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Combined subjective and objective nutritional assessment was performed on admission in 127 patients with oral and maxillofacial malignancies. On the basis of the nutritional assessment result, three typical nutritional parameters-body weight (BW) (X1), mid-upper-arm circumference (MAC) (X2), and hand grip strength (HGS) (X3) were used to establish a new nutritional assessment method that was developed by a computer-based discriminant analysis. The established model was as follows: Y1 = -126 + 1.09X1 + 1.34X2 + 0.23X3; Y2 = -95.63 + 0.96X1 + 1.17X2 + 0.19X3. In the model Y1 was regarded as good nutrition and Y2 as malnutrition. The larger value of Y stood for the patient's nutritional status (i.e. Y1 > Y2, well nourished; Y1 < Y2 malnourished). The new nutritional assessment correlates well with the combined subjective and objective nutritional assessment with a total agreement rate of 88.2%. With its simplicity and accuracy, the new nutritional assessment deserves a wide application in clinical situation.  相似文献   

A 59-year-old female patient with atypical chronic herpes simplex encephalitis was reported. Initial symptom was persistent myoclonus involving the trunk and limb muscles, and later lateral gaze palsy to the left side, cerebellar ataxia, consciousness disturbance and other brainstem symptoms including absence of corneal and gag reflex and vocal cord palsy developed. The patient was successfully treated with high dose of acyclovir. Electroencephalogram was normal in the initial stage but later showed diffuse slow waves. Although CT scan and MRI showed no abnormal finding in the cerebral cortex, brainstem lesion was observed on PD weighted image of MRI. Lumbar puncture yielded a clear cerebrospinal fluid, with slightly elevated protein, increased lymphocytes, and elevated titer of herpes simplex virus type I. The serological data, albumin ratio (10.3), antibody index (12.3) and antibody ratio (7.1) were consistent with herpes simplex encephalitis. Ten days' administration of acyclovir, 1,200 mg a day and repeated three times, was prominently effective for the myoclonus and consciousness disturbance. A diagnosis of chronic herpes simplex encephalitis initially presenting with brainstem encephalitis was made. Judging from the clinical and EEG findings, the brainstem lesion was initially thought to be a cause of myoclonus in this case. However, somatosensory evoked potential (SPE) of both upper and lower extremities revealed enlarged amplitude (giant SEP), and long loop reflex was enhanced (C-reflex) on the left. Giant SEP and C-reflex imply cerebral cortex as the origin of the myoclonus. Brainstem inflammatory lesion might have involved the ascending inhibitory system, thus disinhibiting the cortical sensorimotor area and causing cortical myoclonus.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex encephalitis is an important disease characterized by focal haemorrhagic necrosis of the temporal and frontal lobes of the brain. The mortality rate may be as high as 70% of untreated cases. Isolation of the virus from brain tissue is the most reliable means of diagnosis. Although some non-invasive diagnostic modalities have been investigated, none is as reliable as brain tissue sampling. Despite acceptance that acyclovir sodium is the most effective drug for treatment, there is not a consensus on the dosage and duration of the antiviral therapy because some patients fail to respond and sometimes there is recurrence following therapy. We report a case of encephalitis in a previously normal host who died after a 13-day course of acyclovir therapy with isolation of HSV-type 1 from the brain post mortem.  相似文献   

In a healthy 49-year-old man, a decrease in job efficiency was noticed along with bizarre behavior. On admission, he was euphoric, childish, superficial and had increased libido. Neurological findings were normal. There were no abnormal findings on routine blood tests, hematochemistry or urine analysis. MRI showed no abnormal findings. However, single photon emission CT (SPECT) showed diffuse hypoaccummulation of tracer from the temporal to frontal regions. Lumbar puncture showed clear cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) with pleocytosis and an elevated protein level. Moreover, antibody IgG titers to herpes simplex virus (HSV) and measles virus were elevated, according to EIA [serum HSV -1,202.2x, measles virus 47.1x: CSF HSV-116.1x, measles virus 9.9x]. The ratio of serum to CSF antibody titers of HSV and measles virus were 12.5 and 4.75, respectively. The antibody index values of HSV and measles virus IgG titers were 8.42 and 22.22. The ratio of albumin was 105.7. Chronic, progressive HSV encephalitis is rare, and there have been very few reports of encephalitis due to double infection by HSV and another virus. Our patient was diagnosed as having encephalitis due to double infection with HSV and measles virus, because the ratio of serum to CSF antibody titers was less than 20 and the antibody index values were over 1.91. Moreover, since the IgG index was elevated and the ratio of albumin was not low, it was suggested that the blood-brain-barrier had not been disrupted, and antibodies were being produced chronically in the medullary cavity. Hyperaccummulation of tracer on SPECT studies has been reported in the early stages of HSV encephalitis. In our case, while CT and MRI showed no abnormal findings, SPECT showed diffuse hypoaccummulation. SPECT appears to be a useful tool in the diagnosis of this disorder. In case of chronic, progressive personality change in middle-aged adults, we must be aware of double virus infection of the brain as a possible causal factor.  相似文献   

