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Developing flows of generalized Bingham (Herschel-Bulkley) fluids in concentric annuli were studied numerically. A control volume approach based upon an upwinding finite difference technique was used to solve the equation of motion. The results in terms of velocity and pressure drop profiles are shown graphically. Radius ratios of 0.02, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6; power-law indices (n) of 0.7, 1.0 and 1.2; generalized Bingham numbers of 5, 10 and 15 were investigated. At present, there are no experimental results with which to make comparisons. However, there are results for fully developed flows and comparison has been made with these. In all cases the agreement was good.  相似文献   

The formation, morphology and transport properties of a new multilayer pervaporation membrane have been studied. This membrane consists of a microporous support based on a poly(amideimide), an intermediate poly[2-(N,N-dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate] layer, and a top diffusion layer of ladder polysiloxane. The membrane has low permeability for weakly polar liquids (e.g. cyclohexane); it exhibits dehydrating properties for waterisopropanol mixtures and has high productivity (up to 14.5 kg h-1 m-2) and high separation factor (up to 27430) when methanol is isolated from mixtures with cyclohexane. The transport properties of the membrane are discussed with respect to the Henis-Tripodi resistance model, taking into account the hydrophobic-hydrophilic nature of the polymers used.  相似文献   

李雅侠  王航  吴剑华 《化工学报》2010,61(11):2796-2803
根据螺旋半圆管夹套的结构特点,提出了简化的物理模型;采用数值方法求解了恒定热负荷条件下夹套内流体充分发展的层流流场和温度场,并与激光多普勒测速仪测得的速度场和已有的传热实验结果进行了对比。研究了夹套的结构和换热流体Prandtl数Pr对夹套内流体流动及换热特性的影响。结果表明:层流状态下,夹套管的横截面上存在两涡结构的二次流;随着曲率k的增大,二次流函数值增大,二次涡的强度增强,流动阻力增加。二次流对夹套内的换热起强化作用,k值越大,换热流体的Pr越小,二次流的相对强化换热作用越明显。增大k或Pr可以强化夹套内的换热,但强化效果不同;夹套内换热面的中心部位是需要强化换热的重点部位。  相似文献   

A general computation of multilayer coextrusion flow in a flat die geometry is presented. For any given number of layers of different polymers, characterized by their thermal and rheological behaviors, the model permits computation of velocity and temperature fields along the flow in constant or slightly varying geometries. The influence of different operating parameters (wall regulation temperature, flow rate, initial temperatures) on the interface positions and temperature evolutions is evaluated. Theoretical predictions of interface positions are in agreement with experiments carried out on an industrial multimanifold flat die.  相似文献   

Isothermal and non‐isothermal steady helical flows are theoretically investigated under the assumption that the flow is fully developed in both the thermal and hydrodynamic senses. It is well known that the basic gross characteristics of steady isothermal helical flows of non‐Newtonian liquids can be found relatively easily if the flow curve (or non‐Newtonian viscosity) in simple shearing is known. Nevertheless, evaluation of more detailed viscoelastic properties in this type of flow is also sometimes desirable. These properties are shown to be exactly determined in both the isothermal and non‐isothermal cases as soon as a nonlinear viscoelatic constitutive equation is specified. Shear thinning due to fluid rotation and strong temperature dependence of Newtonian viscosity highly increase dissipative heat. This can produce significant non‐isothermal effects in intense helical flows, even when the wall temperature is kept uniform and constant. It is shown that the energy consumption in isothermal and non‐isothermal helical flows is always higher than in respective annular flows with the same flow rate. Comparisons between our calculations and available experimental data are also discussed.  相似文献   

