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空调系统能量回收节能分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析空调编排风量及制冷机机组冷凝热的回收,节约能量,提高空调系统经济性。  相似文献   

李志新  李甲  冯国会 《节能》2009,28(7):37-39
通过对两种空气能量回收装置在寒冷地区应用性能实测及测试数据分析,总结出空气能量回收装置在寒冷地区应用的相关技术措施及相关性能参数取值范围。  相似文献   

本文阐述了空调新风与空气品质之间的关系,对几种通风方式作了对比分析,介绍了能量回收换气机的工作原理和特点,主要对能量回收换气机的节能性进行了计算分析,从而得到能量回收换气机应用的可行性,并对未来能量回收换气技术进行了肯定.  相似文献   

一、我国中型氮肥合成氨脱碳系统能耗现状分析化肥工业尤其合成氨系统是耗电大户。我国大型化肥厂吨氨能耗为42218兆焦,中型化肥厂吨氨能耗65208兆焦,小型化肥厂吨氨能耗为110770兆焦,平均吨氨能耗为75240兆焦,相当于国外最新化肥厂最低能耗的2.5倍。由此可见,我国合成氨工业节能潜力是很大的。我国有70多家中型化肥厂和众多的小型化肥厂,大多数企业都存在下列问题。(以北京化工实验厂为例),在合成氨生产的气体净化系统热碱法脱除CO_2工艺流程中,吸收塔(P=1.67  相似文献   

能量回收换热网络的构造与优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯跃武 《节能》2000,(2):11-14
本文采用系统合理用能的方法,针对一具有多生产线、多产品的联合企业,在进行系统用能现状分析的基础上,找出系统用能不合理的主要薄弱环节并结合工艺过程寻求出可能的回收环节,由此进行薄弱环节与回收环节之间的换能网络的构造。提出了最大能回收模型,得出以换热网络出口物流温度作为优化变量,当分别达到最大能和回收目标时,该优化变量在两种目标下取值相同,这对能量回收换热网络的设计具有指导意义。  相似文献   

李宇明  徐邦裕 《节能》1989,(8):19-22
<正> 一、前言在造纸过程中,纸料在造纸机中经过压榨后所形成的湿纸干度只有30%~40%。在带有复合压榨的新式纸机中,干度也只能达到40%~50%。因此必须对湿纸进行烘干处理,使其干度提高到92%~95%。纸在干燥部的干燥过程中,蒸发出大量水  相似文献   

应用能量系统的双子系统方法对烟气能量回收系统进行了Yong经济分析优化。在再生烟气物性参数一定的情况下,以系统内动力回收量与热量回收量与热量回收量的最佳分配而 最大回收经济效益为系统优化的目标,且根据一定的经济模型对有代表性的烟气能量回收系统进行了优化,得到了系统最大效益下的最优设计操作参数。其优化结果对烟气能量回收系统的优化设计及操作有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

付豪  雷鸿谦  付军 《节能》2020,39(8):60-62
介绍了一种用于从人体背负背包运动中回收能量的系统。背包本身构成弹簧质量系统的质量,当穿戴者的行走步态以或接近该系统的共振频率激励该系统时,背包质量的位移会变得相当大。通过齿轮齿条将背包的线性运动转化为旋转运动,基于磁场的发电机可以旋转,从而产生电能实现发电功能,并通过电力电子电路实现对便携式设备的供能。  相似文献   

低温热管能量回收装置在纺织厂中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周耘 《太阳能》1998,(2):10-11
低温热管能量回收装置在纺织厂中的应用周耘低温热管能量回收装置可通过易气化工质的相变过程进行热量交换,是一种十分有效的热回收装置,在余热利用、太阳能利用等领域具有广阔的应用前景。本文以应用在潍坊2万吨粘胶短纤维的纺练车间空调通风为例,说明低温热管能量回...  相似文献   

公交车辆制动能量回收与再利用系统研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
能源与环保现已成为社会发展的主题,作为能源消耗大户—公交车辆,其节能性能越来越受到人们的关注与研究。介绍了各种公交车辆制动能量回收与再利用方式的研究现状,分析了各种方式的局限性,并针对性的对液压储能方式在车辆能量回收与再利用系统中的特点和应用给予了详细的论述,然后针对具有特殊运行工况的城市公交车辆,提出了一种制动能量回收与再利用系统的模型,以期改善车辆的燃油与环保性能。  相似文献   

MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft has developed a hydrogen-powered bus as part of the Euro-Quebec Hydro-Hydrogen Pilot Project. The project is being sponsored by the European Union.The MAN hydrogen bus is based on a model SL standard-production city bus. The bus is driven by an internal combustion engine. The engine will run on either hydrogen or gasoline, to which end it has two independently-operating injection systems. The engine's emission levels in both modes are well inside the applicable limits for commercial vehicles.The hydrogen is carried in the vehicle in liquid form at extremely low temperatures. The fuel tank system consists of three vacuum-insulated tanks, developed by Linde AG, who also developed the refueling system.A comprehensive safety concept has been compiled for the vehicle with the cooperation of TÜV Bayern-Sachsen to ensure that the highest possible levels of safety are met. The bus has been accepted by TÜV and has been in scheduled service since 1996. The vehicle has covered a distance of more than 10000 km in the city of Erlangen without any safety-relevant incident or fault.  相似文献   

Today widespread application of energy-saving equipment based on heat pipes makes a significant contribution to the task of resources saving. Using the heat pipes as heat transfer and heat exchange design elements allows creating new effective equipment generation for solar energy systems. Heat pipes are widely used both to improve the outdated equipment, increase its efficiency, reliability and lifetime and in the creation of new high-quality and economic technology samples. Up to the present day there are the following systems and solar energy equipment where heat pipes are widely used: photovoltaic-thermal solar collectors, solar thermal collectors, concentrating photovoltaic and concentrating solar plant. The article presents an analysis of the current state and prospects of heat pipes using in solar energy systems.  相似文献   