Technetium-99m-hexamethyl propyleneamine oxime (HMPAO) and 99mTc-ethyl cysteinate dimer (ECD) accumulate in brain tissue in proportion to regional cerebral blood flow in healthy subjects and in patients with a variety of neurological diseases. We report on four patients with herpes simplex encephalitis and the discordance between these two approved cerebral perfusion imaging radiopharmaceuticals. CONCLUSION: SPECT images showed unilateral regional increase of 99mTc-HMPAO uptake and decrease of 99mTc-ECD uptake in the affected temporal lobe.  相似文献   

We report a male patient with neuro-Beh?et's disease who had somnolence, mild motor aphasia and periodic lateralized epileptiform discharge. SPECT study showed decreased cerebral blood flow in the left frontal and temporal lobes. An MRI scan of the head showed only mild brain stem atrophy. His clinical signs were markedly improved after administration of prednisolone. We propose that some cases of neuro-Beh,cet's disease may have very similar clinical features to herpes simplex encephalitis and that SPECT and MRI examinations can be very useful in distinguishing the ischemic lesion of neuro-Beh?et's from the inflammatory lesion of herpes simplex encephalitis.  相似文献   

Since treatment of herpes simplex virus encephalitis (HSVE) is most effective when started early, a sensitive and specific method for early diagnosis would be of great benefit. MRI and CT are commonly used for this purpose. In this study, we presented two patients who had serologically confirmed HSVE and had normal CT and MRI, but were diagnosed as having HSVE by means of SPECT in the early stage. Case 1 was a 56-year-old man who suddenly developed alexia. On admission, physical and neurological examination were unremarkable except for alexia, agraphia, acalculia, and left-right disorientation. Brain CT, MRI, and cerebral angiography were all normal. However, SPECT showed hyperaccumulation of 99m Tc-HM-PAO in the right temporal-occipital area. On the 5th hospital day, he became comatose. CSF study revealed marked pleocytosis. Even then, MRI including Gd-enhanced study was normal while SPECT continued to show hyperaccumulation. Detection of herpes simplex virus DNA in CSF by polymerase chain reaction was negative. Anti-HSV antibody titer in CSF and serum confirmed intrathecal production of the antibody on the 14th hospital day. Abnormal accumulation of tracer in SPECT returned to normal on the 31st day when he was alert but still had a mild Gerstman syndrome. Case 2 was a 61-year-old man with disturbance of consciousness, mental dysfunction, and generalized convulsion. He was diagnosed as having HSVE by means of CSF pleocytosis, detection of HSV DNA in CSF by polymerase chain reaction, and presence of anti-HSV antibody in the CSF. CT and MRI again revealed no abnormality while SPECT clearly showed hyperaccumulation in the left temporal lobe in an early stage. Hyperaccumulation of lipophilic tracer on SPECT study, especially in the temporal lobes, has been reported in the early stage of HSVE by previous investigators. Unlike MRI or enhanced CT, the increased tracer accumulation in SPECT does not reflect disruption of the blood-brain-barrier or inflammatory edema, but reflects hyperperfusion or some other HSVE related abnormality which is currently unknown. From these observations, we suggest that local hyperperfusion occurs before local inflammation, and that SPECT is the most useful scanning method for early diagnosis of HSVE when this disease is clinically suspected.  相似文献   

