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We aim at developing a geometry-based retrieval system for multi-object images. We model both shape and topology of image objects including holes using a structured representation called curvature tree (CT); the hierarchy of the CT reflects the inclusion relationships between the objects and holes. To facilitate shape-based matching, triangle-area representation (TAR) of each object and hole is stored at the corresponding node in the CT. The similarity between two multi-object images is measured based on the maximum similarity subtree isomorphism (MSSI) between their CTs. For this purpose, we adapt a continuous optimization approach to solve the MSSI problem and a very effective dynamic programming algorithm to measure the similarity between the attributed nodes. Our matching scheme agrees with many recent findings in psychology about the human perception of multi-object images. Experiments on a database of 1500 logos and the MPEG-7 CE-1 database of 1400 shape images have shown the significance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A method of shape encoding and retrieval is proposed in this letter, which uses centripetal code to encode shape and extracts shape's convex for retrieval. For the rotation invariance and translation invariance of the centripetal code and the normalization of convex, the proposed retrieval method is similarity transform resistant, Experimental results confirm this capability.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new texture image retrieval method for the considering of the population search and random information exchange merits of evolving programming which can be used to optimize image feature vector extraction. The experimental results show that this way can efficiently improve the retrieval accuracy and realize fasttips with the advantage of evolving programming algorithm.  相似文献   

本文提出一种基于小波变换系数的广义高斯密度分布形状检索算法.该算法充分利用小波变换变换系数的统计特性,形成描述形状特征的特征矢量.实验证明,算法提出的描述方式能够有效体现物体形状特征.同时,算法对于形状的尺度变化,平移变化以及旋转变化有着很好的抑制能力.该算法简单,有效,是一种有效的基于形状的图像检索算法.  相似文献   

A robust two-stage shape retrieval (TSR) method is proposed to address the 2D shape retrieval problem. Most state-of-the-art shape retrieval methods are based on local features matching and ranking. Their retrieval performance is not robust since they may retrieve globally dissimilar shapes in high ranks. To overcome this challenge, we decompose the decision process into two stages. In the first irrelevant cluster filtering (ICF) stage, we consider both global and local features and use them to predict the relevance of gallery shapes with respect to the query. Irrelevant shapes are removed from the candidate shape set. After that, a local-features-based matching and ranking (LMR) method follows in the second stage. We apply the proposed TSR system to MPEG-7, Kimia99 and Tari1000 three datasets and show that it outperforms all other existing methods. The robust retrieval performance of the TSR system is demonstrated.  相似文献   

In order to better assess the performance of wireless communication systems, it is desirable to produce multiple Rayleigh fading envelopes with specified correlations. In this paper, we analyze theoretically a procedure which generates correlated Gaussian random variables from independent Gaussian random variables and give a physical explanation for the limitation of this procedure. Then, based on some uncorrelated Rayleigh fading envelopes, a simple but efficient procedure for generating an arbitrary number of cross-correlated Rayleigh fading envelopes is proposed. Simulation results and computational complexity analysis are presented, which show that the proposed method has some advantages, such as high accuracy, low computational complexity and easy implementation, over the conventional simulation method.  相似文献   

Retrieving 3D shapes with 2D images has become a popular research area nowadays, and a great deal of work has been devoted to reducing the discrepancy between 3D shapes and 2D images to improve retrieval performance. However, most approaches ignore the semantic information and decision boundaries of the two domains, and cannot achieve both domain alignment and category alignment in one module. In this paper, a novel Collaborative Distribution Alignment (CDA) model is developed to address the above existing challenges. Specifically, we first adopt a dual-stream CNN, following a similarity guided constraint module, to generate discriminative embeddings for input 2D images and 3D shapes (described as multiple views). Subsequently, we explicitly introduce a joint domain-class alignment module to dynamically learn a class-discriminative and domain-agnostic feature space, which can narrow the distance between 2D image and 3D shape instances of the same underlying category, while pushing apart the instances from different categories. Furthermore, we apply a decision boundary refinement module to avoid generating class-ambiguity embeddings by dynamically adjusting inconsistencies between two discriminators. Extensive experiments and evaluations on two challenging benchmarks, MI3DOR and MI3DOR-2, demonstrate the superiority of the proposed CDA method for 2D image-based 3D shape retrieval task.  相似文献   

用于图像检索的MPEG-7形状描述子   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了基于内容的图像检索技术的研究现状,并对将MPEG-7形状描述子应用于图像数据库进行图像检索进行了研究,最后提出了一些需要解决的问题和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

