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(记者孙海燕)热费制度改革,实施采暖费补贴"暗补"变"明补",是我国城镇供热体制改革的重要内容。记者在日前召开的的全国供热计量改革经验交流现场会上获悉,随着供热体制改革的逐步推进,北方采暖地区采暖费补贴"暗补"变"明补"的改革已经取得全面进展。据建设部副部长仇保兴介绍,目前北方采暖地区15个省、自治区、直辖市及新疆建设兵团,基本完成采暖费补贴"暗补"变"明补"的改革有天津、  相似文献   

日前北京市发改委发布的《2007年北京市国民经济和社会发展报告》明确,热费补贴"暗补"变"明补"方案年内出台。在供热政策制定方面,今年北京市将起草一个办法和制订"四个配套方案",即研究起草《北京市供热管理办法》,制订热费补贴"暗补"变"明补"政策方案、低收入困难群体采暖保障政策方案、供热价格改革与调  相似文献   

北京市将加快城镇供热商品化、货币化。按照十一五规划,北京市供热计量收费将采取按栋计量、按户分摊的方式,将供暖补贴由暗补改为明补,研究制定低收入等特殊人群供暖相应的补贴政策。同时加快供热计量,推进按用热量计量的收费制度。  相似文献   

备受关注的我国城镇供热收费制度今年将出现“大的变化”。笔者近日从建设部获悉,热费补贴由“暗补”变“明补”的改革将在今年冬季全面推开。这意味着实行了几十年的供热收费由职工单位向供热企业统一交纳的福利制度将在各地陆续走向终结。取而代之的是,热费将以专项补贴的形式按月发放,由使用者直接向供热企业交费。根据建设部的有关规划,各地要用2年左右时间,完成热费制度的改革,建立健全“谁用热、谁交费”的机制,实现供热的商品化、货币化。“实行热费补贴由‘暗补’变‘明补’是推进供热计量收费、供热节能、供热市场化的关键环节和必…  相似文献   

沿袭多年的福利供暖即将走向终点用多少热量花多少钱,“供热”终将商品化,市场化采暖补贴变“暗补”为“明补”,直接发放到人供暖市场的改革己箭在弦上……  相似文献   

沿袭多年的福利供暖即将走向终点用多少热量花多少钱,“供热”终将商品化,市场化采暖补贴变“暗补”为“明补”,直接发放到人供暖市场的改革已箭在弦上……  相似文献   

来自建设部的消息说,建设部今年将督促北方采暖地区地级以上城市完成采暖费补贴“暗补”变“明补”的改革,并同步建立个人热费账户,实行按用热量计量收费制度。  相似文献   

住房保障是社会保障的重要组成部分,备受各级政府关注,基于不同目标的住房补贴政策研究也是学术界经久不表的热门课题.本文从“砖头补贴”和“人头补贴”两类政策入手,总结欧美发达国家不同时期中低收入家庭住房补贴的目标与成效,认为在住房整体缺乏的状况下,进行“砖头补贴”能够取得良好收益,但是随着住房短缺情况的缓解,应逐步向“人头补贴”转化.中国现行住房补贴政策以“砖头补贴”为主,在目前市场住房供给比较紧缺的情况下,此类补贴能够起到较好效果.然而,根据发达国家经验并考虑政策效率,可逐步弱化对供给方的补贴,增添对需求方的补贴.  相似文献   

日前,《河北省建设领域节能减排工作实施方案》(以下简称《方案》)出台,对节能和减排的目标列出详细规划。今年采暖季前完成采暖费补贴改革。《方案》要求,全省各设区市2007年采暖季前,将完成采暖费补贴"暗补"改"明补"改革,建立"谁用热、谁交费"的供热收费制度,实现用热商品化、货币  相似文献   

自从1960与1970年代以来,更多的欧洲国家放松了它们的住宅政策。我们注意到从公共融资向私人融资的转变、从社会住宅向商业住宅的转变、从住房建设补贴向住房人头补贴的转变、从管制租金向市值租金的转变、以及从租赁房向自有房的转变。大部分这些转变都可以统称为"私有化"以及"自由化"这些定义不明的词语。然而,欧盟大部分国家的住宅金融体系仍然复杂而不合理,需要更多的住宅金融改革。我们将详述一种住宅金融改革的核心内容,包括如下几点:住房建设补贴、租户的住房人头补贴、自有房的税收优惠、房屋租赁政策、以及住宅联盟的角色。通过这种分析,我们勾画出欧盟国家住宅金融深入改革的轮廓。在不久的将来,中国也会考虑相似的住宅金融改革。  相似文献   

Since the early 1970s there has been a very similar shift in the balance of public spending on housing in Britain and Germany from general supply subsidies to demand subsidies (income related housing allowances and tax expenditures). This paper compares and contrasts the structures of those subsidy systems, the problems associated with them and current directions of change. Although there are close parallels in the shift of policy in both countries towards ‘targeting’ of explicit subsidies and in favour of greater profit‐making private provision, the environments in which this has occurred are very different. In particular, the lack of a functioning market for private rental housing in Britain—itself in part a function of tax and subsidy arrangements—severely limits the freedom of manoeuvre of British policy makers compared with their German counterparts.  相似文献   

