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We studied the effect of ventilation and air filtration systems on indoor air quality in a children's day-care center in Finland. Ambient air nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2) and particles (TSP, PM10) were simultaneously measured outdoors and indoors with automatic nitrogen oxide analyzers and dust monitoring. Without filtration nitrogen oxides and particulate matter generated by nearby motor traffic penetrated readily indoors. With chemical filtration 50-70% of nitrogen oxides could be removed. Mechanical ventilation and filtration also reduced indoor particle levels. During holidays and weekends when there was no opening of doors and windows and no particle-generating activity indoors, the indoor particle level was reduced to less than 10% of the outdoor level. At times when outdoor particle concentrations were high during weekdays, the indoor level was about 25% of the outdoor level. Thus, the possible adverse health effects of nitrogen oxides and particles indoors could be countered by efficient filtration. We also showed that inclusion of heat recovery equipment can make new ventilation installations economical.  相似文献   

The effects of air filtration and ventilation on indoor particles were investigated using a single-zone mathematical model. Particle concentration indoors was predicted for several I/O conditions representing scenarios likely to occur in naturally and mechanically ventilated buildings. The effects were studied for static and dynamic conditions in a hypothetical office building. The input parameters were based on real-world data. For conditions with high particle concentrations outdoors, it is recommended to reduce the amount of outdoor air delivered indoors and the necessary reduction level can be quantified by the model simulation. Consideration should also be given to the thermal comfort and minimum outdoor air required for occupants. For conditions dominated by an indoor source, it is recommended to increase the amount of outdoor air delivered indoors and to reduce the amount of return air. Air filtration and ventilation reduce particle concentrations indoors, with the overall effect depending on efficiency, location and the number of filters applied. The assessment of indoor air quality for specific conditions could be easily calculated by the model using user-defined input parameters.  相似文献   

Despite the electrostatic collection of aerosol particles as one of the most widely used air cleaning methods, there has not been sufficient amount of effort devoted to investigate its performance in the full range of operating conditions. This paper reports results of the tests of a two-stage electrostatic precipitator (ESP) conducted in the particle size range of 0.018-1.2 microns over a range of flow rates using NaCl and Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) test aerosols. The total collection efficiency of the precipitator was found to increase with an increase in the count median diameter (CMD) of the particles, to have polynomial dependence on flow rate and no significant dependence on the type of test aerosol. The fractional efficiency of the precipitator was found to be dependent on flow rate. However, the 'critical' particle size of about 1.2 microns was found to exist when the fractional collection efficiency becomes independent of flow rate. For submicrometer particles, the collection efficiency was found to be independent of particle size at flow rates below 560 l/s. A minimum in the efficiency was observed in the 0.1-0.45 micron particle size range and for particles smaller than about 0.02 micron.  相似文献   

Liddament MW 《Indoor air》2000,10(3):193-199
Ventilation is pivotal in terms of securing optimum indoor air quality. In addition, it also has a major impact on energy use in buildings. It is important, therefore, that the role and impact of ventilation is fully understood and that ventilation is employed efficiently. The purpose of this paper is to review these aspects with particular reference to recent research and developments. Key aspects are concerned with identifying the role of ventilation and reviewing this role in the context of the other measures that must be taken to secure a healthy indoor environment. References are particularly made to the development of standards and recent related research. Although good progress is being made, areas that still need to be addressed include maintaining good outdoor air quality and preventing contaminated outdoor air from entering buildings. The outcome of recent research must also be disseminated in practical ways to policy makers, building occupiers and practitioners. Good indoor climate can be achieved, not so much by introducing expensive concepts, but by developing a rationale approach to identifying needs and applying the necessary tools to deal with each need.  相似文献   

