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The effect of surface compressive residual stresses (RS) induced by surface grinding and polishing on the gigacycle fatigue behavior of medium‐carbon high‐chromium alloy cold work tool steel was evaluated. Two test series were performed: Specimens of series I revealed high compressive RS of about ‐800 MPa at the surface, resulting from grinding with fine emery paper, which treatment had definitely a beneficial influence on the fatigue endurance strength. The existence of surface RS was also revealed to be responsible for the location of the fatigue crack initiation. High compressive RS favored internal crack origins. In this case crack nucleation sites were primary carbide clusters in the interior of the specimen, forming so‐called fish‐eyes at the fracture surface. In contrast, specimens of test series II had only very low RS, which enabled crack initiation near/at the surface at primary carbides/clusters. Furthermore, it has been shown that the high initial RS are prone to partial relaxation through cyclic loading for which the mechanisms are currently unknown. In this case near‐surface induced failure was obtained. It was possible to confirm the experimentally obtained data by the use of the concept of local fatigue strength as function of effective RS. The relaxation of high initial RS was experimentally confirmed through RS measurements at runout specimens (1010 cycles without failure).  相似文献   

Gigacycle fatigue data sheets have been published since 1997 by the National Institute for Materials Science. They cover several areas such as high-cycle-number fatigue for high-strength steels and titanium alloys, the fatigue of welded joints, and high-temperature fatigue for advanced ferritic heat-resistant steels. Some unique testing machines are used to run the tests up to an extremely high number of cycles such as 1010 cycles. A characteristic of gigacycle fatigue failure is that it is initiated inside smooth specimens; the fatigue strength decreases with increasing cycle number and the fatigue limit disappears, although ordinary fatigue failure initiates from the surface of a smooth specimen and a fatigue limit appears. For welded joints, fatigue failure initiates from the notch root of the weld, because a large amount of stress is concentrated at the weld toe. The fatigue strength of welded joints has been obtained for up to 108 cycles, which is an extremely high number of cycles for large welded joints. The project of producing gigacycle fatigue data sheets is still continuing and will take a few more years to complete.  相似文献   

Gigacycle fatigue data sheets have been published since 1997 by the National Institute for Materials Science. They cover several areas such as high-cycle-number fatigue for high-strength steels and titanium alloys, the fatigue of welded joints, and high-temperature fatigue for advanced ferritic heat-resistant steels. Some unique testing machines are used to run the tests up to an extremely high number of cycles such as 1010 cycles. A characteristic of gigacycle fatigue failure is that it is initiated inside smooth specimens; the fatigue strength decreases with increasing cycle number and the fatigue limit disappears, although ordinary fatigue failure initiates from the surface of a smooth specimen and a fatigue limit appears. For welded joints, fatigue failure initiates from the notch root of the weld, because a large amount of stress is concentrated at the weld toe. The fatigue strength of welded joints has been obtained for up to 108 cycles, which is an extremely high number of cycles for large welded joints. The project of producing gigacycle fatigue data sheets is still continuing and will take a few more years to complete. r 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.  相似文献   

Current fundamental academic research in the field of Gigacycle Fatigue, now frequently referred to as Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF), is strongly related to the pioneering work of Professor Claude Bathias during the last two decades. Claude Bathias passed away in April 2015. In the present paper, dedicated to his memory, his most important contributions in conducting and initiating fatigue studies in the area of Gigacycle Fatigue are highlighted. In light of what is known today about the details of fatigue behaviour in the range of up to 1010 cycles and more, the pivotal role of Claude Bathias cannot be overestimated. He was among the first to demonstrate, in painstaking ultrasonic fatigue studies, that a fatigue limit in the traditional sense does not exist in the Gigacycle regime. In his subsequent work on different materials, he substantiated his earlier findings experimentally and, in close collaboration with Paul Paris, quantitatively described the mechanisms of subsurface and surface VHCF failures, originating from inclusions. Together they showed that, in the VHCF range, most of the fatigue life is spent in crack initiation and not in propagation. Claude Bathias’ work stimulated worldwide research and was instrumental in the emergence and development of the current new field of Very High Cycle Fatigue.  相似文献   

