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Studies of estrogen effects on growth hormone (GH) and its pulsatile release in postmenopausal women have typically utilized estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) of relatively short duration (days to weeks). The purpose of this study was to compare GH measures from healthy postmenopausal women who were on oral ERT for 3 years or more (n = 24; mean ERT duration = 16.1 years) with women not on ERT (NERT; n = 40). Blood samples were drawn remotely every 20 min for 24 h and then analyzed for mean 24-h GH, mean GH during sleep, and mean 24-h insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). GH peak analyses were also performed. Mean 24-h GH and GH during sleep were significantly higher and IGF-I was significantly lower in ERT women compared with NERT women. In addition, use of long-term ERT was associated with more GH peaks relative to women not on ERT, but no change in GH peak amplitude or area. GH was not related to age in either group. GH was strongly and negatively correlated with measures of adiposity in NERT women but not in ERT women. In conclusion, long-term oral ERT is associated with increased circulating GH and decreased IGF-I levels, even after many years of treatment.  相似文献   

In a multicenter study the metabolic effects of 5 yr of GH therapy in children with idiopathic short stature were evaluated. Patients received 0.3 mg/kg.week recombinant human GH. Of the 121 patients who entered the study, data for 62 were analyzed at the final 5 yr point. Routine laboratory determinations were available for all 62 subjects at the 5 yr point. Special laboratory determinations, such as postprandial glucose and insulin, were available for only a subset of patients. Mean insulin-like growth factor I levels rose to 283 +/- 101 micrograms/L, within the normal range using age-appropriate reference standards. T4, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood chemistries, and blood pressure showed no significant changes during the 5-yr period. Mean baseline and 2-h postprandial glucose levels remained unchanged. Both fasting and postprandial insulin levels rose substantively from low normal levels to the normal range (median, 4.9-43 mU/L). Mean hemoglobin A1c levels remained within the normal range throughout the study. In summary, careful monitoring has not revealed any currently discernible metabolic side-effects of clinical significance after GH therapy in this 5-yr study of children with idiopathic short stature.  相似文献   

We sought to determine the strength of the evidence suggesting that estrogen and postmenopausal replacement hormones play a role in the development of breast cancer. We reviewed the existing English language literature in MEDLINE on hormones and breast cancer, including reports on cell proliferation and endogenous hormone levels, as well as epidemiologic studies of the relationship between the use of postmenopausal hormones and the risk of breast cancer in women. A factor that increases the probability that cancer will develop in an individual has been defined as a cancer cause. The Hill criteria for demonstrating a link between environmental factors and disease were used to review the evidence for a causal relationship between female hormones and breast cancer. We found evidence of a causal relationship between these hormones and breast cancer, based on the following criteria: consistency, dose-response pattern, biologic plausibility, temporality, strength of association, and coherence. The magnitude of the increase in breast cancer risk per year of hormone use is comparable to that associated with delaying menopause by a year. The positive relationship between endogenous hormone levels in postmenopausal women and risk of breast cancer supports a biologic mechanism for the relationship between use of hormones and increased risk of this disease. The finding that the increase in risk of breast cancer associated with increasing duration of hormone use does not vary substantially across studies offers further evidence for a causal relationship. We conclude that existing evidence supports a causal relationship between use of estrogens and progestins, levels of endogenous estrogens, and breast cancer incidence in postmenopausal women. Hormones may act to promote the late stages of carcinogenesis among postmenopausal women and to facilitate the proliferation of malignant cells. Strategies that do not cause breast cancer are urgently needed for the relief of menopausal symptoms and the long-term prevention of osteoporosis and heart disease.  相似文献   