Limiting heat losses during ventilation of indoor building spaces has become a basic aim for architects, particularly since the oil crisis of 1970. Much experience has been gained in terms of ventilation of indoor spaces. Nevertheless, due to the complex applications, attempts to create a theoretical base for solving the problems related to the issue are limited, especially determining the minimum ventilation period required within a designated space. In this paper we have approached this matter, both theoretically and experimentally. The conclusion we reached was that controlled ventilation of spaces through vent holes that successively open and close at regular time intervals can limit the excessive circulation of air masses, which in turn limits heat losses.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact of cleaning on indoor environment quality. Surface dust contamination and occupants' perception of the work environment factors and symptoms were the parameters studied. Six multi-floor office buildings were selected. Dust contamination on surfaces was sampled with gelatine foils and quantified using a BM-Dustdetector. Occupants' perceptions of the environment were assessed with modified MM-40 questionnaires. The results indicated that each building had its own surface dust contamination profile. Weekly cleaning maintained the surface dust contamination at the highest acceptable level for indoor environments. The occupants and their activities have a major effect on the level of dust particle contamination on desks. The correlation between the perceived surface dust contamination and the level of satisfaction with cleaning was as expected. Furthermore, surface dust contamination appeared not to be associated with work-related symptoms. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results provide information about current program for contractors and clients, e.g. appropriate cleaning intervals of different surfaces, and the influence of disorder on result. After the evaluation of surface dust contamination levels, it will be possible for cleaning companies to focus on the most important surfaces to clean in order to enhance the quality of the indoor environment in office buildings. This should lead to future development work, which will require cooperation between contractors, clients, and research scientists. In office environments where high cleanliness is required, objective measurements (with instruments) are needed in addition to subjective measurements (the perceptions of occupants). It is essential to evaluate the efficiency of cleaning programs regularly with effective and appropriate quality-monitoring methods.  相似文献   

This research assesses benefits of adding to California Title‐24 ventilation rate (VR) standards a performance‐based option, similar to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers ‘Indoor Air Quality Procedure’ (IAQP) for retail spaces. Ventilation rates and concentrations of contaminants of concern (CoC) were measured in 13 stores. Mass balance models were used to estimate ‘IAQP‐based’ VRs that would maintain concentrations of all CoCs below health‐ or odor‐based reference concentration limits. An intervention study in a ‘big box’ store assessed how the current VR, the Title 24‐prescribed VR, and the IAQP‐based VR (0.24, 0.69, and 1.51 air changes per hour) influenced measured IAQ and perceived of IAQ. Neither current VRs nor Title 24‐prescribed VRs would maintain all CoCs below reference limits in 12 of 13 stores. In the big box store, the IAQP‐based VR kept all CoCs below limits. More than 80% of subjects reported acceptable air quality at all three VRs. In 11 of 13 buildings, saving energy through lower VRs while maintaining acceptable IAQ would require source reduction or gas‐phase air cleaning for CoCs. In only one of the 13 retail stores surveyed, application of the IAQP would have allowed reduced VRs without additional contaminant‐reduction strategies.  相似文献   

Ventilation effectiveness is an indicator of the quality of supply air distribution in ventilated rooms. It is a representation of how well a considered space is ventilated compared to a perfect air mixing condition. Depending on pollutant properties and source position relative to the airflow, ventilation effectiveness can more or less successfully be used as an indicator of air quality and human exposure. This paper presents an experimentally and numerically based study that examines the relationship between ventilation effectiveness and particle concentration in typical indoor environments. The results show that the relationship varies predominantly with airflow pattern and particle properties. Fine particles (1 μm) follow the airflow pattern more strictly than coarse particles (7 μm), and the high ventilation effectiveness indicates better removal of fine particles than coarse particles. When a ventilation system provides high mixing in the space and ventilation effectiveness is close to one, particle sizes and source location have a relatively small effect on particle concentration in the breathing zone. However, when the supply air is short circuited and large stagnation zones exist within the space, the particle concentration in the breathing zone varies with particle size, source location, and airflow pattern. Generally, the results show that for fine particles (1 μm), increase of ventilation effectiveness reduces occupant exposure; while for coarser particles (7 μm), source location and airflow around the pollutant source are the major variables that affect human exposure.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of ventilation on chemical reactions among indoor pollutants. We have used a one compartment mass balance model to simulate unimolecular and bimolecular reactions occurring indoors. The initial modeling assumes steady-state conditions. However, at low air exchange rates, there may be insufficient time to achieve steady-state. Hence we have also modeled non steady-state scenarios. In the cases examined, the results demonstrate that the concentrations of products generated from reactions among indoor pollutants increase as the ventilation rate decreases. This is true for unimolecular and bimolecular reactions, regardless of whether the pollutants have indoor or outdoor sources. It is also true even when one of the pollutants has an outdoor concentration that displays large diurnal variations. We have supplemented the modeling studies with a series of experiments conducted in typical commercial offices. The reaction examined was that between ozone and limonene. The ozone was present as a consequence of outdoor-to-indoor transport while the limonene originated indoors. Results were obtained for low and high ventilation rates. Consistent with the modeling studies, the concentrations of monitored products were much larger at the lower ventilation rates (even though the ozone concentrations were lower). The potential for reactions among indoor pollutants to generate reactive and irritating products is an additional reason to maintain adequate ventilation in indoor environments.  相似文献   

