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Multiple seam interactions are a major source of ground instability in several U.S. coalfields. Empirical methods are well suited for this problem, because while the mechanics multiple seam interactions are very complex and poorly understood, many mining case histories are available for analysis. This study makes use of an updated database that includes 356 multiseam case histories, including 67 unsuccessful designs. The paper describes in detail the process used to design the study, collect the data, conduct the statistical analysis, and develop the quantitative model. The model can be used for mine planning in multiple seam situations, and has been made available as a module within the Analysis of Coal Pillar Stability(ACPS) computer program.  相似文献   

The method of determining coal pillar strength equations from databases of stable and failed case histories is more than 50 years old and has been applied in different countries by different researchers in a range of mining situations. While common wisdom sensibly limits the use of the resultant pillar strength equations and methods to design scenarios that are consistent with the founding database, there are a number of examples where failures have occurred as a direct result of applying empirical design methods to coal pillar design problems that are inconsistent with the founding database. This paper explores the reasons why empirically derived coal pillar strength equations tend to be problem-specific and should be considered as providing no more than a pillar strength ‘‘index." These include the non-consideration of overburden horizontal stress within the mine stability problem, an inadequate definition of supercritical overburden behavior as it applies to standing coal pillars, and the non-consideration of overburden displacement and coal pillar strain limits. All of which combine to potentially complicate and confuse the back-analysis of coal pillar strength from failed cases. A modified coal pillar design representation and model are presented based on coal pillars acting to reinforce a horizontally stressed overburden, rather than suspend an otherwise unstable self-loaded overburden or section, the latter having been at the core of historical empirical studies into coal pillar strength and stability.  相似文献   

With the depletion of easily minable coal seams, less favorable reserves under adverse conditions have to be mined out to meet the market demand. Due to some historical reasons, large amount of remnant coal was left unrecovered. One such case history occurred with the remnant rectangular stripe coal pillars using partial extraction method at Guandi Mine, Shanxi Province, China. The challenge that the coal mine was facing was that there is an ultra-close coal seam right under it with an only 0.8–1.5 m sandstone dirt band in between. The simulation study was carried out to investigate the simultaneous recovery of upper remnant coal pillars while mining the ultra-close lower panel using longwall top coal caving(LTCC). The remnant coal pillar was induced to cave in as top coal in LTCC system. Physical modelling shows that the coal pillars are the abutments of the stress arch structure formed within the overburden strata. The stability of overhanging roof strata highly depends on the stability of the remnant coal pillars. And the gob development(roof strata cave-in) is intermittent with the cave-in of these coal pillars and the sandstone dirt band. FLAC3 D numerical modelling shows that the multi-seam interaction has a significant influence on mining-induced stress environment for mining of lower panels. The pattern of the stress evolution on the coal pillars with the advance of the lower working face was found. It is demonstrated that the stress relief of a remnant coal pillar enhances the caveability of the pillars and sandstone dirt band below.  相似文献   

Many states rely upon the Pennsylvania 1957 Gas Well Pillar Study to evaluate the coal barrier surrounding gas wells. The study included 77 gas well failure cases that occurred in the Pittsburgh and Freeport coal seams over a 25-year span. At the time, coal was mined using the room-and-pillar mining method with full or partial pillar recovery, and square or rectangle pillars surrounding the gas wells were left to protect the wells. The study provided guidelines for pillar sizes under different overburden depths up to213 m(700 ft). The 1957 study has also been used to determine gas well pillar sizes in longwall mines since longwall mining began in the 1970 s. The original study was developed for room-and-pillar mining and could be applied to gas wells in longwall chain pillars under shallow cover. However, under deep cover, severe deformations in gas wells have occurred in longwall chain pillars. Presently, with a better understanding of coal pillar mechanics, new insight into subsidence movements induced by retreat mining, and advances in numerical modeling, it has become both critically important and feasible to evaluate the adequacy of the 1957 study for longwall gas well pillars. In this paper, the data from the 1957 study is analyzed from a new perspective by considering various factors, including overburden depth, failure location, failure time, pillar safety factor(SF), and floor pressure. The pillar SF and floor pressure are calculated by considering abutment pressure induced by full pillar recovery. A statistical analysis is performed to find correlations between various factors and helps identify the most significant factors for the stability of gas wells influenced by retreat mining. Through analyzing the data from the 1957 study, the guidelines for gas well pillars in the 1957 study are evaluated for their adequacy for roomand-pillar mining and their applicability to longwall mining. Numerical modeling is used to model the stability of gas wells by quantifying the mining-induced stresses in gas well casings. Results of this study indicate that the guidelines in the 1957 study may be appropriate for pillars protecting conventional gas wells in both room-and-pillar mining and longwall mining under overburden depths up to 213 m(700 ft),but may not be sufficient for protective pillars under deep cover. The current evaluation of the 1957 study provides not only insights about potential gas well failures caused by retreat mining but also implications for what critical considerations should be taken into account to protect gas wells in longwall mining.  相似文献   