Oestrogen replacement therapy in women treated for endometrial cancer has long been considered contra-indicated. Based on a review of the literature, which shows a low risk of recurrence during oestrogen replacement therapy in women treated for low-risk endometrial cancer, we advocate that this group of patients could be offered oestrogen replacement therapy and be provided with the benefits of prevention of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Further studies are needed to investigate the survival and recurrence rates of high-risk patients treated with oestrogen replacement therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the possibility of endometrial cyopathologic examination as a method of monitoring endometrium during hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in postmenopausal women. METHODS: Endometrial cells were taken via tubal aspiration in 60 normal postmenopausal women (non-HRT group) and 41 with HRT for 3-18 months (HRT group). Their morphologic changes were observed and compared by cytopathologist. RESULTS: Atrophic endometrium was found in 51.7% of the non-HRT group. Its proportion increased with age and the time after menopause. Macrophages were seen in 68.3% of this group. However, in the HRT group the occurrence of atrophic type and macrophage (12.2%, 7.0% respectively) was significantly lower than that in the non HRT group (P < 0.05). Heterogeneity of endometrial cell type was shown both in non-HRT (38.3%) and HRT (65.8%) groups. CONCLUSIONS: Endometrial cells of postmenopausal women are not always atrophic in appearance. They change significantly during HRT. Endometrial cytological examination may be useful for monitoring during HRT.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the association of unopposed estrogen or estrogen plus progestin and the risk of developing endometrial cancer or dying of that disease. DATA SOURCES: A literature search of English-language studies was performed using MEDLINE, a review of bibliographies, and consultations with experts. METHODS OF STUDY SELECTION: We identified 30 studies with adequate controls and risk estimates. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: Risk estimates were extracted by two authors and summarized using meta-analytic methods. The summary relative risk (RR) was 2.3 for estrogen users compared to nonusers (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.1-2.5), with a much higher RR associated with prolonged duration of use (RR 9.5 for 10 or more years). The summary RR of endometrial cancer remained elevated 5 or more years after discontinuation of unopposed estrogen therapy (RR 2.3). Interrupting estrogen for 5-7 days per month was not associated with lower risk than daily use. Users of unopposed conjugated estrogen had a greater increase in RR of developing endometrial cancer than users of synthetic estrogens. The risk for endometrial cancer death was elevated among unopposed estrogen users (RR 2.7, 95% CI 0.9-8.0). Among estrogen plus progestin users, cohort studies showed a decreased risk of endometrial cancer (RR 0.4), whereas case-control studies showed a small increase (RR 1.8). CONCLUSIONS: Endometrial cancer risk increases substantially with long duration of unopposed estrogen use, and this increased risk persists for several years after discontinuation of estrogen. Although not statistically significant, the risk of death from endometrial cancer among unopposed estrogen users is increased, similar to the increased risk of developing the disease. Data regarding risk for endometrial cancer among estrogen plus progestin users are limited and conflicting.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patients with ESRD have excessive cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In postmenopausal women with normal renal function, estrogen replacement therapy decreases cardiovascular mortality by 50%, in part because of their beneficial effects on the lipoprotein profile. Because of similarities in the lipoprotein profile between healthy, postmenopausal women, and women with ESRD, we examined the effects of estrogen replacement on lipoproteins in 11 postmenopausal women with ESRD. METHODS: In a randomized, placebo-controlled crossover study (8 week treatment arms) using 2 mg daily of oral, micronized estradiol, 11 postmenopausal women with ESRD were treated. Neither baseline lipid nor lipoprotein abnormalities were used as entry criteria for study participation. RESULTS: Blood estradiol levels were 19 +/- 4 with placebo and 194 +/- 67 pg/ml (P = 0.024) with estradiol treatment. Total HDL cholesterol concentrations increased from 52 +/- 19 mg/dl to 61 +/- 20 mg/dl (16%), with placebo and estradiol treatments, respectively (P = 0.002). Apolipoprotein A1 increased by 24.6% (P = 0.0002) with estradiol intervention. HDL2 concentrations were 19 +/- 13 with placebo and 24 +/- 16 with estradiol treatment (P = 0.046). There were no differences in total or LDL cholesterol, other lipoprotein fractions including Lp(a), and triglycerides with 2 mg daily estradiol treatment. No significant side effects were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, using standard dosage regimens for estrogen replacement therapy in postmenopausal women with ESRD, HDL cholesterol is increased to an extent that would be expected to improve their cardiovascular risk profile. Further studies are needed to assess whether estrogen replacement therapy decreases the incidence or severity of cardiovascular disease in ESRD patients to a similar degree compared with other women.  相似文献   