A pilot study was performed to investigate whether the application of a new mechanical ventilation system with a fine F8 (MERV14) filter could improve indoor air quality in a high school near the Amsterdam ring road. PM10, PM2.5, and black carbon (BC) concentrations were measured continuously inside an occupied intervention classroom and outside the school during three sampling periods in the winter of 2013/2014. Initially, 3 weeks of baseline measurements were performed, with the existing ventilation system and normal ventilation habits. Next, an intervention study was performed. A new ventilation system was installed in the classroom, and measurements were performed during 8 school weeks, in alternating 2‐week periods with and without the filter in the ventilation system under otherwise identical ventilation conditions. Indoor/outdoor ratios measured during the weeks with filter were compared with those measured without filter to evaluate the ability of the F8 filter to improve indoor air quality. During teaching hours, the filter reduced BC exposure by, on average, 36%. For PM10 and PM2.5, a reduction of 34% and 30% was found, respectively. This implies that application of a fine filter can reduce the exposure of schoolchildren to traffic exhaust at hot spot locations by about one‐third.  相似文献   

The effects of ventilation in computer classrooms were studied with university students (n = 355) in a blinded study, 31% were women and 3.8% had asthma. Two classrooms had a higher air exchange (4.1-5.2 ac/h); two others had a lower air exchange (2.3-2.6 ac/h). After 1 week, ventilation conditions were shifted. The students reported environmental perceptions during the last hour. Room temperature, RH, CO2, PM10 and ultra-fine particles were measured simultaneously. Mean CO2 was 1185 ppm at lower and 922 ppm at higher air exchange. Mean temperature was 23.2 degrees C at lower and 22.1 degrees C at higher air exchange. After mutual adjustment (temperature, RH, CO2, air exchange), measured temperature was associated with a perception of higher temperature (P < 0.001), lower air movement (P < 0.001), and poorer air quality (P < 0.001). Higher air exchange was associated with a perception of lower temperature (P < 0.001), higher air movement (P = 0.001), and better air quality (P < 0.001). In the longitudinal analysis (n = 83), increased air exchange caused a perception of lower temperature (P = 0.002), higher air movement (P < 0.001), better air quality (P = 0.001), and less odor (P = 0.02). In conclusion, computer classrooms have CO2 levels above 1000 ppm and temperatures above 22 degrees C. Increased ventilation from 7 l/s per person to 10-13 l/s per person can improve thermal comfort and air quality. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Computer classrooms are crowded indoor environments with a high thermal load from both students and computer equipment. It is important to control room temperature either by air conditioning, sun shields, or sufficiently high ventilation flow. A high ventilation flow is also crucial to achieving good perceived air quality. Personal ventilation flow should be at least 10 l/s. Possible loss of learning ability due to poor indoor air quality in university buildings deserves more attention.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to study the effect of mechanically induced fresh-air ventilation on the indoor air quality (IAQ) of the Tuskegee Healthy House (THH), selecting the outdoor weather conditions almost identical during the “fan OFF” and “fan ON” periods. Measurements of outdoor and indoor temperature and relative humidity (RH), in addition to the indoor dust particle concentration levels and interior wall moisture content, were systematically carried out during the summer month of August 2008. Results show that the effect of mechanically induced ventilation (“fan ON” period) is to raise the indoor RH, interior wall moisture content, and indoor dust particle concentration values significantly above those measured during the “fan OFF” period. The indoor temperature increases only slightly during the “fan ON” period.  相似文献   

