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利用电磁动态注射机注射成型聚丙烯试样制品,并用热老化试验箱人工加速其试样的老化降解。对比分析了稳态注射和动态注射成型的聚丙烯试样制品热氧老化期间力学性能的变化规律,用红外光谱(FT-IR)分析了聚丙烯试样制品老化前后羰基含量的变化情况。研究结果表明,采用动态注射成型技术,不但可以提高聚丙烯制品的力学性能,而且还能有效提高制品的抗热氧老化性能。制品在热氧老化过程中,其力学性能保持率高于稳态注射成型的聚丙烯制品。采用振频为8 Hz、振幅为0.10 mm的动态注射成型的聚丙烯试样制品的抗热氧老化性能最好。  相似文献   

目的 针对传统建模方法在预测的翘曲变形位置与实际偏差较大的问题,开展基于Moldflow的注塑成型制品翘曲变形优化建模分析研究.方法 通过数据模拟分析预处理、浇注体系模型构建、基于Moldflow的注塑成型制品翘曲变形过程模拟等手段,实现对注塑成型制品曲面参数优化.结果 通过对比实验证明,新的建模方法与传统建模方法相比...  相似文献   

Selective laser melting gained substantial momentum in the recent past and quite a few alloy systems have been researched and made available for commercial use; titanium, aluminum, stainless and tool steels, cobalt chrome, and Inconel being the most popular examples. Despite the application potential, and the successful processing of powder forms by traditional powder metallurgy methods, selective laser melting of duplex stainless steels was not attempted so far. The response of a duplex stainless steel alloy to processing by selective laser melting with varying process conditions is evaluated in the current research. Experimental results ascertained that the complete cycle starting from duplex powders, consolidating into 3D forms by selective laser melting and then post-process heat treatment to bring the microstructures back to duplex forms is feasible. Within the current experimental domain, the multi-layer samples are close to 90% density and showed a maximum dimensional variation of 2–3%, while the austenite to ferrite ratio is 45:55 after the post-process heat treatment.  相似文献   

目的 针对17-4PH不锈钢冷成形回弹大、贴模性差等问题,研究17-4PH不锈钢隔碗零件的拉深成形和液压胀形规律,确定隔碗零件拉深液压胀形复合成形的最佳工艺及参数.方法 利用有限元方法确定并优化了拉深预成形和液压胀形中的工艺参数.基于优化后的结果设计并制造了相关的模具,最终通过试验验证了有限元方法的有效性.结果 结合数...  相似文献   

通过正交实验,考察了微孔注塑成型过程中各重要加工参数对微孔聚醚砜(PES)制品拉伸强度和冲击强度的影响,利用扫描电镜(SEM)观测了制品的泡孔结构.结果表明,受冷却和剪切的影响,制品表层到芯层的泡孔形态不同.较高的熔胶量和超临界流体(SCF)含量,适中的射胶压力和射胶速率以及较低的熔体温度和模具温度有利于提高制品的拉伸...  相似文献   

Metal Injection Molding (MIM) was performed with water atomized and gas atomized 316L stainless steel powders and powder blends thereof. Feedstocks were prepared using a thermoplastic binder system and subsequently molded into tensile test specimens. Different debinding procedures and sintering treatments were applied and their influence on carbon content in the product was compared. Chemical decomposition processes of the binder and the influence of powder morphology on debinding and sintering behaviour are discussed. Shrinkage of the MIM-fabricated parts was examined and correlated to the powder characteristics. As a result a procedure is suggested to achieve mechanical properties expected for 316L stainless steel.  相似文献   

目的 鉴于细长、异形、薄壁注塑件成型机理复杂,且容易产生翘曲变形,以及传统工艺优化方法存在局限性的问题,以某轿车薄壁件为研究对象,优化注射成型工艺,以实现降低翘曲变形,提高效率的目的。方法 首先,对压力、温度因素及多重效应造成细长、异形、薄壁注塑件翘曲变形的机理进行分析。然后,在正交试验设计的基础上,应用Moldflow软件模拟仿真获取数据,并进行方差分析,获得各工艺参数的显著性。为了进一步优化工艺参数,打破传统优化方法存在的局限,提出一种多域正交空间协同演进(MDOSE)的集成优化方法。最后,基于该方法优化某轿车薄壁件的翘曲变形,并将其应用于实际生产制造。结果 与初始试验方案相比,优化后制件z方向上的翘曲从1.022 mm降低到了0.085 7 mm,减小了91.6%,证实了MDOSE优化方法的有效性和实用性。结论 优化结果表明,MDOSE优化方法一定程度上解决了薄壁件的翘曲优化问题,改善了传统工艺优化方法的局限。机理分析和工艺方法为往后的薄壁注塑件的实际生产提供了一定的理论支撑。  相似文献   

