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白曙 《柴油机设计与制造》2011,17(4):1-5,38
介绍了2种适用于发动机冷却水传热计算的单相流沸腾模型Chen模型和BDL模型,通过对鼻梁区简化模型的数值模拟计算和实验结果对比分析,得到“BDL沸腾传热模型+SST湍流模型”的数学模型,计算误差更小. 相似文献
白曙 《柴油机设计与制造》2013,19(1):1-5,10
计算对比了不考虑沸腾和考虑沸腾2种冷却系统数值模拟计算,得出结论:考虑沸腾传热对内燃机冷却水腔内流动与压力的分布影响不明显,而对冷却水腔内传热过程的影响是很大的。若只考虑纯对流传热,计算结果可能与实际情况存在很大的差异。因此,在对强化内燃机进行流动与传热问题的研究时必须考虑沸腾传热的因素,以获得更为真实、准确的结果。 相似文献
利用高导热率、传热性能好的传热工质(纳米流体)替代传统冷却介质应用于内燃机冷却系统中,通过纳米流体流动特性的基础研究,为其在内燃机冷却系统中的应用提供理论基础支持.因此,利用试验方法对纳米流体在波壁管内的流动进行可视化研究,以期对纳米流体的流动机理进行详细的探讨,从而推动纳米流体在内燃机冷却系统中的应用.研究发现:纳米流体的黏度增加值不大,且随着温度的升高,增加值降低;而相同入口速度状态下,纳米流体在波壁管内的流动比纯水更为活跃,漩涡数量增多,质量传递特性增强,且随纳米颗粒浓度的增加,流动湍流效应增大.通过分子动力学方法发现纳米颗粒在纳米流体流动过程中存在强烈的旋转作用,从而出现微湍流流动效应,进一步强化了纳米流体的湍流流动效果. 相似文献
内燃机工作时依赖冷却系统将多余热量及时带走以保证燃烧室核心部件及润滑油膜的正常工作温度。常规内燃机冷却介质导热系数偏低,而新一代强化传热工质纳米流体具有明显提升的传热性能,应用于内燃机冷却系统有利于强化内燃机传热及提高热管理性能。且由于纳米流体的传热性能受纳米粒子的种类、大小、浓度、形状等因素影响,可以通过改变这些因素控制内燃机冷却水腔的传热量。综述了国内外研究者针对纳米流体导热系数与对流换热性能开展的试验测试、理论分析和计算机模拟研究工作,以及纳米流体应用于内燃机冷却系统中强化传热的进展,最后指出当前研究工作的不足及未来工作方向。 相似文献
Correlation equations for saturated and subcooled film boiling heat transfer from a downward-facing horizontal circular plate are proposed based on a theoretical study using an integral method. For the case of subcooled liquids, a dimensionless heat transfer parameter is introduced to effectively correlate within ±15% the experimental data obtained under both quenching and steady-state conditions. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Jpn Res, 26(7): 459–468, 1997 相似文献
针对卧式柴油机强制冷却闭式循环系统水套结构,试验研究了不同工况下水套入口流量及关键点的温度和压力。采用计算流体动力学(CFD)三维模拟的方法建立了冷却水流动仿真模型,并进行了试验验证。设计了冷却水套结构参数正交方案,通过CFD模拟分析了水泵出水流量、公共水腔截面形状和面积、缸体及缸盖入水孔的设置和分布等水套结构参数对冷却水流动的影响关系。研究结果表明:卧式柴油机缸体入水孔截面积和布置对缸体水套冷却水流动、冷却效果和冷却均匀性有很大的影响;卧式柴油机缸盖入水孔的位置、孔数和截面积等结构参数对缸盖水套的冷却水流动、冷却效果、冷却均匀性及进/排气侧的冷却分布等均有很大的影响。 相似文献
INTRODUCTIoNHeattransferbetweentheworkingmediuminare-ciprocatingengineanditscombustionchamberwallplaysaveryimportantroleintheenginethermalpro-cess.Alargeamountofheatsuppliedbythefuelislosttothecoolantthroughthecombustorwall.Thepercentagerangesfrom1o-25atfullloadto3ty35atlightloadcondition[11.Sincetheconceptofadi-abaticturbocompoundengineswaspresentedin1atel97o's[zl,worldwideattentionhasbeenattractedtotheopportunitiestoimprovethefuelconsumptionbyreducingtheheattransferratesthroughthecom-bus… 相似文献
为了更加准确地研究发动机水套内冷却液流动传热问题,在Mixture多相流基础上建立了一套适用于发动机水套沸腾传热的气液两相流模型。以某直列4缸汽油机为研究对象,通过试验对汽油机第4缸火力面温度进行测量,两相流与传统单相流模拟结果对比表明两相流准确性更高。在两相流模拟结果基础上找出了汽油机水套壁面高温危险区,并基于发动机水套的设计要求提出了优化方案。模拟结果表明:优化后水套内冷却液的流动与冷却更加均匀,水套壁面温度明显降低,传热效果得到了提升。本研究可为以后的发动机沸腾传热研究和冷却水套设计提供参考。 相似文献
This paper deals with heat transfer and critical heat flux (CHF) in subcooled flow boiling offering a fundamental study aimed at high heat flux cooling. Experiments with water at 0.12 MPa were conducted in a mass velocity range from 500 kg/m2s to 15,000 kg/m2s (velocity from 0.5 m/s to 15 m/s) and subcooling from 20 K to 60 K. A sheet of stainless steel (80 mm in heated length, 10 mm wide, and 0.2 mm thick) was mounted flush with a sidewall of a vertical rectangular channel (cross-section 20 mm by 30 mm) and heated directly using direct current. It was found that mass velocity and subcooling strongly affect CHF and heat transfer in non-boiling convection and partial nucleate boiling regimes. These two parameters have no appreciable influence in the fully developed nucleate boiling regime. In the parameter range used, CHF reached 15 MW/m2. Boiling bubble behavior just prior to reaching CHF was found to vary depending on mass velocity and subcooling. 1998 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Jpn Res, 27(5): 376–389, 1998 相似文献
