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The multi-orifice plate gas sparger, mainly composed of a multi-orifice plate and a gas chamber, is one of the most common sparger facilities. The aeration performance of multi-orifice plate has a close relation with the multi-orifice plate configuration. In addition, the weeping phenomenon has a considerable influence on the gas chamber condition which affects the bubble detachment volume directly. This paper conducts a set of visual experiments to study the influence of multi-orifice configuration and gas chamber condition on the aeration performance of gas sparger. For multi-orifice plate, an improved theoretical model is proposed which considers the wave effect of the previous bubbles generated from adjacent orifices and the variance of the number of active bubbling orifice. A parameter is proposed to evaluate the aeration performance in order to overcome the difficulty caused by the randomness of bubble formation process. The experimental results suggest that the gas chamber filled with water is in favor of large bubble formation. The influence of the pitch of orifice on aeration performance can only be observed in high-restricted case. According to the theoretical model and experimental results, the influences of gas flow rate and the number of open orifices on the aeration performance are analyzed and a design criterion for the number of open orifice is proposed.  相似文献   

Weeping is an adverse phenomenon which results in higher pressure drop and poorer aeration performance. Visual experiments have been conducted to study the mechanism by which weeping impairs the work performance of multi-orifice plate. A theoretical model is improved to analyze the weeping phenomenon of multiorifice plate based on potential flow theory. The relations of different bubbling conditions and weeping rate are analyzed. Weeping condition and average weeping rate have relation with the driven pressure differential and dynamic variation of gas chamber pressure. In addition, a set of experiments are designed to study the influence of various factors on weeping rate. The bubble coalescence during bubble formation is a fatal factor determining weeping rate, so the relation between weeping rate and gas flow rate is concerned with the pitch of orifices and orifice diameter. There is a critical plate thickness which is in favor of weeping.  相似文献   

The Eulerian–Lagrangian simulation of bubbly flow has the advantage of tracking the motion of bubbles in continuous fluid, and hence the position and velocity of each bubble could be accurately acquired. Previous simulation usually used the hard-sphere model for bubble–bubble interactions, assuming that bubbles are rigid spheres and the collisions between bubbles are instantaneous. The bubble contact time during collision processes is not directly taken into account in the collision model. However, the contact time is physically a prerequisite for bubbles to coalesce, and should be long enough for liquid film drainage. In this work we applied the spring-dashpot model to model the bubble collisions and the bubble contact time, and then integrated the spring-dashpot model with the film drainage model for coalescence and a bubble breakage model. The bubble contact time is therefore accurately recorded during the collisions. We investigated the performance of the spring-dashpot model and the effect of the normal stiffness coefficient on bubble coalescence in the simulation.The results indicate that the spring-dashpot model together with the bubble coalescence and breakage model could reasonably reproduce the two-phase flow field, bubble coalescence and bubble size distribution. The influence of normal stiffness coefficient on simulation is also discussed.  相似文献   

Bubble columns are among the most used equipments for gas-liquid mass transfer processes. This equipment's aim is to generate gas dispersions into a liquid phase in order to improve the contact between phases. Bubble coalescence has always been one of their greatest problems, since it reduces the superficial gas-liquid contact area. However, bigger bubbles can oscillate, and these oscillations increase the mass transfer rate by means of modifying the contact time as well as the concentration profiles surrounding the bubble. In the present work, the coupled effect has been studied by means of two-holed sieve plates with diameters of 1.5, 2 and 2.5 mm each, close enough to allow the coalescence and separated enough to avoid it. The results show that although coalescence decreases mass transfer rate from bubbles the deformable bubble generated can, in certain cases, balance the decrease in mass transfer rate due to the reduction in superficial area. This fact can then be used to avoid the harmful effect of coalescence on the mass transfer rate. Empirical and theoretical equations have also been used to explain the phenomena.  相似文献   

This work studies the effect of the liquid properties and the operating conditions on the interactions between under-formation bubbles in a cell equipped with two adjacent micro-tubes (i.d. ) for the gas injection, placed 210, 700 and apart. This set-up simulates, though in a simplified manner, the operation of the porous sparger in a bubble column, and it is used to study the bubble interactions observed on the sparger surface. Various liquids covering a wide range of surface tension and viscosity values are employed, while the gas phase is atmospheric air. A fast video recording technique is used both for the visual observations of the phenomena occurring onto the tubes and for the bubble size measurements. The experiments reveal that the interactions between under-formation bubbles as well as the coalescence time depend strongly on the liquid properties, the distance between the tubes and the gas flow rate. Two correlations, which can be found helpful for the bubble column design, have also been formulated and are in good agreement with the available experimental data.  相似文献   

