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A literature review of new publications in the field of 3D data for forest applications shows that the application of airborne laser scanner data (ALS) is in the focus of research today due to its great potential for practical applications. While there is a lot of research carried out to derive forest management parameters based on laser metrics deduced from a single tree assessment or a statistical area based assessment, the delineation of stand or sub‐stand units derived from laser metrics itself is a rather new approach. In order to describe stand characteristics statistical grid cell approaches or single tree approaches have been developed. The LIDAR based segmentation of stand or sub‐stand units is rarely documented. This article provides information on enhanced processes to delineate stand or sub‐stand units and to extract different forest information based on airborne laser derived parameters. For the stand delineation an automatic process was developed which provides a stand or sub‐stand unit delineation which is according to the first results sufficiently uniform within stands and sufficiently different in species, age class, height class, structure and composition between stands in order to be distinguishable from adjacent areas. With a combined method the stand boundaries as they are established by the mapping units today, as well as sub‐stand units which have in common physical characteristics indicating the same management disposition, were assessed. Finally a first validation of the forest stand unit delineation is provided, indicating the high potential of ALS data for separating stand units.  相似文献   

Canopy height distributions were created from small-footprint airborne laser scanner data collected over 133 georeferenced field sample plots and 56 forest stands located in young and mature forest. The plot size was 300-400 m2 and the average stand size was 1.7 ha. Spruce and pine were the dominant tree species. Canopy height distributions were created from both first and last pulse data. The laser data were acquired from two different flying altitudes, i.e., 530-540 and 840-850 m above ground. Height percentiles, mean and maximum height values, coefficients of variation of the heights, and canopy density at different height intervals above the ground were computed from the laser-derived canopy height distributions. Corresponding metrics derived from the two different flying altitudes were compared. Only 1 of 54 metrics derived from the first pulse data differed significantly between flying altitudes. For the last pulse data, the mean values of the height percentiles were up to 50 cm higher than the corresponding values of the low-altitude data. The high-altitude data yielded significantly higher values for most of the canopy density measures. The standard deviation for the differences between high and low flying altitude for each of the metrics was estimated. The standard deviations for the height percentiles ranged from 0.07 to 0.30 cm in the forest stands, indicating a large degree of stability between repeated flight overpasses.The effect of variable flying altitude on mean tree height (hL), stand basal area (G), and stand volume (V) estimated from the laser-derived height and density measures using a two-stage inventory procedure was assessed by randomly combining laser data from the two flying altitudes for each individual sample plot and forest stand. The sample plots were used as training data to calibrate the models. The random assignment was repeated 10,000 times. The results of the 10,000 trials indicated that the precision of the estimated values of hL, G, and V was robust against alterations in flying altitude.  相似文献   

Estimation of stand volume and tree density in a large area using remotely sensed data has considerable significance for sustainable management of natural resources. In this paper, we explore likely relationships between forest stand characteristics and Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) reflectance values. We used multivariate regression technique to predict stand volume and tree density. The result showed that a linear combination of greenness and difference vegetation index (DVI) were better predictors of stand volume (adjusted R2 = 43%; root mean square error (RMSE) = 97.4 m3 ha?1) than other ETM+ bands and vegetation indices. In addition, the regression model with ETM4 (near infrared band) and ETM5 (first shortwave band) as independent variables was a better predictor of tree density (adjusted R2 = 73.4%; RMSE = 170.13 ha?1) than other combinations of ETM+ bands and vegetation indices. Results obtained from this study demonstrate the significant relationship between forest stand characteristics and ETM+ reflectance values and the utility of transformed bands in modelling stand volume and tree density. Based on the results of this study, we conclude that ETM+ data are useful to estimate forest volume and density and to gain insights into its structural characteristics in our study area. Forest managers could use ETM+ data for gaining insights into stand characteristics and generating maps required for developing forest management plans and identifying locations within stands that require treatments and other interventions.  相似文献   