We present experimental results on heat transfer distribution in the high temperature region of spray cooling interacting with subcooled liquid film flow. The results show that the flow field can be divided into the interacting and film flow regions by the heat transfer distribution. In the interacting region, the heat transfer coefficient can be correlated to the liquid-film-flow heat transfer by using a heat-transfer enhancement coefficient defined as the ratio of the droplet flow rate to liquid film velocity. In the wall region, it can be predicted from the equation obtained from a previous study, which is very similar to that of turbulent heat transfer of single-phase flow. © 1998 Scripta Technica. Heat Trans Jpn Res, 26(4): 236–248, 1997 相似文献
Critical heat flux (CHF) in subcooled flow boiling under axially nonuniform heating conditions was experimentally investigated using a tube heated with a dc power source. The thickness of the tube wall in the axial direction was varied to attain axially nonuniform heating. The different thicknesses, therefore, separated the tube into regions of high heat flux and regions of low heat flux. The lengths of these regions of the tube were also varied to study the effect on the CHF. The objective of this system is to initiate boiling in the high-heat-flux region, thus increasing heat transfer, and to interrupt the bubble boundary layer in the low-heat-flux region. Because it is the initiation of boiling that increases heat transfer, the performance of such a system is linked to its effectiveness in repeatedly interrupting and re-establishing the bubble boundary layer. Our experiments, involving tubes that had sections of different thicknesses and different lengths, showed that when the heat flux in the low-heat-flux region was below the net vapor generation (NVG) heat flux, this system enhanced the CHF, but not when it was above the NVG. Also, for relatively short low-heat-flux regions, the CHF was not enhanced, presumably because there was insufficient time to interrupt the bubble boundary layer. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Jpn Res, 27(2): 169–178, 1998 相似文献
车用柴油机冷却水套的CFD分析与优化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用三维造型软件Pro/E对某一六缸柴油机冷却水套建立模型,并用CFD软件Fluent进行模拟计算,得到整机冷却水套内冷却液速度分布、压力损失以及各缸流量分布等信息。分析结果表明:缸盖水套虽满足设计要求,但缸体水套存在冷却不足、均匀性差的缺陷。改进方案的模拟分析表明,改进后缸体水套冷却更为均匀,流动性能比原机水套有明显的改善。 相似文献
一种新概念内燃机--基于多孔介质燃烧技术的超绝热发动机 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10
多孔介质中的超绝热燃烧是一种先进的燃烧技术,具有高效低污染的特点。将这一技术应用于发动机领域,有可能引起内燃机技术和产业的一场重大革新。介绍超绝热燃烧的概念,讨论了多孔介质中往复流动下超绝热燃烧的特点,对多孔介质发动机的工作循环作了简单的热力学分析。在此基础上,对当前国外超绝热发动机的基础研究进行综述,着重介绍了分别由美国、日本和德国提出的三种超绝热发动机的方案的理论和实验研究进展,以期引起我国内燃机界对这一发展动向的关注。 相似文献