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This article develops a flat, miniaturized lens based on metamaterial for antenna gain improvement. The overall size of the lens is 1.9λ0 × 1.9λ0 × 0.05λ0 . The distance between the metamaterial lens and the antenna is only about 0.4λ0 . The prototype lens antenna is fabricated and the measured results are in agreement with the simulated results. It shows that the proposed lens provides significant gain enhancement by 2 to 3.5 dB between 1.3 and 1.45 GHz, which effectively demonstrate a high directivity, miniaturized, and compact metamaterial lens antenna. 相似文献
The idea of profile miniaturization and performance improvement of a rectangular patch antenna using a metamaterial substrate with large values in the real part of effective relative permeability is proposed in microwave frequency range. The volume profile of the antenna is minimized by tuning the effective relative permeability and thickness of the substrate material. The specific type of metamaterial which can be used as substrate material for the antenna miniaturization purpose is suggested. The proposed idea is validated through finite‐difference time‐domain (FDTD) simulations for sample rectangular patch antennas with metamaterial substrates at the frequency about 10 GHz. Improvement of the power directivity is found for the metamaterial substrate with large value in the real part of effective permeability. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 26:254–261, 2016. 相似文献
A compact high‐gain rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (RDRA) using metamaterial (MTM) as superstrate for C‐band applications is proposed in this article. The proposed antenna consists of coaxial‐fed RDRA with 50 unit cells of MTM arranged in 5 × 10 layout as superstrate. Each unit cell is constructed of two parallel eight‐shaped copper strips printed over both faces of a dielectric substrate to provide negative refractive index from 7.3 to 8.1 GHz covering the maximum bandwidth of RDRA. The extracted lumped equivalent circuit model of unit cell of MTM shows concurrence with electromagnetic simulations. The use of MTM superstrate increases the peak gain of the antenna by 89% through simulation and 86% experimentally. The measured results show that the proposed antenna achieves an impedance bandwidth of 16.1% over a band of 7.18‐8.44 GHz, with a peak gain of 14 dBi at 7.8 GHz. 相似文献
This article demonstrates a method of enhancing the bandwidth of a planar monopole antenna with minor modifications of the ground plane suitable for medical applications. The narrowband monopole antenna is mounted on a modified ground plane, thus extending its impedance bandwidth and increasing the gain. The partial ground plane is transformed by integrating a rectangular plate on the upper edge of the ground plane, thus achieving a bandwidth ratio of 12:1 from 3 GHz to 37.26 GHz and again from 42.5 GHz onwards. 相似文献
The simulation and experimental studies of an aperture‐coupled wideband dual segment rectangular dielectric resonator antenna with metamaterial for C‐band applications are presented in this paper. The antenna consists of Alumina (Al2O3) ceramic as upper segment and Teflon as lower segment. The combination of circular‐shaped coplanar split‐ring resonator and conducting strip has been used as metamaterial superstrate. With the use of metamaterial superstrate, the bandwidth of the antenna is increased by 48% through simulation and 22% experimentally. The broadside radiation pattern of the antenna is converted into directive radiation pattern with reduced beamwidth when metamaterial superstrate is used. The peak gain of the antenna is also enhanced by 33% through simulation and 31% experimentally with the use of metamaterial superstrate. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 24:646–655, 2014. 相似文献
This article presents a technique to enhance the broadside gain of a CPW fed slot antenna using a single layer metamaterial (MTM) superstrate. A finite array of 3 3 ring unit cell has been designed on both sides of a dielectric substrate to form the MTM superstrate. The gain enhancement is obtained using the zero‐index property of the metamaterial. The broadside gain enhancement for the proposed antenna is 7.4 dB more in comparison to that of the reference slot antenna. The proposed MTM superstrate loaded antenna provides a minimum overall thickness in the context of using ZIM superstrate for gain enhancement of antennas reported in earlier literatures. The overall thickness of the MTM loaded antenna is 0.13λ0, where λ0 is the free‐space wavelength at the resonance frequency of the antenna. Also, a high efficiency of about 93.2% is obtained in this case. The loading of the MTM superstrate produces a minimal effect on the cross polarization performance of the proposed slot antenna. 相似文献