‘‘Web ground control"(web GC) provides users with instantaneous access to mine design applications anywhere, at any time, through a web browser.Utilizing a web-based multiple-tier architecture, users are able to easily access ground control designs, perform on-demand calculations in the field, as well as facilitate project collaborations across multiple users, devices, and operating systems.Currently, the web GC platform contains five ground control related design applications previously developed and distributed by the US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH), that is, analysis of roof bolt stability(ARBS), analysis of longwall pillar stability(ALPS), analysis of retreat mining stability(ARMPS), analysis of retreat mining stability–highwall mining(ARMPS-HWM), and analysis of horizontal stress in mining(AHSM).With respect to design decisions made by the web GC development team, the web GC platform will be able to further integrate future mine design applications providing the mining industry with one of a kind umbrella suite of ground control related software available at ones fingertips.The following paper provides a detailed overview on the current state of the web GC platform with discussions ranging from back-end database development and design to the front-end user-platform interface.Based on current progress in platform development as well as beta testing results, the web GC platform is scheduled for release in the fall of 2018.  相似文献   

Room-and-pillar mining with pillar recovery has historically been associated with more than 25% of all ground fall fatalities in underground coal mines in the United States.The risk of ground falls during pillar recovery increases in multiple-seam mining conditions.The hazards associated with pillar recovery in multiple-seam mining include roof cutters, roof falls, rib rolls, coal outbursts, and floor heave.When pillar recovery is planned in multiple seams, it is critical to properly design the mining sequence and panel layout to minimize potential seam interaction.This paper addresses geotechnical considerations for concurrent pillar recovery in two coal seams with 21 m of interburden under about 305 m of depth of cover.The study finds that, for interburden thickness of 21 m, the multiple-seam mining influence zone in the lower seam is directly under the barrier pillar within about 30 m from the gob edge of the upper seam.The peak stress in the interburden transfers down at an angle of approximately 20°away from the gob, and the entries and crosscuts in the influence zone are subjected to elevated stress during development and retreat.The study also suggests that, for full pillar recovery in close-distance multiple-seam scenarios,it is optimal to superimpose the gobs in both seams, but it is not necessary to superimpose the pillars.If the entries and/or crosscuts in the lower seam are developed outside the gob line of the upper seam,additional roof and rib support needs to be considered to account for the elevated stress in the multiple-seam influence zone.  相似文献   

Two miners were fatally injured when a pillar bump occurred during retreat mining in a southern West Virginia coal mine. The mine was operating in the Eagle seam with overmining in the No. 2 Gas and Powellton seams. A coal bump is defined as a sudden and violent failure of coal caused by the release of stored strain energy in the pillar. While significant strides have been made by academia, industry,and regulatory agencies to better understand bump conditions and mitigation techniques, coal bumps represent a long standing, highly site-specific engineering problem in which the exact failure mechanism is not clearly understood. In this case history, a cut-by-cut analysis of retreat mining operations was conducted on the 4 East Main leading up to the pillar bump event. Numerical input parameters were derived from site-specific geologic information and mine geometry for the analysis of pillar stress conditions and energy release using LaModel. An overview of stress conditions in the panel was presented including a precursor event that occurred two crosscuts inby the bump site. The methodology presented in the paper for the evaluation of the fatal bump event can be used for the identification of bump prone conditions prior to development and retreat of a mining area.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a comprehensive study conducted by CONSOL Energy, Marcellus Shale Coalition, and Pennsylvania Coal Association to evaluate the effects of longwall-induced subsurface deformations on the mechanical integrity of shale gas wells drilled over a longwall abutment pillar.The primary objective is to demonstrate that a properly constructed gas well in a standard longwall abutment pillar can maintain mechanical integrity during and after mining operations. A study site was selected over a southwestern Pennsylvania coal mine, which extracts 457-m-wide longwall faces under about 183 m of cover. Four test wells and four monitoring wells were drilled and installed over a 38-m by84-m centers abutment pillar. In addition to the test wells and monitoring wells, surface subsidence measurements and underground coal pillar pressure measurements were conducted as the 457-m-wide longwall panels on the south and north sides of the abutment pillar were mined by. To evaluate the resulting coal protection casing profile and lateral displacement, three separate 60-arm caliper surveys were conducted. This research represents a very important step and initiative to utilize the knowledge and science obtained from mining research to improve miner and public safety as well as the safety and health of the oil and gas industries.  相似文献   