为了高效地从视频中检索出激动人心的场面,提出了一种基于高斯混合模型的无监督情感场景检测方法.首先,从面部选取42个特征点,并定义10种面部特征;然后,利用高斯混合模型将视频的帧划分为多个聚类;最后,利用每一帧的面部表情分类结果将情感场景划分为单个聚类,并通过场景集成和删除完成检测.在生活记录视频和MMI人脸表情数据库上的实验结果表明,该方法的检测率、分类率分别高达98%,95%,检测5分钟左右的情感场景视频仅需0.138 s,性能优于几种较为先进的检测方法.  相似文献   

The traditional orthogonal moments (e.g., Zernike moments) are formulated with polynomials as their basis that often face the problem of computation difficulty especially with the high-order moments. In this paper, we present a novel set of transforms namely the Polar V Transforms (PVTs). We can use the PVTs not only to generate the rotation-invariant features but also to capture global and local information of images. Since the PVTs basis functions can keep a low order of polynomials, we can significantly speed-up the runtime for computing the kernels. The experimental results have demonstrated that our proposed method outperforms the previous methods in runtimes and achieves very good results in shape retrieval compared to the previous methods especially when the images with high degree of perspective distortions.  相似文献   

The authors present a performance comparison of absorbing-boundary conditions (ABCs), including the introduced perfectly matched layer (PML), for finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations. This innovative PML for truncating FDTD domains was introduced by J. Berenger (see J. Comp. Phys. vol.114, p.195-200, 1994), and has since been the subject of intensive study. The key feature of the PML is its extremely low reflectivity over a broad range of (real) incidence angles, and its broadband characteristics. The authors provide color-coded graphs, which can be easily used to measure the PML's performance as a function of frequency and incidence angle. An important component of these graphs is that they also display the performance of the PML for evanescent waves. For comparison, similar graphs are given for the second order Mur and Lindman (see J. Comp. Phys., vol.18, p.66-78) ABCs. The superior performance of the PML (for propagating) waves is clearly seen, but for evanescent waves, the Lindman ABC gives better performance  相似文献   

杨世永 《信号处理》2012,28(2):240-245
针对非零均值乘性噪声中的谐波恢复问题,本文提出一种基于广义协方差矩阵的乘性噪声中谐波个数和频率的估计方法。首先定义一类广义协方差并构造广义协方差矩阵,通过对广义协方差矩阵进行特征值理论分析,得到了非零均值乘性噪声中谐波分量个数与协方差矩阵特征值之间的内在联系,这个性质可以用来估计谐波分量个数。而且利用子空间旋转不变性技术,可以从协方差矩阵中估计出谐波的频率。本文所提方法对于乘性和加性噪声的颜色和分布均无任何假设,可以应用于任意分布和任意颜色的乘性和加性噪声中的谐波恢复。仿真实验表明,本文所提谐波恢复方法具有很高的频率分辨率。   相似文献   

An efficient and effective region-based image retrieval framework   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
An image retrieval framework that integrates efficient region-based representation in terms of storage and complexity and effective on-line learning capability is proposed. The framework consists of methods for region-based image representation and comparison, indexing using modified inverted files, relevance feedback, and learning region weighting. By exploiting a vector quantization method, both compact and sparse (vector) region-based image representations are achieved. Using the compact representation, an indexing scheme similar to the inverted file technology and an image similarity measure based on Earth Mover's Distance are presented. Moreover, the vector representation facilitates a weighted query point movement algorithm and the compact representation enables a classification-based algorithm for relevance feedback. Based on users' feedback information, a region weighting strategy is also introduced to optimally weight the regions and enable the system to self-improve. Experimental results on a database of 10,000 general-purposed images demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed framework.  相似文献   

The widespread use of stereovision in various application fields has led to the constitution of very huge stereo image databases. Therefore, the design of effective content based image retrieval system devoted to stereo pairs becomes an issue of importance. To this end, we propose in this paper two retrieval methods which combine the visual contents of the stereo images with their corresponding disparity information. After modeling the distribution of their associated wavelet coefficients by the generalized Gaussian statistical model, the resulting distribution parameters are selected as salient features. While the two views are processed separately through a univariate modeling in the first method, the second one exploits the correlation between the views by resorting to a bivariate modeling. Experimental results show the benefits which can be drawn from the proposed retrieval approaches.  相似文献   

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