This study suggests a method for improving spatial consistency in the estimation of forest stand data. Traditional nearest neighbor imputation can preserve between-variable consistency within a unit, but not between geographically nearby units. The lack of spatial consistency may cause problems when data are used for purposes of forestry planning or scenario analysis. In spatially consistent nearest neighbor imputation, adjacent units are considered in the estimation. The first step of the method is a k-Nearest Neighbor imputation. Secondly, based on the initial imputation an optimization algorithm, Simulated Annealing, is applied in order to reach certain spatial variation targets. The proposed method was tested in a case study where tree stem volume data were imputed to each unit (pixel) of forest stands, using satellite digital numbers as carrier data. The spatial variation measures used were between-pixel correlation and short-range variance. In addition, accuracy of the estimated stand level mean volume was used as a target in order to avoid drifts in mean volume during the optimization. The method was successful in three out of four stands where it resulted in imputations corresponding exactly to the target spatial variation measures. In the fourth stand it was not possible to find an exact solution. However, in this case the two spatial variation targets were reached whereas the mean stem volume was slightly overestimated (stem volume of 375 m3 ha− 1 rather than 336 m3 ha− 1).  相似文献   

Total above-ground biomass of spruce, pine and birch was estimated in three different field datasets collected in young forests in south-east Norway. The mean heights ranged from 1.77 to 9.66 m. These field data were regressed against metrics derived from canopy height distributions generated from airborne laser scanner (ALS) data with a point density of 0.9–1.2 m?2. The field data consisted of 79 plots with size 200–232.9 m2 and 20 stands with an average size of 3742 m2. Total above-ground biomass ranged from 2.27 to 90.42 Mg ha?1. The influences of (1) regression model form, (2) canopy threshold value and (3) tree species on the relationships between biomass and ALS-derived metrics were assessed. The analysed model forms were multiple linear models, models with logarithmic transformation of the response and explanatory variables, and models with square root transformation of the response. The different canopy thresholds considered were fixed values of 0.5, 1.3 and 2.0 m defining the limit between laser canopy echoes and below-canopy echoes. The proportion of explained variability of the estimated models ranged from 60% to 83%. Tree species had a significant influence on the models. For given values of the ALS-derived metrics related to canopy height and canopy density, spruce tended to have higher above-ground biomass values than pine and deciduous species. There were no clear effects of model form and canopy threshold on the accuracy of predictions produced by cross validation of the various models, but there is a risk of heteroskedasticity with linear models. Cross validation revealed an accuracy of the root mean square error (RMSE) ranging from 3.85 to 13.9 Mg ha?1, corresponding to 22.6% to 48.1% of mean field-measured biomass. It was concluded that airborne laser scanning has a potential for predicting biomass in young forest stands (> 0.5 ha) with an accuracy of 20–30% of mean ground value.  相似文献   

We report the results from modelling standing volume, above-ground biomass and stem count with the aim of exploring the potential of two non-parametric approaches to estimate forest attributes. The models were built based on spectral and 3D information extracted from airborne optical and laser scanner data. The survey was completed across two geographically adjacent temperate forest sites in southwestern Germany, using spatially and temporally comparable remote-sensing data collected by similar instruments. Samples from the auxiliary reference stands (called off-site samples) were combined with random, random stratified and systematically stratified samples from the target area for prediction of standing volume, above-ground biomass and stem count in the target area. A range of combinations was used for the modelling process, comprising the most similar neighbour (MSN) and random forest (RF) imputation methods, three sampling designs and two predictor subset sizes. An evolutionary genetic algorithm (GA) was applied to prune the predictor variables. Diagnostic tools, including root mean square error (RMSE), bias and standard error of imputation, were employed to evaluate the results. The results showed that RF produced more accurate results than MSN (average improvement of 3.5% for a single-neighbour case with selected predictors), yet was more biased than MSN (average bias of 5.13% with RF compared to 2.44% with MSN for stem volume in a single-neighbour case with selected predictors). Combining systematically stratified auxiliary samples from the target data set with the reference data set yielded more accurate results compared to those from random and stratified random samples. Combining additional data was most influential when an intensity of up to 40% of supplementary samples was appended to the reference set. The use of GA-selected predictors resulted in reduced bias of the models. By means of bootstrap simulations of RMSE, the simulations were shown to lie within the applied non-parametric confidence intervals. The achieved results are concluded to be helpful for modelling the mentioned forest attributes by means of airborne remote-sensing data.  相似文献   

