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基于遗传算法的翅片管换热器管路优化方法   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
吴志刚  丁国良  浦晖  龙慧芳 《化工学报》2007,58(5):1115-1120
通过设计有针对性的遗传编码方法和遗传操作算子,提出了一种实用有效的换热器管路连接优化方法。在满足换热器的换热能力和实际制造工艺的约束条件下,以换热器管路连接最短为优化目标对一个实际翅片管换热器进行了优化研究。结果表明,所设计的优化算法能够在5 h内收敛,优化后的连接管长度缩短25%。  相似文献   

针对多股流体流动换热、复杂翅片结构优化、多重通道排布匹配以及低温工程应用等特点,本文归纳分析了低温多股流板翅式换热器结构设计中凸显的流股换热匹配、通道分配排列、多物理场叠加以及低温特殊工况下的应用等问题。总结了在通道结构优化与零部件设计中,通过翅片通道传热流动特性及相关性能评价方法来指导结构选型。文章还深入分析国内外现状,讨论了板翅式换热器的研究热点与发展方向。文章指出低温多股流板翅式换热器应用于大型空分等石化工业流程中优势明显,可显著提高气体液化率,降低实际能耗,进而提升系统运行效率。因此,对于实际应用中可能遇到的设计问题,应考虑结合局部换热网络与多流股匹配、翅片结构设计与通道排列算法优化、多场仿真与试验研究等手段形成合理优化方法和设计框架,来摆脱目前传统经验试凑所带来的限制。  相似文献   

考虑非逆流传热对换热设备传热温差、壳数和面积的影响,对包含非逆流换热设备的热交换网络系统进行优化设计。基于非等温混合分流分级超结构,采用能源、经济和环境(3E)综合评价指标,引入温差修正系数,建立了热交换网络多目标混合整数非线性规划(MO-MINLP)模型,并基于非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-Ⅱ)提出了系统性的求解策略和求解方法。应用案例研究表明,涉及非逆流传热的热交换网络,其优化设计结果与基于纯逆流换热假设的设计结果有很大区别,且仅对基于纯逆流换热假设的设计结果进行修正并不能得到最优解,必须在建模中考虑温差修正效应的影响,从而保证设计结果的优化性、可靠性和实用性;3E评价反映了热交换网络系统在经济、能耗和环境影响之间的权衡和约束关系,使系统的设计更加实际,同时多目标的优化方法不但可以获得与单目标经济优化相当的最经济的结果,而且提供了多样性的优化解集供选择,提高了设计的灵活性,可以满足不同的设计需求。  相似文献   

换热网络优化是化工过程系统工程领域的研究难点,其数学模型具有高度的非凸、非线性,在使用单一启发式算法优化时,往往具有局限性。研究以换热网络的年综合费用最小为目标,针对强制进化随机游走(RWCE)算法在优化时由于个体间独立进化,导致优化过程中信息缺乏交流的问题,提出将遗传算法(GA)与其混合。混合后的算法在保持前一半优势种群中的个体单独进化的基础上,通过周期性的交叉、变异等操作产生子代来替换掉劣势种群,从而增强了原有算法的整型变量优化能力,并弥补了弱势个体无法更新的不足。为了兼顾算法在大种群下优化有分流换热网络的计算效率,节约时间成本,使用OpenMP系统将混合算法实现了并行化设计。通过三个不同规模的换热网络问题对并行后的混合算法进行验证,结果表明该算法能在有效提升优化质量的前提下相比串行算法大幅缩短计算时间,其中两个算例突破了目前文献最优解。  相似文献   

鲍中凯  崔国民  陈家星 《化工学报》2017,68(9):3522-3531
鉴于强制进化随机游走算法(random walk algorithm with compulsive evolution, RWCE)在优化换热网络时可能出现有潜力结构被差解代替,提出了一种结构保护策略,增加一个与原种群平行进化的新种群,新种群执行结构保护,个体与原种群一一对应并接收其当前最优解,同时采用一种降维邻域搜索的进化方式,设置个体各维变量更新概率确定搜索维数,充分挖掘个体结构进化潜力,提升了算法的局部搜索能力;原种群则沿用RWCE的主要操作,保留了较强的全局搜索能力。将采用结构保护策略的RWCE算法用于有分流换热网络优化,取得了优于现有文献的结果。  相似文献   

肖媛  崔国民  李帅龙 《化工学报》2016,67(12):5140-5147
应用启发式方法在换热网络全局优化上的优点,提出了一种全新的强制进化随机游走算法(random walk algorithm with compulsive evolution,RWCE),算法以目标函数减小为强制方向,通过各换热单元面积的随机扩大或缩小,同时实现了整型变量(换热单元数)和连续变量(换热单元面积)的同步优化。另外,算法能够以一定的概率选择接受差解,使其具备极强的跳出局部最优解的能力和全局搜索能力。算例验证表明,RWCE算法相比于其他启发式方法具有程序简单、更易实现、算法适应性及全局搜索能力更强的优点,使优化质量得到进一步提升。  相似文献   

换热网络优化问题常以外罚函数法处理约束,赋予违反约束的不可行解较大的罚值。强制进化随机游走算法(RWCE)优化换热网络时,其非贪婪搜索机制使不可行解以一定概率被保留,从而改变全局寻优过程。本文首先分析不可行解对优化进程的影响,揭示偏移量较小的不可行解对结构进化的促进作用;然后提出差解概率动态调整策略,合理利用不可行解的正面作用,强化结构进化能力;最后,鉴于上述优化结果中偏移量较小的不可行解居多,提出一种可行化策略,通过分段罚指数和双种群优化技术促使过程中有潜力的不可行解快速返回可行域,并提升优化质量。将结合两条强化策略的改进算法应用于16股流与15股流算例,优化结果较文献最优解分别节省了0.35%、0.48%,表明改进后的算法较原算法全局搜索能力得到了显著提升。  相似文献   

