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双龙湖底泥氮释放强度影响因素正交试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
双龙湖是浅水型城市湖泊,一度为重富营养化湖泊。经综合治理其外源污染得到有效控制后,内源污染可能成为湖泊营养物的主要负荷。研究双龙湖限制性营养元素——氮在底泥的释放规律,对修复水体、保持水质具有重要意义,为湖泊内源治理、水环境保持提供科学依据。本文试验分析双龙湖环境因子(温度、pH值、溶解氧、水动力)对底泥总氮释放的影响;通过底泥正交模拟试验测定分析认为温度、溶解氧、pH值、水动力均是影响双龙湖底泥氮释放的显著因素,显著性排序依次为温度>溶解氧>pH值>水动力。  相似文献   

衡水湖水体氮磷变化规律及富营养化现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
衡水湖是华北平原具有独特自然景观的国家级湿地和鸟类自然保护区,富营养化是其面临的一个主要问题。通过对衡水湖水体的主要营养物质氮、磷的污染特征、来源、成因分析以及对水体的富营养化现状进行评价,表明衡水湖的水质状况近年来得到了一定程度的改善,但氮、磷的污染仍相当严重,污染程度冬春季较轻,夏秋季节较重,富营养化程度从中营养到轻度、中度富营养。  相似文献   

洋河水库富营养化限制性因子分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以洋河水库2001~2005年的监测资料为基础,运用回归统计方法,选择水温等8项环境理化指标与藻类叶绿素a进行回归分析。结果显示,总磷、水温、pH值和透明度与藻类叶绿素a呈显著相关,其中总磷和水温是洋河水库富营养化限制性因子。根据2003~2005年水库监测资料,建立多元逐步回归方程,预测水库藻类叶绿素a的变化情况。运用该回归方程,计算水库2001~2002年藻类叶绿素a变化情况并与实测值作比较,结果表明,该方程能基本预测洋河水库藻类叶绿素a的变化趋势。  相似文献   

蘑菇湖水库富营养化评价与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采用不同的方法对蘑菇湖水库水体的富营养化现状进行分析和评价,为水库水质管理和污染的治理提供依据。  相似文献   

双龙湖不同水期水质变化分析及富营养化评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对双龙湖枯、丰水期交替期各项水质指标TN、TP、CODm n、Ch la、透明度、浊度等指标进行监测分析,运用富营养化综合评价法对双龙湖营养状态进行评价,认为双龙湖丰水期初期水质优于枯水期末期,处于中营养化水平,枯水期末期处于轻富营养状态。研究评价枯、丰水期的水质变化规律,为加强双龙湖污染防治,改善和保持水环境提供科学依据。  相似文献   

杜勇  沈乐  王文辉 《人民长江》2012,(Z2):167-170
根据南京市主要湖库水体2010年6月至2011年5月期间的逐月监测资料,对南京市主要湖库富营养化程度,对湖库总磷、总氮含量与叶绿素a的相关性以及湖库富营养化季节变化规律进行了分析。分析结果表明:监测的9个湖库中6个处于富营养状态,其余3个为中营养状态;总磷、总氮含量与叶绿素a呈显著正相关关系,且总磷与叶绿素a的相关性更加显著;富营养化程度在盛夏和初秋形成高峰,冬季、春季富营养化程度为全年最低。针对南京市主要湖泊的富营养化状态,提出了相应的治理措施。  相似文献   

通过千顷洼流域污染调查,分析衡水湖水体营养盐的主要来源,从营养物质、水量交换和浮游植物三个方面对该水体的富营养化特征进行讨论,提出水体富营养化的改善 对策,为衡水湖综合治理提供科学依据。   相似文献   

该文介绍了某富营养化湖体应用水体循环—高效生物膜法进行生态化治理的工艺、治理过程及治理修复效果,提出对于泥质湖底大于20万m3水体的富营养化湖体,采用该工艺进行治理修复是可行的,获得较好的效果。  相似文献   

大型湖库富营养化蓝藻水华防控技术发展述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对大型湖库的特点,系统分析了国内外在蓝藻水华预警、控制和应急清除等方面的各种技术发展现状、具有的优势和存在的不足,提出了各相关技术未来发展的主要方向。认为针对富营养化水体的特征,应因地制宜,将多种技术优化集成,充分发挥应急技术和长效技术、工程技术和生态技术、预警技术和管理技术各自的优势,弥补各自的不足,实施"适地适策"的"一湖一策"战略,将是我国未来大型湖库蓝藻控制和富营养化治理的主要发展方向。  相似文献   

浅议湖库富营养化的评价方法和分级标准   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于人类活动的影响.湖库富营养化现象日益严重。现有的富营养化评价方法和分级标准混乱,不同的评价方法可能得出不同的富营养化结论。因此有必要统一湖库富营养化的评价方法和分级标准,以便加强对湖库的管理.保护水生态环境。  相似文献   

应用筑坝土料力学指标衰减条件下的土石坝健康状态评价理论建立土坝健康评价模型,以双龙水库为例,依据大坝筑坝土料资料,通过对土坝健康评价模型的多项指标进行综合分析计算,为大坝健康诊断分析提供依据.  相似文献   

