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The rotating packed bed (RPB) with split packing is a novel gas–liquid contactor, which intensifies the mass transfer processes controlled by gas-side resistance. To assess its efficacy, the mass transfer characteristics with adjacent rings in counter-rotation and co-rotation modes in a split packing RPB were studied experimentally. The physical absorption system NH3–H2O was used for characterizing the gas volumetric mass transfer coeffi-cient (kyae) and the effective interfacial area (ae) was determined by chemical absorption in the CO2–NaOH sys-tem. The variation in kyae and ae with the operating conditions is also investigated. The experimental results indicated that kyae and ae for counter-rotation of the adjacent packing rings in the split packing RPB were higher than those for co-rotation, and both counter-rotation and co-rotation of the split packing RPB were superior over conventional RPBs under the similar operating conditions. 相似文献
This paper presents a Microsoft Excel tool to calculate liquid-gas mass transfer coefficients in packed towers to support numerical design activities in the courses of Unit Operations for Industrial Process and Sustainable Process Design for the Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II (Italy).The Mass Transfer Solver Tool (MT Solver Tool) uses several available models to estimate, separately, the values of liquid and gas mass-transfer coefficients and the wet surface area for 144 random and structured packings of interest for absorption/stripping and distillation processes. In addition, a separate spreadsheet can be used in a user-defined mode, to evaluate the mass transfer coefficients with new packing types or to interpret experimental data when the geometrical and physical characteristics of the packing are known. Eventually, the tool is supplied with a data library, where packing geometry and model fitting parameters can be retrieved.The software is aimed to support students and educators in the Unit Operations for Industrial Process and Sustainable Process Design courses. In particular, this is meant to be an example on how the accuracy of design algorithms adopted in unit operation processes is affected by the use of the underpinning correlations for mass transfer rate or pressure drops. Besides, this is aimed to encourage comparison of different correlations when exact field data are not available. Besides, chemical engineers and researchers interested in packed columns design and modelling data may also benefit from the utilization of the software. The MT Solver Tool was introduced to students in a dedicated tutorial lesson after lecturers on packed column design algorithms for distillation, absorption and stripping. Most of the students of the course participated to a group training aimed to simulate the design of an absorption column supported by the MT Solver Tool providing feedback on its application.After the training, an anonymous survey was proposed to the students to monitor the approval rating of the proposed activity and the use of the MT Solver Tool software to support numerical calculations. 相似文献
综述了规整填料传质性能的计算方法和模型,并对这些模型的理论基础和适用条件进行了分析和比较。归纳了近年来对于传统规整填料传质模型的修正和扩展,并对影响传质性能的有效比表面积的经验关联式进行了讨论,指出了规整填料传质性能研究方面进一步的探索方向和应改进的若干问题。 相似文献
Various tests and analysis on hydrodynamics and mass transfer properties show that, the newly invented spherical metal mesh packing (SMMP) has excellent properties from three aspects: (i) high void space (∼99%) and lower material cost; (ii) high mass transfer efficiency; (iii) easy installation, good liquid distribution, and prevention of wall flow. Moreover, SMMP is a type of isotropic spherical unit with numerous hollow holes, which realizes the regularization of random packing. The results indicate the potential of developing high-efficiency and energy-saving SMMP-based equipment. 相似文献
J.M. van BatenR. Krishna 《Chemical engineering science》2002,57(9):1531-1536
The gas phase mass transfer in the empty channels, and the liquid phase mass transfer within the catalyst-packed channels, of the criss-crossing sandwich structures of KATAPAK-S have been studied using computational fluid dynamics. Due to the “upheaval” caused by the flow splitting at the cross-overs, the mass transfer coefficient is significantly larger than that for fully developed flow in a single tube. 相似文献
简述波纹填料的发展历程,强调复网借助毛细力提高分离效率的重要意义,提出“液体多向扩散”的理论观点,介绍金属复合板网波纹填料的研究进展。 相似文献
Liquid-phase mass transfer within KATAPAK-S structures studied using computational fluid dynamics simulations 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The liquid-phase mass transfer within the catalyst-packed criss-crossing sandwich structures of KATAPAK-S has been studied with the use of computational fluid dynamics. Due to the “upheaval” caused by the flow splitting at the crossovers, the mass transfer coefficient is about 40% times larger than for fully developed laminar flow in a single, packed tube. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to characterize the two-phase flow hydrodynamic behaviour and mass transfer in a static mixer in a horizontal pipe. Different arrangements of elements of the static mixer were tested and their performances compared. The pressure drop, bubble diameters and mass transfer coefficient were measured. The influence of operating conditions was also studied. A different correlations are proposed and compared with other correlations found in the literature. 相似文献