This review focuses on new developments in the pathophysiology and treatment of von Willebrand disease (vWd). New aspects of the cell biology, gene control, and structure-function correlates of von Willebrand factor (vWf) are reviewed. vWd is more prevalent than previously recognized, affecting up to 1% of the population; this is particularly evident in women's health. Blood group is an important determinant of von Willebrand factor levels; individuals of blood group O tend to have lower plasma levels of vWf than those in other blood groups. Currently available blood tests of vWf quantity and function are discussed, in addition to newer tests undergoing validation. Treatment of classical vWd with desmopressin acetate and plasma derivatives is discussed, as is the potential for intravenous immunoglobulin and corticosteroids in acquired vWd. Special situations, such as the management of vWd in pregnancy, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Once hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been commenced, it becomes extremely difficult to advise women approaching the menopause on the need for contraception. In this study of twenty women, neither the regularity of their pre-existing menstrual cycle nor a random FSH concentration predicted the likelihood of subsequent ovulation whilst taking HRT. HRT is not reliably contraceptive and women commencing HRT whilst still menstruating spontaneously must be advised on the need for additional contraception.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Changes in asthma activity, in part related to the female hormonal profile, have been observed during pre-menstrual periods and during pregnancy. Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) is an accepted routine treatment for post-menopausal women. The effect of ERT on disease activity in post-menopausal asthmatic women has not been investigated in the past and is the subject of the present study. METHODS: Fifteen post-menopausal women with mild to moderate asthma completed two 30-day periods in which they measured peak expiratory flow (PEF) at home and filled in a daily diary of asthma-related symptoms. The first monitoring period was pre-ERT and the second was during ERT. In addition spirometry was performed on each woman three times, twice pre-ERT and once during ERT. RESULTS: The average daily PEF decreased from 241 (57.9, S.D.) l/min pre-ERT to 226.7 (62.7) l/min during ERT (P < 0.004). Significant differences between the two study periods were also found in morning and evening PEF values. Diurnal variation, measured as the difference between morning and evening PEF values, decreased significantly from 22.3 (26.7) l/min pre-ERT to 17.5 (26.8) l/min during ERT (P < 0.007). The average daily consumption of bronchodilator inhalers increased significantly from 3.7 puffs/day pre-ERT to 4.3 puffs/day during ERT (P < 0.006). Although the differences in spirometry between the two periods did not reach statistical significance, a trend towards a worsening of the obstructive disorder during ERT was observed. However, the general feeling of well-being of the asthmatics did not change during the two periods. CONCLUSIONS: During ERT a sub-clinical worsening of disease activity was found in postmenopausal women with mild to moderate asthma. We also detected a decrease in diurnal variation. Our findings should be substantiated by additional studies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The effects of different therapies on bone loss rate can be measured using biochemical markers of bone resorption such as urinary hydroxyproline. AIM: To study the effects of hormone replacement therapy on urinary hydroxyproline in postmenopausal women. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eighty three postmenopausal women without hormone replacement therapy, 54 postmenopausal women receiving hormone replacement therapy and 16 premenopausal women (considered as the control group) were studied. Hydroxyproline was measured in an early morning urine sample, after one day of diet without meat or gelatin. RESULTS: Urinary hydroxyproline in premenopausal women was 33.7 +/- 7.9 mg/g creatinine. The figure for postmenopausal women with hormonal replacement therapy was 33.7 +/- 5.9 mg/g creatinine. Postmenopausal women without replacement therapy had an urinary hydroxyproline of 47.4 +/- 8.5 mg/g creatinine, significantly higher than that of premenopausal and supplemented women. In 21 postmenopausal women, hydroxyproline was measured before and after three months of replacement therapy, values decreased 35.5 +/- 11% in this period and there was a direct correlation between initial values and the degree of reduction (r = 0.69, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Postmenopausal women receiving hormone replacement therapy have a urinary hydroxyproline excretion similar to that of premenopausal women.