This study examined the vertical distributions of total phosphorus (TP) and phosphorus fractions, and the iron and organic matter, in the littoral sediment in a macrophyte‐dominated, clearwater state in Lake Mogan between September 2005 and August 2006. Benthic macroinvertebrates and total bacteria in the sediment also were determined. No clear seasonal or depth‐related (0–20 cm) patterns were found in sediment concentrations for the measured parameters. The phosphorus release was quantitatively very low, and a negative phosphorus release (–0.132 µg m?2 day?1) was measured during the summer months. The TP concentrations of the sediment samples ranged between 675.00 and 1463.80 µg g?1 dry weight (DW), and the trophic level of the lake was eutrophic. On average, inorganic phosphorus fractions comprised the largest fraction (63%), while organic‐bound phosphorus (Org ≈ P) constituted 37% of the TP in Lake Mogan. The most important phosphorus‐immobilizing factors are high iron content (14 200–47 750 µg g?1 DW), the sediment's clay content (47.80–51.80%), and an abundance of macrophytes at the sampling station. The low abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates (510–850 individuals m?2), which depend on sediments with high iron and low organic matter (5.42–13.30%), played a role in the sediment phosphorus retention. Although bacterial abundance in the surficial sediment appeared to be positively correlated to temperature, the overlying water did not experience anoxic conditions, supporting a state in which bacteria were able to retain phosphorus in their cell structures. Long‐term changes in the sediments of Lake Mogan must be monitored lake. In order to optimize the management of the lake, and to determine the longevity of a clearwater state following management measures and continued external phosphorus loading, long‐term changes in the sediments of Lake Morgan must be monitored.  相似文献   

太湖底泥总磷含量特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2002年10月至2003年1月期间太湖全湖223个监测点不同深度采集的共583个底质样品测定的有机质和总磷含量数据进行了分析.分析表明,不同深度处底泥总磷含量平均值相差不大.除第六层以外,不同深度处底泥总磷含量最大值相差也不大.综合前人资料,比较可知,20世纪80年代以来太湖底泥表层沉积物总磷含量平均值变化不大,但最大值逐次增加.研究还分析了底泥总磷含量与有机质含量相关性特点.  相似文献   

洱海沉积物磷的化学赋存形态研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
本文对洱海沉积物磷的含量、空间分布以及沉积剖面上沉积磷的化学赋存形态进行了研究。结果发现,洱海表层(5cm)沉积物中总磷的含量范围为736.40~1602.50mg/kg,平均为964.60mg/kg;北部湖区高于南部,弥苴河是湖泊的主要磷来源;洱海沉积物中各形态磷的含量高低顺序为:钙结合态磷,碎屑态磷,有机态磷,铁结合态磷,吸附态磷,磷形态的剖面变化反映了埋藏作用对沉积磷的强烈改造作用。  相似文献   

The Lake Michigan model, MICH1, was developed more than 30 years ago. This framework was evaluated using field data collected in 1976 and was later applied to predict total phosphorus and phytoplankton concentrations in Lake Michigan during the 1980s and early 1990s. With a renewed interest in the interaction of phytoplankton with toxics and the applicability to Total Maximum Daily Load studies, several new models have been developed and older models have been revived. As part of our interest in plankton dynamics in Lake Michigan, the MICH1 model was resurrected. The model was evaluated over the 1976–1995 period, with a surprisingly good model fit to lake-wide average total phosphorus (TP) field data. However, the model was less successful in mimicking the chlorophyll-a measurements, especially in the hypolimnion. Given the results, the model was applied to perform a few long-term TP model simulations. Using the model with average 1994–95 phosphorus loadings, a steady state was reached within approximately 20 years, and the lakewide phosphorus concentration was below the International Joint Commission water quality guideline of 7 μg/L. This exercise demonstrated that a relatively simple, four-segment model was able to mimic the TP lake-wide data well. However, this model was less suitable to predict future chlorophyll-a concentrations due to the limitation in the representation of the foodchain and the difficulty of the coarse segmentation of the model to capture the deep chlorophyll-a layer. Strengths and limitations of this model can guide future development of eutrophication models for Lake Michigan and the other Great Lakes.  相似文献   

为了探讨白洋淀水体污染的变化特征和来源,利用多元统计方法对白洋淀湖水中离子、营养盐(氮、磷)和重金属(Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb及Zn)进行研究,分析其时空变化,并揭示其影响因素和主要来源。结果表明:白洋淀湖水水化学类型包括HCO3-Ca·Mg和SO4·Cl-Ca·Mg,湖水总氮、Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb及Zn的平均值均高于V类水质限值。近20年来湖水总氮和总磷的平均值均呈现波动性下降,而两者无明显相关性,主要受气候和人类活动的共同影响。在空间上,淀内湖水营养盐和重金属表现出西部地区高、东南地区低的特征,多元统计分析进一步证实流域府河携带的污染物质是白洋淀水体氮、磷和重金属的主要来源,也是影响其空间变化的主要因素,但淀内不同地区的人类活动对湖水中N、P、Pb及Cr的影响也不可忽视。  相似文献   

Total phosphorus (TP) inputs to Lake Simcoe have led to hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen (DO) depletion and loss of cold water fish habitat. Since 1990, efforts have been made to reduce the total TP input to the lake below a defined target of 75 t/year, which was predicted to lead to reductions in spring TP concentration and improvements in end-of-summer hypolimnetic DO concentrations. The total TP load to the lake during the most recent period of record (1998/99-2003/04) ranged from 53 to 76 t/yr and averaged 67 t/yr, compared to an average of 114 t/yr estimated between 1990/91 and 1997/98 (range 85-157 t/yr). Reductions in TP loads from the catchment via tributary discharge (∼26 t) accounted for the majority of the decrease in total load between the two time periods. Total P concentrations decreased significantly in four out of six long-term monitored tributaries; however, concentrations in all six tributaries remain above the level recommended to avoid nuisance plant growth (30 μg/L). Although TP loads to the lake are currently below the target 75 t/yr, excessive growths of filamentous algae and macrophytes continue to be a problem in the nearshore zone. End-of-summer minimum hypolimnetic DO concentrations (average 4.3 mg/L, 1998/99-2003/04) remain substantially below the level (7 mg/L) that is considered protective of lake trout. Efforts to reduce TP loads to the lake therefore need to continue.  相似文献   

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