In this article, to construct a reactive impedance substrate, unit ring is designed and proposed with radial and concentric mode analysis. A cylindrical substrate backed with a PEC plane and circular metallic elements on the top is used for achieving reactive surface impedance behavior. In this aspect, three unit rings structure with different ring elements are designed and simulated to realize the reflection phase characteristics. Afterwards, a probe‐fed circular patch antenna is miniaturized by stacking the three‐ring circular reactive impedance surface. The fundamental resonance frequency of the proposed antenna is reduced by about 30% with an improvement in impedance bandwidth by 121.6%. An improved front‐to‐back ratio as well as an acceptable co‐pol and cross‐pol isolation is exhibited in both E‐plane and H‐plane at the resonance frequency. In addition of miniaturization, dual band behavior has also been observed in the proposed design. Both resonance phenomena have been explained by circuit model representation and surface current distribution analysis. Improved radiation efficiency at 81.5% has been measured for the proposed antenna configuration. 相似文献
A broader impedance bandwidth and higher gain printed log‐periodic dipole array antenna fed by half‐mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW) is proposed in this letter for ultra‐wideband (UWB) wireless communication applications. The bandwidth of the reference antenna (5.1‐11.4 GHz) is expanded by 1.3 GHz by introducing a new resonance frequency with additional patches. Moreover; gain is enhanced over full band by attaching metal plate to narrow beam and adding directors to attract energy radiated by dipoles. A simulation analysis of the improved antenna with broader bandwidth of 4.1 to 11.7 GHz and higher gain is presented, along with a design procedure and experimental results. Measurement results are consistent with simulation results, which verifies the feasibility of this technique. 相似文献
In order to obtain a narrower half power beamwidth (HPBW) and a higher antenna gain in a wide frequency band, metamaterial layers and constant refracting-index lens are used to optimize the antenna performance in this article. The proposed metamaterial covered modified antipodal Vivaldi antenna with lens (M-MAVA with lens) has an operating frequency band of 1–8 GHz, and the maximize gain here is 18.81 dBi at 8 GHz, which increase about 9 dB. The HPBW in the entire frequency range is decreased significantly. Beyond this, the simulation results are in good accordance with the measurements. Based on these characteristics, the proposed M-MAVA with lens has an application in optimizing the structure of ground penetrating radar, microwave imaging, UAV countermeasures system and other system which need the good radiation gain and directivity. 相似文献
This article shows a compressed chronological overview of dielectric resonator antennas (DRAs) emphasizing the developments targeting to bandwidth performance characteristics in last three and half decades. The research articles available in open literature give strong information about the innovation and rapid developments of DRAs since 1980s. The sole intention of this review article is to, (a) highlight the novel researchers and to analyze their effective and innovative research carried out on DRA for the furtherance of its performance in terms of only bandwidth and bandwidth with other characteristics, (b) give a practical prediction of future of DRA as per the past and current state‐of‐art condition, and (c) provide a conceptual support to the antenna modelers for further innovations as well as miniaturization of the existing ones. In addition some of the significant observations made during the review can be noted as follows; (a) hybrid shape DRAs with Sierpinski and Minkowski fractal DRAs seems comfortable in obtaining wideband as well as multiband, (b) combination of multiple resonant modes (preferably lower modes) can lead to wider impedance bandwidth, (c) at proper matching wider patch with slotted dielectric resonator can exhibit better bandwidth. 相似文献
