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The paper presents exact results for the average customer waiting and sojourn times in Markovian systems comprising a number of finite-capacity queues cyclically attended by several servers. The system behaviour is described using generalized stochastic Petri nets (GSPN), and the performance indices are obtained numerically by means of GreatSPN, the software tool for the analysis of GSPN. The average waiting and sojourn times of customers in Markovian multiserver multiqueue systems are computed exactly in this paper for the first time: they were previously estimated for similar systems by other authors only through approximate models.  相似文献   

Deadlock avoidance problems are investigated for automated manufacturing systems with flexible routings. Based on the Petri net models of the systems, this paper proposes, for the first time, the concept of perfect maximal resource-transition circuits and their saturated states. The concept facilitates the development of system liveness characterization and deadlock avoidance Petri net supervisors. Deadlock is characterized as some perfect maximal resource-transition circuits reaching their saturated states. For a large class of manufacturing systems, which do not contain center resources, the optimal deadlock avoidance Petri net supervisors are presented. For a general manufacturing system, a method is proposed for reducing the system Petri net model so that the reduced model does not contain center resources and, hence, has optimal deadlock avoidance Petri net supervisor. The controlled reduced Petri net model can then be used as the liveness supervisor of the system.  相似文献   

Deadlock avoidance problems are investigated for automated manufacturing systems with flexible routings. Based on the Petri net models of the systems, this paper proposes, for the first time, the concept of perfect maximal resourcetransition circuits and their saturated states. The concept facilities the development of system liveness characterization and deadlock avoidance Petri net supervisors. Deadlock is characterized as some perfect maximal resource-transition circuits reach their saturated states. For a large class of manufacturing systems, which do not contain center resources, the optimal deadlock avoidance Petri net supervisors are presented. For an general manufacturing system, a method is proposed for reducing the system Petri net model so that the reduced model does not contain center resources and, hence, has optimal deadlock avoidance Petri net supervisor. The controlled reduced Petri net model can then be used as the liveness supervisor of the system.  相似文献   

Multi-agent systems for manufacturing systems appear to provide adequate response to abrupt disturbances on the shop floor. To date, most of the work has been focused on planning and scheduling but very little work has been done on issues pertaining to monitoring, diagnostics and error recovery. Our approach addresses the issue of combining the discipline of hierarchical systems with the agility of multi-agent systems. Within the context of a hierarchy, the focus is on the workstation level and, in particular, the construction of a re-configurable system having production agents, error recovery agents, and a mediator agent structure connecting production and recovery agent hierarchies. In addition, the relationship to a multi-level, multi-layer hierarchy control is established. This latter hierarchy, based on Petri Net constructs, serves, in one sense, as a retrieval based resource for process planning and generation of recovery plans for production and recovery agents within the proposed multi-agent system. An objective of this effort is to provide a test-bed for comparison of hierarchical systems, heterarchical, and a hybrid combination which is the focus of the investigation presented here.  相似文献   

Optimization is a key issue in the design of large manufacturing systems. An adequate modeling formalism to express the intricate interleaving of competition and cooperation relationships is needed first. Moreover, robust and efficient optimization techniques are necessary. This paper presents an integrated tool for the automated optimization of DEDS, with application to manufacturing systems. After a very quick overview of optimization problems in manufacturing systems, it presents the integration of two existing tools for the modeling and evaluation with Petri nets and a general-purpose optimization package based on simulated annealing. The consideration of a cache and a two phase technique for optimization allows to speed-up the optimization by a factor of about 35. During the first preoptimization phase, a rough approximation of the optimal parameter set is computed based on performance bounds. Two application examples show the benefits of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

Petri Nets have essential strengths in capturing a system's static structure and dynamics, its mathematical underpinning, and providing a graphical representation. However, visual simulation models of realistic systems based on Petri Nets are often perceived as too large and too complex to be easily understood. This constrains stakeholders in participating in such modeling and solution finding, and limits acceptance. We address this issue by considering a structured approach for guiding the analyst in creating more insightful models. Key elements are a domain-related reference architecture that supports conceptual modeling coupled with uniform rules for mapping high-level concepts onto low-level Petri Net components. The proposed approach is implemented and illustrated in the manufacturing domain.  相似文献   