Longwall mining has existed in Utah for more than half a century. Much of this mining occurred at depths of cover that significantly exceed those encountered by most other US longwall operations. Deep cover causes high ground stress, which can combine with geology to create a coal burst hazard. Nearly every longwall mine operating within the Utah's Book Cliffs coalfield has been affected by coal bursts. Pillar design has been a key component in the burst control strategies employed by mines in the Book Cliffs.Historically, most longwall mines employed double-use two-entry yield pillar gates. Double-use signifies that the gate system serves first as the headgate, and then later serves as the tailgate for the adjacent panel. After the 1996 burst fatality at the Aberdeen Mine, the inter-panel barrier design was introduced.In this layout, a wide barrier pillar protects each longwall panel from the previously mined panel, and each gate system is used just once. This paper documents the deep cover longwall mining conducted with each type of pillar design, together with the associated coal burst experience. Each of the six longwall mining complexes in the Book Cliffs having a coal burst history is described on a panel-by-panel basis.The analysis shows that where the mining depth exceeded 450 m, each design has been employed for about 38000 total m of longwall panel extraction. The double-use yield pillar design has been used primarily at depths less than 600 m, however, while the inter-panel barrier design has been used mainly at depths exceeding 600 m. Despite its greater depth of use, the inter-panel barrier gate design has been associated with about one-third as much face region burst activity as the double-use yield pillar design.  相似文献   

The case study describes longwall coal seam A in a hard coal mine, where longwall coal face stability loss and periodic roof fall occurrences had been registered. The authors have attempted to explain the situation based on in-situ measurements and observations of the longwall working as well as numerical simulation. The calculations included several parameters, such as powered roof support geometry in the form of the canopy ratio, which is a factor that influences load distribution along the canopy.Numerical simulations were realized based on a rock mass model representing realistic mining and geological conditions at a depth of 600 m below surface for coal seam A. Numerical model assumptions are described, while the obtained results were compared with the in-situ measurements. The conclusions drawn from this work can complement engineering knowledge utilized at the stage of powered roof support construction and selection in order to improve both personnel safety and longwall working stability,and to achieve better extraction.  相似文献   

Coal bursts are typically associated with highly stressed coal.Most bursts occur during retreat mining(longwall mining or pillar recovery) in highly stressed locations like the tailgate corner of the longwall panel.Others are associated with multiple seam interactions.However, a small but significant percentage of coal bursts have occurred during development or in outby locations unaffected by active mining.Most development bursts have been relatively small, but some have been highly destructive.No theory of coal bursts can be complete if it does not account for this type of event.This paper focusses on the development mining coal burst experience in the US, putting it into the context of the entire US coal burst database.The first documented development coal burst occurred almost exactly 100 years ago during slope drivage at the Sunnyside Mine in Utah.Sunnyside subsequently had a long history of bursts, mainly during retreat mining but also during development.Several Colorado mines have also experienced multiple development bursts.Many, but by no means all, of the development bursts in these western US coalfields have been associated with known faults.In the Central Appalachian coalfields, most development bursts have occurred in multiple seam situations.In some of these cases, however, there was no retreat mining in either seam.The paper closes with some lessons from this history, with implications for preventing such events in the future.  相似文献   

A deterministic approach is frequently used in engineering design. In this quantitative design methodology, a safety factor, which is typically a strength-to-stress ratio, is derived as an index for the stability assessment of the engineering design. In underground coal mining applications such as pillar design,however, the inputs of pillar design are variables. This is widely overlooked in the deterministic approach. A probabilistic approach assessing the probability of failure or reliability of a system might be an alternative to the conventional quantitative methodology. This approach can incorporate the degree of uncertainty and deviations of variables and provide more versatile and reliable results. In this research, the reliability of case histories from stable and failed pillars of South Africa presented by Merwe and Mathey is examed. The updated Salamon and Munro strength formula(S-M formula) and Merwe and Mathey strength formula(M-M formula) are evaluated through a probabilistic approach. It is concluded that stable pillar cases have a reliability value greater than 0.83 while the reliability value of failed pillar cases are slightly larger than 0.50. There seems to be a positive relation between safety factor and reliability. The reliability of a pillar increases with pillar width but decreases with depth of cover, pillar height and entry width. The reliability analysis also confirms that M-M strength formula has a better distinction between the stable and failed pillar cases.  相似文献   

