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Tissues from 30 human pituitary adenomas are monolayer-cell-cultured in vitro.Hormone secretion of GH,PRL,TSH,LH and FSH by cells into medium is detected by radioimmunoassay .The pattern and amount of hormone(s0 in the medium are used to determine the nature of the cells and thus to establish functional classification of pituitary adenomas.The results show that cell culture technique provides and easy and suitable mode for investigating the nature of pituitary adenomas.Hormone radioimmunoassay of culture medium is precise and reliable and represents the whole adenoma tissue.Further studies can lead to clearer understandngs of the pathology of pituitary adenomas.  相似文献   

Twenty four male autopsies were obtained from Shanghai. The samples of liver, lung, kidney cortex, brain and scalp hair were collected from the autopsies. The elements As, Br, Ca, Cd, Cl, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, 8, Se and Zn were determined by neutron activation analysis (NAA). The present study provides the elemental levels of different tissues for normal male adults. The distribution pattern of elements was discussed. Great difference on distribution of some elements in different tissues was observed.  相似文献   

The contents of total and methyl mercury in scalp hair samples of 1179 fishermen living at a typical Hg-polluted region in Northeast China and 27 lying-in women and their new born babies in Beijing have been determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis,gas chromatography(electron coupling)and other techniques.Only 18 of all fishermen have the Hg contents above 5μg/g,which indicates that the Hg pollution there has been substantially alleviated.The longitudinal Hg patterns of the lying-in women show a gradually lowering tendency during pregnant period.Further,the Hg contents of the new-born babies are generally above or close to those of their mothers,confirming the mechanism that the methyl Hg,an organic species of Hg with high toxicity,is readily able to penetrate the placental barrier and accumulated in fetus.Thus,the mercury poison has occurred at the early stage of pregnancy.  相似文献   

The preparation of the human hair reference material and the steps taken to confirm its homogeneity and stability as well as its certificatipn are described. Certified values for 17 elements, which are of importance for human health, and reference values for the other 13 elements are provided for this material.  相似文献   

The concentrations of 18 elements in subcellular fractions of human liver were determined by combining differential centrifugation and INAA. Samples of human liver were homogenized in a buffer. The homogenate was separated into nuclei, mitochondrial, lysosomal, microsomal and cytosol fractions by successive differential centrifugation. Biological standard reference materials were used to evaluate the accuracy of the INAA method, and the results agree with the certified values. Element levels in subcellular fractions of human liver were discussed.  相似文献   

The technological process for preparation of LiF TLD is reported.Sixteen types of TLD of LiF:Mg,Ti and LiF:Mg,Cu,P series are produced for dosimetry of X,γ radiations and in neutron-γ mixed radiation field.The measurement parameters have been optimizationally selected by factors of parameter evaluation(P) and orthogonal method,and the procedure of quality control is recommended.  相似文献   

The experiments demonstrate that with viewpoint of the pharmacokinetics and therapeutic effect the astatinated Fab fragment is well suited to 7.2h half-life of ^211At,since tumor uptake remains high(-10%/g)from 3 to 14h after i.v.injection of ^211At3H11Fab,moreover,at the same dose the tumor inhibition with 211At-3H11Fab were 84.4% by weight and 86.4% by volume higher than with ^211At-3H11(67.1% and 67.8%,respectively)on 10d pose last i.p.administration.  相似文献   

Elemental profiles of brain tumour tissues from 15 male patients of astrocytomas (grade Ⅰ-Ⅲ) and normal human brain tissues of 23 male age matched autopsies as controls have been studied by INAA. A total of 18 elements Se, Na, K, Br, Cl, Mn, Mg. S, Ca, Cu, Hg, Cr, Fe, Rb, Zn, Co, Sc and P has been determined for this purpose. The analytical results showed that compared with the normal brain tissues, concentrations of Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Br and Sc were significantly higher in tumour tissues and that of Rb, K and P were lower while no differences for contents of Mg, S, Cr, Na and Cl were observed. A negative correlation between P and Ca in malignant and normal brain tissues was observed.  相似文献   

Studies show that 235UO2F2 was chiefly localized in kidneys, then in skeleton and liver. Its radioactivity in skeleton rose steadily while the concentration in kidneys and liver droped. 235UO2F2 was difficult to pass through the blood- testes barrier. With 1 to 6 h contact period, only 1.4-1.6 % 235UO2F2 was found in the intact skin, but 41-54 % in the abrasive skin. The dynamic retention of 235UO2F2 through intact or abrasive skins was also dominantly localized in kidneys, skeleton and liver. Accumulation of insoluble 235U3O8 in gastrointestinal tract was well described by a double- exponential- term expression. Values of retention were estimated for fast component T1= 0.34 d, and for relatively long term component T2= 4.05 d.  相似文献   