Powder metal injection molding has been used for fabrication of near net shape parts from a number of ferrous alloys including carbonyl steels and stainless steels in the 3XX series and PH 17-4. However, no work has been performed to-date on the metal injection molding of PH 13-8 Mo. Because of a special application, this alloy was injection molded and debound using two different methods. Mechanical properties and micro structural analysis of PH 13-8 Mo parts formed using metal injection molding are presented. Differences in mechanical properties, heat treatment response, and microstructure were observed between the different methods used to make the parts.  相似文献   

通过凝胶注模与微波烧结方法制备多孔不锈钢,研究粉末固相含量对浆料和生坯性能的影响,比较冷冻干燥与传统干燥的效果,对比本文制备的多孔不锈钢与PM35多孔模具钢的内部孔隙与宏观性能,并将其用于注塑模型芯。实验结果表明:粉末固相含量为56%时,浆料流动性好,生坯强度高;与传统干燥方法相比,冷冻干燥后的生坯收缩更均匀,不易产生裂纹;与PM35多孔模具钢相比,本文制备的多孔不锈钢具有相近的孔隙形貌、孔隙率、平均孔径和透气率;利用多孔不锈钢型芯制作的注塑件表面粗糙度可达Ra1.1。凝胶注模与微波烧结法制备的多孔不锈钢可以很好地解决困气问题,同时保证注塑件的表面质量,简化模具结构,降低生产成本。  相似文献   

In this study,a few Fe-based amorphous matrix composite coatings reinforced with various portions(4,8 and16 vol.%) of 31 6L stainless steel powders have been successfully produced through high velocity oxy-fuel(HVOF) spraying.The microstructure of the composite coatings was systematically characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The main structure of composite coatings remained amorphous while 31 6L stainless steel splats were distributed homogeneously in the amorphous matrix and well connected with surrounding amorphous phase.Bonding strength of coatings to the substrate was determined by "pull-off" tensile tests.The results revealed that the31 6L stainless steel phase effectively improved the bonding strength of amorphous coatings,which is mainly contributed by the strong metallurgical bonding between stainless steel and amorphous splats.The addition of31 6L stainless steel also enhanced the ductility and fracture resistance of the coatings due to the ductile stainless steel phases,which can arrest crack propagation and increase energy dissipation.  相似文献   

主要研究聚丁烯对苯二甲酸酯(Polybutylene Terephthalate,PBT)/纳米黏土复合材料的传统注塑成型,以及以氮气(N2)作为发泡剂的微孔注射成型的加工质量。考虑了纳米颗粒尺寸、纳米材料含量、混炼螺杆转速对制品机械性能与热性能的影响。PBT/纳米黏土复合材料用双螺杆挤出机混炼方式制备,试片依据ASTM D638和D256标准进行了测试。根据实验结果,发现:传统注塑制品的拉伸强度,35μm纳米颗粒结果大于8μm的,且混炼中螺杆转速快,抗拉强度有升高的趋势。抗拉强度从纳米比例0~1.0%(wt)随着纳米比例含量增加而增强的趋势,纳米比例含量超过1.0%后,抗拉强度就有下降的趋势。通过热性能实验,发现加入适量的纳米黏土确能提高材料的热稳定性与结晶度,但是过量的黏土反而造成性能下降,与力学性能实验结果吻合。  相似文献   

