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【摘要】利用合同这一经济手段辅助档案管理,这是一项强有力的制约手段和管理措施,对于实现工程档案及时、齐全、完整地收集发挥了不可取代的重要作用。因此,如何对企业建设工程合同档案进行规范管理,更好地依法维护企业自身的利益及如何加强已履行完毕的建设工程合同的归档管理以供更好地开发利用,这都是企业档案管理部门应该认真研究解决的一个课题。本文对企业合同档案管理难点问题进行了探析,并提出建议。  相似文献   

刘宏 《中国科技博览》2014,(11):254-254
工程计量和合同管理是施工单位的一项非常重要的工作内容,工程计量和合同管理应得到高度的重视。本文就工程计量及合同管理方面问题做一些阐述。  相似文献   

水利水电工程建设合同管理是指水行政主管部门和相关机构,以及水利水电工程参建各方依照法律和行政法规、规章制度,采取法律的、行政的手段,对合同关系进行组织、指导协调和监督,保护合同当事人的合法权益,处理合同纠纷,防止和制裁违法行为,保证合同法规的贯彻实施等一系列活动。本文探讨了水利水电工程的合同管理  相似文献   

由于公路工程项目工程量大,施工周期较长,工程变更、干扰事件较多,因此合同管理是保证建设工程项目正常施工的有效手段之一。旌工合同管理的质量将直接影响到工程项目质量和企业经济效益,针对我国当前公路工程合同管理的现状,分析了合同管理中存在的常见问题,提出了解决对策,旨在增强施工企业抗风险能力。  相似文献   

随着市场经济体制不段发展,我国的建筑市场的监管力度也与日俱增,逐步朝着法制化和规范化方向稳步前进。加强建筑工程施工合同管理是保证工程项目顺利进行的关键,本文从工程合同概念及其中相关问题到解决措施三方面集中论述合同管理的重要性。  相似文献   

胡君芬 《硅谷》2008,(22):167-167
建设工程合同管理是建设项目管理的重要内容之一,是建设项目管理的核心,是保证建设工程项目顺利实施的必要条件.随着建筑市场管理体制的完善,建筑市场风险进一步加大,工程参建各方对旌工合同管理也越来越重视.有效的合同管理是促进工程参建各方全面履行合同约定的义务,是确保建设目标实现的重要手段.  相似文献   

水利水电工程开发过程中存在着许多不确定因素,水利水电工程建设的合同管理有其突出的意义和特有的内容。本文分析了当前合同管理存在的问题,并提出加强水利水电工程合同管理的措施。  相似文献   

工程索赔是集合工程技术、施工经验、合同知识、法律经济基础等多方面知识的综合学科,是要求很高的经营管理活动。对于大多工程项目,索赔的出现在所难免,它是合同双方合理申张自身权益的手段。要做好合同索赔工作,必须在到整个工程全过程中树立起索赔意识,建立索赔管理体系。本文将对如何做好合同中的索赔管理进行探讨。  相似文献   

合同管理是工程造价管理的核心和关键,是确定和调整合同双方经济关系,解决合同纠纷,控制工程造价的重要手段.它对于加强企业管理,提高经济效益具有十分重要的作用.笔者对工程造价合同管理的前提、价值、基础、主体、焦点、未来等基本问题进行了分析,希望对同行有所帮助.  相似文献   

针对工程项目管理中合同与成本管理之间的关系,工程项目管理中合同至上原则,以及如何处理合同或法律来解决工程问题以便对于成本的控制等进行了详细的分析说明,以期更好的把握工程项目管理中合同与成本之间的关系,以利于从事工程项目管理活动。合同管理中需要有成本意识,要实现合同管理中的成本控制;同样,成本管理也需要对合同进行规范,科学合理的合同管理有助于实现对工程成本控制的最终目标。  相似文献   

