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The concept of schedule monitoring and control as one of the most important functions of project and program management has not been fully exploited. One possible explanation could be the dominance of the Earned Value Management System (EVMS, also known as EVM). EVM was originally developed as a cost management and control tool which was extended to track the schedule as well. EVM and its derivatives (e.g. Earned Schedule) use cost as a proxy to measure schedule performance to control the duration of the project. While there is a correlation between schedule, cost, quality, and scope of a project, using cost to control duration has proven to be misleading. In contrast to Earned Value and Earned Schedule, the authors have developed the Earned Duration Management (EDM) in which they have decoupled schedule and cost performance measures and developed a number of indices to measure progress and performance of schedule and cost, as well as the efficacy and efficiency of the plan at any level of the project. These new indices are easy to understand, have wider applications, and can be used by contractors, clients and the scheduling offices to assess and measure schedule performance. The newly developed duration performance measures are all schedule-based and can be used for forecasting the finish date of the project.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose two new metrics that combine Earned Value Management (EVM) and Project Risk Management for project controlling and monitoring. We compare EVM cost and schedule variances with the deviation the project should have under the risk analysis expected conditions.These two indexes allow project managers to analyse whether the project over-runs are within expected variability or there are structural and systemic changes over the project life cycle. The new monitoring indexes we present are the Cost Control Index and the Schedule Control Index.  相似文献   

In this study, we proposed a concept of virtual and real-field construction management systems (VR-Coms), which is integrated with virtual construction simulation, planning, scheduling, and performance management systems to evaluate productivity and safety in virtual simulated and real-field constructions. And, we built up a computational environment to develop the VR-Coms. The VR-Coms offer supporting modules for learning and discovering solutions with objective to manage construction at right speed with improved humanware and constructability. The configuration of VR-Coms is described. This paper also shows an application of agent theory to construction management.  相似文献   

李洪胜 《山西建筑》2010,36(25):362-363
通过现场调查,总结出测绘资料管理不规范的几个方面,鉴于此建立一套测绘资料管理系统及其配套制度,对该系统的设计与开发作了介绍,通过该系统的应用,大大提高了测绘资料的管理水平。  相似文献   

ZigBee无线网络控制技术在城市房屋公共信息智能化系统中的应用是以zigBee无线组网技术为基础,实现监控数据无线自动采集,以实现长时间的综合监控数据分析。这种应用技术的研究,主要省却了城市中各智能小区内公共信息参数监控点大面积的布线问题,可以用无线的方式推动城市中各个智能小区的多种信息参数的数据采集和联网,从集中到统一的城市级建筑物公共信息管理,实现城市房屋智能化管理、公共信息发布和紧急情况预警。  相似文献   

Rehan R  Knight MA  Haas CT  Unger AJ 《Water research》2011,45(16):4737-4750
Recently enacted regulations in Canada and elsewhere require water utilities to be financially self-sustaining over the long-term. This implies full cost recovery for providing water and wastewater services to users. This study proposes a new approach to help water utilities plan to meet the requirements of the new regulations. A causal loop diagram is developed for a financially self-sustaining water utility which frames water and wastewater network management as a complex system with multiple interconnections and feedback loops. The novel System Dynamics approach is used to develop a demonstration model for water and wastewater network management. This is the first known application of System Dynamics to water and wastewater network management. The network simulated is that of a typical Canadian water utility that has under invested in maintenance. Model results show that with no proactive rehabilitation strategy the utility will need to substantially increase its user fees to achieve financial sustainability. This increase is further exacerbated when price elasticity of water demand is considered. When the utility pursues proactive rehabilitation, financial sustainability is achieved with lower user fees. Having demonstrated the significance of feedback loops for financial management of water and wastewater networks, the paper makes the case for a more complete utility model that considers the complexity of the system by incorporating all feedback loops.  相似文献   

