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To meet ever-increasing user demands for information, many MiS managers are implementing or investigating the concept of the information center (IC). Rather than a competitor for resources and funds, an IC can become an ally between users and the MIS department.  相似文献   

To meet ever-increasing user demands for information, many MiS managers are implementing or investigating the concept of the information center (IC). Rather than a competitor for resources and funds, an IC can become an ally between users and the MIS department.  相似文献   

Databases are the key components of the automated information systems. During the last decades, the emerging computing technologies even on the hardware or software sides led to a deep evolution of the database management systems. In this paper, we deal with the emergence of Internet based e-business and show its impact on the databases management systems. The features we deal with are the techniques providing the database and Internet integration, the impact of e-business on the DBMS engines and on the information systems architecture.  相似文献   

以信息化带动工业化,争取实现社会生产力的跨越式发展,是我国面向21世纪的重大发展战略.<微型电脑应用>杂志作为展示上海及全国信息化发展水平的一个窗口,伴随着以微型电脑发展为重要标志的全球信息化的蓬勃发展,已经走过了16年头.从它诞生之日起,就得到了党和政府的关心,赢得了广大科技工作者和读者的支持,江泽民主席亲自为它题写刊名,许多知名的院士、专家为它撰写文章、审稿、活跃在第一线的科技工作者踊跃投稿、订阅,编辑出版人员也倾注了大量的心血,使它在全国科学技术交流中的地位稳步上升,期刊质量也有了大幅度提高.可以说,它不仅是全球及我国信息化蓬勃发展的历史见证者,同时也伴随着我国信息科技和信息产业的崛起,不断发展壮大、茁壮成长,这是可喜可贺的. 2002年1月1日  相似文献   

Incredibly complex ballistic missile defense computational problems have been a rich source of technological advance. The BMD challenge will stimulate supercomputer development through the 1980's.  相似文献   

本算法以马尔可夫随机域(Markov Random Field)模型合成纹理,使用图象金字塔(Image Pyramid)的方法,以一个样本纹理图象作为输入,在样本纹理图象中随机抽取一块很小的区域作为合成纹理图象的种子区域,在种子区域的边缘按照螺旋顺序合成.在合成纹理图象的每个像素时,通过候选列表搜索、全局搜索和中心搜索相结合的方法,在候选列表搜索和全局搜索中使用不同大小的邻域搜索其匹配点,能够快速准确地找到最优的匹配点.实验表明,这种算法对于大多数纹理都能取得很好的效果.  相似文献   

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems - This paper presents a survey of controller design techniques aimed at autonomous navigation and control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles...  相似文献   

The return of Plague, an unforgotten scourge of mankind, once again reminds us that it continues to smoulder in populations of wild rodents in natural foci throughout the world. Its occasional outbreaks remind one of the devastation it caused in the past. The 1994 outbreak in Surat caused local panic (mass hysteria) and international concern, leading to the imposition of travel and trade restrictions by a number of countries. The authenticity of the crucial decision in declaring the epidemic as ‘Plague’ and, later, different institutional initiatives taken for isolating the germ (Y. pestis) were subject to many controversies. The uniqueness of an extra band in its protein profile created much speculation among the media. This gave momentum to various notions, as to whether the disaster was natural or man‐made. In spite of all these short‐comings, the decision came to identify the epidemic as Plague and the entire catastrophic incidence was controlled within a week, with a low mortality rate. This paper traces the chronological evolution of the Plague epidemic and analyses the critical issues of its management, undertaken by various authorities and individuals, including a common citizenary. The emerging key issues of this catastrophic incident are discussed and an anatomy of the crisis is presented. The lessons learnt are put towards a model for strengthening long‐term planning against any such sudden natural or man‐made disaster.  相似文献   

Cruz-Roldán, F., Amo-López, P., Martín-Martín, P., and López-Ferreras, F., Alternating Analysis and Synthesis Filters: A New Pseudo-QMF Bank, Digital Signal Processing11 (2001) 329–345The process of designing a prototype filter for a pseudo quadrature mirror filter (QMF) cosine-modulated bank can require the optimization of a highly nonlinear cost function to obtain its coefficients or the calculation of a spectral factor of a valid 2Mth band filter. This article presents a new method for designing pseudo-QMF banks in which none of the aforementioned procedures are required. To obtain the coefficients of the prototype filter we can use any technique which enables us to design linear-phase Type I or Type II FIR filters. The result is a system in which amplitude distortion is very low, there is no phase distortion at all, and aliasing is slightly higher than the stopband attenuation of the prototype filter obtained. Several examples are included.  相似文献   

Facing large-scale economic, social, and technological upheaval, IS executives everywhere are beginning to see that the typical IS department sits on shaky ground. This column describes one IS executive's approach to establishing a solid IS management support system.  相似文献   

The archives of Trinity College Dublin represent the corporate, administrative, and cultural memory of the university. This hybrid collection presents several challenges in relation to its management and long-term preservation. Appropriate storage conditions are vital for analogue records, as is the exercise over them of physical and intellectual control. However, born-digital archival records require the preservation of not only their data, but also evidence of their authenticity. For archivists, meeting these preservation challenges necessitates the integration of digital preservation strategies into traditional archival practices, advocacy of good records management, as well as close co-operation with legal and IT professionals.  相似文献   

Facing large-scale economic, social, and technological upheaval, IS executives everywhere are beginning to see that the typical IS department sits on shaky ground. This column describes one IS executive's approach to establishing a solid IS management support system.  相似文献   

