李媛  仵丽花  胡予濮 《计算机工程》2008,34(20):146-148
研究一种新型的流密码——Dragon。Dragon使用了非线性反馈移位寄存器(NLFSR)和S盒,密钥长度是可变的128 bit或256 bit。探讨了Dragon的设计原理,从内部结构角度分析讨论其安全性,指出Dragon对暴力攻击和TMD攻击是安全的,同时构造了Dragon的线性逼近式,给算法提了2点建议。  相似文献   

罗莫 《直通VIP》2007,(2):68-83
这是第二次来龙虎山了。小时候跟爷爷来过一次,记不真切了。因为加入后来听到的传说太多.记忆中的龙虎山俨然成了张天师降妖伏怪的道场.现实与传说已了无界限了。今年的清明节前夕.以媒体人身份受当地友人邀请踏上了龙虎山之行,我们在连贯东西南北的铁路交通枢纽地——江西鹰潭站下了火车,然后友人用了3。分钟把我们接送到了龙虎山,满眼丹霞地质风貌在车窗外铺展开来,千年悬棺再次呈现在眼前。  相似文献   

基于转向机构的“穿地龙”机器人运动学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张忠林  孟庆鑫  王华 《机器人》2005,27(6):550-554
介绍了国外有代表性的可控气动矛设备方向可控的特点.按照“穿地龙”机器人的转向机理,提出了“穿地龙”机器人的转向机构方案.叙述了该机构中头部的摆动原理,建立了“穿地龙”机器人的运动轨迹方程,并进行了仿真分析,为“穿地龙”机器人的动力学分析以及位姿检测系统的研究打下了基础.  相似文献   

镇远古镇历史悠久端午祭龙历史悠久,祭龙龙头是仪式中的重要用具。龙头的装饰纹样色彩艳丽、形态丰富,文章从图案溯源和色彩分析等方面研究了祭龙龙头装饰纹样的文化内涵和精神表达。  相似文献   

Juerg Gutknecht 《Software》1987,17(7):469-484
We present conceptual and implementation aspects of a one-pass Modula-2 compiler that was developed by Xerox PARC's future Dragon workstation. Dragon features several architectural innovations. Among them are a reduced instruction set and a stack of fast registers used to store local data. This paper emphasizes problems and solutions connected with one-pass compilation. Although a little out of fashion at present, this simple method, if appropriately applied, turns out to be surprisingly powerful.  相似文献   

New Movies     
《空中蛇患》;《不可征服》;《方糖》;《时间》;《龙虎门》;  相似文献   

A recent trend in the luxury industry shows many companies using brand extension strategies to leverage their assets among competitors. Despite the popularity of brand extensions, limited research has been conducted to determine its effectiveness when using parent product brands in order to introduce new service brands. Thus, the primary purpose of this study is to propose the framework to increase the understanding of luxury brand extensions by focusing on the horizontal category brand extension from product to service. The impact of perceived quality, brand association and brand loyalty of the luxury car brand on consumers’ perception and attitude toward the rental car service brand was observed to differentiate from other research that focuses on brand extension within product categories. A total of 324 samples were collected and analyzed using structural equation modeling with AMOS. The brand association of the parent brand showed a significant impact on the evaluation of the extended service brand. In addition, a high level of the brand association was also found to influence the final purchase decision of the extended service brand. However, this study could not find any significant effect of perceived quality and brand loyalty for the parent product brand on the extended service brand. The framework proposed in this study has merit to increase the understanding of service brand extensions by exploring luxury car brands and luxury rental car brands. In the service brand extension, there was a gap in consumer perception between the product brand and the extended service brand. In order to maximize the positive impact of the parent brand, marketers and retailers should investigate the different roles of the brand equity items.  相似文献   

Smith  B.K. 《Computer》2005,38(10):101-103
Academic studies and news reports have suggested that the increasing number of obese youth derive at least partially from television viewing and video game use. In particular, the couch potato hypothesis suggests that watching television and playing video games consume time that could be spent engaging in physical activities. This hypothesis assumes that video gamers pursue their hobby by pressing buttons and moving joysticks while occupying comfortable chairs placed in front of large video screens. An accurate stereotype until recently, this form of gaming is being supplanted by a new generation of games and controllers that entice players to become more physically active. Low-cost cameras and advanced video processing algorithms let video games be controlled by bodily movements, while touch-sensitive floor sensors let players dance in virtual spaces. The article looks briefly at some of these new generation games including: Dance Dance Revolution; and GameBike.  相似文献   

This study explores the effect of advergame speed, brand placement strength and consumers’ persuasion knowledge on brand recall from the perspectives of attention and elaboration. Results show that low-speed advergames result in high brand recall as compared to high-speed advergames. A two-way interaction effect between advergame speed and brand placement strength reveals that for a low-speed advergame, a prominent brand placement results in higher brand recall than a subtle brand placement; for a high-speed advergame, there is no difference in brand recall between a prominent brand placement and a subtle brand placement. Further, for a low-speed advergame with prominent brand placement, subjects with high persuasion knowledge report higher brand recall than subjects with low persuasion knowledge. However, for a high-speed advergame with prominent brand placement, there is no difference in brand recall between subjects with high persuasion knowledge and subjects with low persuasion knowledge. Implications are provided.  相似文献   

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