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We report on the development and application of an integrated set of analytical tools that enable accurate measurement of total, extractable, and, importantly, the oxidation state of vanadium in sub-milligram masses of environmental aerosols and solids. Through rigorous control of blanks, application of magnetic-sector-ICPMS, and miniaturization of the extraction/separation methods we have substantially improved upon published quantification limits. The study focused on the application of these methods to particulate matter (PM) emissions from diesel vehicles, both in baseline configuration without after-treatment and also equipped with advanced PM and NO(x) emission controls. Particle size-resolved vanadium speciation data were obtained from dynamometer samples containing total vanadium pools of only 0.2-2 ng and provide some of the first measurements of the oxidation state of vanadium in diesel vehicle PM emissions. The emission rates and the measured fraction of V(V) in PM from diesel engines running without exhaust after-treatment were both low (2-3 ng/mile and 13-16%, respectively). The V(IV) species was measured as the dominant vanadium species in diesel PM emissions. A significantly greater fraction of V(V) (76%) was measured in PM from the engine fitted with a prototype vanadium-based selective catalytic reductors (V-SCR) retrofit. The emission rate of V(V) determined for the V-SCR equipped vehicle (103 ng/mile) was 40-fold greater than that from the baseline vehicle. A clear contrast between the PM size-distributions of V(V) and V(IV) emissions was apparent, with the V(V) distribution characterized by a major single mode in the ultrafine (<0.25 μm) size range and the V(IV) size distribution either flat or with a small maxima in the accumulation mode (0.5-2 μm). The V(V) content of the V-SCR PM (6.6 μg/g) was 400-fold greater than that in PM from baseline (0.016 μg/g) vehicles, and among the highest of all environmental samples examined. Synchrotron based V 1s XANES spectroscopy of vanadium-containing fine-particle PM from the V-SCR identified V(2)O(5) as the dominant vanadium species.  相似文献   

A monitoring campaign was conducted in August-September 2005 to compare different experimental approaches quantifying school bus self-pollution. As part of this monitoring campaign, a detailed characterization of PM2.5 diesel engine emissions from the tailpipe and crankcase emissions from the road draft tubes was performed. To distinguish between tailpipe and crankcase vent emissions, a deuterated alkane, n-hexatriacontane-d74 (n-C36D74) was added to the engine oil to serve as an intentional quantitative tracer for lubricating oil PM emissions. This paper focuses on the detailed chemical speciation of crankcase and tailpipe PM emissions from two school buses used in this study. We found that organic carbon emission rates were generally higher from the crankcase than from the tailpipe for these two school buses, while elemental carbon contributed significantly only in the tailpipe emissions. The n-C36D74 that was added to the engine oil was emitted at higher rates from the crankcase than the tailpipe. Tracers of engine oil (hopanes and steranes) were present in much higher proportion in crankcase emissions. Particle-associated PAH emission rates were generally very low (< 1 microg/km), but more PAH species were present in crankcase than in tailpipe emissions. The speciation of samples collected in the bus cabins was consistent with most of the bus self-pollution originating from crankcase emissions.  相似文献   

Diesel particulate matter (PM) reduction efficiencies for backup generators (BUGs) (> 300 kW) equipped with a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), DOC+fuel-borne catalyst additive combination (DOC+FBC), passive diesel particulate filter (DPF), and an active DPF were measured. Overall, the DOC and DOC+FBC technologies were found to be effective in reducing mainly organic carbon (OC) emissions (56-77%) while both DPFs showed excellent performance in reducing both elemental carbon (EC) and OC emissions (> 90%). These findings demonstrate the potential for applying DOCs to older engines where PM is dominated by the OC fraction. In most modern engine applications, where the PM consists of mainly EC, the DOC will be largely ineffective. Alternatively, passive and active DPFs are expected to be efficient for most engine technologies. Measurements of particle size distributions provided evidence of the high temperature formation of sulfate nanoparticles across the control technologies despite the use of ultralow sulfur diesel. Changes in the particle size distribution and the organic fraction of PM indicate that the OC component of PM is primarily found in the smaller sized particles.  相似文献   

