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Suggests that the study of cognitive processes can provide a conceptual base for community psychology. Community consultation is used as a vehicle to examine the utility of concepts drawn from cognitive psychology, cognitive social psychology, and studies of decision making. These concepts are related to 3 areas of focus in consultation: the relationship between consultants and the host group or constituency, intragroup processes, and relationships among segments of the community. (91 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three groups of alcoholic Ss (n?=?76) and one group of community nonalcoholic control subjects (n?=?36) were tested using a baseline battery of three clusters of neuropsychological tests measuring learning and memory, problem-solving, and perceptual-motor functioning. Alcoholics were divided into 3 groups: One group (n?=?25) received 12 hrs of memory training over the subsequent 2-wk period; a 2nd group (n?=?26) received a similar period of training in problem-solving techniques; and a 3rd group (n?=?25) received no training during the 2-wk period. Approximately 3 wks after the baseline testing, the same tests were readministered to the 3 groups. All 3 alcoholic groups performed significantly poorer than the control group on all 3 clusters of baseline tests but did not differ from each other on those clusters. At retest, the problem-solving group improved significantly more on the problem-solving tests than did the no-training group and manifested a trend to differ from the memory group but did not improve more than the other groups on memory or perceptual-motor tests. Although there was no overall differential improvement on memory tests by the memory-training group, younger Ss in that group improved significantly more than older Ss. This relation was not present in the other groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discusses how the massive scale and diversity of training needs in the military render it an enterprise that offers extensive opportunity for the application of cognitive science. Training in maintenance, in tactics, and in piloting or control of aircraft present several issues of interest to cognitive scientists. Four recently developed military training systems illustrate the potential for cognitive science to improve military training. These systems include a family of memorization games based on semantic networks; a simulator for steam propulsion plants with a graphic, schematic student interface; a system for training in problems of relative motion that provides explicit representations of spatial concepts and problem-solving procedures; and a method of building a new cognitive skill for air-intercept control based on principles for the development of automaticity. These systems illustrate the importance of making relevant knowledge concrete and explicit, of using problem-solving contexts for instruction in basic principles, and of careful management of information processing during learning. (28 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It has been well established that unequal air pressure across the tympanic membrane causes an increase in puretone thresholds. Very little information is available, however, concerning concommitant effects on reception and discrimination of speech material. This study was designed to determine whether or not further detrimental effects upon the communication process might occur in the form of decreased speech discrimination ability. The findings established that a high positive pressure in the external meatus can result in a deterioration of the individual's ability to discriminate speech sounds.  相似文献   

Evaluated the effects of problem-solving skills training (PSST) and parent management training (PMT) on 97 children (aged 7–13 yrs) referred for severe antisocial behavior. Children and families were assigned randomly to 1 of 3 conditions: PSST, PMT, or PSST and PMT combined. It was predicted that (1) each treatment would improve child functioning (reduce overall deviance and aggressive, antisocial, and delinquent behavior, and increase prosocial competence); and (2) PSST and PMT combined would lead to more marked, pervasive, and durable changes in child functioning and greater changes in parent functioning (parental stress, depression, and overall symptoms). Expectations were supported by results at posttreatment and 1-yr follow-up. PSST and PMT combined led to more marked changes in child and parent functioning and placed a greater proportion of youth within the range of nonclinic (normative) levels of functioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Used programmed instruction/testing to teach safety techniques to 192 high school students in driver education. The independent variable was training feedback/testing, which had 4 levels: (a) no test and no feedback; (b) test with an IBM answer format, but no item feedback; (c) test with a punchboard answer format and immediate individual item feedback; and (d) double testing with punchboard answer format and training feedback. Pressey punchboards provided the programmed testing training. This device registers a response and indicates the correctness of the choice immediately. If initially wrong, an S continued working until that item was correct. Separate ANOVAs were done for (a) number of driving accidents, and (b) moving violations year by year in the 3 yrs following training. For the 1st yr only, the punchboard-twice drivers had one-fourth the accidents of the no-test control drivers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discusses the impact of a therapeutic community on the training psychotherapist and indicates potential difficulties in working with psychotic patients in a setting that demands personal vulnerability and that may reawaken the therapist's yearnings for communal participation and belonging. The psychotherapist may develop a communal transference as a result of his/her repressed communal object-hunger. The "mad psychotherapist" "Dr. Doctor," and the "nag therapist" characterize defensive postures taken by psychotherapists dealing with the stress of treating psychotic patients in a therapeutic community. As a result of their communal participation, therapists have the opportunity to work through this transference which then enhances their psychotherapeutic efforts. The psychotherapist further matures when toward the end of training, he/she confronts the social reality of the patients' continued hospitalization. The therapist's role in assisting the social rehabilitation of his/her patients is discussed. (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

目的:探讨社区护士岗位培训中社区实践的教学措施.方法:根据卫生部<社区护士岗位培训大纲>及实践培训基地具体情况制定培训方案,深入社区、家庭实地教学,从社区护理的特点出发进行相关技能的培训和考核.结果:能提高社区护士的综合能力、满足工作需要.  相似文献   

