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Two field experiments were carried out at different locations to test the effect of NPKS sprays on cotton in addition to soil applied fertilizers. The differences in lint yield and average boll weight between treatments were not significant. Four foliar application (10 kg N, 1 kg P, 3 kg K and 0.5 kg S/ha/application) tended to increase the lint yield and the average boll weight in the location with the lower fertility. It seems that utilization of foliar nutrient application is dependent upon the availability of these nutrients in the soil. N was added mainly as urea, P and K as potassium polyphosphate and S as potassium or ammonium sulphate.Contribution from the Dept. of Soil Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, Agricultural Research Organization. The Volcani Center. Bet Dagan, Israel No 2167-E 1987 series.  相似文献   

Foliar urea fertilization of cereals: A review   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
It has been suggested that there are several potential benefits of providing nitrogen to cereals via the foliage as urea solution. These include: reduced nitrogen losses through denitrification and leaching compared with nitrogen fertilizer applications to the soil; the ability to provide nitrogen when root activity is impaired e.g., in saline or dry conditions, and uptake late in the season to increase grain nitrogen concentration. Factors that influence the degree of foliar absorption in field conditions have not, however, been clearly defined and losses to the atmosphere and soil can occur. Foliar urea applications may also hinder crop productivity although the explanations for this vary, and include desiccation of leaf cells, aqueous ammonia and urea toxicity, biuret contamination and the disruption of carbohydrate metabolism. It has not yet been determined which one, or combinations, of these mechanisms are most important in field situations. When damage has not been severe, foliar urea applications have increased grain yield, particularly when applied before flag leaf emergence and when nitrogen availability is limiting. Increases in grain nitrogen content are often larger when applications of nitrogen fertilizers to the soil are reduced, and when the urea solution is sprayed either at anthesis or during the following two weeks. It is during this period that foliar urea sprays can be of greater benefit than soil applications with regard to nitrogen utilization by the crop. Increases in wheat grain nitrogen concentration following urea application can improve breadmaking quality. Responses in loaf quality may, however, be variable particularly when increases in grain nitrogen content have been large, and/or when the nitrogen: sulphur ratio in the grain is increased. These circumstances have lead to alterations in the proportions of the different protein fractions which influence breadmaking potential.To exploit the full potential benefits of foliar urea application to cereals, more needs to be known about the mechanisms, and thus how to prevent losses of nitrogen from the foliage, and to reduce the phytotoxic influences of sprays. More information is also required to exploit the reported effects that urea may have on limiting the development of cereal diseases.  相似文献   

Winter wheat crops were grown with ostensibly adequate supplies of all soil nutrients in 1990 and 1991 with the aim of testing if late foliar supplements of K and N, applied at key development stages, could improve grain yield and grain N content. Foliar sprays of KNO3 solution, supplying up to 40 kg K ha–1 in total, at flag leaf unfolded, inflorescence completed and the watery-ripe stage of grain filling, had no effect on yield, yield components or grain N. Urea, supplying 40 kg N ha–1 at flag leaf unfolded, had no effects on grain yield and grain N in 1990, but in 1991 grain N was increased by 0.14% whilst yield was reduced by up to 0.6 t ha–1. Urea scorched flag leaf tips in both years. In 1990, the spring was very dry and foliar supplements might have been expected to have had an effect, but on this highly fertile soil all crop K and N requirements were met from the soil.  相似文献   

Leaching losses of urea-N applied to permeable soils under lowland rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Application of 120 kg urea-N ha–1 to lowland rice grown in a highly percolating soil in 10 equal split doses at weekly intervals rather than in 3 equal split doses at 7, 21 and 42 days after transplanting did not significantly increase rice grain yield and N uptake. Results suggest that leaching losses of N were not substantial. In lysimeters planted with rice, leaching losses of N as urea, NH 4 + , and NO 3 - beyond 30 cm depth of a sandy loam soil for 60 days were about 6% of the total urea-N and 3% of the total ammonium sulphate-N applied in three equal split doses. Application of urea even in a single dose at transplanting did not result in more N leaching losses (13%) compared to those observed from potassium nitrate (38%) applied in three split doses. Nitrogen contained in potassium nitrate was readily leached during the first week of its application. More N was lost from the first dose of N applied at transplanting than from the second or third dose. Data pertaining to yield, N uptake and per cent N recovery by rice revealed that the performance of different fertilizer treatments was inversely related to susceptibility of N to leaching.  相似文献   

提出尿素替代甲醇溶液分析亚硝酸铵中硝酸铵含量的测定方法。该方法用无毒尿素代替毒性较大的甲醇溶液,来避免甲醇的毒性对分析人员带来的危害。加入回收率在97%~102%之间,相对标准偏差为1.3%。  相似文献   