A method has been recently presented to predict the net primary production (NPP) of Mediterranean forests by integrating conventional and remote-sensing data. This method was based on the use of two models, C-Fix and BIOME-BGC, whose outputs are combined with estimates of stem volume and tree age to predict the NPP of the examined ecosystems. This article investigates the possibility of deriving these two forest attributes from airborne high-resolution lidar data. The research was carried out in the San Rossore pine forest, a test site in Central Italy where several investigations have been conducted. First, estimates of stand stem volume and tree age were obtained from lidar data by application of a simplified method based on existing literature and a few ground measurements. The accuracy of these stand attributes was assessed by comparison with the independent ground data derived from a recent forest inventory. Next, the stem volume and tree age estimates were used to drive the NPP modelling strategy, whose outputs were evaluated against the inventory measurements of current annual increment (CAI). The simplified lidar data processing method produces stand stem volume and tree age estimates having moderate accuracy, which are useful to feed the modelling strategy and predict CAI at a stand level. This method's success raises the possibility of integrating ecosystem modelling techniques and lidar data for the simulation of net forest carbon fluxes.  相似文献   

Various studies have been presented within the last 10 years on the possibilities for predicting forest variables such as stand volume and mean height by means of airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. These have usually considered tree stock as a whole, even though it is tree species-specific forest information that is of primary interest in Finland, for example. We will therefore concentrate here on prediction of the species-specific forest variables volume, stem number, basal area, basal area median diameter and tree height, applying the non-parametric k-MSN method to a combination of ALS data and aerial photographs in order to predict these stand attributes simultaneously for Scots pine, Norway spruce and deciduous trees as well as total characteristics as sums of the species-specific estimates. The predictor variables derived from the ALS data were based on the height distribution of vegetation hits, whereas spectral values and texture features were employed in the case of the aerial photographs. The data covered 463 sample plots in 67 stands in eastern Finland, and the results showed that this approach can be used to predict species-specific forest variables at least as accurately as from the current stand-level field inventory for Finland. The characteristics of Scots pine and Norway spruce were predicted more accurately than those of deciduous trees.  相似文献   

Vegetation phenology is the chronology of periodic phases of development. It constitutes an efficient bio-indicator of impacts of climate changes and a key parameter for understanding and modelling vegetation-climate interactions and their implications on carbon cycling. Numerous studies were devoted to the remote sensing of vegetation phenology. Most of these were carried out using data acquired by AVHRR instrument onboard NOAA meteorological satellites. Since 1999, multispectral images were acquired over the whole earth surface every one to two days by MODIS instrument onboard Terra and Aqua platforms. In comparison with AVHRR, MODIS constitutes a significant technical improvement in terms of spatial resolution, spectral resolution, geolocation accuracy, atmospheric corrections scheme and cloud screening and sensor calibration. In this study, 250 m daily MODIS data were used to derive precise vegetation phenological dates over deciduous forest stands. Phenological markers derived from MODIS time-series and provided by MODIS Global Land Cover Dynamics product (MOD12Q2) were compared to field measurements carried out over the main deciduous forest stands across France and over five years. We show that the inflexion point of the asymmetric double-sigmoid function fitted to NDVI temporal profile is a good marker of the onset of green-up in deciduous stands. At plot level, the prediction uncertainty is 8.5 days and the bias is 3.5 days. MODIS Global Land Cover Dynamics MOD12Q2 provides estimates of onset of green-up dates which deviate substantially from in situ observations and do not perform better than the null model. RMSE values are 20.5 days (bias -17 days) using the onset of greenness increase and 36.5 days (bias 34.5 days) using the onset of greenness maximum. An improvement of prediction quality is obtained if we consider the average of MOD12Q2 onset of greenness increase and maximum as marker of onset of green-up date. RMSE decreases to 16.5 days and bias to 7.5 days.  相似文献   

