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基于HVS与实体调色板的二维工程图信息隐藏算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于HVS与实体调色板的特性,提出一种二维工程图的信息隐藏算法.该算法先获得工程图中的有序实体集,然后根据所产生的二值化混沌序列,选择其中部分实体,结合I-IVS和隐秘信息依次对选中实体的颜色进行微小修改,从而实现信息的隐藏.仿真结果表明,该信息隐藏算法对旋转、平移与均匀缩放等攻击具有较好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

郝敏 《硅谷》2011,(17):59-60
提出二维精密微动工作台的结构及控制方案。以直线电机作为驱动,由气浮导轨带动工作台实现水平x、y两个方向微位移运动,同时利用光栅传感器构成反馈控制。z方向采用激光位移传感器,实现非接触测量。  相似文献   

对二维线纹标准样板进行溯源测量时,需要对十字刻线进行高分辨力瞄准。利用二维动态光电显微镜,将二维样板十字刻线分别成像在相互垂直的两组狭缝上,狭缝宽度与刻线像的宽度基本一致,方向与刻线像平行,且在像空间上沿宽度方向错开约一个狭缝宽度的距离。当二维线纹样板沿某一方向运动时,对应方向被测刻线的像先后呈现在一组狭缝中,导致通过该组狭缝的光通量依次发生变化,对应的两个光电接收器的电信号存在相位差;信号处理系统根据两路电信号的相位关系,在信号交叉位置发出瞄准脉冲,锁定坐标测量系统,即得到该方向被测刻线的位置;分别对十字交叉刻线的两条刻线进行瞄准,即可得到对应交叉点的坐标。  相似文献   

在化工原材料、医药产品或食品的生产过程中会产生大量需要记录的数据信息。在这种情况下,线性代码就显得力不从心了,而采用RFID射频技术也显得过于“奢侈”。作为一种中间解决方案,二维代码不失为一种有效的解决办法。  相似文献   

倪哲伟  沈勇  陈名扬  项光鸿 《功能材料》2021,52(4):4046-4053
二维纳米二硫化钨具有特殊层状结构、可调节带隙、稳定的物理化学性质等优点吸引了国内外研究人员的关注.本文综述了二维纳米二硫化钨的最新研究进展,介绍二维纳米二硫化钨的晶体结构、光学性质、能带结构,归纳了二维纳米二硫化钨的制备方法,以及在光催化剂、光电检测器、润滑剂、场效应晶体管等领域的应用,展望了二维纳米二硫化钨未来的研究...  相似文献   

人们日常见到的印刷在商品包装上的条码是普通条码,但是由于一维条码的信息容量很小,如商品上的条码仅能容纳P3位的阿拉伯数字,更多的描述商品的信息只能依赖数据库的支持,离开了预先建立的数据库,这种条码就变成了无源之水,无本之木,因而条码的应用范围受到了一定的限制。  相似文献   

针对飞行破片目标多、速度快、体积小以及测试环境中光强高、电磁干扰强的测试难点,设计一种非接触式的二维光幕破片动能测试系统。系统以现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)作为核心控制器,利用高精度ADC与NAND Flash存储器采集并存储相互正交的光幕传感器的输出信号,并将数据通过USB接口回读到上位机进行分析,提取出破片的速度与体积信息,进而得到破片的动能。最后通过气枪弹实验对系统进行测试,结果表明:该方案解决传统一维光幕测试系统只能测量旋转对称破片动能的问题,利用二维正交光幕有效地测量非旋转对称破片的动能信息,具有一定的实用价值和应用前景。  相似文献   

针对心音的特征提取问题,将一维心音信号转换成二维心音图,采用图像处理技术提取心音的图像特征.本文首先对一维心音信号进行小波降噪和幅值归一化,将处理后的心音信号转换成具有统一性和可比性的二维心音图,并进行预处理;然后结合心音生理意义和二维心音图的图像特征,对能表征二维心音图生理信息的图像特征进行分析研究,重点研究二维心音图纵横坐标比和拐点序列码特征;最后,基于纵横坐标比、拐点序列码、小波分解系数3个特征,探讨利用欧氏距离和支持向量机(SVM)两种识别方法进行二维心音图分类和身份识别的可行性.实验结果表明,3种特征都可以实现二维心音图的分类识别,其中拐点序列码识别率最高;这种基于图像处理的二维心音图分类和身份识别方法具有明显的可行性和实用性,拥有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

提出了应用于网络入侵检测系统(NetworkIntrusionDetectionSystem,简称NIDS)的维总体模型。该模型从时间和空问二维轴上同时对入侵行为进行分析,将监测预警、反应控制、审计追踪、容错容灾四个模块进行有机合成,从总体上保证系统的安全性。采用二维总体模型有助于分析入侵过程中控制流,数据流的走向和规律,揭示入侵检测的本质。  相似文献   

基于网络的信息包装与数据加密   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾莉红 《包装工程》2007,28(8):202-203
阐述了信息数据加密算法与数据包装,分析了其加密算法的形式.信息数据的加密算法主要有:公钥加密算法、对称密钥加密算法DES变换、数据加密的变换数据位置算法和信息数据包装的电子签名.在分析原有的加密技术的基础上,说明了传统的信息数据形式在加密技术上存在的不足,阐述了信息检索的包装形式,并提出了多服务器方式和单服务器方式等两种解决方案.  相似文献   