The recent unsolved wake theory to describe bubble coalescence by Colella et al. [1999. A study on coalescence and breakage mechanisms in three different bubble columns. Chem. Eng. Sci. 54, 4767-4777] is solved analytically to give exact values of coalescence time in terms of bubble size and relative rise velocity. The solution is expressed using the tabulated exponential integral function.  相似文献   

The constant bubble size modeling approach (CBSM) and variable bubble size modeling approach (VBSM) are frequently employed in Eulerian–Eulerian simulation of bubble columns. However, the accuracy of CBSM is limited while the computational efficiency of VBSM needs to be improved. This work aims to develop method for bubble size modeling which has high computational efficiency and accuracy in the simulation of bubble columns. The distribution of bubble sizes is represented by a series of discrete points, and the percentage of bubbles with various sizes at gas inlet is determined by the results of computational fluid dynamics (CFD)–population balance model (PBM) simulations, whereas the influence of bubble coalescence and breakup is neglected. The simulated results of a 0.15 m diameter bubble column suggest that the developed method has high computational speed and can achieve similar accuracy as CFD–PBM modeling. Furthermore, the convergence issues caused by solving population balance equations are addressed.  相似文献   

This work reviews the state‐of‐the‐art models for the simulation of bubble columns and focuses on methods coupled with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) where the potential and deficits of the models are evaluated. Particular attention is paid to different approaches in multiphase fluid dynamics including the population balance to determine bubble size distributions and the modeling of turbulence where the authors refer to numerous published examples. Additional models for reactive systems are presented as well as a special chapter regarding the extension of the models for the simulation of bubble columns with a present solid particle phase, i.e., slurry bubble columns.  相似文献   

This work aims at comparing surface tension models in VOF (Volume of Fluid) modeling and investigating the effects of gas distributor and gas velocity. Hydrodynamics of a continuous chain of bubbles inside a bubble column reactor was simulated. The grid independence study was first conducted and a grid size of 1.0 mm was adopted in order to minimize the computing time without compromising the accuracy of the results. The predictions were validated by comparing the experimental studies reported in the literature. It was found that all surface tension models can describe the bubble rise and bubble plume in a column with slight deviations.  相似文献   

Bubble size distribution was modelled by employing the population balance equation (PBE). All three bubble coalescence mechanisms (turbulence, buoyancy and laminar shear) and the main bubble breakup mechanism (breakup due to turbulent eddies) were considered in the model. Local bubble size distributions at the top and bottom of the column were obtained by solving this PBE. The results were compared with the experimental data for seven independent multiphase systems (water/air, isomax diesel/air, kerosene/air and four other liquid mixture/air) at two diverse gas velocities. The experimental adjustable constant in the coalescence efficiency function was determined by fitting the population balance to the experimental bubble size distributions. An empirical correlation was proposed for the coalescence efficiency by the dimensional analysis, which includes Reynolds and Weber numbers. © 2011 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering  相似文献   

An innovative method for fabricating ceramic multiport minichannel plates (MMP) has been developed. The essence of the method is the combustion synthesis of Ti3SiC2/SiCp ceramic matrix composite using sandwich assembly of titanium metal items, viz. rods and sheets, and tape-cast rubber films filled with SiC particles and TiC additive. The fabrication route consists of hot pressing of starting materials at 100 °C under 60 MPa in air into a single integrated unit followed by heat treatment at 1400 °C in a vacuum hot press furnace under small uniaxial load of 80 N. It is shown that the one-dimensional titanium metal items act as both reactants and channel-forming templates. The MMP prepared by the proposed method contains primarily of 45 vol.% Ti3SiC2 and 44 vol.% SiC, as well 11 vol.% TiSi2 minor component. The material exhibits a composite microstructure consisting of a dense Ti3SiC2-based matrix and SiC particles uniformly embedded in it. The sample contains parallel-aligned hollow cylindrical channels of 0.8 mm in diameter distributed with a center-to-center spacing of 1.3 mm. The volume fracture of the channels is estimated to be about 19%.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of sparger geometry on flow regime of a bubble column. The experiments presented in this study were performed under atmospheric pressure with water/air in a cylindrical Plexiglas® column of 33.0 cm i.d. and 3.0 m height. Three different perforated plate spargers were employed. Hole diameter was varied in the range of 1–3 mm, while the free area was 1.0%.The theory of linear stability is used for the prediction of regime transitions in the bubble column and a comparison has been presented between the predictions and the experimental observations. A good agreement between the predictions and the experimental values of transition gas holdup has been obtained.In addition, the data from the literature has been analyzed. Experimental values of transition gas holdups and predictions by the theory of linear stability have been compared with those of literature.A correlation based on dimensionless numbers (Archimedes, Froude, Eötvös and Weber) and the group (do/DC) for the prediction of gas holdup in homogeneous regime is proposed. The average error between the correlation predictions and experimental values remains under ±10%.The proposed correlation is compared with the published data and found to be in fairly good agreement.  相似文献   