Automated production systems, known as Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS), offer a promising solution for the low productivity of mid-volume, mid-variety batch production. These systems consist of integrated machine modules and material handling equipment under computer control.This paper describes a general purpose discrete-event Flexible Manufacturing Systems Simulator (FMSSIM). The package is programmed in FORTRAN and is capable of simulating different configurations, material handling systems, and topologies including bidirectional tracks. The simulator checks blockage of routes due to interference of carts and simulates random failures and repairs of the various components in the system. The simulator provides the user with a wide range of priority rules to select from, and enables the user to define his own rules if required. The simulator produces reports on various vital system performance statistics and also displays the movement of parts through the system on a refreshed CRT. This simulator is a modular, user-oriented package which allows the designer to evaluate a wide range of systems with varied design parameters and select an efficient flexible manufacturing system. Some general trends in the behaviour of the flexible manufacturing systems are identified and guidelines for their design and operation are suggested.  相似文献   

The introduction of Computerized Manufacturing Systems (CMS) into the mid-volume manufacturing industry has been an important new step in the development of automated manufacturing. CMS's are computer-integrated systems which incorporate Direct Numerical Control (DNC) capabilities with automatic material handling to manufacture parts. Due to its complex nature, the task of production control in an CMS cannot rely on human effort alone. It is essential to develop a software package in the form of a Production Decision Support System (PDSS) to assist the production decision maker in operating this complex manufacturing facility.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to develop a general design and performance evaluation model for the system designers in the initial design phase of the integrated manufacturing system based on the RAM(Reliability, Availability and Maintainability) and life cycle cost(LCC). The methodology proposed in this research includes the following three-step generative approach. First, a deterministic approach to find the optimal system configuration for the initial system configuration is considered under the assumption that the system availability is one(no failure and maintenance), and in second step a stochastic simulation model based on RAM and LCC is developed. Using the results of this two-stage simulation, a system performance index(SPI) was developed for the performance evaluation of the system. In the last step we developed a simulation model using FACTOR/AIM to consider a variety of performance factors and compared the results through a sample example.  相似文献   

In this report, the different flexible manufacturing systems used for machining and assembling in the following countries are reviewed: the United States, Japan, the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic, Italy, Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, France, Czechoslovakia and Hungary.Three categories of systems discussed are (1) flexible modules and units, (2) flexible transfer lines, and (3) “unaligned” flexible systems. Within each category are several sub-groups, divided up mainly according to the conveyor system and operating mode. This classification shows the effective French position in this field.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical developments in queuing theory have made multiclass queuing network models a viable alternative to established simulation methods for the analysis of dynamic systems. Computer software is required to describe and solve such network models. This paper describes a language which provides the human interface to a particular multiclass queuing network modelling package. The discussion is illustrated with an example from the language and concludes with suggestions for improvements.  相似文献   

The design process of automated manufacturing systems typically involves physical prototypes to validate the interactions between hardware and software components. However, physical prototyping is expensive and time consuming, which often leads to insufficient opportunities for testing early during the development cycle. Our objective is to improve this situation by providing a method to develop realistic prototypes using virtual reality technology that can be applied during earlier development stages. Our approach combines a virtual reality engine capable of enacting the laws of rigid body physics with a new hybrid software modelling language to control the simulated hardware using virtual sensors and actuators as they would be present in a physical prototype. The new modelling language is called Geometry-driven Petri nets (GPN) and combines a class of timed, high-level Petri nets with data structures used in state-of-the-art VR environments. This article describes the new GPN approach, applies it to a case study of an automated manufacturing line, and compares it with related approaches.  相似文献   