Axial loading fatigue tests were carried out to study the influence of inclusion on high cycle fatigue behavior of a high V alloyed powder metallurgy cold-working tool steel (AISI 11). The fatigue strength of 1538 MPa with endurance life of 107 cycles were obtained by stair-case method. The fatigue specimens were also subjected to a constant maximum stress of 1650 MPa to investigate the relationship among inclusion origin size (10-30 μm), fish-eye size (70-130 μm) and fatigue life (105-107 cycles). The fatigue life was found to be dependent on the inclusion size and the crack propagating length. A compressive residual stress of 300-450 MPa turned out to be present at the specimen surface, and finally induced the interior failure mode. Further investigation into the correlation between stress intensity factors of inclusion origin and corresponding stages of fatigue crack growth and fatigue life revealed that the high cycle fatigue behavior was controlled by crack propagation. According to the fractographic investigation, two distinct zones were observed in fish-eye, representing Paris-Law and fast fatigue crack growth stage, respectively. Threshold stress intensity for crack propagation of 3.9 MPa√m was obtained from the well correlated line on the ΔKI-log N? graph. The fracture toughness can also be estimated by the mean value of stress intensity factor ranges for fish-eye.  相似文献   

This paper is focused on the effect of sea water corrosion on the gigacycle fatigue strength of a martensitic–bainitic hot rolled steel R5 used for manufacturing off-shore mooring chains for petroleum platforms in the North Sea. Crack initiation fatigue tests in the regime of 106 to 1010 cycles were carried out on smooth specimens under three different environment conditions: (i) without any corrosion (virgin state) in air, (ii) in air after pre-corrosion, and (iii) in-situ corrosion-fatigue under artificial sea water flow. A drastic effect of sea water corrosion was found: the median fatigue strength beyond 108 cycles is divided by 5 compared to virgin state specimens. The crack initiation sites were corrosion pits caused by pre-corrosion or created during corrosion-fatigue under sea water flow. Furthermore some sub-surface and internal crack initiations were observed on specimens without any corrosion (virgin state). Crack propagation curves were obtained in mode I in air and under sea water flow. Calculation of the stress intensity factor at the tip of cracks emanating from hemispherical surface pits combined with the Paris–Hertzberg–Mc Clintock crack growth rate model showed that fatigue crack initiation period represents most of the fatigue life in the VHCF regime. Additional original experiments have shown physical evidences that the fatigue strength in the gigacycle regime under sea water flow is mainly governed by the corrosion process with a strong coupling between cyclic loading and corrosion.  相似文献   

Very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) properties were compared between two types of specimens: enlarged specimens and our standard specimens. Fatigue tests were conducted by ultrasonic fatigue testing; the material used was commercial spring steel. All tests ended in internal fracture, with large-size effects observed, i.e., the enlarged specimens showed lower VHCF strength than the standard specimens. Most of the internal fracture origins were oxide-type inclusions that were larger in the enlarged specimens than in the standard specimens, indicating the size effect to be caused by the difference in oxide-type inclusion sizes at the origins of internal fractures. The large-size effect strongly urges the use of large specimens when conducting VHCF tests on high-strength steel. Moreover, the large-size effect implies that fatigue strength cannot in this case be determined using the conventional S-N curve approach, since the S-N curve depends on the specimen size. The evaluation of the VHCF strength thus needs two steps: an estimation of the maximal inclusion size, followed by an estimation of the VHCF strength based on the maximal inclusion size.  相似文献   

It is well known that shot peening is able to increase the fatigue strength and endurance of metal parts, especially with a steep stress gradient due to a notch. This positive effect is mainly put into relation with the ability of this treatment to induce a compressive residual stress state in the surface layer of material and to cause surface work hardening. Recently the application of severe shot peening (shot peening performed with severe treatment parameters) showed the ability to obtain more a remarkable improvement of the high cycle fatigue strength of steels. In this paper severe shot peening is applied to the steel 50CrMo4 and its effect in the ultra-high cycle fatigue regime is investigated. Roughness, microhardness, X-ray diffraction residual stress analysis and crystallite size measurement as well as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations were used for characterizing the severely deformed layer. Tension–compression high frequency fatigue tests were carried out to evaluate the effect of the applied treatment on fatigue life in the ultra-high cycle region. Fracture surface analysis by using SEM was performed with aim to investigate the mechanism of fatigue crack initiation and propagation. Results show an unexpected significant fatigue strength increase in the ultra-high cycle region after SSP surface treatment and are discussed in the light of the residual stress profile and crystallite size.  相似文献   

High‐temperature operational conditions of hot work tool steels induce several thermomechanical loads. Depending on the processes, (i.e. forging, die casting or extrusion), stress, strain, strain rate and temperature levels applied on the material are nevertheless very different. Thus, lifetime prediction models need to be able to take into account a broad range of working conditions. In this paper, a non‐isothermal continuum damage model is identified for a widely used hot work tool steel AISI H11 (X38CrMoV5) with a nominal hardness of 47 HRc. This investigation is based on an extensive high‐temperature, low‐cycle fatigue database performed under strain rate controlled conditions with and without dwell times in the temperature range 300–600°C . As analysis of experimental results does not reveal significant time‐dependent damage mechanisms, only a fatigue damage component was activated in the model formulation. After normalization, all fatigue results are defined on a master Woehler curve defined by a nonlinear damage model, which allows the parameter identification. Last, a validation stage of the model is performed from thermomechanical fatigue tests.  相似文献   

