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Emotional states might selectively modulate components of cognitive control. To test this hypothesis, the author randomly assigned 152 undergraduates (equal numbers of men and women) to watch short videos intended to induce emotional states (approach, neutral, or withdrawal). Each video was followed by a computerized 2-back working memory task (spatial or verbal, equated for difficulty and appearance). Spatial 2-back performance was enhanced by a withdrawal state and impaired by an approach state; the opposite pattern held for verbal performance. The double dissociation held more strongly for participants who made more errors than average across conditions. The results suggest that approach–withdrawal states can have selective influences on components of cognitive control, possibly on a hemispheric basis. They support and extend several frameworks for conceptualizing emotion–cognition interactions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The functional characteristics of auditory temporal-spatial short-term memory were explored in 8 experiments in which the to-be-remembered stimuli were sequences of bursts of white noise presented in spatial locations separated in azimuth. Primacy and recency effects were observed in all experiments. A 10-s delay impaired recall for primacy and middle list items but not recency. This effect was shown not to depend on the response modality or on the incidence of omissions or repetitions. Verbal and nonverbal secondary tasks did not affect memory for auditory spatial sounds. Temporal errors rather than spatial errors predominated, suggesting that participants were engaged in a process of maintaining order. This pattern of results may reflect characteristics that serial recall has in common with verbal and spatial recall, but some are unique to the representation of memory for temporal-spatial auditory events. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Validity and reliability coefficients and standard errors of measurement for 2 7-subtest short forms (SF) of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS–III; D. Wechsler, 1997) are provided. Data for the study were obtained from the WAIS-III—WMS-III Technical Manual and were based on the 2,450 adolescents and adults in the WAIS–III standardization sample. SF1 consists of Information, Digit Span, Arithmetic. Similarities, Picture Completion, Block Design, and Digit Symbol-Coding. SF2 uses the same subtest combination, except matrix Reasoning is substituted for Block Design. For the 13 age groups in the standardization sample, the 2 short forms have impressively high validity and reliability, and small standard errors of measurement. Whenever a short form IQ is used. it is recommended that the examiner append the abbreviation Est next to the value. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ammonia (NH3) has an important use in the chemical industry and is widely found in industrial wastewater. For this investigation of copper-based rare earth composite metal materials, aqueous solutions containing 400 mg/L of ammonia were oxidized in a batch-bed reac-tor with a catalyst prepared by the co-precipitation of copper nitrate, lanthanum nitrate and cerium nitrate. Barely any of the dissolved ammo-nia was removed by wet oxidation without a catalyst, but about 88% of the ammonia was reduced during we...  相似文献   

This prospective, intergenerational study considered multiple influences on 102 fathers’ constructive parenting of 181 children. Fathers in the 2nd generation (G2) were recruited as boys on the basis of neighborhood risk for delinquency and assessed through early adulthood. The fathers’ parents (G1) and the G2 mothers of G3 also participated. A multiagent, multimethod approach was used to measure G1 and G2 constructive parenting (monitoring, discipline, warmth, and involvement), G2 positive adolescent adjustment, and problem behavior in all 3 generations, including G3 difficult temperament and externalizing problems in early and middle childhood, respectively. Path modeling supported direct transmission of G1 constructive parenting of G2 in late childhood to G2 constructive parenting of G3 in middle childhood. Of note, G1 parenting indirectly influenced G2 parenting through G2 positive adjustment but not through G2 adolescent antisocial behavior. G1 parenting influenced G2 parenting in both early and middle childhood of G3. G2 parenting influenced G3 problem behavior but not vice versa. Intergenerational continuities in parenting persisted, even when additional influences were considered. Transmission pathways are not limited to life-course adversity. Rather, constructive parenting is maintained, in part, by engendering positive adjustment in offspring. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Effects of interest–major congruence, motivation, and academic performance on timely degree attainment" by Jeff Allen and Steve Robbins (Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2010[Jan], Vol 57[1], 23-35). The link to the supplemental material was incorrect. The correct link is provided in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2010-00483-007.) Using longitudinal student data from 15 four-year (n = 3,072) and 13 (n = 788) two-year postsecondary institutions, the authors tested the effects of interest–major congruence, motivation, and 1st-year academic performance on timely degree completion. Findings suggest that interest–major congruence has a direct effect on timely degree completion at both institutional settings and that motivation has indirect effects (via 1st-year academic performance). The total effects of both interest–major congruence and motivation on timely degree completion underscore the importance of both constructs in understanding student adjustment and postsecondary success. Implications for theory and counseling practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The role of conformity to dominant U.S. masculine norms as an antecedent to help-seeking attitudes in men has been established using convenience samples made up largely of college-age and European American males. However, the role of conformity to masculine norms on help-seeking attitudes for noncollege-age men or for men from diverse backgrounds is not well understood. To fill this gap in the literature, the present study examined the cross-cultural relevance of a mediational model of the relationships between conformity to dominant U.S. masculine norms and attitudes toward counseling through the mediator of self-stigma of seeking counseling for 4,773 men from both majority and nonmajority populations (race/ethnicity and sexual orientation). Structural equation modeling results showed that the model established using college males from majority groups (European American, heterosexual) may be applicable to a community sample of males from differing racial/ethnic groups and sexual orientations. However, some important differences in the presence and strengths of the relationships between conformity to dominant masculine norms and the other variables in the model were present across different racial/ethnic groups and sexual orientations. These findings suggest the need to pay specific theoretical and clinical attention to how conformity to dominant masculine norms and self-stigma are linked to unfavorable attitudes toward help seeking for these men, in order to encourage underserved men's help-seeking behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

As the infant mental health field has turned its focus to the presentation, course, and treatment of clinically significant mental health disorders, the need for reliable and valid criteria for identifying and assessing mental health symptoms and disorders in early childhood has become urgent. In this article we offer a critical perspective on diagnostic classification of mental health disorders in young children. We place the issue of early childhood diagnosis within the context of classification of psychopathology at other ages and describe, in some detail, diagnostic classifications that have been developed specifically for young children, including the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (DC:0–3R; ZERO TO THREE, 2005), a diagnostic classification for mental health symptoms and disorders in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. We briefly outline the role of diagnostic classification in clinical assessment and treatment planning. Last, we review the limitations of current approaches to the diagnostic classification of mental health disorders in young children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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