Bio-geochemical samples (BGS) are roots of certain aquatic plants and mosses suitable for monitoring elements dissolved in stream water. The moose, a wild ruminant living in most parts of Sweden, represents higher trophic level and another manifestation of bioavailability. By analyzing BGS (n approximately 33600) and moose liver (n approximately 2400), a systematic survey has been performed in the terrestrial environment of Sweden. Cu and Mo are essential elements for life, and their presence is especially important for the Cu-dependent processes in ruminants. The availability of Cu and Mo as monitored in BGS and moose was visualized in the form of maps and subjected to further statistical analysis. The medians, with lower and upper quartiles indicated as intervals, for the country as a whole were: moose liver, Cu = 34 (20-59), Mo = 0.82 (0.58-1.06) mg kg(-1) wet weight; BGS, Cu = 50 (35-77), Mo = 9.0 (5.3-18.0) mg kg(-1) dry weight. The ranges of medians for the 22 Swedish counties were: moose liver, Cu = (20-62), Mo = (0.54-1.18) mg kg(-1) wet weight; BGS, Cu = (28-115), Mo = (5-47) mg kg(-1) dry weight. The relationships between the counties and the connections between the monitoring variables were elucidated by principal component analysis (PCA). It was demonstrated that two monitoring systems could give divergent results. An unexpectedly strong negative correlation was found between the county medians for Cu in BGS and moose liver. A possible explanation, based on the interaction between Cu and Mo in moose, could not be verified.  相似文献   

设计开发了市政消火栓智能监测运维管理平台。研究设计了基于表示属性、基本属性、动态属性及维保属性的市政消火栓设备虚拟模型,实现了消火栓的动态监测及全周期数据的多维度立体呈现;基于设备虚拟模型开发了市政消火栓智能监测运维管理平台,并进行了应用,有效提升了市政消火栓系统的完整性及安全性。平台的设计开发实现了市政消火栓系统在全生命周期的闭环监管维护,并能提供多方位的服务,有助于资源配置方案优化,提高战时辅助决策能力,提升消防安全管理水平。  相似文献   

The authors concentrate on the application of the non-technical approach to help to promote an integrative environment for the development of change and innovation, with the primary objective of quality improvement. The case studies suggest that Company A is more segmentalist in nature than Company B which adopts an integrative approach. Les auteurs examinent l'adoption de l'approche non technique dans la creation d'un environnement integratif favorisant l'evolution et l'innovation, et de la, l'amelioration de la qualite. Les etudes de cas font apparaitre que l'entreprise A est de nature plus segmentaire que l'entreprise B ayant adopte une approche integrative.  相似文献   

本文作者通过对近年来我国建筑物出现的一些质量事故,综合分析了我国水泥、砂石、预拌混凝土行业发展的现状,以及针对目前现状所应采取的解决措施等,建议加强推进砂石、水泥及混凝土产业链整合及管理水平,从源头上提升我国建筑物质量。  相似文献   

文章针对多校区办学过程中学生党员教育管理面临的挑战,分析了以科学发展观为指导,加强多校区学生党员教育管理的必要性,在此基础上,提供了若干解决多校区学生党员教育管理问题的新观点。  相似文献   

This paper applies Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) within the context of action research and Integrated Flood Management (IFM). A case study from the Adayar watershed, Chennai, is provided as an example of how SSM can be used to understand complex situations and as a problem‐solving strategy for flood management. Flat topography, uncontrolled urban development, population growth, sand bar formation at the river mouth and low tidal action render complexity to flood management in Chennai. For effective flood management, a participatory and integrated approach, which includes stakeholders in the decision‐making process and an enabling institutional set‐up, is essential. As part of an integrated approach, the relationship between various organizations and the public is identified. SSM is an approach for addressing fuzzy problematic situations involving human activity. In this paper, SSM techniques like ‘Rich Picture Diagrams’ and ‘CATWOE analysis’ and participatory action research tools like ‘pairwise ranking’ and ‘force field analysis’ were investigated. Two workshops were conducted to define and explore the problematic situation, the role of various actors involved in the problem, to develop the conceptual model, to rank decision‐making criteria, and to analyse the forces for and against to solve the problem. The flood management approach provided in this paper can be used by government agencies and policy makers to manage floods.  相似文献   

The use of indicators constitutes internationally an important tool for assessing the progress achieved towards sustainable development. Measuring the sustainability in urban areas – which are crucial engines of local socio-economic development, but at the same time present concentration points of environmental decay – is a major challenge for environmental managers and decision-makers. This paper aims at the development and utilisation of a system of indicators as a dynamic tool for the management of environmental, social and economic information in order to evaluate sustainability in urban areas. In this context, guidelines for the system’s development and use are proposed, together with a suggestion for its communication among local stakeholders. An application of this system is demonstrated through a case study using the Greater Thessaloniki Area, Greece, a domain with considerable socio-economic development, which is also encountering significant environmental pressures.  相似文献   

本文主要针对产学研结合实验室人员构成复杂多样、研发实验过程和结果具有不确定性等安全风险特征,围绕各方安全责任划分与落实以及干系人管理进行分析,提出了产学研结合实验室如何落实主体责任,加强人、机、物安全应急管理的对策。  相似文献   

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