Gas–liquid multiphase flow is a significant phenomenon in chemical processes. The rising behaviors of single bubbles in the quiescent liquids have been investigated but the internal flow patterns and deformation rules of bubbles, which influence the mass transfer efficiency to a large extent, have received much less attention. In this paper, the volume of fluid method was used to calculate the bubble shapes, pressure, velocity distributions,and the flow patterns inside the bubbles. The rising behavior of the bubbles with four different initial diameters,i.e., 3 mm, 5 mm, 7 mm and 9 mm was investigated in four various liquids including water, 61.23% glycerol,86.73% glycerol and 100% glycerol. The results show that the liquid properties and bubble initial diameters have great impacts on bubble shapes. Moreover, flow patterns inside the bubbles with different initial diameters were analyzed and classified into three types under the condition of different bubble shapes. Three correlations for predicting the maximum internal circulation inside the bubbles in 86.73% glycerol were presented and the R-square values were all bigger than 0.98. Through analyzing the pressure and velocity distributions around the bubbles, four rules of bubble deformation were also obtained to explain and predict the shapes.  相似文献   

In this article,numerical simulations are performed to investigate the performance of the thermal diffusion column for the separation of n-heptane/benzene mixture.The present work tried to optimize column by analyzing significant parameters such as feed flow rate,temperature and cut.In order to obtain the hydrodynamic and temperature and mass distribution inside thermal diffusion column,computational fluid dynamic(CFD) method is applied to solve the Navier-Stocks equations.Numerical simulations are conducted to study the main parameters in both stationary and time-dependent conditions.By using the separation work unit as a function of cut,the optimal cut for maximum SWU occurs within a limited range of 0.47-0.5 for feed rate between 0.5 and 4 g min-1.Our findings reveal that the optimum feed rate in the range of optimum cut is about 1 g min~(-1).In transient study,results show that the best cut for reaching to steady-state condition is θ=0.5.  相似文献   

In this work, [(Bi1-xLax)0.5Na0.5]0.94Ba0.06(Ti1-5y/4Nby)O3 ceramics have been developed by the dual-substitution of La3+ for Bi3+ and Nb5+ for Ti4+ and prepared by an ordinary sintering technique. All ceramics can be well-sintered at 1200 °C. The addition of La3+ and Nb5+ reduces the grain size and improve the dielectric breakdown strength of the ceramics; moreover, after the introduction of La3+ and Nb5+, the remanent polarization of the ceramics is significantly reduced, while the maximum polarization remains the same large value as that of the ceramic without the doping of La3+ and Nb5+. As a result, high energy storage density and discharge efficiency are achieved at x/y = 0.07/0.02, giving the large storage density of 1.83 J/cm3 and high discharging efficiency of 70%. The present work presents a feasible strategy to develop energy storage materials based on perovskite ferroelectrics by the partial substitutions in the A and B sites.  相似文献   

The flow behavior of gravity-driven falling film of non-conductive high viscosity polymer fluids on an industrial-scale vertical wavy wall was investigated in terms of film thickness and residence time distribution by numerical simulation and experiment. Falling film flow of high viscosity fluids was found to be steady on a vertical wavy wall in the presence of the large film thickness. The comparison between numerical simulation and experiment for the film thickness both in crest and trough of wavy wall showed good agreement. The simulation results of average residence time of falling film flow with different viscous fluids were also consistent with the experimental results. This work provides the initial insights of how to evaluate and optimize the falling film flow system of polymer fluid.  相似文献   

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