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A study is presented concerning the basic morphology of melt-crystallized isotactic polypropylene (iPP). Involved within, is the coordinated application of optical and electronmicroscopy on a range of commercial iPP-s, crystallized in the temperature range 100°C–150°C. For electron microscopy in particular, the permanganic etching technique has been used throughout, providing the simultaneous combination of both real space microstructures with electron diffraction information. The investigation itself has centred on the five different spherulite types, as identified optically, which were then correlated with the details of their particular lamellar morphology. It was found that each spherulite type is characterized by virtue of the arrangement of its constituent lamellae, in terms of orientation, habit type and crystal structure. Thus, specific correlations were obtained between the structural entities on all scales of the structure hierarchy. 相似文献
A self-seeding technique, coupled with isothermal crystallization, was used to prepare isotactic polypropylene specimens of varying spherulite size, but of constant crystallinity and lamellar thickness. The latter quantities were also varied by changing the isothermal crystallization temperature. The electrical lifetime at constant applied voltage, in a point-plane geometry, was measured. It was found that the electrical lifetime decreased with increasing spherulite size and, more weakly, with decreasing crystallinity (at a given spherulite size). 相似文献
The lamellar morphology of melt-crystallized isotactic polystyrene has been investigated by extending the technique of permanganic etching for electron microscopy. This paper reports on objects grown at 220°C which are comparatively uncomplicated, being aggregates of hexagonal lamellae, with smooth facets and distinguishable internal sectors, organized into axialites. To a first approximation only, hexagonal lamellae splay apart about a common diagonal presenting three characteristic projections in orthogonal directions. These are hexagonal, sheaflike and an array of approximately parallel lamellae. In reality the term axialite is an oversimplification. Splaying is not restricted to a single axis but occurs in three dimensions making these objects incipient spherulites. Polystyrene spherulites grown as low as 180°C the temperature of maximum growth rate are also constructed on the same principles as are spherulites of polyethylene and isotactic polypropylene. These are that a framework is established by individual dominant lamellae which branch and splay apart leaving interstices to be filled by later-crystallizing subsidiary lamellae. There is evidence that subsidiary lamellae contain shorter molecules on average than do dominant lamellae. The dominant/subsidiary construction is not what had been assumed in the Keith and Padden theory of spherulitic growth nor is there evidence of cellulation or local diffusion influencing development even though crystal sizes exceed the Keith and Padden parameter · by two orders of magnitude. We conclude that polymer spherulites can form independently of the mechanism proposed by Keith and Padden14. It is suggested that the cause of lamellae splaying apart is a mutual repulsion due to uncrystallized portions of molecules between dominant lamellae. 相似文献
The excellent characteristics of polymeric nanofibers with diameters less than 1 μm such as the enormous specific surface result in a dramatic increase in a variety of functional applications. In this article, polymer blends of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) and polylactide (PLA) were fabricated through a twin‐screw extruder. The extrudates were prepared at various processing conditions and the iPP nanofibers were obtained by removal of the PLA matrix from the drawn samples. The influences of drawing ratio, the processing temperature, and the blend ratio of iPP/PLA on the morphology development of iPP phase were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. It was found that the uniformed iPP nanofibers with averaged diameters less than 500 nm were fabricated by the suitable processing parameters. Otherwise, the processing immiscibility and rheological behavior of iPP/PLA blends were studied by means of dynamic mechanical analysis and capillary rheometer. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012 相似文献