介绍空心环管壳式换热器的结构特点及其在云南驰宏锌锗股份有限公司硫酸转化系统改造中的应用情况,分析生产中运行的效果。  相似文献   

The multi-objective optimization of industrial operations using genetic algorithm and its variants, often requires inordinately large amounts of computational (CPU) time. Any adaptation to speed up the solution procedure is, thus, desirable. An adaptation is developed in this study that is inspired from natural genetics. It is based on the concept of jumping genes (JG; transposons). The binary-coded elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) is adapted, and the new code, NSGA-II-JG, is used to obtain solutions for the multi-objective optimization of an industrial fluidized-bed catalytic cracking unit (FCCU). This unit is associated with a complex model that is highly compute-intense. The CPU time required for this problem is found to reduce fivefold when NSGA-II-JG is used, as compared to when NSGA-II is used. Solutions of similar two-objective optimization problems for the FCCU are compared. NSGA-II-JG also gives improved convergence characteristics and spread of the optimal Pareto points for two simpler multi-objective optimization problems studied here. Indeed, in one problem, where several optimal Pareto fronts exist, the new code gives the correct, global optimal Pareto set, while the original code (binary-coded NSGA-II) converges to local Paretos. The JG operator is associated with some kind of macro–macro-mutation and introduces higher exploratory capabilities, counteracting the effect of elitism in NSGA-II. We, thus, have a better algorithm incorporating the advantages of elitism. This adaptation can prove to be of considerable value for solving other compute-intense problems in chemical engineering.  相似文献   

In this study, the ion exchange kinetics of selected heavy metals such as Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn through the pyridine based thorium(IV) phosphate composite cation exchange material was studied. The ion exchange kinetics over this composite cation exchanger followed the particle diffusion controlled ion exchange phenomenon. Kinetics parameters also revealed that the mechanism of ion exchange for heavy toxic metal ion is feasible to explore the wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

The nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA) has been used to optimize the operation of the continuous casting of a film of poly (methyl methacrylate). This process involves two reactors, namely, an isothermal plug flow tubular reactor (PFTR) followed by a nonisothermal film reactor. Two objective functions have been used in this study: the cross‐section average value of the monomer conversion, mf , of the product is maximized, and the length, zf , of the film reactor is minimized. Simultaneously, the cross‐section average value of the number‐average molecular weight of the product is forced to have a certain prescribed (desired) value. It is also ensured that the temperature at any location in the film being produced lies below a certain value, to avoid degradation reactions. Seven decision variables are used in this study: the temperature of the isothermal PFTR, the flow rate of the initiator in the feed to the PFTR (for a specified feed flow rate of the monomer), the film thickness, the monomer conversion at the output of the PFTR, and three coefficients describing the wall temperature to be used in the film reactor. Sets of nondominating (equally good) optimal solutions (Pareto sets) have been obtained due to the conflicting requirements for the several conditions studied. It is interesting to observe that under optimal conditions, the exothermicity of the reactions drives them to completion near the center of the film, while heat conduction and higher wall temperature help to achieve this in the outer regions. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 78: 1439–1458, 2000  相似文献   

A series of crosslinked copolymers with cationic nature have been prepared based on acrylamide (AAm) and [3‐(methacryloylamino)propyl]trimethyl ammonium chloride (MAPTAC) using N,N′ methylene‐bis‐acrylamide (MBA) as crosslinking agent. Taguchi's method has been employed for the purpose of formulation design and optimization as well as investigating the effects of various compositional parameters, such as total monomer concentration, cationic monomer and crosslinking agent concentration. The swelling behaviour of the synthesized gels in electrolyte solutions composed of ions with different valency has been studied and compared with an anionic‐based superabsorbent. The swelling capacity and absorbency were found to be enhanced with increase of the MAPTAC moieties of the copolymer chains, and therefore increase of their cationic character. All the cationic hydrogels prepared had greater swelling capacity, with less change in their swelling behaviour, when immersed into aqueous solutions containing multivalent cations. The anionic‐based hydrogels collapsed in similar ionic solutions with moderate‐to‐high ionic strength and did not show any tendency to re‐swell. The complex modulus (G*) of the crosslinked copolymers in the equilibrium swollen state was measured by rheomechanical spectroscopy and was correlated with the chemical composition of the network. Thermogravimetric analysis of the dry cationic superabsorbent showed more bound water but similar thermal behaviour to crosslinked polyacrylamide Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In the present investigation, at first, the surface of ZrO2 nanoparticles was modified with a bioactive and biocompatible diacid based on leucine amino acid as a coupling agent. The grafting of diacid on the surface of ZrO2 was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. Then, the synthesis of poly(amide-imide)/ZrO2 nanocomposite (PAI/ZrO2 NC) was performed through ultrasonic technique. The obtained NCs demonstrated good thermal stability. Field emission scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy analysis showed that the average diameter of NP was around 15–20 nm. Finally, the resulting NC, was used as a nano-filler and was incorporated into the poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) in order to improve its mechanical and thermal properties. The PVA/PAI–ZrO2 NC films were characterized by different techniques. The data indicated that the thermal and mechanical properties of the PVA/PAI–ZrO2 NC were enhanced. It was attributed to the good dispersion of filler into the PVA matrix as a result of hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   

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