The structure formation processes that occur during the flow of dilute blends of high density polyethylene (HDPE) or polypropylene (PP) In a linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) carrier phase have been studied. Due to low surface tensions, high deformations of the dispersed minor phase can be induced under slow flow conditions leading to the formation of slender filaments. Measurements on a slit die, having a large, converging flow entrance region, demonstrate that the mechanism for filament formation is droplet bursting, yielding growing tails during shear flow, or, unsteady drop elongation during extensional flow. Tail growth can be modeled as the flow of a slightly tapering cylinder in a fluid of different viscosity, For dispersed to carrier phase viscosity ratios greater than unity, extensional flow occurs in the tail phase, which can induce oriented crystallization. For ratios less than unity, the flow is compressive, which. Inhibits crystallization. Drop deformation and crystallization in the converging flow entrance region is greatly enhanced by the extensional flow, and droplet growth can be described by a model assuming a time-dependent, planar, extensional flow field. Data for birefringence and melting points of as-crystallized fibers are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The various types of extensional flows and extensional viscosities are defined and methods of measurement discussed. The role that each of these extensional viscosities plays in various polymer fabrication processes is discussed with examples. Finally, it is shown how engineering analyses of these complex flow fields are conducted using simplified phenomenological equations for the rheological behavior. This approach is recommended for use until such time as tensorially correct, mathematically tractable constitutive equations that are based on molecular theory are available.  相似文献   

Mechanical degradation of a semi-dilute solution of non-hydrolyzed polyacrylamide was studied under laminar flow conditions through fine capillary systems. Using a multi-pass device and capillary tubes of the same diameter and of various lengths we have shown that mechanical degradation (i) occurs at a critical value of the wall shear rate, chosen as a reference deformation rate, which is slightly higher than that of the appearance of high pressure losses in the entrance region of the capillary tube; (ii) is independent of the capillary tube length; (iii) increases with the number of passes N up to a maximum value for a limiting number of passes Nlim which is a decreasing function of deformation rates but does not depend on capillary length. The amount of degradation is expressed in terms of loss of viscous dissipation in shear and transient elongational flow. This last point is determined by studying the total end pressure loss through the capillary tube as a function of the pass number. The high pressure loss is related to viscous dissipation on macromolecules stretched by rapid converging flow. A comparison between a fresh and a fully degraded solution indicates that the degradation affects shear viscosity much less than viscous dissipation in rapid converging flow which is related to the properties of extended macromolecules. Both experimental results and theoretical interpretation suggest that, in our capillary system, the mechanical degradation occurs in the entrance region of the capillary where macromolecules are stretched and consequently submitted to extensional forces which can overcome the C–C bonds strength.  相似文献   

This paper reports an analytical and numerical study of mixed convection heat and mass transfer of a binary fluid in a vertical parallel plate channel filled with a porous medium. The thermal conditions applied on the walls of the system are uniform heat fluxes. Both the cases of double‐diffusion and Soret‐induced convection are considered. The governing equations for the porous medium rely on Darcy's model. The governing parameters for the problem are the Rayleigh number, Ra, Peclet number, Pe, Lewis number, Le, buoyancy ratio, φ, aspect ratio of the channel $A = L'/H'$ and the constant a (a = 0 for double diffusive convection and a = 1 for Soret induced convection). The resulting problem, in the limit of fully developed mixed convection, is solved analytically in closed form. A numerical solution of the full governing equations is demonstrated to be in good agreement with the analytical model. The temperature and velocity fields and the Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are obtained in terms of the governing parameters. The possible existence of reversed flows in the channel is discussed. © 2011 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering  相似文献   

美国国民淀粉化学品公司新近研究出一种新的疏水性高分子量的羧基化丙烯酸共聚物,可应用于防水型防晒产品、保湿护肤品、彩妆产品及需要缓释功能的个人护理品中,作为特殊的黏合剂发挥作用。它具  相似文献   

The design of functional polymer multilayer thin films with nanometer scale control is of great interest for biomedical applications such as tissue engineering, targeted drug delivery, controlled release system, and regenerative medicine. Various functions and properties of polymer thin films can be easily programmed and realized by the layer-by-layer assembly strategy, which is a facile and versatile deposition method to prepare well-defined biomedical multilayer platforms due to its benign process to prepare films under mild conditions and the capability of incorporating bioactive materials at a desired location within the films. Particularly, the fine tuning of physicochemical and biological properties of multilayer thin films is significantly important for designing novel biomedical platforms capable of adjusting the cellular functions. In this review, we focus on the overall background of the layer-by-layer assembly as well as the tuning of multilayer film properties and the programming of biological functions into the polymer thin films with a view on the control of cellular functions. Furthermore, we highlighted the recent achievements toward the design of novel biomedical platforms based on functionalized polymer multilayer thin films.  相似文献   