In order to elucidate the origin of luminescent species in unstabilized commercial isotactic polypropylene (IPP), effects of hexane extraction and exposure of the extracted IPP film to the atmosphere on both fluorescence and phosphorescence emissions were examined. Fluorescence emission from the unextracted IPP film disappeared by the extraction, and only a very weak phosphorescence emission was found. During the exposure of the extracted IPP film to the atmosphere, both fluorescence and phosphorescence emissions appeared again. The intensity of the spectra increased with the exposure time and finally almost reached that from the unextracted IPP film. The results indicated that main fluorescent species in IPP are foreign impurities originating from an ambient atmosphere, and that contribution of a very minor amount of phosphorescence species such as carbonyl groups incorporated with the polymer was scarce. 相似文献
A. O. Ibhadon 《应用聚合物科学杂志》1996,62(11):1843-1846
Physical aging studies were made using commercial and laboratory samples of isotactic polypropylene. Linear and nonlinear viscoelastic responses were measured after quenching the glass from above the glass transition temperatures to below the glass transition. Results show that aging is not eliminated by large mechanical deformations; rather, the time required for the glass to age into equilibrium is independent of the applied stress. Results obtained are purely kinetic and interpreted as the effects accompanying the process of glass formation in a semicrystalline polymer. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
The tensile and fracture behaviour of neat α and β nucleated isotactic polypropylene and rubber-modified α and β nucleated isotactic polypropylene has been investigated at test speeds of 0.0001-10 ms−1 in the temperature range −30 to +60 °C. The presence of the β phase had little effect at low temperature. However, at +25 and +60 °C, it increased the speeds corresponding to the ductile-brittle transition in the neat polymer by more than three decades. This behaviour has been linked to changes in microdeformation mechanisms observed at the lamellar and spherulitic level, an increase in cavitational deformation in tensile tests and an increase in the strength of the β relaxation in dynamic mechanical spectra. In the blends, the presence of the β phase led to somewhat higher energy dissipation in regimes of ductile fracture. However, the ductile-brittle transitions were not significantly affected. The modifier phase was therefore inferred to control the initiation and propagation of the plastic zone ahead of the crack tip during fracture. 相似文献
The tensile yield stress behaviour of isotactic polypropylene was measured over wide ranges of strain rate and temperature. As was found with amorphous materials studied previously, the yield stress behaviour could be described as the sum of the stresses due to two rate processes. One of these processes again appears to be the α-process (i.e. the process associated with the glass temperature, Tg) but the second process appears to be associated with the crystalline melting temperature (Tm). It is believed that the relaxation time of the usual β-process is too short for this process to make a significant contribution to the stress in the temperature region studied. 相似文献
固相氯化法氯化等规聚丙烯结构分析 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
借助DSC,IR,^1H-NMR方法对搅拌式固相氯化制备的氯化等规聚丙烯的宏观氯原子分布和微观氯原子分布进行了分析。结果表明,搅拌式固相氯化法能够迅速破坏等规聚丙烯的结晶,从而得到宏观氯原子分布均匀的CIPP。此方法制备的CIPP主要为等丙烯分子链上的仲氢原子被取代的产物。 相似文献
The microstructural changes in isotactic polypropylene (PP), subsequent to quench from the melt to around Tg were studied using dynamic mechanical loss, volume dilatometry, small and wide angle X-ray scattering, infrared and NMR spectroscopy. The β-transition loss tangent and the specific volume decreased linearly with logarithm of aging time. Dynamic mechanical loss and NMR spectroscopy results established that amorphous chain mobility reduced during aging. X-ray and IR techniques showed that the crystallinity, the crystalline density, and the average chain conformation do not change during aging. Tensile tests indicated that diffusion of air or moisture into the polymer is not a competitive mechanism for the aging phenomenon. A simple free-volume model is quantitatively consistent with these observations. The fraction of the material which cannot age increased as the quench temperature decreased. Further, at lower temperatures a portion of the nonageable fraction is shown to reside in the amorphous fraction. 相似文献