郑建洲  于清旭 《光电工程》2006,33(7):28-33,62
提出二维正交凸柱透镜列阵光学系统,可实现靶面光强二维均匀辐照,应用矩阵光学和衍射积分理论,详细分析了工作原理、焦斑强度分布特性,并从衍射、干涉等角度分析了系统参数与强度分布的关系,给出了详细的系统优化设计参数和数值计算结果。  相似文献   

提出了面向创新设计的多层次Web信息检索系统,它包括自然语言搜索、引导式搜索、关键词搜索、分类浏览和随机搜索五种搜索方式,主要功能是使设计人员从紧密到相对宽松的范围内进行资源检索(即从寻找相关设计知识到浏览无直接关系的信息),激发设计人员的创新思维,使之产生新的概念和新颖的设计思路。已经建立了基于以上原理的软件系统,该系统是计算机辅助产品创新设计的一个模块。  相似文献   

Imaging system design for improved information capacity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Ashok A  Baheti PK  Neifeld MA 《Applied optics》2008,47(25):4457-4471
We present a task-specific information (TSI) based framework for designing compressive imaging (CI) systems. The task of target detection is chosen to demonstrate the performance of the optimized CI system designs relative to a conventional imager. In our optimization framework, we first select a projection basis and then find the associated optimal photon-allocation vector in the presence of a total photon-count constraint. Several projection bases, including principal components (PC), independent components, generalized matched-filter, and generalized Fisher discriminant (GFD) are considered for candidate CI systems, and their respective performance is analyzed for the target-detection task. We find that the TSI-optimized CI system design based on a GFD projection basis outperforms all other candidate CI system designs as well as the conventional imager. The GFD-based compressive imager yields a TSI of 0.9841 bits (out of a maximum possible 1 bit for the detection task), which is nearly ten times the 0.0979 bits achieved by the conventional imager at a signal-to-noise ratio of 5.0. We also discuss the relation between the information-theoretic TSI metric and a conventional statistical metric like probability of error in the context of the target-detection problem. It is shown that the TSI can be used to derive an upper bound on the probability of error that can be attained by any detection algorithm.  相似文献   

Although it has been argued that the design of production systems is crucial, there is a general lack of empirical studies analysing and identifying resources and capabilities required for an efficient production system design process. One of these resources is the critical role attributed to design information and one such capability is how the design information is managed. To address this research gap, this paper reports the results from two in-depth case studies in the automotive industry focusing on the management of design information in the production system design process. Our results show that design information management needs to be understood as a multidimensional concept having three dimensions: acquiring, sharing and using design information. By focusing on the three dimensions, six characteristics affecting the management of design information when designing the production system are identified. The characteristics are information type, source of information, communication medium, formalisation, information quality and pragmatic information.  相似文献   

设计模式在MIS中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以网络资源管理系统为例,详细讨论了抽象工厂、观察者、模板方法、模型-视图-控制器模式,以及在MIS系统中如何有效使用设计模式来提高程序的扩展性和维护性.  相似文献   

Object-oriented technology has been widely acclaimed as offering a revolution in computing that is resolving a myriad of problems inherent in developing and managing organisational information processing capabilities. Although its foundations arose in computer programming languages, object-oriented technology has implications for a wide range of business computing activities including: programming, analysis and design, information management, and information sharing. The problematic issues in the development of manufacturing software systems are related to the various characteristics of manufacturing systems, which are wide, dynamic and complex. Design for manufacturing (DFM) is the integrated practice of designing components while considering their manufacturability, and its benefits are widely acknowledged in the industry. A model has been developed using object oriented technology, after analysing the fundamental elements necessary for modelling manufacturing and process planning framework used in collaborative design and manufacturing in machine tool manufacturing. The main components of this model are: process planning model (PPM), manufacturing activity model (MAM), manufacturing resource model (MRM) and manufacturing cost and time model. We are using ontologies in conjunction with specific conceptual models, which can contribute to improve the interoperability between these models. The performance of this model is shown by means of one real world case. The developed manufacturing information based design tool integrated with an intelligence design system can be used for collaborative design and manufacturing, which will support machine tool designers’ to achieve cost effective and timely design.  相似文献   

方文华 《工业计量》2003,13(5):29-31
文章介绍了用MIDAS技术开发基于Web浏览器应用的计量信息系统的方法,并提供了详细代码。  相似文献   

Quality and reliability are two important factors in manufacturing‐system design. However, the analysis and optimization of manufacturing‐system reliability and product quality are normally conducted separately in practice. There is no general framework to integrate these two important factors, quantitatively analyze the interactions between them, and further study their integrated effects on the manufacturing‐system performance. In this paper, the QR‐Co‐Effect of product/part quality and manufacturing‐system component reliability is investigated in an assembly fixture system. The concept, model and analysis of QR‐Co‐Effect are addressed in this paper. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过对国内外焦化企业危险源状况的调查分析,引入数据库技术,提出了焦化企业危险源的信息标准.结合我国危险源控制与管理的实际情况,实现了焦化企业危险源的辨识分析与控制的动态信息管理系统,这对焦化企业实现安全生产、提高安全管理水平具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

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