Farzad Khajeh‐Khalili Mohammad Amin Honarvar Mohammad Naser‐Moghadasi Mehdi Dolatshahi 《国际射频与微波计算机辅助工程杂志》2020,30(1)
A method to significantly increase the gain and reduce the mutual coupling of microstrip multiple‐intput multiple‐output (MIMO) antenna based on metamaterial concept is presented. The μ‐negative and ε‐negative features of the proposed modified peace‐logo planar metamaterial (MPLPM) and two‐sided MPLPM (TSMPLPM) structures are calculated. The antenna structure consists of eight MPLPM slabs and two TSMPLPM, which are embedded in azimuth plane of a MIMO antenna vertically. The dimensions of MIMO antenna are 28 × 16 × 6.3 mm3 at 40 GHz. As a result, a compact MIMO antenna is simulated in comparison with primary microstrip structures. The corresponding return‐loss of the antenna is better than 10 dB over 34.5 to 45.5 GHz for Ka‐band applications. Good consent between the measured and simulated result is tacked. The maximum simulated gain of the structure is 15.5 dB at 40 GHz, creating a maximum gain improvement of 11.5 dB in comparison with a MIMO antenna without any metamaterial combinations. The value of the insertion‐loss (isolation) is 33 dB, which has improved by more than 25 dB compared to the conventional sample. 相似文献
Abdessalam El Yassini Lahcen Aguni Saida Ibnyaich Samira Chabaa Abdelouhab Zeroual 《国际射频与微波计算机辅助工程杂志》2019,29(11)
This study presents a new dual‐layer metasurface structure proposed to enhance the performance of a circular patch antenna. A novel unit cell planar metasurface is characterized by nearly equal enhanced effective permeability and permittivity εr ? μr > 1 at the resonant frequency. In addition, a 5*5 array of these unit cells are used as a superstrate over a circular patch antenna which is fed by 50 Ω microstrip line and operating at 2.45 GHz for improving the antenna performance. The patch antenna gain is increased by creating an in‐phase electric field area on the top surface of the metasurface. The obtained results showed that the maximum gain of the antenna increased from 2.31 dBi to 7.5 dBi. A 30% increase in the bandwidth is also remarked. The proposed antenna with metasurface occupies an overall volume of 1.01λg ×1.01λg ×0.025λg . The simulation analysis and measured results were performed using the microwave studio, high frequency structure simulator software, and vector network analyzer. The proposed antenna prototype has been fabricated. The measured results indicate that the antenna has a good impedance matching in the desired operating band (2.37‐2.49 GHz) with the resonant frequency of 2.44 GHz which make the proposed antenna appropriate for microwave applications. 相似文献
Omid Borazjani Mohammad Naser‐Moghadasi Jalil Rashed‐Mohassel RamezadAli Sadeghzadeh 《国际射频与微波计算机辅助工程杂志》2020,30(9)
This article presents the design of a planar high gain and wideband antenna using a negative refractive index multilayer superstrate in the X‐band. This meta‐antenna is composed of a four‐layer superstrate placed on a conventional patch antenna. The structure resonates at a frequency of 9.4 GHz. Each layer of the metamaterial superstrate consists of a 7 × 7 array of electric‐field‐coupled resonators, with a negative refractive index of 8.66 to 11.83 GHz. The number of layers and the separation of superstrate layers are simulated and optimized. This metamaterial lens has significantly increased the gain of the patch antenna to 17.1 dBi. Measurements and simulation results proved about 10 dB improvement of the gain. 相似文献
YongPeng Shi-DuanCheng 《计算机科学技术学报》2004,19(2):0-0
This paper first revisits the previously proposed NSAD (New Self-Adapt DCF) mechanism. Some modifications are presented to further enhance the performance of NSAD in the error-prone environment. Then a new MAC mechanism is proposed that can realize bandwidth guarantee by assigning different self-adapt parameters to users at different priority levels. The bandwidth guarantee property of this new mechanism is analyzed and the high priority users are found to have bandwidth guaranteed even in heavy contention condition, which is proved true not only by theoretical analysis but also by simulation results. At the same time the new scheme keeps the self-adapt character of NSAD, so the overall system utilization1 is kept very high in heavy contention condition compared with the previously studied DCF-based QoS mechanisms. 相似文献