报道1例淋巴瘤病人进行全身分次X射一照射后,发现离全与整体照射诱发的微核率无显著性差异(P>0.05)。经回归分析表明,不仅配合的模式相同,而且同一指标的回归系为九也相当接近。结果表明,在一定的剂量范围内,离体与整体照射的微核剂量效应相同,这使人外周血淋细胞微核率有可能作为估算事故受照人员辐生物剂量的指标。  相似文献   

本文用FPG法分染,观察不同活度的~3H-TdR及~3H-UdR加入人血淋巴细胞后连续培养,氚化合物对细胞周期的影响结果表明,两种氚化合物均可导致细胞分裂周期延缓,其延缓效应随加氚活度的增加而更为明显,其延缓程度~3H-UdR>~3H-TdR。由于培养液中存在BrdU,它对二种氚化合物掺入细胞的量影响不同,所以细胞的吸收剂量也不一样,因此两种化合物致细胞周期延缓程度上有差异。氚化合物对细胞增殖速度有影响,表现为细胞增殖速度指数(PRI)及分裂指数(MI)随剂量增加而下降。  相似文献   

本文用染色单体分染法,观察受~(60)Coγ射线100、200、300、400rad 照射离体的人血淋巴细胞,以了解辐射对细胞周期的影响。实验结果表明,电离辐射对细胞周期有一定的延缓作用,其延缓效应随受照剂量的增加而更为明显。本文还对非稳定性畸变细胞随细胞分裂周期的丢失规律作了初步探讨,发现含有双或环的畸变细胞,随着细胞分裂次数的增加畸变率逐渐降低,其降低的规律是细胞每经过一次分裂约丢失50%,无着畸变丢失更快。  相似文献   

采用多种示踪法研究了 Be、 Sc、 M n、 Co、 Zn、 As、 Se、 Rb、 Sr、 Y、 Zr、 Tc、 Ru 和 Rh 等 14 种痕量元素与鼠肝 D N A 的体内、组织培养和体外结合。除了 As、 Ru 和 Rh 以外,观察到大多数元素在体内都能与鼠肝 D A N 结合;在组织培养实验中,只有 As 和 Rb 不与 D N A 结合;在体外实验中,全部元素都与 D N A 结合,其中 Rb、 Se、 Zr、 Ru、 As 最弱。总体上,体外的结合最强,组织培养其次,体内最弱。体内与组织培养的结合情况比较类同。  相似文献   

本文报道离体和整体照射对大鼠红细胞嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶活力及红细胞膜脂质过氧化值的影响。其结果为:将大鼠抗凝血离体照射0,10,50和100 Gy以及全身照射8.5 Gy后第1、3、5d,该酶活力下降而膜脂过氧化值却增加。作者推测,照射后酶活力的变化和脂质过氧化作用有关。  相似文献   

本文以大小鼠RBC为模型观察了不同剂量体外照射对SeGSHPx活性的影响,以探讨全身照射时RBC SeGSHPx活性降低的原因、RBC体外照射SeGSHPx活性变化特点以及SeGSHPx在抗辐射脂质过氧化中的作用。结果是,RBC悬液和全血体外照射SeGSHPx活性都不降低,温育可使受照RBCSeGSHPx活性增高,与受照RBC K~+渗漏和溶血程度的变化规律相一致;VE对体外照射RBC的脂质过氧化损伤无保护作用,但对体外照射SeGSHPx受抑制的RBC则显示保护作用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了如何设计小体积离体人血样品的中子照射实验,以及计算中子注量、吸收剂量的方法,并给出了几个参考数据。  相似文献   

研究了25MeV/u^40Ar^14+辐照人肝癌细胞SMMC-7721的微核及存活的动态变化,结果表明:单次照射与分次照射的微核率随时间的变化规律没有明显区别。受辐照肝癌细胞的生长明显低于对照,而且随培养时间的延长,癌细胞的存活数表现出衰减趋势,微核率与细胞存活数关系的动态变化为负相关性。0.68、6.8和68Gy辐照的细胞,培养24h的微核率比培养96h的微核率低,培养24h和48h的肝癌细胞的  相似文献   

用MAL-6(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-maleimide-piperidin-l-oxyl)作为自旋标记物研究了电离辐射对大鼠红细胞膜蛋白的影响。本文探索到:(1)100—400Gy离体照射对红细胞膜中自旋标记巯基显示的ESR波谱无明显影响。(2)8.5 Gy全身照射可使红细胞膜的ESR波谱中弱固定化与强固定化波峰高度之比(W/S)增加。上述结果表明了动物体或红细胞中内源性活性氧产生与清除的不平衡导致活性氧的损伤作用。  相似文献   

本文报道了用培养法测定的健康成人外周血淋巴细胞微核细胞率正常值的测定结果。结果表明,微核细胞率范围为0—6‰,均值为1.2‰,两个地区之间及性别之间均无显著性差异。用培养法检出的微核细胞率(1.2‰)是用直接涂片法检出的微核细胞率(0.2‰)的6倍。  相似文献   

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