We present a unified framework which suffices to represent and manipulate physical objects and their relevant relations interactively in the context of modeling, simulating and explaining engineering systems, and which is demonstrated by an example of modeling river networks--environmental engineering systems[9].  相似文献   

A key issue emerging from the unified automated material handling systems (UAMHSs) in 300 mm wafer fabrications is the system deadlock. This paper addresses the deadlock recovery strategy of unified automated material handling systems (UAMHSs) with limited buffers. A formal model for UAMHSs deadlock detection is proposed. Sufficient conditions for system deadlocks based on actual UAMHS characteristics are defined along with a novel deadlock recovery strategy. Moreover, an effective heuristic algorithm is proposed for parallel resolving UAMHS deadlocks. The performances are evaluated in simulation by monitoring indexes reflecting efficiency of the material handling system. Results of the simulation experiments show that the novel deadlock recovery strategy is superior to the benchmark strategy in reducing deadlock time and improving tools’ utilization. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm features real-time operation and large scale cases, and is suitable for practical applications.  相似文献   

In this paper the performability analysis of fault-tolerant computer systems using a hierarchical decomposition technique is presented. A special class of queueing network (QN) models, the so-called BCMP [4], and generalized stochastic Petri nets (GSPN) [1] which are often used to separately model performance and reliability respectively, have been combined in order to preserve the best modelling features of both.

A conceptual model is decomposed into GSPN and BCMP submodels, which are solved in isolation. Then, the remaining GSPN portion of the model is aggregated with flow-equivalents of BCMP models, in order to compute performability measures. The substitutes of BCMP models are presented by means of simple GSPN constructs, thereby preserving the 1st and 2nd moments of the throughput. A simple example of a data communication system where failed transmissions are corrected, is presented.  相似文献   

In recent years there have been rapid developments in both manufacturing and information technologies and their systems. Advances have occured so rapidly that often the results has been “islands” of automation and information subsystems, such as CAD/CAM, robotics, group technology, and office automation. Some recent developments, however, provide capabilities for integrating these “islands” into systems which both improve manufacturing productivity and produce more meaningful management information. Integrated systems seem imminent. Suggestions that could help ensure a smooth evolution toward these systems are made and some conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   

A method is described for measuring the performance sensitivity variable S = (?T) (μT) when T is a mean response time and μ is the processing rate of one device in a computer system, or one server in a closed or partly open queuing network. The derivative is with respect to a hypothetical change in μ, in a system operating on the identical job sequence. The measurement method is basically an algorithm for reducing operating data, and can be applied to statistically nonstationary systems, for which repeated experiments are difficult to interpret. No previous work on these lines is known to the author. The paper introduces the derivative ?T, shows it exists and describes an algorithm to obtain it; demonstrates it on simulated data; describes and tests an approximation, and briefly investigates the sampling error of S. The measured values show insignificant bias and are close to expected theoretical values computed from analytic queuing models.  相似文献   

本文提出了用广义随机Petri网理论对计算机网络进行性能指标评估建模的具体规则,并给出了其相应的广义随机Petri网图,导出了依据广义随机Petri网模型(GSPN)对计算机网络中几个主要性能指标直接进行计算的方程,克服了以往在建模过程中的盲目性和无规则性.提出了从广义随机Petri网建模到进行计算机网性能指标计算的一系列方法.这些方法可有效地完成对计算机网络的建模和性能指标的计算,对分析和设计计算机网络具有普遍的指导意义.  相似文献   

Petri网与优化算法结合求解FMS调度研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Petri网是基于图形的强有力的建模工具,被用于柔性制造系统调度问题的研究,然而,搜索整个可达树寻找最优调度方案是一个指数倍复杂的问题,由此人们想到利用人工智能算法搜索可达树的一部分获得近优解。该方法被认为是求解调度问题的极具前途的解决方案。从上世纪90年代初期以来,人们对此作了一些卓有成效的研究,对这些研究进行归纳总结,为采用该方法求解调度优化问题的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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