基于单因素实验,研究工艺参数对不同厚度聚甲醛(POM)微注塑制品屈服应力、弹性模量、断裂强度和断裂伸长率等力学性能指标的影响,并基于制品形态结构分析工艺参数对制品力学性能的影响机理。实验结果表明,随着注射速度的增大,1.0mm厚微制品的皮层厚度减小,过渡层厚度增加,结晶度增大,综合效应使得屈服应力、断裂强度和弹性模量增大,断裂伸长率减小;0.2mm厚微制品的皮层厚度占主导地位,其力学性能是由皮层的力学性能决定,皮层厚度先增大后减小使得屈服应力、断裂强度和弹性模量先增大后减小,断裂伸长率先减小后增大。随着熔体温度的升高,1.0mm厚微制品的分子链取向度减小,皮层厚度减小,收缩量增大,使得屈服应力、断裂强度和弹性模量减小,断裂伸长率增大;而0.2mm厚微制品的皮层减小,但过渡层增加,结晶度增大,且补料更充分,综合作用使得屈服应力、断裂强度和弹性模量增大,断裂伸长率减小。随着模具温度的升高,1.0mm厚微制品的皮层比例减小,结晶度增大,结晶度影响占主导,使得屈服应力、断裂强度和弹性模量逐渐增大,断裂伸长率减小;而0.2mm厚微制品的皮层厚度占主导,皮层厚度明显减小使得屈服应力、断裂强度和弹性模量减小,断裂伸长率增大。  相似文献   

工艺参数对316不锈钢粉末激光烧结球化的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用直接金属激光烧结的方法,对316不锈钢粉末进行了一系列烧结实验.实验发现,在液相粘度较高、表面张力大,熔体材料不浸润固相颗粒和基板等因素的影响下,烧结过程中出现了球化现象.球化的出现妨碍了直接金属激光烧结成形的顺利进行.分析了316不锈钢粉末球化效应产生的原因,讨论了工艺参数(激光功率、扫描速度和粉层厚度)对316不锈钢金属粉末烧结成形的影响.研究表明,适当提高扫描速度或减小激光功率可以在一定程度上减小316不锈钢粉末激光烧结的球化效应.  相似文献   

以矩形聚丙烯(PP)/乙烯-辛烯共聚物(POE)共混制品为例,研究了注射成型工艺参数对结晶度的影响规律。通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)得到POE分散相含量,结合差示扫描量热仪(DSC)获得PP基体的绝对结晶度。实验结果表明,通常表层的结晶度最低,例外的是在最高注射速率条件下,表层内0.2 mm处结晶度最小;随保压压力增大结晶度减小;高的熔体温度会使剪切形成的晶核前驱(precursor)被重新融化,取向松弛,弱化充填中剪切诱导作用,造成结晶度减小;高的注射速率提高了充填结束后型腔内熔体温度,对结晶度的影响类似提高熔体温度;在低熔体温度和低注射速率条件下成型可获得高的结晶度。  相似文献   

An austenitic stainless steel 1Cr18Ni9Ti and a solid solution-strengthened Ni-base superalloy GH30 were shock processed using a Q-switched pulsed Nd-glass laser. Microstructure, hardness and residual stress of the laser shock processed surface were investigated as functions of laser processing parameters. Results show that high density of dislocations and fine deformation twins are produced in the laser shock processed surface layers in both the austenitic stainless steel and the nickel-base superalloy.Extensive strain-induced martensite was also observed in the laser shock processed zone of the austenitic steel. The hardness of the laser shock processed surface was significantly enhanced and compressive stress as high as 400 MPa was produced in the laser shock processed surface.  相似文献   

本文以高能球磨钨粉和高纯钨粉为原料,采用粉末注射成形技术成功制备出具有复杂形状的纯钨及添加稀土的钨零件。重点研究了注射成形工艺参数对其微观结构及其力学性能的影响规律。研究结果表明,以高能球磨后的钨粉和Y2O3为原料,采用注射成形工艺可制备出烧结密度为18.26g/cm^3,相对密度为94.61%的钨零件,较佳的工艺参数为:粉末装载量为52%,注射温度为165℃,注射压力为65MPa,烧结温度为2300℃。研究结果还表明:稀土元素氧化物的添加,可显著提高注射成形钨零件的烧结密度,明显细化烧结后样品的晶粒。这是由于稀土氧化物作为第二相粒子弥散分布于晶界处,阻碍了位错的运动和高温烧结时晶粒的长大。  相似文献   