Long-term exposures to diesel particulate matter (DPM) emissions are linked to increasing adverse human health effects due to the potential association of DPM with carcinogenicity. Current diesel vehicular particulate emission regulations are based solely upon total mass concentration, albeit it is the submicrometer particles that are highly respirable and the most detrimental to human health. In this study, experiments were performed with a tubular single-stage wet electrostatic precipitator (wESP) to evaluate its performance for the removal of number-based DPM emissions. A nonroad diesel generator utilizing a low sulfur diesel fuel (500 ppmw) operating under varying load conditions was used as a stationary DPM emission source. An electrical low-pressure impactor (ELPI) was used to quantify the number concentration distributions of diesel particles in the diluted exhaust gas at each tested condition. The wESP was evaluated with respect to different operational control parameters such as applied voltage, gas residence time, etc., to determine their effect on overall collection efficiency, as well as particle size dependent collection efficiency. The results show that the total DPM number concentrations in the untreated diesel exhaust are in the magnitude of approximately108/cm(3) at all engine loads with the particle diameter modes between 20 and 40 nm. The measured collection efficiency of the wESP operating at 70 kV based on total particle numbers was 86% at 0 kW engine load and the efficiency decreased to 67% at 75 kW due to a decrease in gas residence time and an increase in particle concentrations. At a constant wESP voltage of 70 kV and at 75 kW engine load, the variation of gas residence time within the wESP from approximately 0.1 to approximately 0.4 s led to a substantial increase in the collection efficiency from 67% to 96%. In addition, collection efficiency was found to be directly related to the applied voltage, with increasing collection efficiency measured for increases in applied voltage. The collection efficiency based on particle size had a minimum for sizes between 20 and 50 nm, but at optimal wESP operating conditions it was possible to remove over 90% of all particle sizes. A comparison of measured and calculated collection efficiencies reveals that the measured values are significantly higher than the predicted values based on the well-known Deutsch equation.  相似文献   

Hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) diesel fuel is a promising biofuel candidate that can complement or substitute traditional diesel fuel in engines. It has been already reported that by changing the fuel from conventional EN590 diesel to HVO decreases exhaust emissions. However, as the fuels have certain chemical and physical differences, it is clear that the full advantage of HVO cannot be realized unless the engine is optimized for the new fuel. In this article, we studied how much exhaust emissions can be reduced by adjusting engine parameters for HVO. The results indicate that, with all the studied loads (50%, 75%, and 100%), particulate mass and NO(x) can both be reduced over 25% by engine parameter adjustments. Further, the emission reduction was even higher when the target for adjusting engine parameters was to exclusively reduce either particulates or NO(x). In addition to particulate mass, different indicators of particulate emissions were also compared. These indicators included filter smoke number (FSN), total particle number, total particle surface area, and geometric mean diameter of the emitted particle size distribution. As a result of this comparison, a linear correlation between FSN and total particulate surface area at low FSN region was found.  相似文献   

Diesel fuels, classified as environmentally friendly, have been available on the Swedish market since 1991. The Swedish diesel fuel classification is based upon the specification of selected fuel composition and physical properties to reduce potential environmental and health effects from direct human exposure to exhaust. The objective of the present investigation was to compare the most stringent, environmentally classified Swedish diesel fuel (MK1) to the reference diesel fuel used in the "European Program on Emissions, Fuels and Engine Technologies" (EPEFE) program. The study compares measurements of regulated emissions, unregulated emissions, and biological tests from a Volvo truck using these fuels. The regulated emissions from these two fuels (MK1 vs EPEFE) were CO (-2.2%), HC (12%), NOx (-11%), and particulates (-11%). The emissions of aldehydes, alkenes, and carbon dioxide were basically equivalent. The emissions of particle-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and 1-nitropyrene were 88% and 98% lower than those of the EPEFE fuel, respectively. The emissions of semi-volatile PAHs and 1-nitropyrene were 77% and 80% lower than those from the EPEFE fuel, respectively. The reduction in mutagenicity of the particle extract varied from -75 to -90%, depending on the tester strain. The reduction of mutagenicity of the semi-volatile extract varied between -40 and -60%. Furthermore, the dioxin receptor binding activity was a factor of 8 times lower in the particle extracts and a factor of 4 times lower in the semi-volatile extract than that of the EPEFE fuel. In conclusion, the MK1 fuel was found to be more environmentally friendly than the EPEFE fuel.  相似文献   