Effective surrounding rock control is a prerequisite for realizing safe mining in underground coal mines.In the past three decades, longwall top-coal caving mining(LTCC) and single pass large height longwall mining(SPLL) found expanded usage in extracting thick coal seams in China. The two mining methods lead to large void space left behind the working face, which increases the difficulty in ground control.Longwall face failure is a common problem in both LTCC and SPLL mining. Such failure is conventionally attributed to low strength and high fracture intensity of the coal seam. However, the stiffness of main components included in the surrounding rock system also greatly influences longwall face stability.Correspondingly, surrounding rock system is developed for LTCC and SPLL faces in this paper. The conditions for simultaneous balance of roof structure and longwall face are put forward by taking the stiffness of coal seam, roof strata and hydraulic support into account. The safety factor of the longwall face is defined as the ratio between the ultimate bearing capacity and actual load imposed on the coal wall.The influences provided by coal strength, coal stiffness, roof stiffness, and hydraulic support stiffness,as well as the movement of roof structure are analyzed. Finally, the key elements dominating longwall face stability are identified for improving surrounding rock control effectiveness in LTCC and SPLL faces.  相似文献   

Accurately estimating load distributions and ground responses around underground openings play a significant role in the safety of the operations in underground mines. Adequately designing pillars and other support measures relies highly on the accurate assessment of the loads that will be carried by them, as well as the load-bearing capacities of the supports. There are various methods that can be used to approximate mining-induced loads in stratified rock masses to be used in pillar design. The empirical methods are based on equations derived from large databases of various case studies. They are implemented in government approved design tools and are widely used. There are also analytical and numerical techniques used for more detailed analysis of the induced loads. In this study, two different longwall mines with different panel width-to-depth ratios are analyzed using different methods. The empirical method used in the analysis is the square-decay stress function that uses the abutment angle concept, implemented in pillar design software developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH). The first numerical method used in the analysis is a displacement-discontinuity(DD)variation of the boundary element method, LaModel, which utilizes the laminated overburden model.The second numerical method used in the analysis is Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua(FLAC) with the numerical modeling approach recently developed at West Virginia University which is based on the approach developed by NIOSH. The model includes the 2 D slice of a cross-section along the width of the panel with the chain pillar system that also includes the different stratigraphic layers of the overburden. All three methods gave similar results for the shallow mine, both in terms of load percentages and distribution where the variation was more obvious for the deep cover mine. The FLAC3 D model was observed to better capture the stress changes observed during the field measurements for both the shallow and deep cover cases. This study allowed us to see the shortcomings of each of these different methods. It was concluded that a numerical model which incorporates the site-specific geology would provide the most precise estimate for complex loading conditions.  相似文献   

Coal bumps have long been a safety hazard in coal mines, and even after decades of research, the exact mechanics that cause coal bumps are still not well understood. Therefore, coal bumps are still difficult to predict and control. The LaModel program has a long history of being used to effectively analyze displacements and stresses in coal mines, and with the recent addition of energy release and local mine stiffness calculations, the LaModel program now has greatly increased capabilities for evaluating coal bump potential. This paper presents three recent case histories where coal stress, pillar safety factor, energy release rate and local mine stiffness calculations in LaModel were used to evaluate the pillar plan and cut sequencing that were associated with a number of bumps. The first case history is a longwall mine where a simple stress analysis was used to help determine the limiting depth for safely mining in bump-prone ground. The second case history is a room-and-pillar retreat mine where the LaModel analysis is used to help optimize the pillar extraction sequencing in order to minimize the frequent pillar line bumps. The third case history is the Crandall Canyon mine where an initial bump and then a massive pillar collapse/bump which killed 6 miners is extensively back-analyzed. In these case histories, the calculation tools in LaModel are ultimately shown to be very effective for analyzing various aspects of the bump problem, and in the conclusions, a number of critical insights into the practical calculation of mine failure and stability developed as a result of this research are presented.  相似文献   