Mean stand height is an important parameter for forest volume and biomass estimation in support of monitoring and management activities. Information on mean stand height is typically obtained through the manual interpretation of aerial photography, often supplemented by the collection of field calibration data. In remote areas where forest management practices may not be spatially exhaustive or where it is difficult to acquire aerial photography, alternate approaches for estimating stand height are required. One approach is to use very high spatial resolution (VHSR) satellite imagery (pixels sided less than 1 m) as a surrogate for air photos. In this research we demonstrate an approach for modelling mean stand height at four sites in the Yukon Territory, Canada, from QuickBird panchromatic imagery. An object-based approach was used to generate homogenous segments from the imagery (analogous to manually delineated forest stands) and an algorithm was used to automatically delineate individual tree crowns within the segments. A regression tree was used to predict mean stand height from stand-level metrics generated from the image grey-levels and within-stand objects relating individual tree crown characteristics. Heights were manually interpreted from the QuickBird imagery and divided into separate sets of calibration and validation data. The effects of calibration data set size and the input metrics used on the regression tree results were also assessed. The approach resulted in a model with a significant R2 of 0.53 and an RMSE of 2.84 m. In addition, 84.6% of the stand height estimates were within the acceptable error for photo interpreted heights, as specified by the forest inventory standards of British Columbia. Furthermore, residual errors from the model were smallest for the stands that had larger mean heights (i.e., > 20 m), which aids in reducing error in subsequent estimates of biomass or volume (since stands with larger trees contribute more to overall estimates of volume or biomass). Estimated and manually interpreted heights were reclassified into 5-metre height classes (a schema frequently used for forest analysis and modelling applications) and compared; classes corresponded in 54% of stands assessed, and all stands had an estimated height class that was within ± 1 class of their actual class. This study demonstrates the capacity of VHSR panchromatic imagery (in this case QuickBird) for generating useful estimates of mean stand heights in unmonitored, remote, or inaccessible forest areas.  相似文献   

Properties of multi-temporal ERS-1/2 tandem coherence in boreal forests and retrieval accuracy of forest stem volume have been investigated mostly for small, managed forest areas. The clear seasonal trends and the high accuracy of the retrieval are therefore valid for specific types of forest and question is if these findings extend to large areas with different forest types in a similar manner. Using multi-temporal ERS-1/2 coherence data and extensive sets of inventory data at stand level at seven forest compartments in Central Siberia we confirm that the trend of coherence as a function of stem volume is mainly driven by the environmental conditions at acquisition. In addition, we have now found that the variability of the coherence for a given stem volume are due to spatial variations of the environmental conditions, strong topography (slope > 10°), small stand size (< 3-4 ha) and low relative stocking (< 50%). Further deviations can be related to errors in the ground data. Stem volume retrieval behaves consistently under stable winter frozen conditions. For stands larger than 3-4 ha and relative stocking of at least 50%, a relative RMSE of 20-25% can be considered the effective retrieval error achievable in Siberian boreal forest. Combined with previous experience from managed test forests in Sweden and Finland, C-band ERS-1/2 tandem coherence observations acquired under stable winter conditions with a snow cover and an at least moderate breeze can be considered so far the most suitable spaceborne remote sensing observable for the estimation of forest stem volume in homogeneous forest stands throughout the boreal zone.  相似文献   

In Canada, forest companies and government are faced with the important challenge of monitoring forest stand health. This task is especially difficult when the objective is to monitor the health of mature deciduous stands. Mapping methods for tree health have been proposed using multispectral and hyperspectral airborne sensors; however, acquiring airborne data over large areas remains costly. In addition, some studies have pointed out that forest dieback is characterized by multi-causality. Therefore, we propose a large-scale mapping method which includes a model to parameterize several factors influencing forest vigour. A high-spatial resolution satellite image was fused with a series of biophysical parameters using the Dempster–Shafer theory (DST). The study was performed over mature deciduous forests in the province of Québec, Canada. The fusion of a Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre (SPOT)-5 high resolution geometric (HRG) image with a surface deposit map and an ice storm damage-intensity map provided the best results, improving the overall accuracy by 15.1%, when compared with a K‐nearest-neighbour (KNN) algorithm using the SPOT-5 image alone. Moreover, the DST improved the accuracy of the vigour class identification, halving the standard deviation when compared with the KNN method. This study shows how the DST can be used to model the influence of biophysical parameters when combined with multispectral information to better assess the health of mature deciduous stands.  相似文献   