A polymer gel microsphere profile control agent [P(AA‐AM‐C18DMAAC)@SiO2] with a multilayer assembled structure was prepared by combining multiple assembly and nanocomposite technology via inverse emulsion polymerization and precipitation polymerization using silicon dioxide (SiO2), acrylamide (AM), and acrylic acid (AA). The structure of the gel microsphere was characterized by SEM, FTIR, and TGA. The results indicated that the multilayer assembled polymer gel microsphere was successfully prepared. The introduction of SiO2 enhanced the strength of the profile control agent, and the outer hydrophobic association polymer octadecyl dimethyl allylammonium chloride (C18DMAAC) changed the temperature resistance and salt resistance of the polymer by adjusting the polymer composition. Further, the influences of C18DMAAC dosage in P(AA‐AM‐C18DMAAC)@SiO2 at different temperatures on the water absorption ratio of the gel microsphere was studied and concluded that at C18DMAAC to P(AA‐AM)@SiO2 mass ratio of 1.25:1, the water absorption performance of the profile control agent was optimal. Moreover, the microsphere of the P(AA‐AM‐C18DMAAC)@SiO2 shows the characteristics of absorb water slowly at low temperatures and quickly at high temperatures. And the prepared microsphere has a certain salt tolerance, and the viscosity of the P(AA‐AM‐C18DMAAC)@SiO2 microsphere increases slowly, so it could be used as a promising profile control agent in future. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 59:1507–1516 2019. © 2019 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

A combination of shear and extension is encountered in the squashing flows of heated polymer particles. Extensional rate affects the non-Newtonian viscosity in determining the flow field in the squashing of cylindrical particles, but both the extensional and shear rates are equally important for disc-like particles. A viscous-type constitutive equation is used for simplicity. The solution of the momentum equations satisfying no-slip boundary conditions leads to a particle flattening equation that can predict flattening ratios of nonisothermal particles in terms of rheological parameters and dimensionless groups of process variables. Application of this analysis to roll fusing of toner particles in copiers is described in a companion article in this issue.  相似文献   

Experimental results are presented for the flow of water in eccentric annuli having unit eccentricity in the laminar, transition and turbulent flow regimes at Reynolds numbers between 200 and 20,000. In both the laminar and turbulent regimes the interesting result is obtained that, for a given Reynolds number, the friction factor is a minimum at a diameter ratio of about 0.750. The experimental results are compared with previous theoretical analyses in the laminar region, and with previous experimental data at Reynolds numbers exceeding 20,000 in the turbulent region. A further interesting result relates to the transition region where, at intermediate diameter ratios, the transition from laminar to turbulent flow becomes more diffuse. This appears to be a consequence of the gradual change from laminar to turbulent flow brought about by the variation in local Reynolds number from zero to a maximum value within the eccentric annulus. It is believed that sufficent experimental data are now available for the pressure gradient to be predicted for flow in eccentric annuli of unit eccentricity over a relatively wide range of Reynolds number.  相似文献   

An analysis of the two-fluid model in the case of vertical fully developed laminar bubbly flows is conducted. Firstly the phase distribution in the central region of the pipe (where wall effects vanish) is considered. From the model equations an intrinsic length scale L is deduced such that the scaled system reduces to a single equation without parameters. With the aid of this equation some generic properties of the solutions of the model for pipes with diameter greater than about 20L (the usual case, since L is of the order of the bubble radius) are found. We prove that in all physically meaningful solutions an (almost) exact compensation of the applied pressure gradient with the hydrostatic force occurs (with ρeff the effective density and the gravity). This compensation implies flat void fraction and velocity profiles in the central region not affected by the wall, even when no turbulence effects are accounted for.We then turn to consider the complete problem with a numerical approach, with the effect of the wall dealt via wall forces. The previous mathematical results are confirmed and the near-wall phase distributions and velocity profiles are found. With the numerical code it is also possible to investigate the regime in which the pressure gradient is greater than the weight of the pure liquid, in which case a region of strictly zero void fraction develops surrounding the axis of the pipe (in upward flow of bubbles).Finally, the same code is used to study the effect of reducing the gravity. As decreases, so does the relative velocity between the phases, making the lift force increasingly dominant. This produces, in upward bubbly flows, narrower and sharper void fraction peaks that also appear closer to the wall.  相似文献   