A corrugation geometry based model for efficiency of structured distillation packing 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
. Oluji A. B. Kamerbeek J. de Graauw 《Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification》1999,38(4-6):683-695
Although the structured packing is a well established gas–liquid contacting device, the understanding of its function is insufficient and often leads to poor exploitation of the available phase separating potential. This is a consequence of a rather superficial approach to modelling the packing performance through the years resulting in a lack of information on the nature and extent of interaction between counter-currently flowing gas and liquid phases and the micro and macro geometry of a rather ordered structure with a pronounced flow discontinuity at the transition among packing elements. This paper addresses the relation between the fluid-dynamics imposed by packing geometry and the mass transfer efficiency, and introduces a performance prediction method which does not require packing specific constants to describe mass transfer coefficients of phases. 相似文献
The behavior of chitosan and two kinds of chitosan derivatives in carbon dioxide absorption in a bubble column contactor is analyzed. The effects of absorption type (physical or chemical), polymer type, concentration, and liquid‐phase physical properties on hydrodynamics (bubble size, gas holdup, and specific interfacial area) and mass transfer (absorption rate and mass transfer coefficient) are evaluated. 相似文献
The contribution of local regions to global mass transfer holds the key to optimization and scale-up of a reactor. Extensive study has been conducted to investigate gas-liquid mass transfer occurring in the internal airlift loop reactor, but mostly restricted to global mass transfer performance. A cold model forced circulation internal airlift loop reactor was employed and divided into six regions in which dissolved oxygen concentration in slurry and mass transfer interfacial area were measured respectively. Different models were utilized to calculate volumetric mass transfer coefficient. Contributions of individual region to global mass transfer performance were calculated and compared. It was found that mass transfer coefficient and mass transfer interfacial area of individual region increases with increasing superficial gas velocity and slurry feed flowrate. The feed affected region has the greatest mass transfer coefficient and volumetric mass transfer coefficient, contributing more than 30% to global mass transfer in most operating condition. Mass transfer interfacial area is close in the gas distributor region, feed affected region and the gas-slurry separator region. In the present work, circulating bubbles are rare and contribute negligibly to the global mass transfer. Global volumetric mass transfer coefficient is close to that of the gas-slurry separator region, ranging from 0.02 to 0.1 1/s. Comparison of kLa is made between this work and literatures, suggesting a great improvement of mass transfer due to external liquid circulation. 相似文献
Hydrodynamic‐Analogy‐Based Modeling Approach for Distillative Separation of Organic Systems with Elevated Viscosity

A modeling approach based on hydrodynamic analogies is applied to predict the influence of elevated viscosity on the separation efficiency of distillation processes in structured packed columns. An advantage of this approach compared to traditional models based on the film theory is that separation columns can be described without empirical mass transfer coefficient correlations. The separation efficiency was evaluated for two systems with distinct viscosities at different gas and liquid loads and various operating pressures. Simulated concentration profiles and height of a theoretical plate (HETP) values were compared with the data obtained from own experiments. The developed model is capable of correctly predicting the differences in the HETP values of the two evaluated systems. 相似文献
滴流床小颗粒催化剂滴流区和脉动流区传质的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文研究了滴流床小颗粒催化剂在滴流区和脉动流区的气相容积传质系数k_Gα,气液接触有效界面积“α”和脉动流形成时分散气泡的平均直径d_b。实验表明:不同流区的传质与流型和流动介质的能量损失有关。强化传质会增加流动介质的能量消耗及减小催化剂粒度。 相似文献