Governments at all levels are increasingly motivating the private sector to participate in infrastructure development using alternative project delivery methods to relieve financial burden. When designing contracts, governments usually offer incentives while requiring cost or time guarantee to balance project attractiveness to the private sector and fair protection of public interest. However, a practical and critical problem is how to properly design these provisions. Although previous studies have investigated the value of these provisions, a knowledge gap still exists with respect to methods of fairly and effectively designing such provisions. This study fills this gap by developing a methodology that analyzes the appropriateness of guarantee or warranty provisions for contracts. In this study, a contract reliability index is constructed, and a process of evaluating contract reliability is proposed. The New Mexico Highway 44 project, in which three warranty provision arrangements are investigated, is used as a case study to illustrate the analysis process. Results show that although a ceiling clause can effectively motivate the private sector to participate in the project, it sacrifices a significant amount of public benefits. By contrast, although a warranty option can protect public benefits, it cannot effectively incentivize the private sector. A combination of the ceiling clause and the warranty option will therefore result in improved contract provision design. The proposed methodology in this study is especially useful for governments in properly determining contract clauses in infrastructure development.  相似文献   

Security and privacy issues have become a rapidly growing problem with the fast development of big data in public health. However, big data faces many ongoing serious challenges in the process of collection, storage, and use. Among them, data security and privacy problems have attracted extensive interest. In an effort to overcome this challenge, this article aims to present a distributed privacy preservation approach based on smart contracts and Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX). First of all, we define SGX as a trusted edge computing node, design data access module, data protection module, and data integrity check module, to achieve hardware-enhanced data privacy protection. Then, we design a smart contract framework to realize distributed data access control management in a big data environment. The crucial role of the smart contract was revealed by designing multiple access control contracts, register contracts, and history contracts. Access control contracts provide access control methods for different users and enable static access verification and dynamic access verification by checking the user’s properties and history behavior. Register contract contains user property information, edge computing node information, the access control and history smart contract information, and provides functions such as registration, update, and deletion. History contract records the historical behavior information of malicious users, receives the report information of malicious requestors from the access control contract, implements a misbehavior check method to determines whether the requestor has misbehavior, and returns the corresponding result. Finally, we design decentralized system architecture, prove the security properties, and analysis to verify the feasibility of the system. Results demonstrate that our method can effectively improve the timeliness of data, reduce network latency, and ensure the security, reliability, and traceability of data.  相似文献   

闫文周  马玉洁 《工业工程》2015,18(2):160-164
以建设工程施工合同争议案例分解为基础,提出了建设工程施工合同争议案例知识管理模型架构,分析了架构组成.本文将知识元理论和矩阵模型引入到合同争议中,并运用相似度实现案例检索.依据提出的架构及关键技术,承包商企业可实现施工合同争议案例的知识管理,从而提高知识资源的利用率,降低工程成本.  相似文献   

列举了核电建设工程中各施工承包商理化实验室对于实验室规定检验项目中常出现的问题,分析了出现相关问题的原因,针对各种问题提出了解决方法,有助于加强实验室的管理,从而更有效地服务于工程建设。  相似文献   

A smart contract is a digital program of transaction protocol (rules of contract) based on the consensus architecture of blockchain. Smart contracts with Blockchain are modern technologies that have gained enormous attention in scientific and practical applications. A smart contract is the central aspect of a blockchain that facilitates blockchain as a platform outside the cryptocurrency spectrum. The development of blockchain technology, with a focus on smart contracts, has advanced significantly in recent years. However, research on the smart contract idea has weaknesses in the implementation sectors based on a decentralized network that shares an identical state. This paper extensively reviews smart contracts based on multi-criteria analysis, challenges and motivations. Therefore, implementing blockchain in multi-criteria research is required to increase the efficiency of interaction between users via supporting information exchange with high trust. Implementing blockchain in the multi-criteria analysis is necessary to increase the efficiency of interaction between users via supporting information exchange and with high confidence, detecting malfunctioning, helping users with performance issues, reaching a consensus, deploying distributed solutions and allocating plans, tasks and joint missions. The smart contract with decision-making performance, planning and execution improves the implementation based on efficiency, sustainability and management. Furthermore, the uncertainty and supply chain performance lead to improved users’ confidence in offering new solutions in exchange for problems in smart contacts. Evaluation includes code analysis and performance, while development performance can be under development.  相似文献   