The effects of some additives on the process of pressing mixed fertilizer based on Urea and Ammonium Sulphate (UAS) at a ratio of 4:1 and their impact on the kinetics of solubility were investigated. UAS pellets were produced using a laboratory pressing machine at an optimum pressure. Most of the inorganic salts with hydrated water gave better crushing strength and lower rates of dissolution as compared with UAS pellets without additives. The organic compound tall pech - a by-product of pulp production - acts as a better binding agent for UAS pellets in respect of both strength and solubility. It is assumed that except for hydrated inorganic salts the tall pech possesses the property of being a slow-release binder in the mixed UAS fertilizer.  相似文献   

研究了AN-UN、AN-UN-A l两种无TNT铵脲炸药的配方和爆炸性能关系。结果表明,对于AN-UN炸药,随着硝酸脲含量由10%增至40%,炸药的爆热Qv减少16%,比容Vo增加2%,QvVo的乘积下降12.5%。因此,在不含其它成分的情况下,UN含量以10%~20%为宜,基本满足爆炸要求。对于AN-UN-A l炸药,在氧平衡为零的情况下,铝粉的加入能提高炸药爆热,但比容有所下降,QvVo的乘积增加。在铝粉含量10%不变的情况下,AN或UN含量的改变对炸药爆炸性能影响不大。  相似文献   

Styrax tonkinensis is a promising woody biodiesel species. In this experiment, we investigated how foliar spraying of potassium gluconate solution affected the production of seed oil in S. tonkinensis. Leaf spraying of potassium gluconate solution appreciably promoted the photosynthesis of S. tonkinensis leaves through both the light reaction and the dark reaction. By boosting the activity of enzymes involved in glucose metabolism and seed oil synthesis, foliar spraying of potassium gluconate solution also dramatically enhanced glucose metabolism and seed oil synthesis in the S. tonkinensis seeds. This indicates that foliar spraying with potassium gluconate solution discernibly improved the synthesis of seed oil in S. tonkinensis by encouraging the transit of photosynthetic products from the source to the reservoir and the flow of carbon into the seed oil synthesis in the seeds. Overall, the medium concentration of potassium gluconate solution (4 g/L) was found to be the most effective for increasing the oil content of S. tonkinensis seeds. While higher potassium gluconate solution concentrations (6 g/L) had a slight inhibitory effect on specific indicators (ACCase) during specific seed development periods. This study highlighted the importance of potassium for seed oil synthesis in woody plants and provided a useful foundation for future cultivation practices aimed at enhancing seed oil synthesis in woody plants.  相似文献   

The use of fluid fertilizers has increased in recent years. Plant response to field management practices of fluid and solid N fertilizers in furrow-irrigated field studies has not been well-documented. This research studied the response of corn (Zea mays L.) to several field management practices of fluid and solid N fertilizers applied at several rates. Corn grown with sidedressed applications of the fluid fertilizers, urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) and 18-0-0+7Ca, generally had higher grain yields, higher yield efficiencies, higher ear populations, larger seed size, more kernels per ear, and a higher ear leaf N concentration than corn grown with preplant broadcast treatments of urea, ammonium nitrate (AN), and UAN. In 1988, corn grown with 280 kg N ha–1 of AN applied preplant broadcast had a lower grain yield, yield efficiency, kernels per ear, and ear leaf N concentration, while ear population and kernel size were unchanged, in comparison to split applications of UAN at 224 kg N ha–1. In 1989, corn grown with three split applications of UAN at 280 kg N ha–1 had a higher grain yield and produced more kernels per ear without affecting yield efficiency, ear population, kernel size, or ear leaf N concentration compared with treatments at the 224 kg N ha–1 rate. Use of split, side-dressed N management practices in furrow-irrigated corn should eliminate the need to use excessive N rates while maintaining grain yields and other plant responses, resulting in more efficient N use than traditionally achieved.  相似文献   