Gas evolution, oxygen consumption, and change of mechanical properties were studied for the γ-ray irradiation of isotactic polypropylene from 60Co under various conditions, such as vacuum, air, and oxygen at room temperature. For irradiation under vacuum, G(H2) = 2.9 and G (CH4) = 0.09; the G values for other gases were very small. In the presence of oxygen, G(H2) was the same, and the G values for other hydrocarbons were two times those under vacuum. The G values of oxidative products and oxygen consumption were G(CO2) = 2.5, G(CO) = 1.1, and G(O2) = 50 at oxygen pressure of 500 torr and were dependent on oxygen pressure. With irradiation under vacuum at 2–3 Mrad, mechanical properties scarcely changes immediately after irradiation but degrade gradually with storage time in air at room temperature. 相似文献
The process described as “roll-drawing” has been applied to commercial extruded sheets of isotactic polypropylene (M?n = 70,900). Preheated billets were drawn into thin, clear, transparent sheets in a single pass, producing uniaxial orientation of the polymer molecules in the draw direction. At the maximum draw ratio of 20, the ultimate tensile strength and Young's modulus in the draw direction were 0.5 GPa and 20 GPa respectively. The mechanical properties transverse to the draw direction were virtually unchanged. The theory of fiber reinforcement for unidirectional anisotropic plates was applied to interpret the orientation dependence of the stress-strain behavior of the drawn sheets. From these results, it was estimated that the mechanical properties of biaxially laminated polypropylene sheets equaled the performance of aramid and carbon fiber composites, The roll-drawing process appears to be economically attractive for the production of ultra-high modulus crystalline thermoplastics in sheet form having excellent uniaxial or biaxial properties. 相似文献
The research in this article explores the response of semicrystalline isotactic polypropylene to gamma radiation in air, and relates the morphological changes of the polymer to corresponding changes in mechanical properties. The effect of the initial morphology of the polymer on its response to irradiation is considered using infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), small‐ and wide‐angle X‐ray scattering, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA), and mechanical testing. The extent of chain scission and crosslinking is dependent on the dose but not the initial starting morphology. These chemical changes cause the crystallinity to increase slightly, and the glass transition temperature to rise by a few degrees in all samples, but the overall morphology is only subtly changed. In contrast, a major deterioration in mechanical properties is caused. The effects of the irradiation observed under these conditions are similar in each material and the ultimate properties determined by the properties seen in the original material. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 74: 2234–2242, 1999 相似文献
Traian Zaharescu Silviu Jipa Radu Setnescu Célia Santos Bárbara Gigante Ion Mihalcea Cornel Podină Laura-Monica Gorghiu 《Polymer Bulletin》2002,49(4):289-296
Isotactic polypropylene stabilised with fullerene [C60], its adduct with methyl levopimarate, carbon black, p-t-butylcalix[4]arene, p-t-butylcalix[6]arene, Irganox 1076 or Topanol OC was investigated by means of oxygen uptake method under isothermal (165°C) and isobaric (normal pressure) conditions. Oxidation investigations were performed in air as degradation environment. Additive
concentration was 0.25 % (w/w). Kinetic parameters, oxidation induction and oxidation rate are compared with similar characteristics
of additive-free i-PP. Effect of γ-irradiation on thermal oxidation is also presented. Three γ-exposure doses (50, 100 and
150 kGy) were selected. The influence of radiation treatment on the efficiency of studied compounds and some mechanistic aspects
are also presented.