Performance of patients with Korsakoff's syndrome and herpes encephalitis was compared on a retrograde amnesia (RA) test, asking subjects to recall and recognize the definitions of words that had come into the language at different time periods. Performance was also compared on a related test in which participants were asked to produce the words to definitions they were given in free recall and cued recall versions. It was hypothesized that, if the temporal gradient in remote memory results from a shift of information from episodic to semantic memory, then there should be a temporal gradient on these tasks, possibly steeper (i.e., greater relative sparing of early memories) in the patients in the Korsakoff group than in the herpes encephalitis group, who have widespread temporal lobe damage. Furthermore, in comparing semantic and episodic remote memory tests, consolidation theory would predict uniform temporal gradients across such tasks, whereas multiple trace theory would predict a differential pattern. The results showed that patients with Korsakoff's syndrome and patients with herpes encephalitis were significantly impaired across all time periods on the vocabulary tests, with only minimal evidence of temporal gradients, relative to healthy participants, and there was no evidence of a differential pattern of impairment between the two patient groups. Comparison with performance on measures of episodic retrograde amnesia, in which there was a differential pattern of temporal gradient, suggests that the relative preservation of early episodic remote memories in patients with Korsakoff's syndrome does not result from an episodic-to-semantic shift in the quality with which memories are stored. These findings are discussed in relation to existing theories of RA and to the patients' underlying patterns of neuropathology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) is a progressive eye disorder associated with Graves' hyperthyroidism, which is generally considered to have an autoimmune etiology. Eye muscle membrane proteins of 64 kd are good markers of ophthalmopathy in patients with thyroid autoimmunity. The 64-kd protein is now shown from a partial sequence to be the flavoprotein subunit (Fp) of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase. Hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease is increasing in incidence among urban black female Africans, possibly because of exposure to environmental risk factors such as increased dietary iodine ingestion and stress. Ophthalmopathy is frequently observed in this clinical context, but its association with serum autoantibodies reactive with Fp has not been examined. We studied 19 black South African patients with Graves' disease during the course of prolonged antithyroid drug administration, of whom 10 had congestive ophthalmopathy, but no clinical evidence for eye muscle damage at the onset. Anti-Fp antibodies were detected in 2 of these patients, as well as in 2 of the 9 patients who did not have overt eye disease. Additionally, the antibodies became positive in 3 patients with ophthalmopathy in whom tests were negative initially, remained positive in 1 patient throughout the study period and became negative in 1 patient with positive tests initially. Ophthalmopathy did not develop in any of the 9 patients who lacked this complication on presentation. The reasons why we failed to demonstrate a close relationship between anti-Fp antibodies and the eye muscle component of ophthalmopathy are unclear although one possibility is that ocular myopathy is an uncommon manifestation in African thyrotoxic patients compared with those of Caucasian origin. The relationship between anti-Fp antibodies and eye muscle inflammation in patients with thyroid autoimmunity of different ethnic origins and environmental settings, needs to be addressed in a large prospective study.  相似文献   

Mice infected with the herpes simplex virus, type-1, developed a paralysis which was associated with increased levels of the neurotoxin quinolinic acid (QUIN). The largest increases in QUIN were observed in the spinal cord with much smaller changes in the rostral forebrain or serum. The time course for the paralysis coincided with the increase in spinal cord QUIN, a maximal 40-fold elevation, at 7-10 days post infection. The time course suggested that the increases in QUIN were due to its local synthesis. Consistent with this possibility, herpes virus-infected mice had increased activities of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase and kynurenine hydroxylase (two key enzymes in QUIN formation), when compared to non-infected controls. Since QUIN is formed by activated macrophages, these new data are consistent with QUIN formation as part of the host response to a pathogen whose importance is discussed.  相似文献   

Sexual assault on children and adolescents has become a common topic of study, but there has been little research into the specific characteristics of the population of male victims. A national survey representative of school-age adolescents in France enabled us to study 465 adolescents reporting sexual assault (121 boys, 344 girls; mean age 15.4, SD 2.5 years). Girls were shown to be more frequently affected by certain medicopsychological symptoms: nightmares, multiple somatic complaints and some items concerning mood disorders. On the other hand, behavioural symptoms were much more frequently expressed in boys, in particular: repeated suicide attempts, running away, fits of violence and substance use. Boys presenting these symptoms should be questioned as a matter of routine concerning a history of sexual assault.  相似文献   