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the patterns of use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) among women age 51 to 60 years and describe the characteristics of women who currently use HRT, previously used HRT, and have never used HRT. A brief postal survey of 800 women in this age range was used to determine HRT status. Telephone interviews were then conducted with 258 women (111 currently using HRT, 47 who previously used HRT, and 100 who had never used HRT) to determine characteristics of women who currently or previously used HRT or never used HRT, type of HRT used, duration of use, and reasons for use and nonuse. Nearly 40% of women were currently using HRT, 14% had previously used HRT, and 47% had never used HRT. Women currently using HRT were more likely than those not using HRT to have had a hysterectomy, attribute a greater number of symptoms to the climacteric, be in paid employment, and report a greater number of visits to the doctor over the past 12 months. HRT use among Australian women in their 50s is high and rising. Hysterectomy status, the attribution of symptoms to menopause, paid employment, and health care use were the most important correlates of HRT use. Few women specified long-term prevention of osteoporosis or heart disease as a reason for taking HRT.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, mortality rates for colorectal cancer in many developed countries have declined in women but not in men. A role of exogenous female hormones (i.e. oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in such different trends is possible. Seven cohort studies reported information on HRT use and colorectal cancer risk, for a total of over 2,400 cases. Most studies showed relative risks (RRs) around or below unity. A significant inverse association was found in two cohort investigations, including the largest one dealing with fatal colon cancer. Of 12 case-control studies, for a total of over 5,000 cases, five reported 20-40% significant risk reductions among ever-users of HRT. Two additional investigations showed moderate, non-significant inverse associations. Studies showing an inverse association between HRT use and colorectal cancer were among the largest and best controlled ones. The apparent protection tended to be stronger among recent users. Differences in RRs by duration of HRT use and anatomic subsite were not consistent, but the protective effect seemed stronger in most recent publications. Available studies support the possibility of an inverse association between colorectal cancer and HRT, but prevention and surveillance bias cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

The frequence of ischemic heart disease occurring increases 2-3 fold in postmenopausal period. It is a result of serum lipid profile changes. Estrogenotherapy restores correct lipid relations and protect coronary vessels in this way, preventing stenocardia and cardiac infarcts. Divergent opinions coexist with including progestogens to estrogen replacement therapy. However a view that well selected doses and kind of hormone effectively enhance serum HDL level, begins to prevail.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure and compare plasma levels of sex hormones after the administration of different hormone replacement therapy (HRT) regimens. STUDY DESIGN: Ninety women with natural menopause were randomized into this comparative study. Eighty-five women completed one year of follow-up. Patients were randomly assigned to five groups. The first received 0.6 mg/d of conjugated equine estrogen (CEE) cyclically (n = 15). The second received 50 micrograms/d of transdermal estradiol (E2) cyclically (n = 17), and the third received 0.6 mg/d of CEE continuously (n = 17). All these groups also received 2.5 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) sequentially for the last 12 days of HRT, while the fourth therapy group received 0.625 mg/d of CEE and 2.5 mg/d of MPA continuously (n = 19). The fifth group constituted a treatment-free control group (n = 22). Levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), E2, estrone (E1), prolactin (PRL), testosterone (T), androstenedione (A4), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) were determined prior to HRT and during the last week of the 6th and 12th months of HRT, between days 21 and 24 of estrogen administration. RESULTS: After HRT we found decreases in FSH, LH and PRL levels, increases in E2, E1 and SHBG, and no modifications in T, A4 and DHEA-S plasma levels. There were no significant differences between the treatment groups in FSH, LH, E2, PRL, T, A4 or DHEA-S. E1 and SHBG were significantly higher in the groups with oral HRT. CONCLUSION: All the observed changes in hormone levels are to be expected after HRT except for the decrease in PRL levels. Finally, although MPA dosage was not the focus of the present study, our results suggest that the dosage of 2.5 mg/d of MPA in sequential regimens is clearly inadequate to protect the endometrium from hyperplastic changes.  相似文献   

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