Zuraimi MS  Tham KW  Chew FT  Ooi PL 《Indoor air》2007,17(4):317-327
This paper reports the effects of ventilation strategies on indoor air quality (IAQ) and respiratory health of children within 104 child care centers (CCCs) in a hot and humid climate. The CCCs were categorized by ventilation strategies: natural (NV), air-conditioned and mechanically ventilated (ACMV), air-conditioned using split units (AC), and hybrid (NV and AC operated intermittently). The concentration levels of IAQ parameters in NV CCCs are characterized by the influence of the outdoors and good dilution of indoor pollutants. The lower ventilation rates in air-conditioned CCCs result in higher concentrations of occupant-related pollutants but lower outdoor pollutant ingress. This study also revealed lower prevalence for most asthma and allergy, and respiratory symptoms in children attending NV CCCs. In multivariate analyses controlled for the effects of confounders, the risk of current rhinitis among children is significantly higher if they attend mechanically ventilated CCCs compared to NV CCCs. Air-conditioned CCCs were also associated with higher adjusted prevalence ratio of severe phlegm and cough symptoms and lower respiratory illness. Finally, children attending CCCs with hybrid ventilation are at high risk for almost all the respiratory symptoms studied. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This large field study indicates that different ventilation strategies employed by child care centers can cause significant variations in the indoor air quality and prevalence of asthma, allergies and respiratory symptoms of attending children. The higher prevalence rates of allergic and respiratory symptoms among young children, whose immune system is still under-developed, in child care centers, whether fully or partially air-conditioned, suggest that ventilation and plausible growth and propagation mechanisms of allergens and infectious agents be further investigated.  相似文献   

本文采用自动记录仪,对厦门某海滨住宅夏季自然通风与室内热环境进行实测。根据测得的自然通风时段,分析了自然通风对房间风速及室内热环境的影响。主要结论有:(1)在自然通风条件下,房间白天室内风速均值及波动值较夜间大。(2)房间在自然通风时段,室内气温均值略低于室外,室内气温波动明显低于室外且各房间气温波动差别不大;房间在非自然通风时段,室内气温均值与室外气温相当,室温变化相当平缓。(3)无论是自然通风还是非自然通风,房间的黑球温度与室内空气温度差别很小。(4)当房间处于非自然通风状态时,室内热环境总是处于"不可接受"水平,当房间处于自然通风状态时,其室内热环境几乎全时段达到"可接受"水平,且有的房间在某些时段可达到"热舒适"水平。  相似文献   

Zhang Q  Zhu Y 《Indoor air》2012,22(1):33-42
This study examined five schools with different ventilation systems in both urban and rural areas in South Texas. Total particle number concentration, ultrafine particle (UFP, diameter < 100 nm) size distribution, PM(2.5) , and CO(2) were measured simultaneously inside and outside of various school microenvironments. Human activities, ventilation settings, and occupancy were recorded. The study found a greater variation of indoor particle number concentration (0.6 × 10(3) -29.3 × 10(3) #/cm(3) ) than of outdoor (1.6 × 10(3) -16.0 × 10(3) #/cm(3) ). The most important factors affecting indoor UFP levels were related to various indoor sources. Gas fan heaters increased the indoor-to-outdoor ratio (I/O ratio) of total particle number concentrations to 30.0. Food-related activities, cleaning, and painting also contributed to the increased indoor particle number concentration with I/O ratios larger than 1.0. Without indoor sources, the I/O ratios for total particles varied from 0.12 to 0.66 for the five ventilation systems studied. The I/O ratio decreased when the outdoor total particle number concentration increased. Particles with diameters <60 nm were less likely to penetrate and stay airborne in indoor environments than larger particles and were measured with smaller I/O ratios. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: From an exposure assessment perspective, schools are important and little-studied microenvironments where students congregate and spend a large proportion of their active time. This study provides information for indoor and outdoor ultrafine particle concentrations at different types of school microenvironments. These data may allow future epidemiological studies to better estimate exposure and assess ultrafine particles health effects among students.  相似文献   