短壁机械化开采方法与煤柱稳定性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
开发适合我国现代化矿区“三下”开采及边角煤开采的短壁机械化开采成套技术具有十分重要的现实意义.根据国产短壁机械化开采设备情况,结舍“三下”开采需留设煤柱保护地表的实际,提出了3种短壁机械化开采的巷道布置方式,研究了短壁机械化开采工艺及设备配套.采用岩石破裂过程分析软件RFPA2D系统,对短壁机械化开采的煤柱稳定性进行数值计算与分析.研究结果应用于五阳煤矿村庄下采煤实践,实现了安全、高效开采,并有效控制了地表沉陷.  相似文献   

在材料力学简支梁理论基础上,建立了多煤层条带开采上下条带的煤柱完全不对齐时煤层间岩体的力学模型,分析并计算了各种地质和采矿因素(如采深、层间距、采出率等)对多煤层层间岩体稳定性的影响,研究了层间岩体应力的变化规律,并得出了层间距及下煤层采宽对保持煤层间岩体的稳定性有着重要作用的结论.最后结合峰峰矿区开采实例,预计了一定采深下,合理的下煤层采宽.  相似文献   

The distribution of the final surface subsidence basin induced by longwall operations in inclined coal seam could be significantly different from that in flat coal seam and demands special prediction methods. Though many empirical prediction methods have been developed, these methods are inflexible for varying geological and mining conditions. An influence function method has been developed to take the advantage of its fundamentally sound nature and flexibility. In developing this method, significant modifications have been made to the original Knothe function to produce an asymmetrical influence function. The empirical equations for final subsidence parameters derived from US subsidence data and Chinese empirical values have been incorporated into the mathematical models to improve the prediction accuracy. A corresponding computer program is developed. A number of subsidence cases for longwall mining operations in coal seams with varying inclination angles have been used to demonstrate the applicability of the developed subsidence prediction model.  相似文献   

Underground coal mining is inherently hazardous, with uncontrolled ground failure regarded as one of only several critical risks for multiple fatality events. Development, implementation and management of overarching systems and procedures for maintaining strata control is an important step to mitigating the impact of ground failure hazards at a mine site operational level. This paper summarised the typical pro-active ground control management system(PGCMS) implemented in various Australian underground coal mines. Australia produces approximately 100 million tonnes a year of metallurgical and thermal coal from approximately 30 of the world's safest longwall mines operating in New South Wales and Queensland. The increased longwall productivity required to achieve both high levels of safety and profitability, places significant emphasis on the reliability of pro-active ground control management for longwall mining operations. Increased depths, adverse geological conditions, elevated variable stress regimes and weaker ground conditions, coupled with an industry wide need for increased development rates continue to make ground control management challenging. Ground control management is not only about ground support and pillar design though but also a structured process that requires a coordinated effort from all levels of the workforce to both minimise the occurrence of adverse geotechnical events and mitigate the potential risks when they do occur. The PGCMS presented in this paper is proven to provide both a safer and more productive mine environment through minimisation of unplanned delays. The critical elements of the method are presented in detail and demonstrate the utility and value of a ground control management system that has potential for implementation in underground coal mining globally.  相似文献   

Longwall mining has a significant influence on gas wells located within longwall chain pillars. Subsurface subsidence and abutment pressure induced by longwall mining can cause excessive stresses and deformations in gas well casings. If the gas well casings are compromised or ruptured, natural gas could migrate into the mine workings, potentially causing a fire or explosion. By the current safety regulations,the gas wells in the chain pillars have to be either plugged or protected by adequate coal pillars. The current regulations for gas well pillar design are based on the 1957 Pennsylvania gas well pillar study. The study provided guidelines for gas well pillars by considering their support area and overburden depth as well as the location of the gas wells within the pillars. As the guidelines were developed for room-andpillar mining under shallow cover, they are no longer applicable to modern longwall coal mining, particularly, under deep cover. Gas well casing of failures have occurred even though the chain pillars for the gas wells met the requirements by the 1957 study. This study, conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH), presents seven cases of conventional gas wells penetrating through longwall chain pillars in the Pittsburgh Coal Seam. The study results indicate that overburden depth and pillar size are not the only determining factors for gas well stability. The other important factors include subsurface ground movement, overburden geology, weak floor, as well as the type of the construction of gas wells. Numerical modeling was used to model abutment pressure, subsurface deformations, and the response of gas well casings. The study demonstrated that numerical models are able to predict with reasonable accuracy the subsurface deformations in the overburden above,within, and below the chain pillars, and the potential location and modes of gas well failures, thereby providing a more quantifiable approach to assess the stability of the gas wells in longwall chain pillars.  相似文献   

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