Stand delineation and species composition estimation are cornerstones of forest inventory mapping and key elements to forest management decision making. Improved mapping techniques are constantly being sought in terms of speed, consistency, accuracy, level of detail, and overall effectiveness. Semi-automated analysis of high-resolution imagery at the individual tree crown level may offer such benefits. Methods, however, need to be developed and tested under a variety of forest conditions.High-resolution (60 cm) multispectral airborne imagery was acquired over a predominantly young conifer forest and plantation test area on the west coast of Canada. Automated tree isolation algorithms were applied to the data in order to delineate tree crowns or clusters of crowns. An object-oriented single tree classification was conducted using a maximum likelihood classifier. Stands of similar species composition, closure, and stem density were defined through a sequence that first generated images of these parameters from the automated delineation and classification, used these as input to an unsupervised classification, and then filtered and smoothed the resulting classification clusters. Because of the dense nature of the stands and small crowns on the site, the isolation process often delineated clusters of several trees. Species classification accuracy was determined by comparing the average stand composition from the automated technique to that derived from ground transects or plots. Species classification was good, with average composition error (difference between field measured and automated composition) over all 16 test stands being 7.25%. Most errors for individual species in stands were below 20%, but a few were up to 30%. The automatically generated stand boundaries mimicked well those of known plantation and interpreted inventory boundaries. The automated technique created a few larger stands and some additional small stands in areas of complex forest structure. Overall, for the young fairly uniform stands of the site, both stand delineation and species composition estimation were of a quality suitable for operational use in inventory and forest management. Further development and testing is needed to extend results to situations covering large areas, multiple flight lines, varied topography, and different forest conditions.  相似文献   

The use of airborne laser scanning systems (lidar) to describe forest structure has increased dramatically since height profiling experiments nearly 30 years ago. The analyses in most studies employ a suite of frequency-based metrics calculated from the lidar height data, which are systematically eliminated from a full model using stepwise multiple linear regression. The resulting models often include highly correlated predictors with little physical justification for model formulation. We propose a method to aggregate discrete lidar height and intensity measurements into larger footprints to create “pseudo-waves”. Specifically, the returns are first sorted into height bins, sliced into narrow discrete elements, and finally smoothed using a spline function. The resulting “pseudo-waves” have many of the same characteristics of traditional waveform lidar data. We compared our method to a traditional frequency-based method to estimate tree height, canopy structure, stem density, and stand biomass in coniferous and deciduous stands in northern Wisconsin (USA). We found that the pseudo-wave approach had strong correlations for nearly all tree measurements including height (cross validated adjusted R2 (R2cv) = 0.82, RMSEcv = 2.09 m), mean stem diameter (R2cv = 0.64, RMSEcv = 6.15 cm), total aboveground biomass (R2cv = 0.74, RMSEcv = 74.03 kg ha− 1), and canopy coverage (R2cv = 0.79, RMSEcv = 5%). Moreover, the type of wave (derived from height and intensity or from height alone) had little effect on model formulation and fit. When wave-based and frequency-based models were compared, fit and mean square error were comparable, leading us to conclude that the pseudo-wave approach is a viable alternative because it has 1) an increased breadth of available metrics; 2) the potential to establish new meaningful metrics that capture unique patterns within the waves; 3) the ability to explain metric selection based on the physical structure of forests; and 4) lower correlation among independent variables.  相似文献   

We have developed and tested a method for mapping above-ground forest biomass of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) stands in northern boreal forests of eastern Canada. The method uses QuickBird images and applies image processing algorithms to extract tree shadow fraction (SF) as a predictive variable for estimating biomass. Three QuickBird images acquired over three test sites and 108 ground sample plots (GSP) were used to develop and test the method. SF was calculated from the fraction of tree shadow area over the area of a reference square overlaid on the images. Linear regressions between biomass of GSP and SF from the images for each test site resulted in R2 in the range from 0.85 to 0.87 (except one case at 0.41), RMSE of 11 to 18 t/ha and bias of 2 to 5 t/ha. Statistical tests demonstrated that local regressions for the three test sites were not statistically significantly different. Consequently, a global regression was calculated with all GSP and produced R2, RMSE, and bias of 0.84, 14.2 t/ha and 4.2 t/ha, respectively. While generalization of these results to extended areas of the boreal forest would require further assessment, the SF method provided an efficient means for mapping biomass of black spruce stands for three test areas that are characteristic of the northern boreal forest of eastern Canada (boreal and taiga shield ecozones).  相似文献   