Combining a non-comparative with a comparative evaluation, two modern programs for fostering inductive reasoning, namely the German version of the "Cognitive training for children" by Klauer and Phye (1994; Klauer 1989), and the "DenkMit" by Sydow and Meincke (1994), are compared to each other and to a control program which intends to enhance aspects of memory instead of inductive reasoning. The programs were performed with N = 49 children between six and eight years who had been postponed from regular school because of various reasons or who had been selected as especially in need for particular interventions from first classes. Besides the psychometric test often used for assessing inductive reasoning, i.e. three subtests of the German form of the Culture Fair Test by Cattell (Weiss a. Osterland 1980), tasks of concept formation were applied for assessing changes in strategic behavior of children--a type of task which has been used in connection with inductive reasoning since many years. Counter to expectations, the children whose memory was trained, showed changes in performance in the psychometric test in a similar size as the children whose inductive reasoning was trained. These effects are interpreted in terms of special attention directed to the children during the intervention situation. Moreover, it was found that despite the authors claim to the opposite the DenkMit did not cause any changes in visual perception. In contrast to the author's intentions, the "Cognitive Training for Children" did cause some substantive changes in the area of visual perception. The pattern of results with the concept formation tasks, however, overall indicates that the reasoning programs caused some changes in strategic behaviors of the children. Although these changes are not very impressive, they cannot be attributed to extraneous factors such as special attention.  相似文献   

The training and employment of master's-level psychologists have long been controversial issues. We describe a master's-level program for training community mental health practitioners, and we present information on the placement of program graduates. The information suggests that there continues to be a demand for well-trained, master's-level practitioners. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"In this paper we will review some of the basic principles which seem to underlie the training of psychologists for professional careers in the field of mental health, examine these principles in relation to the developments that have occurred in this field since World War II, explore the implications of these factors for graduate training in psychology in general and clinical psychology in particular, and describe a training program in which we are attempting to apply these principles." The program at the University of Nebraska "has developed over the last 13 years." In it there has been a shift from "teaching psychological tests to teaching the use of psychologist tests as an aid to understanding people's problems." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper presents three case studies of Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) for defining systems design and training requirements. The approach taken involves a modification of the critical decision method of Klein et al. The authors utilized the revised CDM to obtain information from expert white-water rafting guides, general aviation pilots, and emergency ambulance dispatchers. The information obtained was used to develop multi-media tools for training rafting guides and general aviation pilots, and to redesign the VDU display requirements for the ambulance dispatchers. The examples demonstrate the utility of an approach to CTA that is closely based on relevant theory, and provides guidance to practitioners wishing to apply CTA techniques.  相似文献   

Discusses reasons why police and community relations can become a focal point for friction and lead to violent explosions. A series of human relations training laboratories was devised, each lasting 6 wk. and accommodating 200 police officers for each series. A corresponding number of community members, especially representatives of minority and dissident groups, was recruited for these same sessions. Summaries of attitude change effected by the program and of suggestions for improving police-community relations are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The elaboration of new mortality tables by the Swiss statistical office has allowed to estimate the impact of different pathology or risk factors on the average life duration of the resident population in Switzerland. Thus, attributable death of the smoking habits have for effect to decrease the life expectancy of swiss citizens of 2.9 years for men and 0.7 years for women, for the period 1988/1993. The calculation of mortality rates attributable to this factor of risk shows nevertheless that the risk of death has decreased since the end of years 1960 for all quinquennial age groups between 35 and 74 years. The smoking habits would be responsible of approximately 16% of deaths observed in the swiss population and 20% of premature deaths (between 25 and 64 years). The present analysis shows furthermore that different evolutions of the mortality associated with the smoking habits characterize men and women.  相似文献   

Six patients presented with either entrapped fourth ventricles or noncommunicating cerebrospinal fluid collections of the posterior fossa requiring drainage. These collections were treated with shunt systems whose proximal catheter was placed into the fourth ventricle via a coronal burr hole using an endoscope guided by Eleckta's ISG Viewing Wand. The technique and its advantages are described as are the complications and early outcomes.  相似文献   

We surveyed the graduate training and employment experiences of 177 current students and 152 recent graduates from 39 psychology programs. Of interest were differences among applied social, community and community-clinical programs. Results suggested that these training programs represented a continuum of research, community, and clinical interests. Applied social and community programs had a stronger community and research emphasis, whereas community-clinical programs had a stronger orientation toward clinical skills. Similarly, the job skills used by recent graduates suggested that persons from applied social programs went into administrative and organizational consulting jobs, graduates of community-clinical programs were employed in areas demanding more human services skills, and community graduates found jobs requiring the use of research skills. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A six-month pharmacy technician training program at a community college is discussed. Establishment of the program, recruitment and screening of applicants, and the curriculum are described. Also discussed are the advantages of community college training, the program's pharmacist advisory committee, contracts with hospitals that provide practical experience, reaction of state pharmacy organizations to the program, and the employment record of graduates. It is suggested that short, effective pharmacy technician training programs should be established in community colleges to supply high quality supportive personnel to hospital pharmacies. A national testing and certification program for pharmacy technicians is recommended.  相似文献   

The future of professional psychology may well rest on psychology training programs successfully defending their existence in purely monetary terms. This article examines the effectiveness of the training program of an urban mental health center that includes an American Psychological Association-accredited psychology internship. The training program was found to produce net revenues for the facility and to meet the training needs of its participants. Variables related to producing a cost effective psychology training program are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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