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张腾飞 《建筑热能通风空调》2008,27(6)
当发生室内空气污染事故时,获知污染源释放的位置与强度等信息至关重要.利用污染物传感器提供的信息来推断室内空气污染源的研究属于反问题建模.反问题属于病态问题,因而必须采取一些特定的策略才能让反问题获得求解.本文总结了国内外有关应用反问题建模来辨识室内空气污染源的研究进展,以及反问题建模在传热、水污染以及大气污染等领域内的研究概况.辨识室内空气污染源的研究方法可归纳为四类,即分析法、优化法、概率法以及直接求解法.直接求解法不需要使用过多的假设,而且能够较好平衡计算效率以及计算精度,因而比较适于室内环境中污染源的辨识. 相似文献
通过对室内空气污染特点的介绍,从有害气体、浮游粒子、香烟烟雾、氡及其衰变产物等几方面探讨了室内主要污染物及污染源,提出了室内污染物相应的控制措施,指出控制室内污染应把好材料关,严格控制施工过程及把好工程验收关等. 相似文献
我国工业迅速发展,空气污染不断加重,严重影响了人们的健康安全。治理空气污染的主要措施是,准确找到污染源,并对污染物进行有效控制,只有这样才能从根本上降低空气污染程度。以此,本文就大气污染源的检测方法及污染物控制措施进行分析,以供参考。 相似文献
本文将对我国当前室内装修污染的总体现状及影响因素,同时,阐述了污染危害的症状,最后,论文对室内装修污染防治提出了一系列措施。 相似文献
供水管网突发污染试验模拟及污染源定位研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以供水管网模拟系统为试验平台,采用多点投加高浓度次氯酸钠溶液模拟污染物扩散的方法进行了试验研究与理论分析.通过实测监测点污染信息,利用改进的模拟一优化反追踪模型进行污染源定位并分析管网拓扑结构等影响因素对模型效率及准确率的影响.研究表明,在影响因素合理表达条件下,可以实现模型的高准确率. 相似文献
固结变形会导致粘土防渗层的结构特性和渗透特性发生改变,影响渗流场和浓度场的分布,进而影响污染物在防渗层中的运移规律。在比奥固结理论的基础上,考虑线性吸附模式,研究了污染物在小变形土体中的运移规律,分析了衰减源作用下,固结压力与线性吸附系数对污染物运移过程的影响。结果表明,与不考虑固结作用相比,固结作用延迟了污染物的运移,使得污染物运移深度减小,并且随着固结压力的增大,固结作用对污染物运移的延迟作用逐渐增强;在线性吸附模式情况下,污染物运移深度减小率随着吸附系数的减小逐渐增大,说明固结作用对污染物运移的延迟作用随着吸附系数的减小而越来越凸显。 相似文献
Building indoor air quality (IAQ) has received growing attentions lately because of the extended time people spend indoors
and the increasing reports of health problems related to poor indoor environments. Recent alarms to potential terrorist attacks
with airborne chemical and biological agents (CBA) have further highlighted the research needs on building vulnerability and
protection. To maintain a healthful and safe indoor environment, it is crucial to identify contaminant source locations, strengths,
and release histories. Accurate and prompt identification of contaminant sources can ensure that the contaminant sources can
be quickly removed and contaminated spaces can be effectively isolated and cleaned. This paper introduces a probability concept
based prediction method—the adjoint probability method-that can track potential indoor airborne contaminant sources with limited
sensor outputs. The paper describes the principles of the method and presents the general modeling algorithm and procedure
that can be implemented with current computational fluid dynamics (CFD) or multi-zone airflow models. The study demonstrates
the application of the method for identifying airborne pollutant source locations in two realistic indoor environments with
few sensor measurement outputs. The numerical simulations verify the feasibility and accuracy of the method for indoor pollutant
tracking applications, which forms a good foundation for developing an intelligent and integrated indoor environment management
system that can promptly respond to indoor pollution episodes with effective detection, analysis, and control. 相似文献
室内颗粒污染的源辨识与源解析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
辨识室内颗粒物来源与分析室内颗粒物元素特征称为源辨识与源解析,是进行室内空气污染控制与净化的理论依据与前提条件。本文通过对室内空气品质(IAQ)模型进行理论分析,阐明了室内外污染源与室内颗粒物浓度之间的关系。指出室内颗粒污染物研究应根据污染源已知与未知两种情况进行讨论,并针对不同的情况分别采用源辨识与源解析技术。 相似文献
空调系统新风和回风对室内空气品质的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
分析了目前空调系统新风和回风对室内空气品质的影响,认为室内污染的不断增加是室内品质变坏的主要原因;新风的质量直接影响室内空气品质;回风是室内空气的二次污染源,导出了回风对室内空气污染的理论计算公式,文中认为新风率是20%能明显提高室内空气品质。 相似文献
Zhongming Bu Maochao Hu Fangzhou Yuan Yousheng Xu Cong Dong Nan Zhang Daniel Mmereki Jianping Cao Youqu Zheng 《Indoor air》2021,31(6):2118-2129
Phthalates are typical air pollutants in vehicular environment since numerous synthetic materials that might contain phthalates are widely used to fabricate vehicle interiors (e.g., seat cushions, floor mats and dashboards). Hitherto, the importance of phthalate pollution in vehicular environment is not well-recognized because people spend only a small portion (around 8%) of their time in vehicles. In this study, the mass fractions of six phthalates in nine materials commonly used in Chinese vehicles (floor mats and seat cushions) were measured. Two phthalates, di-n-butyl phthalate (DnBP) and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), were identified in most materials (the other phthalates were not detected). The emission characteristics of DnBP and DEHP from these materials were further investigated. The measured emission parameters were used as input for a mass-transfer model to estimate DnBP and DEHP concentrations in cabin air. Finally, the ratios between human exposures (via inhalation and dermal absorption from the gas phase) in vehicular environment and the total exposures in typical indoor environments (e.g., residences and offices) were estimated to be up to 110% and 20% for DnBP and DEHP, respectively. Based on these results, the vehicular environment might be a considerable site for human exposure to airborne phthalates. 相似文献
室内空气品质若干误区辨析 总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6
阐述了目前对室内空气品质问题一些认识上的误区。不解决这些误区就难以对室内环境实施更有效的控制,也难以将我国室内空气品质的研究提高到一个新水平。 相似文献