The use of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems to estimate stem volume and biomass in boreal forests has shown some promising results, but with saturation of the radar backscatter at relatively low stem volumes and limited accuracy of stem volume estimation. These limitations have motivated evaluation of more advanced methods, such as interferometry. The results presented in this study show that ERS interferometry, under favourable conditions, may be used to estimate stem volume at stand level with saturation level and accuracy useful for operational forestry management planning in boreal forests. Five interferograms were analysed, covering a test site located in the central part of Sweden with stem volume in the range of 0-305 m3 ha-1. The best interferogram showed a linear relationship between stem volume and coherence with a root mean square error (RMSE) of approximately 26 m3 ha-1, corresponding to 20% of the average stem volume, throughout the range of stem volume. No saturation was observed up to the maximum stem volume. However, the sensitivity of coherence to stem volume varied considerably between the interferograms. Finally, four SPOT XS images were evaluated and compared with the stem volume estimations obtained from the interferograms, resulting in a relative RMSE of about 24% of the stem volume, for the best case. The estimation of stem volume using coherence data was found to be better than optical data for stem volumes exceeding about 110 m3 ha-1. The statistical analysis was performed using linear regression models with cross-validation.  相似文献   

It can be difficult to further scientific understanding of rare or endangered species that live in inaccessible habitat using traditional methods, such as probabilistic modeling based on field data collection. Remote sensing (RS) can be an important source of information for the study of these animals. A key advantage of RS is its ability to provide information over an animal's complete range, but models incorporating RS data are limited by RS's ability to detect important habitat features. In this study, we focus on the rare, poorly-understood mountain bongo antelope (Tragelaphus euryceros isaaci) which survives in the wild in isolated pockets of montane forest in Kenya. We hypothesize that mountain bongo habitat is multi-scaled. We analyzed field and RS data (derived from SPOT, ASTER, and MODIS) ranging in scale from 0.02–85.93 ha to test our hypothesis. Important microhabitat features were identified through logistic regression models of vegetation structure data collected in plots (0.04 ha) of bongo presence (n = 36) and absence (n = 90). Models were selected using an information theoretic approach. We analyzed the correlations between microhabitat (four canopy and four understorey structure measures) and RS variables derived using spectral mixture (SMA) and texture analysis; most ASTER and SPOT variables were significantly related with canopy structure variables (max|r| = 0.56), but correlations between understorey structure and all but two RS variables were insignificant. Further logistic regression modeling showed that combining field microhabitat (primarily understorey structure variables) and larger-scaled RS measures (ASTER spectral mixture analysis variables aggregated to 450 m (20.25 ha)) provided superior models of bongo habitat selection than those based on field or RS data only. The results demonstrate that: 1) forest canopy characteristics at scales of ~ 20 ha and understorey structural conditions at the micro-scale of 0.04 ha were the most important features influencing bongo habitat selection; 2) models for predicting bongo habitat distribution must incorporate both micro- and macro-habitat variables; 3) optical RS data may characterize important micro-scale canopy variables with reasonable accuracy, but are ineffective for detecting understorey features (unless alternative techniques such as forest structural indices can be successfully applied); 4) RS and field data are both essential for understanding bongo habitat selection. The technique employed here for understanding this rare antelope's habitat selection may also be applied in studies of other large herbivores.  相似文献   