刘莹  杨俊杰  易艳良  张治国  王小健  李卫  周圣丰 《材料导报》2021,35(23):23097-23105
各类公共卫生事件频发,催生了各类抗菌产品研发和应用.抗菌材料按原料来源分类包括无机抗菌材料、有机抗菌材料、天然抗菌材料和合成抗菌材料.不锈钢作为运用最广泛的无机金属材料之一,在抗菌材料的应用方面已取得阶段性进展.不锈钢获得抗菌性能的常规加工方法有两种,即表面改性和合金化处理.然而,表面型抗菌不锈钢经磨蚀后极易丧失抗菌效果,合金型抗菌不锈钢中抗菌离子利用率较低,这些都导致不锈钢的抗菌效果不理想.因此,研究者们除研究不同抗菌元素的抗菌机理外,还从提高抗菌不锈钢耐久性和抗菌效率方面进行了不同制备工艺的探索,扩大了抗菌不锈钢的使用范围.近年来,研究者们开发了多种抗菌不锈钢的制备工艺以提高其使用寿命和抗菌性能.通过沉积法、渗透法和喷涂法等方式将抗菌元素被添加到不锈钢表面,可使抗菌层厚度增加,抗菌效果更稳定;适量抗菌金属元素被添加到不锈钢中,经抗菌处理后这些抗菌金属元素能够不断地向介质中释放抗菌金属离子,使不锈钢的抗菌率大幅提高.此外,为了满足抗菌不锈钢在生物医学领域的使用需求,常在其表面引入羟基磷灰石、聚(L-丙交酯-己内酯)等生物相容性良好的物质,或采用先进的制备工艺控制有害金属离子的释放浓度,以实现抗菌性能和生物相容性的有机结合.本文综述了近10年国内外各种抗菌不锈钢的研究现状.介绍了表面改性抗菌不锈钢和合金型抗菌不锈钢的抗菌原理、特点与制造方法.此外,针对常规制造法存在制备周期较长、材料耗损较多、环境污染较严重等问题,本文结合增材制造技术的优势,试图寻找一种新型的抗菌不锈钢制备工艺,以其个性化定制、耗时短、精密加工等优势弥补上述缺点,并且介绍了增材制造抗菌材料在医疗卫生领域中的应用.  相似文献   

Several boiler superheater tubes showed circumferential cracking at weld seams after 2 years in noncontinuous service (several shutdowns). On-site inspection revealed that several tubes were cracked and leaked; while many others were cracked, however, the severity was less pronounced. Two types of superheater tubes samples were collected: one with butt-welded tubes and the other with fillet-welded sleeve. The latter was found to be out of the boiler fireplace, and the sleeve was used as tubing support to the boiler shell. Detailed investigation showed that the butt-welded tubes contained circumferential fatigue cracks that initiated from the internal surface. The cracks initiated in the heat-affected zone and propagated as a result of tube vibration. The variations in the tube internal diameter and tube wall thickness are expected to play a role in tube fatigue failure. On the other hand, tubes with fillet-weld sleeve showed circumferential cracking as a result of fatigue crack initiation from weld defects on the tube external surface. The high vibration during several unscheduled shutdowns in addition to several other factors such as variations in tube inside diameter, wall thickness, and weld defects resulted in the initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks and premature failure. White deposits, similar to those observed when boiler tubes failed by caustic exposure, were seen in the vicinity of the tube cracks. Therefore, it was difficult to confirm whether the boiler tubes failed because of the fatigue cracks or because of the caustic salts (pH control chemical).  相似文献   

This work presents friction hydro-pillar processing (FHPP) and tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding of SAF2205 duplex stainless steel. Weld microstructural and mechanical characterisation were carried out based on the standards (DNV-RP-F112 and DNV-OS-F101). Therefore, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction were used. In addition, mechanical properties were evaluated by microhardness measurements. Furthermore, the joining processes were thermodynamically simulated for confirmation of the expected phases in each welding method. It was possible to verify the phases developed after the experimental welding (FHPP and TIG) as well as the ones obtained in the thermodynamic analyses. Finally, it was noted that FHPP promoted mechanical and metallurgical features requested by the standards.  相似文献   

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