The very high cycle fatigue and small fatigue crack growth behaviour of a generic tool steel material for diesel fuel injector application are described. The small crack growth tests for the tool steel material with and without the hardening heat treatment revealed the mechanisms of crack propagation and threshold behaviour. Based on the small fatigue crack propagation threshold value, an elastic plastic fracture mechanics methodology for the prediction of the endurance limit of specimens with submillimeter holes is proposed. The advantages of the new methodology are discussed in relation to existing methodologies for endurance limit prediction of specimens with small holes.  相似文献   

Due to the excellent mechanical properties, good corrosion resistance, high biocompatibility and nickel-free character, the high nitrogen nickel-free austenitic stainless steel (HNASS) becomes an ideally alternative material for coronary stents. Stent implantation works in harsh blood environment after a balloon dilatation, i.e., the material is used in a corrosive environment with a permanent deformation. The present study attempts to investigate effects of pre-straining on high-cycle fatigue behavior and corrosion fatigue behavior of HNASS in Hank’s solution and the relevant mechanism for coronary stents application. It is found that higher pre-straining on HNASS results in higher strength and maintains almost same corrosion resistance. Fatigue limit of 0% HNASS is 550 MPa, while corrosion fatigue limit is 475 MPa. And improvement in fatigue limit of 20% and 35% pre-strained HNASS is in comparison with the 0% HNASS, while corrosion would undermine the fatigue behavior of HNASS. In a suitable range, the pre-straining had a beneficial effect on corrosion fatigue strength of HNASS, such as nearly 300 MPa improved with 20% cold deformation. This result provides a good reference for predicting the life of HNASS stent and as well its design.  相似文献   

Thin sheets of nitrided 18Ni maraging steel are tested under cyclic tension (load ratio R = 0.1) in the very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) regime. The ultrasonic fatigue testing method with a cycling frequency of about 20 kHz has been further developed for these experiments. Sheet specimens with 0.35 mm thickness are mounted on a carrier specimen, they are pre-stressed and are forced to vibrate jointly. Between 107 and 109 cycles, fatigue cracks are initiated exclusively at internal TiN inclusions. The areas of the crack initiating inclusions projected perpendicular to the applied tensile stress are evaluated. The square root of inclusion areas, (areaINC)1/2 lies between 2.5 μm and 5.3 μm. Considering inclusions as cracks, their stress intensity range is between ΔKINC = 1.3 MPa m1/2 and 2.4 MPa m1/2. The sizes of crack initiating inclusions influence fatigue lifetimes. This is considered in a crack propagation model and by presenting lifetimes versus the stress amplitudes multiplied by (areaINC)1/12. A mean lifetime of 109 cycles is found at a stress amplitude of 22% of the tensile strength, which is comparable to other high strength steels tested under cyclic tension.  相似文献   

In landing gear, an important mechanical component for high responsible applications, wear and corrosion control is currently accomplished by chrome plating or hard anodising. However, some problems are associated with these operations. Experimental results have also shown that chrome‐plated specimens have fatigue strength lower than those of uncoated parts, attributed to high residual tensile stress and microcracks density contained into the coating. Under fatigue conditions these microcracks propagate and will cross the interface coating‐substrate and penetrate base metal without impediment. Shot peening is a surface process used to improve fatigue strength of metal components due to compressive residual stresses induced in the surface layers of the material, making the nucleation and propagation of fatigue cracks difficult. This investigation is concerned with analysis of the shot peening influence on the rotating bending fatigue strength of hard chromium electroplated AISI 4340 steel. Specimens were submitted to shot peening treatment with steel and ceramic shots and, in both cases, experimental results show increase in the fatigue life of AISI 4340 steel hard chromium electroplated, up to level of base metal without chromium. Peening using ceramic shot resulted in lower scatter in rotating bending fatigue data than steel shots.  相似文献   

Torsion fatigue tests have been conducted at 20 kHz ultrasonic fatigue testing systems, and compared to the torsion fatigue data generated on 35 Hz conventional fatigue test machine to determine if there are any frequency effects, for steels including D38MSV5S steel and 100C6 steel. Results indicated that the S-N curves exhibit decrease in fatigue strength beyond 107 cycles. The initiation in the Gigacycle regime is related to defects sometimes located beneath the surface which shows a competition between the maximum shear at the surface and the stress concentration under the surface, even in torsion.  相似文献   