Zhao ZH  Elfman L  Wang ZH  Zhang Z  Norbäck D 《Indoor air》2006,16(6):404-413
We compared the school environment, asthma and allergy in 10 schools in Taiyuan, China, with eight schools in Uppsala, Sweden. In total 2193 pupils (mean age 13 years) participated. Chinese pupils had more respiratory symptoms, particularly daytime breathlessness after exercise (29.8% vs. 7.1%; P < 0.001), while cat allergy (1.2% vs. 6.6%; P < 0.001) and dog allergy (1.3% vs. 4.0%; P < 0.01) was less common. Cumulative incidence of asthma (1.8% vs. 9.5%; P < 0.001) and doctor's diagnosed asthma (1.2% vs. 9.0%; P < 0.001) were less common in China, indicating an under-diagnosis of asthma. Chinese classrooms were colder (mean 14.7 vs. 21.4 degrees C), more humid (mean 42% vs. 31% RH) and had higher CO2-levels (mean 2211 vs. 761 ppm). Levels of cat (Fel d1), dog (Can f1) allergens were low in settled dust from China (< 200 ng/g dust), but high in airborne dust on Petri-dishes (GM 16.8 ng/m2/day for Fel d1 and 17.7 for Can f1). The Swedish settled dust contained cat, dog and horse allergens in high levels (median 1300 ng/g, 1650 ng/g, 1250 U/g dust, respectively). In conclusion, there were large differences in the school environment, and in respiratory symptom and allergy. Allergen measurements in settled dust only may largely underestimate the classroom exposure. Practical Implications There is a need to improve the school environment, both in China and Sweden. The Swedish schools contained high levels of cat, dog and horse allergens and more amounts of open shelves and textiles that can accumulate dust and allergens. The air measurements indicated that Chinese schools may contain significant amounts of cat and dog allergen, and analysis of settled dust only may not reflect the true allergen exposure. Since the Chinese schools had no mechanical ventilation, they could not fulfill the ventilation standard in winter, and hence there is a need for improving the ventilation. The great discrepancy between respiratory symptoms and reports on asthma, and the high prevalence of attacks of breathlessness without wheeze, may have implication for future questionnaire studies on asthma in China.  相似文献   

System dynamic simulation has been adopted to test and evaluate the local and supervisory control of air-conditioning systems for over twenty years, while the modeling of the space ventilation was usually simulated using perfect mixing models. However, the complete-mixing air model fails to consider the impact of non-uniform air temperature stratifications. This paper presents a CFD-based virtual test method for control and optimization of indoor environment by combining a ventilated room with a ventilation control system. The ventilated room and its dynamic ventilation control system are represented by a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model and models of the temperature sensor, PID controller and actuator and VAV damper model respectively. The ventilation and its control system are programmed using the user defined function program and interfaced with the CFD model. A space temperature offset model is developed to improve the accuracy of temperature measurement and control at the occupied zone as a virtual sensor. Case studies show that the ventilation control models can interoperate with the CFD simulation of the space online which presents a new application approach of CFD simulation for testing and developing control and optimal control strategy before a system is constructed practically. The use of the virtual sensor can effectively compensate the effect of non-uniform stratification on the temperature control and improve system control reliability in a mechanical ventilated room.  相似文献   

The present research is concerned with effectiveness of stack ventilation system in an average Polish kindergarten. The research was carried out in June (2010), before the cleaning of the ventilation ducts, and in December (2009), after they had been cleaned. Two aspects of possible improvement of effectiveness of stack ventilation were considered, namely the influence of duct cleaning, and the supportive role of window unsealing. It seems that duct cleaning considerably improves effectiveness of ventilation: minimum growth in effectiveness of stack ventilation equalled 10%, whereas maximum was up to 100%. With unsealed windows, the air change rate grew up to 30%.  相似文献   

The impacts of various ventilation strategies and facade designs on indoor thermal environment for naturally ventilated residential buildings in Singapore are investigated in this study based on thermal comfort index. Four ventilation strategies, nighttime-only ventilation, daytime-only ventilation, full-day ventilation and no ventilation were evaluated for hot-humid climate according to the number of thermal discomfort hours in the whole typical year on the basis of a series of TAS simulations. Parametric studies of facade designs on orientations, window to wall ratios and shading devices were performed for two typical weeks by coupled simulations between building simulation ESP-r and CFD (FLUENT). The results indicate that full-day ventilation for indoor thermal comfort is better than the other three ventilation strategies. With various facade design studies, it was found that north- and south-facing facades can provide much comfortable indoor environment than east- and west-facing facades in Singapore. It is recommended that optimum window to wall ratio 0.24 can improve indoor thermal comfort for full-day ventilation and 600 mm horizontal shading devices are needed for each orientation in order to improve thermal comfort in further.  相似文献   

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