XAFS spectroscopy has been employed to evaluate the effect of fuel compositions and combustion conditions on the amount, form, and distribution of sulfur and nickel in size-fractionated ROFA PM. Analysis of S K-edge XANES establish that sulfate is abundant in all PM. However, depending upon the combustion conditions, lesser amounts of thiophenic sulfur, metal sulfide, and elemental sulfur may also be observed. Least-squares fitting of Ni K-edge XANES reveals that most of the nickel in PM is present as bioavailable NiSO4.nH2O. The insoluble Ni mainly exists as a minor species, as nickel ferrite in PM2.5 (PM < 2.5 microm) and nickel sulfide, Ni(x)SY(y) in PM2.5+ (PM > 2.5 microm). The Ni K-edge XANES results are in agreement with the EXAFS data. Such detailed speciation of Ni and S in PM is needed for determining their mobility, bioavailability, and reactivity, and hence, their role in PM toxicity. This information is also important for understanding the mechanism of PM formation, developing effective remediation measures, and providing criteria for identification of potential emission sources. Transition metals complexing with sulfur is ubiquitous in nature. Therefore, this information on metal sulfur complex can be critical to a large body of environmental literature.  相似文献   

Size-fractionated (equivalent to ambient PM2.5 and PM10) local soil, plant, and spore samples were collected in the Sonoran Desert near Phoenix, AZ and measured for saccharide content with the goal of characterizing ambient particulate matter sources including soil and primary biological aerosol particles (PBAPs) from plants and fungi. Different saccharide compositions were observed among soil, plant, and spore samples and between PM2.5 and PM10 fractions. The total measured nonlevoglucosan saccharide content relative to PM mass in ambient aerosols collected in a Phoenix suburb (Higley) was much higher compared to the local soil samples but much lower compared to the PBAP. The enrichment of saccharides from two saccharide-dominated PM source factors resolved by a positive matrix factorization model is also higher than the saccharide content in the size-fractionated local soil samples, but lower than that measured in the size-segregated PBAP samples. This indicates that ambient concentration of particulate saccharides at Higley was dominated by contributions from PBAPs directly injected into the atmosphere from plants and spores rather than from soil and associated biota. Our results also suggest the contribution to the fine size fraction of ambient PM from the primary biologically derived sources may be greater than previously acknowledged.  相似文献   

1.GB/T12488一1990木工机床型号编制方法2.GB/T14383一1993木工机床通用技术条件3.JB/T4171一1999木工机床精度检验通则4.GB12557一2000木工机床安全通则5.GB/T15379一1994木工机床基本术语6.CB/份370一1983木工机床噪声功率级的测定7.JB/释953一1999木工机床噪声声(压)级测量方法8,CB/T10961一1989木工机床操作指示形象化符号9.GB5226.1一2002木工机床机械电气设备第工部分:通用技术条件10.GB/T15378一1994木工机床术语木工锯机11.GB/悦%6一1993纵剖木工圆锯机参数12.GB/T14387一1993纵剖木工圆锯机精度13.JB/竹295一1993单…  相似文献   

The structural composition of soil organic matter (SOM) was determined in twenty-seven soils with different vegetation from several ecological zones of Australia and Pakistan using solid-state CPMAS 13C NMR. The SOM was characterized using carbon types derived from the NMR spectra. Relationships were determined between Koc (sorption per unit organic C) of carbaryl(1-naphthylmethylcarbamate) and phosalone (S-6-chloro-2,3-dihydro-2-oxobenzoxazol-3-ylmethyl O,O-diethyl phosphorodithioate) and the nature of organic matter in the soils. Substantial variations were revealed in the structural composition of organic matter in the soils studied. The variations in Koc values of the pesticides observed for the soils could be explained only when variations in the aromatic components of SOM were taken into consideration. The highly significant positive correlations of aromaticity of SOM and Koc values of carbaryl and phosalone revealed that the aromatic component of SOM is a good predictor of a soil's ability to bind such nonionic pesticides.  相似文献   