This study systematically evaluated linear predictive models between vegetation indices (VI) derived from radiometrically corrected airborne imaging spectrometer (HyMap) data and field measurements of biophysical forest stand variables (n=40). Ratio-based and soil-line-related broadband VI were calculated after HyMap reflectance had been spectrally resampled to Landsat TM channels. Hyperspectral VI involved all possible types of two-band combinations of ratio VI (RVI) and perpendicular VI (PVI) and the red edge inflection point (REIP) computed from two techniques, inverted Gaussian Model and Lagrange Interpolation. Cross-validation procedure was used to assess the prediction power of the regression models. Analyses were performed on the entire data set or on subsets stratified according to stand age. A PVI based on wavebands at 1088 nm and 1148 nm was linearly related to leaf area index (LAI) (R2=0.67, RMSE=0.69 m2 m−2 (21% of the mean); after removal of one forest stand subjected to clearing measures: R2=0.77, RMSE=0.54 m2 m−2 (17% of the mean). A PVI based on wavebands at 885 nm and 948 nm was linearly related to the crown volume (VOL) (R2=0.79, RMSE=0.52). VOL was derived from measured biophysical variables through factor analysis (varimax rotation). The study demonstrates that for hyperspectral image data, linear regression models can be applied to quantify LAI and VOL with good accuracy. For broadband multispectral data, the accuracy was generally lower. It can be stated that the hyperspectral data set contains more information relevant to the estimation of the forest stand variables LAI and VOL than multispectral data. When the pooled data set was analysed, soil-line-related VI performed better than ratio-based VI. When age classes were analysed separately, hyperspectral VI performed considerably better than broadband VI. Best hyperspectral VI in relation with LAI were typically based on wavebands related to prominent water absorption features. Such VI are related to the total amount of canopy water; as the leaf water content is considered to be relatively constant in the study area, variations of LAI are retrieved.  相似文献   

The ongoing mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) outbreak in British Columbia, Canada, has reached epidemic proportions, with the beetle expanding into geographic areas outside its known biological range. In this study, estimates of red attack damage were derived from a logistic regression model using multi-date Landsat imagery, and ancillary information including terrain attributes and solar radiation. The model estimates were found to be approximately 70% accurate using an independent set of beetle survey data as validation. This probability surface of red attack damage, along with forest inventory and terrain attributes, were used as inputs to decision tree analyses, in order to identify which forest attributes were associated with stands that had a greater likelihood of mountain pine beetle red attack damage. Three distinct decision tree models were developed, with each having a different set of input variables. The results of the analyses indicated that site index (an indicator of the quality of a forest site) and slope were the principal discriminators of the current mountain pine beetle attack, followed by basal area of pine dominated stands, and to a lesser extent, crown closure and stem density. The results suggest that indicators of site quality, particularly site index, could be a complementary addition to existing stand susceptibility rating models.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to quantify and analyze differences in laser height and laser intensity distributions of individual trees obtained from airborne laser scanner (ALS) data for different canopy conditions (leaf-on vs. leaf-off) and sensors. It was also assessed how estimated tree height, stem diameter, and tree species were influenced by these differences. The study was based on 412 trees from a boreal forest reserve in Norway. Three different ALS acquisitions were carried out. Leaf-on and leaf-off data were acquired with the Optech ALTM 3100 sensor, and an additional leaf-on dataset was acquired using the Optech ALTM 1233 sensor. Laser echoes located within the vertical projection of the tree crowns were attributed to different echo categories (“first echoes of many”, “single echoes”, “last echoes of many”) and analyzed. The most pronounced changes in laser height distribution from leaf-on to leaf-off were found for the echo categories denoted as “single” and “last echoes of many” where the distributions were shifted towards the ground under leaf-off conditions. The most pronounced change in the intensity distribution was found for “first echoes of many” where the distribution was extremely skewed towards the lower values under leaf-off conditions compared to leaf-on. Furthermore, the echo height and intensity distributions obtained for the two different sensors also differed significantly. Individual tree properties were estimated fairly accurately in all acquisitions with RMSE ranging from 0.76 to 0.84 m for tree height and from 3.10 to 3.17 cm for stem diameter. It was revealed that tree species was an important model term in both and tree height and stem diameter models. A significantly higher overall accuracy of tree species classification was obtained using the leaf-off acquisition (90 vs. 98%) whereas classification accuracy did not differ much between sensors (90 vs. 93%).  相似文献   

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