Received: 5 June 2002/Revised version: 10 August 2002/ Accepted: 12 September 2002
Correspondence to Traian Zaharescu 相似文献
Infra-red evidence is presented that the building of helices in the crystallization process from the glassy (or smectic) phase or from the melt are second order or zero-th order respectively. The observation coupled with data from density and X-ray diffraction measurements is interpreted in molecular structural terms. 相似文献
Yu. V. Myasnikova L. S. Shibryaeva 《Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering》2007,41(5):533-537
The effect of the initial molecular weight parameters of polypropylene on the kinetics of isothermal polymerization is shown. It is found that the feed polymer with a wider molecular weight distribution (P-1) is characterized by lower values of the half-crystallization time as compared to the polymer with a narrower molecular weight distribution (P-2). Comparison between the crystallization parameters and the kinetics of accumulation of oxidation products showed that as the degree of oxidation of the polypropylene increases, the crystallization rate for both samples decreases and the concentration of the oxidation products increases. In this case, the degradation of tie chains accelerates the formation of crystallites. It is shown that P-1 has a higher nucleation energy as compared with P-2 and that this parameter increases during the oxidation of both polymers. 相似文献
Ziegler–Natta isotactic polypropylene (ZN‐iPP) and metallocene isotactic polypropylene (m‐iPP) were extruded (in ratios of 75/25, 50/50, and 25/75) from one melt twin‐screw extruder to produce three ZN‐iPP/m‐iPP polyblended polymers and, subsequently, spin fibers. In this study, we examined the rheology of the ZN‐iPP/m‐iPP polyblended polymers and the thermal characteristics and crystallinity of the ZN‐iPP/m‐iPP polyblended fibers using gel permeation chromatography, rheometry, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), wide‐angle X‐ray diffraction, density gradient analysis, and extension stress–strain measurement. The apparent melt viscosity of the ZN‐iPP/m‐iPP polyblended polymers revealed positive‐deviation blends. The 50/50 blend of ZN‐iPP/m‐iPP had the highest apparent melt viscosity. For five samples, the complex melt viscosity decreased with the angular frequency, which represented typical non‐Newtonian behavior. The Cole–Cole plot, which consisted of the imaginary part of the complex melt viscosity versus the real part of the complex melt viscosity plot, of the ZN‐iPP/m‐iPP polyblended polymers showed a semicircular relationship with the blend ratios. It indicated that the ZN‐iPP/m‐iPP polyblended polymers were miscible. We analyzed the shear modulus data (G′ vs G″) by plotting them on a log–log scale. The plot revealed almost the same slopes for the ZN‐iPP/m‐iPP polyblended polymers, which indicated a good miscibility between the ZN‐iPP and m‐iPP polymers. The experimental DSC results demonstrate that the ZN‐iPP and m‐iPP polymers constituted a miscible system. The crystallinity and tenacity of the ZN‐iPP/m‐iPP polyblended fibers initially increased and then fell as the m‐iPP content increased. Meanwhile, the 50/50 blend of ZN‐iPP/m‐iPP had the highest crystallinity and tenacity. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2009 相似文献
R. Hosemann M. Hentschel E. Ferracini A. Ferrero S. Martelli F. Riva M. Vittori Antisari 《Polymer》1982,23(7):979-984
SAXS and TEM measurements were used in studying the morphology of nascent isotactic polypropylene (PP) polymerized with a high-yield heterogeneous Ziegler-Natta MgCl2 supported catalyst. In contrast to the melt- or solution- crystallized isotactic PP cases, the SAXS datam obtained here using Kratky-camera and TEM diagrams, show the characteristic scattering of globules (~ 1100Å in diameter) and a remarkably small polydispersity of 0.14. TEM observations also show sometimes the presence of smaller globular particles of about 300Åin diameter whose amount is below the resolving power of SAXS. Due to the lack of interparticle interference, lamellae do not exist and therefore no mention of an amorphous phase is required. WAXS can be analysed as a series of overlapping reflections with paracrystalline (liquid-like) distortions at g = 5%. These microparacrystals (mPC's) have in accordance with the α*-law, a mean size of (α*/g)2d¯=60Å and constitute the globules. From line profile analysis one finds that their polydispersity gN is 0.4 and this agrees well with a relation between N and gN which is deduced theoretically for microparacrystal-ensembles in the equilibrium state. A new relation between the polydispersity gN of microparacrystals and the size of globules is derived from TEM observations. These observations sometimes show clearly separated spherical particles whose size distribution is in the range of the SAXS results, but varies from micrograph to micrograph. The morphology of the nascent PP is greatly influenced by the distribution of the active centres on the catalyst's carrier and this excludes the regular chain-folding in a crystalline phase and the existence of larger disordered chain segments in an amorphous phase. The whole volume is therefore filled with microparacrystals. 相似文献