The results of this work show that it is possible to rapidly quantify calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sodium in unknown cheeses elaborated with percentages (0–100%) of milk from different species (cow, ewe, goat) by direct application of the fibre-optic probe on the sample without previous destruction or treatment of the sample. Of the total number of samples, 170 were used to develop the calibration models using the Modified Partial Least Squares (MPLS) regression method and 57 samples were used for external validation. The multiple correlation coefficients (RSQ) and prediction corrected standard errors (SEP (C)) obtained for calcium (0.74, 0.64), phosphorus (0.69, 0.29), potassium (0.86, 0.13), and sodium (0.92, 0.71) in g/kg respectively and magnesium (0.72, 30.9) in ppm, indicated that the models developed allow the determination of Ca, P, K, Na and Mg in unknown samples of cheeses of varying compositions up to 6 months of ripening.  相似文献   

A campaign was conducted to assess personal exposure of coarse (2.5 μm < d(p) < 10 μm) and fine (d(p) < 2.5 μm) PM for two lines of the L.A. Metro-a subway (red) and light-rail (gold) line. Concurrent measurements were taken at University of Southern California (USC) to represent ambient conditions. A comprehensive chemical analysis was performed including total and water-soluble metals, inorganic ions, elemental and organic carbon, and organic compounds. Mass balance showed that in coarse PM, iron makes up 27%, 6%, and 2% of gravimetric mass for the red line, the gold line, and USC, respectively; in fine PM, iron makes up 32%, 3%, and 1%. Ambient air is the primary source of inorganic ions and organic compounds for both lines. Noncrustal metals, particularly Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Mo, Cd, and Eu, were elevated for the red line and, to a lesser degree, the gold line. Mo exhibited the greatest crustal enrichment factors. The enriched species were less water-soluble on the red line than corresponding species on the gold line. Bivariate analysis showed that reactive oxygen species (ROS) activity is strongly correlated with water-soluble Fe (R(2) = 0.77), Ni (R(2 )= 0.95), and OC (R(2 )= 0.92). A multiple linear regression model (R(2) = 0.94, p < 0.001) using water-soluble Fe and OC as predictor variables was developed to explain the variance in ROS. In addition, PM from the red line generates 65% and 55% more ROS activity per m(3) of air than PM from USC and the gold line, respectively; however, one unit of PM mass from the gold line may be as intrinsically toxic as one unit of PM from the red line.  相似文献   

The powerful combination of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (MS) is often limited by matrix effects during ionization in the MS ion source. The use of fully isotope-substituted (13C15)-deoxynivalenol ((13C15)-DON) as an internal standard (IS) corrects matrix effects and improves the accuracy of analytical methods using mass spectrometry for the quantitative determination of the Fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON). The IS was characterized with respect to its chromatographic purity by liquid chromatography-ultraviolet light and its isotope distribution by time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Its low-energy collision-induced dissociation behaviour was compared with DON. Moreover, this work describes the successful application of (13C15)-DON as IS for the determination of DON in maize using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) electrospray (ESI) with tandem mass spectrometry. The results demonstrate that the IS can successfully correct for fluctuations during extraction and clean-up of the sample as well as the ionization of DON in the MS ion source. Random variations in ionization affect the IS in the same way as the analyte. Recoveries for DON in maize of 76% ± 1.9% (external calibration) or 101% ± 2.4% (internal calibration) were reached, respectively, after sample clean-up.  相似文献   