为设计合理的公务员住房供应体系,采用排序多元Logistic选择模型评价目前供应政策和公务员实际住房需求的契合程度,发现未婚公务员、处级及处级以下公务员、对住房补贴方式不满的公务员、通过非市场化方式解决住房的公务员对目前住房条件表示不满意的可能性较大;采用无序多元Logistic选择模型确定住房支付能力和住房补贴政策作为影响公务员住房选择的关键指标。研究建议,应重点关注公务员住房供应来源、特殊公务员群体住房供应模式和公务员住房补贴方式,以此为导向构建公务员住房的供应政策体系。  相似文献   

This study explores the role of housing expenses and subsidies with respect to income distribution in Flanders (the northern part of Belgium) and the Netherlands in 2005–2006. It analyses income poverty and inequality by comparing equivalent disposable income before and after housing expenses with a relative poverty threshold and the Gini coefficient. Poverty and income inequality increase in both ‘countries’ when equivalent disposable income is corrected for housing expenses. Furthermore, the relative position of outright owners and social tenants regarding poverty improves. Housing subsidies play a (partly) different role in Flanders and the Netherlands. The implicit social rent subsidy in Flanders and the explicit housing allowance in the Netherlands serve the same goal; however, they both redistribute income relatively strongly in favour of low-income tenants. The tax relief system on the other hand increases income inequality in society, in both Flanders and the Netherlands, whereas our comparative analysis suggests that tax relief does not have a moderating effect on net housing expenses.  相似文献   

公务员住房制度,是国家住房政策的重要组成部分。以中央国家机关公务员为研究对象,在对实物补贴和货币补贴形式进行理论分析、对中央国家机关公务员现有住房补贴形式及其执行状况进行分析总结的基础上,运用二元离散选择模型对影响中央国家机关公务员住房补贴形式选择的因素进行了定量分析,提出了调整实物补贴发放形式,调整特殊公务员群体获得住房补贴的时间顺序,通过创新住房金融模式提高公务员住房补贴效率等建议。  相似文献   

The conventional model of social housing in Spain is a peculiarity within European housing policy, in that it is almost entirely owner-occupied. Subsidized owner-occupancy housing maintains the status of social housing for a set number of years, during which time it cannot be sold against market prices. After that period, its status changes, and the housing concerned becomes part of the free housing market. However, recent developments in Spanish housing policy suggest that this model might change in the future. In some Spanish regions, subsidized owner-occupancy housing is now considered as a separate and permanent tenure category and not as a temporal subsidy arrangement. This paper discusses the background and the possible implications of this new policy perspective.  相似文献   

Housing allowances do not perform as well as other subsidy approaches along many important dimensions. Limiting allowances to the very poor guarantees failure of the program, as it is the very poor who are least able to find decent housing on the private market. Studies of the Section 8 Existing Housing program demonstrate the inadequacy of the housing stock to meet low-income households' shelter needs. And the various forms of housing discrimination further reduce access to vacant units. Finally, the reduction in subsidy levels proposed in the Housing Payment Certificate program, compared with the Section 8 program, makes the program's “shopper's incentive” illusory. The program likely will result in higher rents and will exacerbate the affordability problem it was designed to alleviate.  相似文献   

张英 《福建建筑》2009,(4):77-79
廉租房制度是我国住房制度改革中所建立的住房供应体系的重要组成部分。近10年来,廉租住房制度的实施一定程度上缓解了城镇住房困难家庭和城镇低收入家庭的住房问题。与此同时,廉租房政策在实施过程中也产生了问题。本文通过对现有廉租房制度的补贴模式进行分析讨论,并根据经济学原理提出了廉租房货币补贴的模式;在此基础上,根据合理住房支出比的概念,提出了廉租房租金的补贴依据;最后提出了廉租房合理租金的定价程序,并以苏州市为例,对提出的廉租房合理租金定价程序进行说明。  相似文献   


Housing subsidies are substantial in all the Nordic countries. Very little consideration has, however, been given to analyzing the efficiency of the subsidy systems. This report presents a study on housing subsidies and their distribution and reviews some central issues of principle raised by it. Housing subsidies are defined in financial terms and are calculated for 1979. Both the total amount of subsidies and their distribution by income, household types and tenures are calculated. The results of the study suggest that the distributive effects of housing subsidies are in conflict with fundamental housing policy goals of the Nordic countries. In Finland, the largest proportion of subsidies, in relative terms, goes to groups in the middle income range, while the subsidy profile in Norway is strongly progressive, i.e. high‐income groups get the largest share. In Sweden, the different income groups receive roughly the same share of the total subsidies. Further research is needed to provide a basis for an evaluation of the existing subsidy systems.  相似文献   

陈雪飞  石全洲  陈泊林 《山西建筑》2008,34(12):227-228
在对军队住房制度存在的住房补贴定位不当、发放方式不合理、经济适用房不公平、供需矛盾突出等问题进行分析的基础上,提出了重新测算住房补贴基本标准、改革补贴发放方式、建立以住房分配货币化为主导的自有住房保障方式、加强社会供应,保障"出口"畅通等对策措施。  相似文献   

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