The steady shear viscosity (ηs), the steady first normal stress coefficient (Ψ1), the steady second normal stress coefficient (Ψ2), and extensional viscosity (ηe) are four important parameters for polymer melts during polymer processing. In this article, we propose a stress and rate-dependent function to describe creation and destruction of polymer junctions. Moreover, we also introduce a movement expression to describe nonaffine movement of network junctions. Based on network theory, a nonaffine single-mode rheological model is presented for the steady flow of polymeric melts, and the equations of ηs, Ψ1, Ψ2, and ηe are derived from the model accordingly. Furthermore the dependences of ηs and ηe on model parameters are discussed for the model. Without a complex statistical simulation, the single-mode model with four parameters yields good quantitative predictions of the steady shear and extensional flows for two low density polyethylene melts reported from previous literature in very wide range of deformation rates. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012  相似文献   

A global computation model for self-wiping corotating twin screw extruders is proposed. Based on a ID approximated approach, it has been validated by comparison with experimentation and more sophisticated numerical models. It allows one to obtain, for any screw profile including left-and right-handed screw elements and kneading discs, the profile along the screws of the main flow variables, such as pressure, mean temperature, residence time, and filling ratio. Owing to the approximations made, this model can be easily and rapidly run on a personal computer or a workstation. Important applications may be found in screw profile design, scaleup, compounding or reactive extrusion.  相似文献   

Polymer extrusion is fundamental to the processing of polymeric materials and melt flow temperature homogeneity is a major factor which influences product quality. Undesirable thermal conditions can cause problems such as melt degradation, dimensional instability, weaknesses in mechanical/optical/geometrical properties, and so forth. It has been revealed that melt temperature varies with time and with radial position across the die. However, the majority of polymer processes use only single‐point techniques whose thermal measurements are limited to the single point at which they are fixed. Therefore, it is impossible for such techniques to determine thermal homogeneity across the melt flow. In this work, an extensive investigation was carried out into melt flow thermal behavior of the output of a single extruder with different polymers and screw geometries over a wide range of processing conditions. Melt temperature profiles of the process output were observed using a thermocouple mesh placed in the flow and results confirmed that the melt flow thermal behavior is different at different radial positions. The uniformity of temperature across the melt flow deteriorated considerably with increase in screw rotational speed while it was also shown to be dependent on process settings, screw geometry, and material properties. Moreover, it appears that the effects of the material, machine, and process settings on the quantity and quality of the process output are heavily coupled with each other and this may cause the process to be difficult to predict and variable in nature. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 54:2430–2440, 2014. © 2013 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

A potential advantage of platelet-like nanofillers as nanocomposite reinforcements is the possibility of achieving two-dimensional stiffening through planar orientation of the platelets. The ability to achieve improved properties through in-plane orientation of the platelets is a challenge and, here, we present the first results of using forced assembly to orient graphene nanoplatelets in poly(methyl methacrylate)/polystyrene (PMMA/PS) and PMMA/PMMA multilayer films produced through multilayer coextrusion. The films exhibited a multilayer structure made of alternating layers of polymer and polymer containing graphene as evidenced by electron microscopy. Significant single layer reinforcement of 118% at a concentration of 2 wt % graphene was achieved—higher than previously reported reinforcement for randomly dispersed graphene. The large reinforcement is attributed to the planar orientation of the graphene in the individual polymer layers. Anisotropy of the stiffening was also observed and attributed to imperfect planar orientation of the graphene lateral to the extrusion flow.  相似文献   

The melt rheological behavior of polymer blends was investigated by means of a capillary rheometer. The systems chosen for study were blends of polystyrene (PS) with different molecular weights and blends of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) with different molecular weights. A modified concentric multilayer model was proposed to correlate the rheological properties of the polymer blends with the composition and shear rate. The agreement between the calculated values and the measured ones is satisfactory.  相似文献   

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