Human activities have exacerbated the global greenhouse effect, resulting in extreme climate changes that have caused disasters and food and water shortages in recent years. Transportation is one of the main causes of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. Therefore, policy makers must develop feasible strategies to reduce GHG emission. One of Taiwan's policy is to replace traditional diesel fuel urban buses with alternative energy buses. This paper uses a case study of city bus route No. 2 in Tainan City following the international standard ISO/TS 14067:2013 to measure the carbon footprint of different energy buses. The bus carbon footprints measured from high to low as: LNG buses, 63.14 g CO2e/pkm; traditional diesel buses, 54.6 g CO2e/pkm; liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) buses, 47.4 g CO2e/pkm; plug-in electric buses, 37.82 g CO2e/pkm, and hydrogen fuel cell buses, 29.17 g CO2e/pkm. If all urban area public buses in Taiwan were switched to hydrogen fuel cell buses, this would reduce CO2e footprint by 227,832.39 t annually. This reduction is equivalent to planting 22.78 million trees.  相似文献   

Induction generators are increasingly being used in nonconventional energy systems such as wind, mini/micro-hydro, biogas, etc. The advantages of using an induction generator instead of synchronous generator are well known. Some of them are reduced unit cost and size, ruggedness, absence of separate DC source, ease of maintenance, self-protection against severe overloads and short circuits, etc. An attempt is made in this paper to present an exhaustive bibliography on the application of induction generators in nonconventional energy systems.  相似文献   

<正>财办建[2010]34号各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、住房和城乡建设厅(委、局),新疆生产建设兵团财务局、建设局:为贯彻落实国务院节能减排战略部署,推动可再生能源建筑应用,根据《财政部、住房和城乡建设部关于印发可再生能源建筑应用城市示范实施方案的通知》(财建[2009]305号)和《财政  相似文献   

针对高渗透间歇性能源电网的薄弱节点识别问题,提出基于PV曲线有功负荷裕度和电压变化指标的综合分析方法。首先从有功负荷裕度角度机理分析间歇性能源电网静态电压稳定性的影响因素,在此基础上结合有功负荷裕度和电压变化指标识别电网的薄弱节点。以新疆某地区实际电网为例,验证了上述薄弱节点识别方法的有效性,同时通过PV曲线分析给出高渗透间歇性能源电网运行断面极限,对该电网运行提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

《Applied Thermal Engineering》2007,27(8-9):1259-1270
Hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) systems consist of PV modules and heat extraction units mounted together. These systems can simultaneously provide electrical and thermal energy, thus achieving a higher energy conversion rate of the absorbed solar radiation than plain photovoltaics. Industries show high demand of energy for both heat and electricity and the hybrid PV/T systems could be used in order to meet this requirement. In this paper the application aspects in the industry of PV/T systems with water heat extraction is presented. The systems are analyzed with TRNSYS program for three locations Nicosia, Athens and Madison that are located at different latitudes. The system comprises 300 m2 of hybrid PV/T collectors producing both electricity and thermal energy and a 10 m3 water storage tank. The work includes the study of an industrial process heat system operated at two load supply temperatures of 60 °C and 80 °C. The results show that the electrical production of the system, employing polycrystalline solar cells, is more than the amorphous ones but the solar thermal contribution is slightly lower. A non-hybrid PV system produces about 25% more electrical energy but the present system covers also, depending on the location, a large percentage of the thermal energy requirement of the industry considered. The economic viability of the systems is proven, as positive life cycle savings are obtained in the case of hybrid systems and the savings are increased for higher load temperature applications. Additionally, although amorphous silicon panels are much less efficient than the polycrystalline ones, better economic figures are obtained due to their lower initial cost, i.e., they have better cost/benefit ratio.  相似文献   

城市能源战略与城市规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪亮平 《太阳能》2006,(1):13-17
本文通过对城市能源战略及其与城市规划关系的讨论,提出:城市是实施国家可持续发展能源战略的关键,各城市政府应编制综合性的城市能源战略;城市规划是实施城市能源战略的主要载体,应全面参与城市能源战略的编制与实施。并在规划理论、规划实践中强化能源意识,主动探索节能与减少环境污染等可持续发展的城市规划策略。文章还对英国伦敦能源战略的主要特点进行了介绍。  相似文献   

High Renewable Energy Sources (RES) share in energy systems entails environmental advantages in its use but drawbacks in its distribution, management and effectiveness. The interconnection between electricity, heat and transport sector seems to be a comprehensive answer. Its actual link is on-going and, currently, involves electricity and heat. Indeed, Power to Heat (P2H) is the strategy of meeting the heating demand by supplying electricity to feed Heat Pump (HP). Their higher efficiency compared to fossil fuel boilers requires a further check in the quality of the heating demand to meet, i.e. the temperature levels. Great part of current building stock calls for High Temperature (HT) Heat which is not affordable by HP maintaining their Coefficient of Performance. To face this issue, RES can be used to produce synthetic fuels for feeding existing energy systems, the so-called Power-to-Gas option. In this way, greening the fuel supply can be seen as the best option for meeting HT heating demand while, Medium and Low Temperature are met by HP. Therefore, two technological scenarios, P2H and its combination with P2G, are presented and assessed in three reference Urban Energy Systems. The authors investigated on the impact of RES share increase from 25% up to 50% in the electricity mix with the objective function of Primary Energy Consumption (PEC). The outcomes of twenty-four energy scenarios, eight for each Reference City were assessed also through the value of delivered Renewable Heat. Finally, the leverage effect of P2G on the system is evaluated in terms of renewable heat contribution.  相似文献   

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