The influence of morphine on proliferation of human tumor K562 and lymphoid cells was studied and compared with that on the mitogen-induced proliferation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Morphine was shown to act as a suppressor of both cellular DNA synthesis (50% and more as compared to control) and the cellular population growth of mitogen-induced PBMC, B-lymphoma Namalva cells and EBV-transformed lymphocytes. Morphine activated proliferation of myeloid K562 and T-lymphoma Yurkat cells 1.5-fold. It is supposed that the opposite effects of morphine on proliferation of cell lines of immune origin reveal the difference in modulation of diverse immune cell types by morphine.  相似文献   

We report a patient with herpes simplex virus type 1 encephalitis (HSE) who showed abnormal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signals in the basal ganglia. The lesions were asymmetric and became apparent with relapse of the neurological symptoms, but they completely disappeared, concomitantly with improvement of the illness.  相似文献   

The caspases are cysteine proteases that have been implicated in the execution of programmed cell death in organisms ranging from nematodes to humans. Many members of the Bcl-2 family, including Bcl-XL, are potent inhibitors of programmed cell death and inhibit activation of caspases in cells. Here, we report a direct interaction between caspases and Bcl-XL. The loop domain of Bcl-XL is cleaved by caspases in vitro and in cells induced to undergo apoptotic death after Sindbis virus infection or interleukin 3 withdrawal. Mutation of the caspase cleavage site in Bcl-XL in conjunction with a mutation in the BH1 homology domain impairs the death-inhibitory activity of Bcl-XL, suggesting that interaction of Bcl-XL with caspases may be an important mechanism of inhibiting cell death. However, once Bcl-XL is cleaved, the C-terminal fragment of Bcl-XL potently induces apoptosis. Taken together, these findings indicate that the recognition/cleavage site of Bcl-XL may facilitate protection against cell death by acting at the level of caspase activation and that cleavage of Bcl-XL during the execution phase of cell death converts Bcl-XL from a protective to a lethal protein.  相似文献   

To describe a simple technique for identifying the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) with a nerve stimulator to prevent damage to the nerve during thyroid surgery. A retrospective review of 70 thyroidectomies performed from October 1989 to January 1995 by one surgeon using electrophysiologic nerve stimulation to identify the RLN was conducted. The technique is described. Outpatient flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy was performed preoperatively and postoperatively in all patients. From 70 thyroidectomies, 80 RLNs were identified to be at risk for injury. Five patients had transient unilateral vocal cord paresis postoperatively. No RLN transection or permanent vocal cord paralysis occurred. This is the first large series of patients undergoing the use of electrophysiologic nerve stimulation for identifying the RLN during thyroid surgery. We found the technique to be useful and safe for identifying the RLN. We present this technique as a less costly and time-consuming alternative to intraoperative RLN monitoring.  相似文献   

Eye infections with herpes simplex viruses in neonates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A newborn with severe ocular herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 2 infection acquired in utero is presented to exemplify problems in diagnosis and management. A review of 297 newborns with HSV type 1 or type 2 infection reveals that about one-fifth demonstrate ocular involvement including one or more of the following: microphatalmia, conjunctivitis, keratitis, chorioretinitis, optic neuritis and cataracts.  相似文献   

Immune inhibition of virus release (IVR) of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) from baby hamster kidney cells (BHK-21) was mediated by antisera against BHK cells, HSV-1, human fibronectin and mouse heparan sulphate proteoglycan and was irreversible for at least 24 h following removal of antiserum. Enhancement of IVR by calf serum depletion of growth media was obtained in varying measure using each of these antisera and also by treatment of virus-infected cells by the lectin concanavalin A. Enhancement was reversible by replenishment of growth media with bovine serum components larger than 12 kD but this only occurred when replenishment was instituted prior to virus infection. There was also reversibility to varying degree following replenishment by ovine, equine and human serum which indicates that this phenomenon is not species specific. In addition to the presence of relevant antigens on the cell surface, IVR may also require an alteration in the cell membrane; this is evidenced by the absence of anticellular serum-mediated IVR when treatment was introduced less than 6 h after virus infection, suggesting that a certain level of alteration or possibly cell damage - in this case virus induced - is necessary. Enhancement of IVR by calf serum depletion would seem to operate through a specific alteration in the virus-infected cell membrane as serum-depleted cells did not show histological alteration and were able to replicate HSV-1 to usual titres; it is possible that this enhancement may represent an as yet unidentified host defence mechanism whereby extracellular release of virus will be reduced in ischaemic or necrotic tissue in the course of infectious inflammatory processes.  相似文献   

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