A low‐profile wideband dual‐polarized antenna with high gain, low gain variations, and low cross‐polarization for the fifth generation (5G) indoor distribution system is proposed. By using circular‐thread vase‐shaped structure, a low profile of 0.23λ0 (λ0 is the free‐space wavelength at the starting frequency) as well as low gain variation feature can be achieved by the vertically polarized (VP) radiating element. An eight‐way power divider network is employed to feed the horizontally polarized (HP) dipoles so that wideband performance is obtained. Here, eight pairs of arc‐shaped parasitic strips are used to broaden the bandwidth, and eight pairs of director elements are introduced to enhance the gain and reduce the gain variations. In addition, the protruded stubs that are extended from the circular ground plane will help to reduce the cross polarization in the VP direction. Measured results show that a bandwidth of 46.5% (3.3‐5.3 GHz) (S11 < ?10 dB) with a gain of 0.85 ± 0.35 dBi, and another bandwidth of 85.0% (2.5‐6.2 GHz) with a gain of 4.75 ± 1.75 dBi can be realized in the HP and VP directions, respectively. Furthermore, high isolation (>27 dB) and low cross polarization (<?24 dB) can also be attained. Therefore, the proposed antenna is a good candidate for 5G indoor distributed system. 相似文献
Neng‐Wu Liu Mei‐Jiao Sun Lei Zhu Zhi‐Hui Jia Lu‐Yang Ji Guang Fu Hui‐Li Zheng 《国际射频与微波计算机辅助工程杂志》2020,30(3)
A compact monopolar microstrip patch antenna (MPA) with enhanced‐bandwidth is proposed. In order to achieve the miniaturized patch, the zeroth‐order mode of the MPA instead of its higher‐order modes is employed at first by loading the shorting pin around the center of the patch. After that, a L‐shaped microstrip line with a shorting pin is introduced at the periphery of the patch radiator to excite an additional non‐radiative mode for bandwidth enhancement. In final, the proposed MPA is fabricated and measured. The results illustrate that the antenna generates an enhanced‐bandwidth of about 4.1% ranging from 2.39 to 2.49 GHz, which is significantly larger than that of the traditional MPA around 1%. Meanwhile, the dimensions of the radiating patch are obviously decreased down due to the employment of zeroth‐order mode, which are kept as small as about 0.17 λ0 × 0.22 λ0 × 0.026 λ0 (λ0 is the free‐space wavelength). 相似文献
Mohammad Mohammadirad Nader Komjani M. Reza Chaharmir Jafar Shaker Abdel R. Sebak 《国际射频与微波计算机辅助工程杂志》2013,23(5):517-526
A new cell element is introduced for broadband reflectarray applications. The presented unit cell exhibits linear phase response which makes it a suitable candidate for broadband X‐Ku band applications. This cell element consists of three concentric rectangular loops etched on a two‐layer grounded substrate. The dimensions of the cell element have been optimized to achieve linear phase response in the operation band. A square offset‐fed reflectarray of 40 cm × 40 cm was designed and fabricated based on this unit cell with wideband performance at X‐Ku band. Considering three different feed positions, the whole reflectarray was simulated in CST and good agreement between simulated and measured results was observed. A maximum gain of 32 dBi was obtained which is equivalent to 58% aperture efficiency. Also, a remarkable value of 36%, 1.5‐dB gain bandwidth was measured which is higher compared to previously reported designs in the literature. Another investigation that is carried out in this development through theory and simulation is determination of the effect of feed movement along the focal axis on the operating band of the reflectarray. It is shown for the first time that changing the feed location leads to a considerable shift in the operation bandwidth and maximum gain of the designed broadband reflectarray. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE, 2013. 相似文献
This article proposes the use of a magnetic metamaterial (MTM) slab over the ground plane of a wire monopole antenna to improve its directivity. In this regard, mu very large (MVL) behavior of the metamaterial is utilized for enhancing the directivity of the monopole. Despite the directivity enhancement of about 5 dB, an improved bandwidth of 35% is obtained for the proposed configuration. Initially, a 2 × 3 array of a single MTM slab has been placed over the ground plane of the monopole. It is shown that, over the whole working band, a significant directivity improvement is maintained compared to the unloaded monopole. Further, the directivity performance has been investigated with different combination of MTM slab. 相似文献