The effect of topsoil moisture content at the time of nitrogen fertilization and distribution of precipitation following N fertilization on volatile loss of surfaceapplied fertilizer N was studied in two greenhouse experiments using15N-labeled fertilizers. Loss of applied NO 3 - -N was small compared with loss of urea-N and diammonium phosphate (DAP)-N; this suggests that NH3 volatilization was the major pathway of N loss for urea and DAP. Loss of applied NO 3 - -N averaged less than 6% of that applied regardless of initial topsoil moisture or amount of precipitation. Increased initial topsoil moisture content increased losses of urea-N greatly but losses of DAP-N only slightly. Increasing depths of precipitation, added five days after N fertilization, greatly decreased loss of urea-N but had no effect on the loss of DAP-N. Variations in moisture and precipitation treatments caused losses of urea-N to vary from 40 to 6% of that applied in a slightly acidic silty loam and from 26 to 11% in a calcareous clay. Moisture and precipitation treatments caused volatilization of DAP-N to vary from 20 to 10% in the silty loam and from 40 to 27% in the calcareous clay. In a second experiment, moisture and precipitation conditions affected N loss from urea as in the previous experiment. Addition of phenylphosphorodiamidate (PPDA), a known urease inhibitor, to urea at 20 g kg–1 resulted in only a small reduction of N loss in the calcareous clay soil used.It was concluded that soil moisture at the time of N fertilization and precipitation following N fertilization can greatly affect volatile loss of fertilizer N. Since the effect of moisture on N loss is not the same for all N sources, moisture parameters are expected to affect the ranking of N sources by their susceptibility to N loss and their uptake by plants in field experiments. Results obtained suggest some management practices by which fertilizer N might be conserved. The great effect of moisture and precipitation on N loss in these studies underscores the need for detailed meteorological records for field sites of N trials.  相似文献   

15N-labelled ammonium sulphate or15N-labelled urea were each applied in solutionat a rate of 30 kg N ha-1 to the surface of 20soil cores (52 mm internal diameter × 100 mm deep)located on a field experiment at the ICARDA station,Tel Hadya, Syria. Recovery of 15N-label in theammonium, nitrate, organic and/or urea-N pools in thesoil was measured on days 0, 1, 2, 5 and 13 afterapplication. Total recovery of 15N was initially100%, but by day 13 after application it had declinedto 51% with urea and 73% with ammonium sulphate.Ammonium nitrate labelled either as ammonium or asnitrate was also applied to the soil surface of 8other cores at the same time. 15N recovery in thefour soil N pools was measured only on day 12 afterapplication. Total recovery of 15N-label was 75%with labelled ammonium and 57% with labelled nitrate.Volatilization of ammonia from this calcareous soil(pH 8.1) is one probable mechanism of N loss fromammonium and urea fertilizers: with nitrate bothleaching beyond the base of the core (i.e. 100 mm) and denitrification were responsible for Nlosses. These large losses of N immediately afterapplication have implications for fertilizermanagement practices.  相似文献   

对硝酸-硫酸混酸法硝酸磷肥生产装置进行改造,添加硫酸钾生产三元硝基复合肥。介绍三元硝基复合肥的生产工艺流程、装置特点。生产的三元复合肥料产品水溶率高,深受用户好评,提高了公司市场竞争力。  相似文献   

农用肥料聚磷酸铵的制备与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
聚磷酸铵是一种性能优良的非卤阻燃荆,国内在农业上应用较少.介绍一些聚磷酸铵的生产方法.重点介绍磷酸与尿素缩合法生产农用短链低聚磷酸铵的生产方法、性质、用途.低聚磷酸铵是液体肥料一种很好的原料,并具有缓释与螯合作用.  相似文献   

This work was undertaken to discuss in depth the vital differences in the morphological development during synthesis, and properties of starch‐g‐poly‐(vinyl acetate) copolymers using two different initiators, potassium persulfate (KPS) and ceric ammonium nitrate (CAN). KPS‐initiated system gave relatively low values of grafting ratio and grafting efficiency, indicating a great tendency for the formation of poly(vinyl acetate) homopolymer (PVAc). Yet, higher values were seen for the CAN‐initiated system. Transmission electron microscope observations indicated a relatively broad distribution of latex particles for the KPS‐initiated system. The surface potential of latex particles was about ?3.5 mV, which turned out to be insufficient to maintain stability of latex particles. On the other hand, a uniform particle size distribution was found for the CAN‐initiated system, as the surface potential of latex particles was 21.5 mV. Moreover, radicals on starch molecules were generated directly through a redox reaction with positively charged ceric ion. The hydrophobic PVAc chains were thus grafted on starch, resulting in an amphiphilic graft copolymer, which provides a sufficient stabilization degree as a role of surfactant to render a relatively uniform distribution of latex particles. The synthesized starch‐g‐poly(vinyl acetate) copolymers were further converted to starch‐g‐poly(vinyl alcohol) through saponification, which were subjected to evaluations regarding the biodegradation and cell culture capability. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 102: 3017–3027, 2006  相似文献   

研究了硝酸铵和氯化钾复分解法制取氯化铵的冷却结晶过程,考察了降温速率、搅拌速率、晶种添加量等因素对氯化铵产品的纯度及晶体粒度分布的影响。研究结果表明,采取适宜的降温速率、搅拌速率及适宜的晶种添加能有效地改善氯化铵晶体粒度,提高分离效果;氯化铵冷却结晶适宜操作条件为:降温速率为0.3 K/min、搅拌速率为350 r/min、添加晶种粒度为150~180 μm、添加晶种量为1.88%,在此条件下制得的氯化铵产品晶体粒度均一性好,平均粒径更大。  相似文献   