Continuous phase mass transfer coefficients have been measured for a stream of drops falling freely in a stagnant liquid. Drop streams were produced by a dripping method and by a jet breakup method. Water and isobutanol, mutually saturated, were used as the dispersed and the continuous phases, respectively. Sodium hydroxide was used as solute and was transferred from the bulk solution of isobutanol to water drops which was initially free of solute. Resistance to the mass transfer was observed to be on the continuous phase side. The mass transfer coefficient and terminal velocity of drop streams were measured experimentally. The experimental results show that the mass transfer coefficient in the drop stream is affected by the shielding effect of the previous drops. An approximate analysis was conducted for the shielding effect of a drop stream on mass transfer coefficient caused by the superposing wakes produced by each drop in the stream. The resulting equation describes the effect of interdrop distance on mass transfer coefficient in the continuous phase side and the experimental data have been correlated as K,/Ut 0.5 versus interdrop distance /. Good results were achieved and also can be applied to other liquid-liquid systems. 相似文献
新型复合塔板JCPT的性能及工业应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对一种新型高效复合塔板———喷射式并流填料塔板(JCPT) 分别采用空气水系统和乙醇水系统进行了流体力学和传质性能研究,并给出了适用于工业设计的板压降、漏液、雾沫夹带等性能参数的关联式。同新型垂直筛板(NVST) 相比,JCPT具有压降低、操作弹性大、通量大、效率高等优点。同时给出了工业应用实例。 相似文献
Gita Nematbakhsh 《Chemical Engineering Communications》2013,200(11):1493-1501
This investigation explored the effects of nanofluids on mass transfer enhancement using an irregularly packed liquid–liquid extraction column and the chemical systems of water–acetic acid–toluene. SiO2 nanoparticles with sizes of 10, 30, or 80 nm are dispersed in toluene–acetic acid to produce nanofluids with different volume fractions of 0, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1 vol.%. The effects of nanoparticle size and concentration on dispersed phase mass transfer coefficient were discussed based on the experimental data. This is for the first time that the effect of nanoparticle size is studied in liquid–liquid extraction systems. It was found that the mass transfer enhancement was more significant in nanofluids with smaller particles. It was also observed that mass transfer coefficient is larger in nanofluids compared to that in dispersed phase without nanoparticles, with a peak enhancement at a nanoparticle volume fraction of 0.05 vol.% for 10-nm particles and 0.01 vol.% for 30- and 80-nm particles. The maximum mass transfer coefficient enhancement was approximately 42% at 0.05% concentration of nanoparticles using smaller particles (10 nm). Finally, a novel correlation for prediction of effective diffusivity in the presence of nanoparticles has been proposed, which is a function of nanoparticle size and its concentration. The main advantage of this approach is that the principal effect of these two parameters is considered in correlation without which the experimental data could not be fitted with an acceptable accuracy. 相似文献
A. Shilkin E.Y. Kenig 《Chemical engineering journal (Lausanne, Switzerland : 1996)》2005,110(1-3):87-100
An analogy between the flow patterns in real separation columns equipped with structured packing and film flow is used to develop a new modelling approach. The packing is represented as a bundle of channels with identical triangular cross section. The dimensions of the channels as well as their number are derived from the packing geometry. The channel inner surface is wetted by a liquid flowing downwards, whereas the rest of the volume is occupied by a countercurrent vapour flow. Both phases are assumed to be totally mixed at regular intervals, determined by the corrugation geometry of the packing. The mathematical model is based on a set of partial differential equations describing hydrodynamics and mass and heat transport phenomena. These equations are complemented by the conjugate boundary conditions at the phase interface. A numerical solution of the model yields velocity profiles as well as concentration and temperature fields throughout the column. The model is verified using experimental data for a binary distillation in a column equipped with Montz-Pak A3-500. 相似文献
Robert E. Tsai A. Frank Seibert R. Bruce Eldridge Gary T. Rochelle 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2011,57(5):1173-1184
The mass‐transfer area of nine structured packings was measured in a 0.427 m ID column via absorption of CO2 from air into 0.1 kmol/m3 NaOH. The mass‐transfer area was most strongly related to the specific area (125–500 m2/m3), and liquid load (2.5–75 m3/m2·h). Surface tension (30–72 mN/m) had a weaker but significant effect. Gas velocity (0.6–2.3 m/s), liquid viscosity (1–15 mPa·s), and flow channel configuration had essentially no impact on the mass‐transfer area. Surface texture (embossing) increased the effective area by 10% at most. The ratio of mass‐transfer area to specific area (ae/ap) was correlated within the limits of ±13% for the entire experimental database ${{a_{\rm{e}} } \over {a_{\rm{p}} }}= 1.34 \left[ {\left( {{{\rho _{\rm{L}} } \over \sigma }} \right)g^{1/3} \left( {{Q \over {L_{\rm{p}} }}} \right)^{4/3}} \right]^{\,0.116}$ . © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010 相似文献