The effect of residual stresses on the reverse bending fatigue strength of steel sheets with punched holes was studied for steels with tensile strength grades of 540 MPa and 780 MPa. Tensile and compressive residual stresses were induced around the punched holes. Heat treatment of the specimens with punched holes at 873 K for 1 h decreased the residual stresses around the holes and improved the fatigue strength of the sheets. This result means that the tensile residual stresses induced in the sidewalls of the holes and near the hole edges by punching reduced fatigue strength. The effect of the residual stresses on the fatigue limits of the edges was estimated by the modified Goodman relation using the residual stresses after cyclic loading and the ultimate tensile strength at the fatigue crack initiation sites.  相似文献   

In the present paper constant (CA) and variable amplitude (VA) fatigue testing have been carried out on out-of plane gusset fillet welded high strength steel joints. The joints were welded with conventional weld filler material and martensitic low transformation temperature weld filler, LTT, in order to study the influence of the residual stress on the fatigue strength. Residual stress measurements were carried out close to the weld toe using X-ray diffraction technique in order to study the relaxation due to VA fatigue. The residual stress showed different level of relaxation depending on the VA spectrum loading used. The LTT joints show 40% increase in mean fatigue strength compared to the conventional joints in CA. The LTT joints show 12% increase in mean fatigue strength compared to the conventional joints. The LTT joints show 33% increase in mean fatigue strength in CA compared to VA testing. However, the improvement of the fatigue strength is less significant in variable amplitude testing mainly due to the relaxation of the compressive residual stresses.  相似文献   

In this work, hot tension tests were conducted on as cast and wrought samples of a high carbon high chromium tool steel to study the hot workability under the rolling conditions. The flow curves illustrate the classical shape of dynamic recrystallization (DRX). It is observed that broken carbide nets in the wrought samples result in lower deformation activation energy 398 kJ/mol in comparison to the as cast samples 432 kJ/mol. Necking strains were calculated using the inflection point of the work-hardening (θ) vs. stress curves. Wrought samples show higher hot ductility and lower maximum stress than the as cast ones. It is shown that lower activation energy of deformation and lower stress concentration around the smaller carbides in the wrought samples is responsible for their higher hot workability.  相似文献   

A new method for introducing a predetermined amount of residual stresses in stainless steel thick-walled hollow fatigue test specimens was developed by the authors [1] using high frequency induction heating. The advantage of the proposed method over more traditional approaches is to avoid any change in other important fatigue parameters, i.e. surface roughness, geometry, and microstructure, while introducing the residual stresses. The last point only holds if the material under study does not undergo any phase transformation within the range of temperatures and time exposures reached during the heat treatment. In this paper, the effect of residual stresses on high cycle fatigue (HCF) life of annealed AISI 304L stainless steel is investigated by introducing a residual stress field in thick-walled hollow fatigue specimens and by comparing the fatigue life obtained with the reference SN curve. For the particular case studied, a surprising observation is made. Introducing tensile residual stresses beneath the surface of hollow fatigue specimens using the method proposed by Paquet et al. [1] leads to improved HCF lives. Validity of this result is confirmed by a statistical analysis. Residual stresses were analyzed by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique to rationalize this experimental result. The increase in fatigue life is explained by residual stresses evolution within the specimen cross section during the fatigue test, leading to a build up of compressive residual stresses beneath its surface. This is a clear demonstration that assimilating residual stresses resulting from fabrication processes to superimposed static mean stresses can lead to considerable errors in fatigue life predictions.  相似文献   

Cyclic torsion fatigue tests with superimposed static torsion loads are performed with VDSiCr spring steel with shot-peened surface in the high cycle fatigue (HCF) and very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) regime. Fatigue properties are investigated at load ratios R = 0.1, R = 0.35 and R = 0.5 up to limiting lifetimes of 5 × 109 cycles with a newly developed ultrasonic torsion testing method. Increasing the load ratio reduces the shear stress amplitude that the material can withstand without failure. Fatigue cracks are initiated at the surface in the HCF regime. In the VHCF regime, cracks are preferentially initiated internally in the matrix, below the surface layer with compression residual stresses, and less frequently at the surface. Cyclic and mean shear stresses with 50% survival probability in the VHCF regime are presented in a Haigh diagram. Linear line approximation delivers a mean stress sensitivity of M = 0.33 for load ratios between R = −1 and R = 0.5.  相似文献   

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