In typical software development, a software reliability growth model (SRGM) is applied in each testing activity to determine the time to finish the testing. However, there are some cases in which the SRGM does not work correctly. That is, the SRGM sometimes mistakes quality for poor quality products. In order to tackle this problem, we focussed on the trend of time series data of software defects among successive testing phases and tried to estimate software quality using the trend. First, we investigate the characteristics of the time series data on the detected faults by observing the change of the number of detected faults. Using the rank correlation coefficient, the data are classified into four kinds of trends. Next, with the intention of estimating software quality, we investigate the relationship between the trends of the time series data and software quality. Here, software quality is defined by the number of faults detected during six months after shipment. Finally, we find a relationship between the trends and metrics data collected in the software design phase. Using logistic regression, we statistically show that two review metrics in the design and coding phase can determine the trend. Sousuke Amasakireceived the B.E. degree in Information and Computer Sciences from Okayama Prefectural University, Japan, in 2000 and the M.E. degree in Information and Computer Sciences from Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Japan, in 2003. He has been in Ph.D. course of Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at Osaka University. His interests include the software process and the software quality assurance technique. He is a student member of IEEE and ACM. Takashi Yoshitomireceived the B.E. degree in Information and Computer Sciences from Osaka University, Japan, in 2002. He has been working for Hitachi Software Engineering Co., Ltd. Osamu Mizunoreceived the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in Information and Computer Sciences from Osaka University, Japan, in 1996, 1998, and 2001, respectively. He is an Assistant Professor of the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at Osaka University. His research interests include the improvement technique of the software process and the software risk management technique. He is a member of IEEE. Yasunari Takagireceived the B.E. degree in Information and Computer Science, from Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan, in 1985. He has been working for OMRON Corporation. He has been also in Ph.D. course of Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at Osaka University since 2002. Tohru Kikunoreceived the B.E., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Osaka University, Japan, in 1970, 1972, and 1975, respectively. He joined Hiroshima University from 1975 to 1987. Since 1990, he has been a Professor of the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at Osaka University. His research interests include the analysis and design of fault-tolerant systems, the quantitative evaluation of software development processes, and the design of procedures for testing communication protocols. He is a member of IEEE and ACM.  相似文献   

“痛则不通,通则不痛”,中医理论认为,人的经脉与身体健康关系密切。经脉通则人可保健康。而作为当今的社会信息化的经脉-电信网络的畅通与否则关系到整个社会的信息化应用系统能否正常工作。  相似文献   

嵌入式系统设计的新发展及其挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述嵌入式系统设计的最新发展情况;论述当前嵌入式系统设计技术发展的特点;从嵌入式系统设计开发的复杂度,开发形式、手段和工具,开发平台和开发语言等方面分析嵌入式系统设计发生的各种变化,并提出应对这些变化的各种挑战。  相似文献   

Even with high usability of security measures, well-trained and loyal employees don't always behave according to security guidance and may thus represent a security risk. This unexpected behavior is explained by a chain of barriers that employees must overcome to achieve a compliant behavior with security policy requirements. The findings the author reports here open up a discussion on how current information security education might benefit from including more subjects on the human factor.  相似文献   

利用人工神经网络BP算法 ,提出了一种新型纹理图像生成方法。其技术关键在于正确选取能够全面描述纹理的特征函数 ,并建立有效的人工神经网络模型。生成纹理图像时只需给出原始纹理图像 ,系统将自动计算图像的特征函数并做为BP网络输入 ,便可输出图像的灰度向量 ,生成纹理图像。实验结果表明 ,该方法适合于生成多种纹理图像 ,取得了令人满意的效果。  相似文献   

故障树分析是过程风险分析中的一种有效方法,计算机辅助生成故障树尤其重要.该文中,提出一种基于图论仿真和数据挖掘的新方法.图论模型是一种深层知识,能够表达复杂的因果关系,具有包容大规模潜在信息的能力,尤其适用于安全领域的应用.深入研究故障传播机制及故障树的内在机理,从本质上讲,故障诊断、HAZOP及故障树分析的理论基础都是一样的,即对系统的稳态定性仿真及分析.通过稳态定性仿真即图论仿真,得到故障剧情样本.在此基础上,开发了一个图论建模推理平台.在此平台上进行相应的故障剧情分析,得到故障剧情样本.然后从中提取关联规则,并最终连接形成故障树.该文给出一个离心泵及液位系统的故障树生成过程,证明了此方法的实用性和有效性.  相似文献   

Land  Susan K. 《Computer》2009,42(1):6-8
The IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors remains focused on continuing the transformation of the Society so that we can provide increasing value to our membership.  相似文献   

That the successful development of fully autonomous artificial moral agents (AMAs) is imminent is becoming the received view within artificial intelligence research and robotics. The discipline of Machines Ethics, whose mandate is to create such ethical robots, is consequently gaining momentum. Although it is often asked whether a given moral framework can be implemented into machines, it is never asked whether it should be. This paper articulates a pressing challenge for Machine Ethics: To identify an ethical framework that is both implementable into machines and whose tenets permit the creation of such AMAs in the first place. Without consistency between ethics and engineering, the resulting AMAs would not be genuine ethical robots, and hence the discipline of Machine Ethics would be a failure in this regard. Here this challenge is articulated through a critical analysis of the development of Kantian AMAs, as one of the leading contenders for being the ethic that can be implemented into machines. In the end, however, the development of Kantian artificial moral machines is found to be anti-Kantian. The upshot of all this is that machine ethicists need to look elsewhere for an ethic to implement into their machines.  相似文献   

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