Supply contracts have been widely utilised by practitioners to mitigate supply chain risks and disruptions while maintaining flexibility and stability. It is, thus, not surprising that buyers’ economically rational decisions towards supply contracts have been well studied. Missing in the literature, however, is examination of potential values and risks of supply contracts from supplier’s perspective. Motivated by this literature vacancy, this paper, using a real options approach, investigates a supplier’s acceptance decision towards a supply contract with variable cost and supply demand uncertainties. Through analytical and numerical examinations, conditions under which it is economically viable for the supplier to accept the supply contract are derived. This study also uncovers the impacts of variable cost and supply demand uncertainties as well as contract duration on the supplier’s acceptance decision. Also, there exists a range of contract duration beyond which the supplier should reject the supply contract offered by the client. To facilitate the understanding of this duration range, the corresponding shortest and longest contract duration is derived through numerical examples.  相似文献   

方卫国  李立 《工业工程》2011,14(3):60-65
针对由一个制造商和一个零售商组成的单一易逝品供应链,在随机库存问题报童模型基础上,推导了回购、收入分享和数量折扣合同下,零售商的最优订货策略、零售商和制造商的期望利润,给出了不同供应链合同的适用条件。通过一个皮衣生产、销售供应链的案例,对不同供应链合同下的最优订货策略、合同适用性及原因进行了分析、比较。为理解不同供应链合同的适用性提供了数理依据和案例解释。  相似文献   

Bilateral forward contracts are generally used in electricity markets to stabilise prices and hedge electricity shortage risks. A contract party is able to draw electricity from the contract and resell it to the dayahead wholesale and retail markets. Contract parties schedule electricity deliveries over contract period to obtain the highest profit and estimate the acceptable contract price. Two types of contracts are introduced as a way to coordinate interests of the contract parties. The study formulates optimisation problems for contract scheduling. The stochastic dynamic programming technique is proposed as a numerical method for the problem solving. An algorithm based on preliminary construction of revenue functions is developed. A numerical example demonstrates the efficiency of the algorithm.  相似文献   

In a low-profit environment, numerous firms no longer use traditional hiring practices and are forced to use a temporary workforce; these practices result in a more flexible workforce. Although outsourcing provides several benefits, it has a high level of risk. Therefore, implementing an enterprise risk management programme is crucial for using temporary labour. This study investigated the condition under which the multiperiod contract of a temporary work agency prohibits labour shortages. This investigation was performed to improve the effectiveness of dispatch contract designs. This study incorporated the concepts of labour demand forecasting and risk sharing and proposes two types of quantity flexibility contracts, period quantity adjustment and total quantity adjustment, to develop an optimal manpower dispatch contract model. An optimal manpower dispatch contract model must coordinate the interests of a temporary work agency and user firms to increase profits for both firms and must be flexible enough to allow for numerous order adjustments. To achieve this objective, this study used sensitivity analysis and an experimental design methodology to analyse the benefits of period quantity adjustment and total quantity adjustment and, accordingly, determine the factors that influence the total expected profit.  相似文献   

针对如何激励服务供应商的角色外行为,构建面向角色内行为的正式契约、面向角色内和角色外行为的关系契约以及社会效益最大化的最优契约三种契约下的委托代理模型,求解各契约下的最优契约条款和发包方长期最优收益,分析建立关系契约的条件和最优角色内和角色外行为激励系数,对比分析三种契约下发包方长期最优收益。越重视长远利益的发包方所获长期最优收益越大,且越愿意为服务供应商角色外行为提供更多激励。当贴现率大于一定值时,发包方和服务供应商才会建立关系契约。发包方会提高对服务供应商角色外行为的激励系数,以吸引服务供应商与其签订关系契约。服务供应商角色外行为会为发包方带来额外收益,且该额外收益与贴现率和角色外行为效用权重正相关。  相似文献   

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