The concentrations and distribution of platinum group elements (Pt, Pd, Rh) in airborne particulate matter were studied in a period of one year from August 2001 to July 2002 in urban and in nonurban areas. Airborne dust samples were collected as a total amount (particles with an aerodynamic diameter <22 microm) and classified using an eight-stage Andersen impactor (<10 microm) at three locations with different traffic density roads in the Frankfurt am Main and nonurban areas. Sampling at the three locations was performed simultaneously for total airborne dust and fractionated airborne dust. Pd was determined by total reflection X-ray fluorescence after Hg coprecipitation. Pt and Rh were analyzed by adsorptive striping voltammetry after HPA digestion. The results show that the PGE concentrations in airborne samples depend on the traffic density. The highest PGE concentrations in air were found in the vicinity of major roads with heavy traffic, and the lowest ones were found in the nonurban area. The presence of PGE at the sampling station relatively free of traffic in a nonurban area hints to a transport of some of the emitted PGE from the city to this station by wind. At all three sampling locations, a heterogeneous distribution of the Pd, Pt, and Rh concentrations during the sampling year can be observed. The sum of PGE concentrations in total airborne dust is comparable with the sum of impactor samples. However, the concentration of Pt and Rh in total airborne dust (<22 microm) is on average higher than in impactor samples (<10 microm). On the contrary, Pd concentration is higher in impactor samples in most cases. The airborne PGE distribution is dominated by Pt, followed by Pd and Rh. The impactor samples are dominated by Pd, followed by Pt and Rh. This fact indicates that palladium occurs mainly in relatively fine airborne particles. The main fraction of PGE is found on average in particle sizes between 1.1 and 4.7 microm. Knowledge of the size distribution of particles containing PGE is important with respect to risk assessment of human inhalation.  相似文献   

Agaricus bisporus mushrooms were grown in compost amended with either arsenic-contaminated mine waste or an arsenate solution, to a final concentration of approximately 200 microg g(-1). Fungi were cultivated at a small-scale mushroom facility in Vineland (ON), where the controlled environment allowed for a large number of fruiting bodies (mushrooms) to be produced. The total arsenic concentrations as well as speciation were examined for each treatment over several harvests (breaks). Total concentrations were determined by acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) detection and ranged from 2.3 to 16 microg g(-1) dry mass in treatment mushrooms. Arsenic compounds were extracted from mushrooms with methanol/water (1:1 v/v), and separated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC, anion/cation exchange) before detection with ICP-MS. Fruiting bodies from all treatments contained arsenite, dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), and arsenobetaine (AB), and to a lesser extent arsenate and trimethylarsine oxide (TMAO). The ratio of arsenic compounds did not vary greatly over the first three harvests. AB was absent in compost not inoculated with A. bisporus supporting the hypothesis that AB is a product of fungal, not microbial, arsenic metabolism. X-ray absorption spectroscopy results lead us to hypothesize that AB plays a role in nutrient translocation within the fruiting body, as well as maintaining turgor pressure to ensure the mushroom cap remains elevated for maximum spore dispersal.  相似文献   

Microcosms were built up to simulate a pond system with polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) contaminated sediment and bioorganisms. The microcosms were divided into groups A and B. In group A, both benthic invertebrates (tubificid worms) and carp (Cyprinu carpio) were added, while in group B, only fish were added. After exposure for 20 d, the fish were sampled (exposure I). A net was fixed in the microcosms, and new fish were added (exposure II). These fish were prohibited from contacting the sediment by the net, and the accumulation and depuration of PBDEs in the fish were investigated. Among 11 monitored PBDE congeners (BDE-28, BDE-47, BDE-99, BDE-100, BDE-153, BDE-154, BDE-183, BDE-206, BDE-207, BDE-208, and BDE-209), only 5 congeners (BDE-28, BDE-47, BDE-100, BDE-153, and BDE-154) were detected in the carp fillets and liver. BDE-99 and BDE-183 were not detected in the fish because of the efficient metabolic debromination in carp tissues. The uptake of PBDEs in exposure I was significantly higher/faster than that in exposure II, since the fish in exposure I had an opportunity to take in more of the highly contaminated particles. The uptake kinetics (k(s)) and elimination (k(e)) rate coefficients showed a general trend of decreasing with increasing log K(ow). No significant difference was observed in uptake/depuration kinetics between groups A and B, indicating that the tubificids' reworking does not affect the bioaccumulation of sediment-associated PBDEs in fish significantly. All the PBDE congeners, including nona- and deca-BDEs, were bioaccumulated in the tubificid worms. The PBDE concentrations in the worms were significantly higher than those in the fish, and the congener profile of the sevem major congeners (BDE-28, BDE-47, BDE-99, BDE-100, BDE-153, BDE-154, and BDE-183) was distinctly different from that of fish tissues. The biota-sediment accumulation factors in the worms ranged from 0.01 to 5.89 and declined with increasing bromination and log K(ow.).  相似文献   

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