卧式螺旋过滤离心机用于氯化铵脱水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对国内使用离心机对氯化铵脱水存在的不足,提出选用卧式螺旋过滤离心机用于氯化铵脱水.介绍了该离心机的结构、特点,经试生产确定了离心机有关运行参数.  相似文献   

Two greenhouse experiments were conducted with strawberries (Fragaria ananassa) grown in plastic pots filled with 12 kg of soil, and irrigated by drip to evaluate the effect of 3 N levels and 3 N sources. The N levels were 3.6, 7.2 or 10.8 mmol Nl–1 and the N sources were urea, ammonium nitrate and potassium nitrate for supplying NH4/NO3 in mmol Nl–1 ratios of 7/0, 3.5/3.5 or 0/7, respectively. Both experiments were uniformly supplied with micronutrients and 1.7 and 5.0 mmoll–1 of P and K, respectively. The fertilizers were supplied through the irrigation stream with every irrigation. The highest yield was obtained with the 7.2 mmol Nl–1 due to increase in both weight and number of fruits per plant. With this N concentration soil ECe and NO3-N concentration were kept at low levels. Total N and NO3-N in laminae and petioles increased with increasing N level. With the N sources the highest yield was obtained with urea due to better fruit setting. The N source had no effect on soil salinity and residual soil NO3-N; residual NH4-N in the soils receiving urea and ammonium nitrate were at low levels.  相似文献   

Annual application of NPK fertilizers over a 18 year period to coconut on red sandy loam soils resulted in a minimal increase in mineralisable N, but in a marked increase in available P and K. Plant N levels, however, reflected the improved N nutrition but did not reach sufficiency levels found elsewhere. An available P status of 15 ppm in the control plots kept leaf P at sufficiency levels. P fertilizers did not increase the P content of leaves. K fertilizers raised the K leaf content to sufficiency levels. Doubling the M1 fertilizer rates of 500 g N, 220 g P and 830 g K per palm per year had no effect on N, P and K levels in the palm leaves.Changes in K levels of the leaves had antagonistic effects on leaf Mg (r = – 0.68**) and leaf Na (r = – 0.87**). As this effect brings leaf Mg close to deficiency values palms receiving K might need additional Mg as well.The findings and interpretation of soil and leaf analysis data were confirmed by large yield responses to application of NPK fertilizers. Genetic differences between palms in their response to levels of nutrient supplies were apparent. The CDO × WCT hybrid outyielded the high yielding WCT variety especially when NPK was given at the M1 level. The response in yield to applied fertilizers was linear for WCT and curvilinear for the hybrids CDO × WCT and WCT × CDO.  相似文献   

梅震华  钱华  吕春绪 《火炸药学报》2010,33(2):19-21,24
以合成的聚丙烯酸钾与硝酸铵溶液共混,用DSC和XRD测定其对硝酸铵相稳定的影响.结果表明,当添加的聚丙烯酸钾质量分数不小于2.0%时,聚丙烯酸钾能消除硝酸铵的Ⅳ-Ⅲ相变,并使Ⅲ-Ⅱ相变温度提高到110℃,从而起到相稳定的作用,减小了硝酸铵常温下的吸湿结块性.聚丙烯酸钾相稳定硝酸铵主要有两方面的作用:一方面是K+对NH+4的取代作用,另一方面是聚合物的包覆作用.  相似文献   

The effect of the timing of N fertilizer application on the uptake and partitioning of N within the crop and the yield of tubers has been studied in two experiments. In 1985 either none, 8 or 12 g N m–2 was applied and in 1986 none, 12 or 18 g N m–2. Fertilizer N was applied either at planting, around the time of tuber initiation or half at planting and the remainder in four foliar sprays of urea during tuber bulking.15N-labelled fertilizer was applied to measure the recovery of fertilizer N in the crops.There was an apparent pre-emergence loss of nitrate from the soil when N was applied at planting in 1986, thereby reducing the efficiency of fertilizer use. Applying the N at tuber initiation delayed and reduced the accumulation of N in the canopy compared with crops receiving all their fertilizer at planting. Foliar sprays of urea slightly increased both tuber yields and tuber N contents when compared to a single application at planting. The proportion of the fertilizer N recovered in the crop was little affected by the rate of N application, but a greater proportion of foliar-applied N was recovered than N broadcast at planting, due partly to pre-emergence losses of nitrate in 1986. It is suggested that late applications of N was foliar sprays can be of benefit to crops with a long growing season and reduce environmental losses of N.  相似文献   

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