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We provide a self‐normalization for the sample autocovariances and autocorrelations of a linear, long‐memory time series with innovations that have either finite fourth moment or are heavy‐tailed with tail index 2 < α < 4. In the asymptotic distribution of the sample autocovariance there are three rates of convergence that depend on the interplay between the memory parameter d and α, and which consequently lead to three different limit distributions; for the sample autocorrelation the limit distribution only depends on d. We introduce a self‐normalized sample autocovariance statistic, which is computable without knowledge of α or d (or their relationship), and which converges to a non‐degenerate distribution. We also treat self‐normalization of the autocorrelations. The sampling distributions can then be approximated non‐parametrically by subsampling, as the corresponding asymptotic distribution is still parameter‐dependent. The subsampling‐based confidence intervals for the process autocovariances and autocorrelations are shown to have satisfactory empirical coverage rates in a simulation study. The impact of subsampling block size on the coverage is assessed. The methodology is further applied to the log‐squared returns of Merck stock.  相似文献   

This article studies the empirical likelihood method for long‐memory time series models. By virtue of the Whittle likelihood, one obtains a score function that can be viewed as an estimating equation of the parameters of a fractional integrated autoregressive moving average (ARFIMA) model. This score function is used to obtain an empirical likelihood ratio which is shown to be asymptotically chi‐square distributed. Confidence regions for the parameters are constructed based on the asymptotic distribution of the empirical likelihood ratio. Bartlett correction and finite sample properties of the empirical likelihood confidence regions are examined.  相似文献   

A two‐step approach for conditional value at risk estimation is considered. First, a generalized quasi‐maximum likelihood estimator is employed to estimate the volatility parameter, then the empirical quantile of the residuals serves to estimate the theoretical quantile of the innovations. When the instrumental density h of the generalized quasi‐maximum likelihood estimator is not the Gaussian density, both the estimations of the volatility and of the quantile are generally asymptotically biased. However, the two errors counterbalance and lead to a consistent estimator of the value at risk. We obtain the asymptotic behavior of this estimator and show how to choose optimally h.  相似文献   

We propose a testing procedure based on the Wilcoxon two‐sample test statistic in order to test for change‐points in the mean of long‐range dependent data. We show that the corresponding self‐normalized test statistic converges in distribution to a non‐degenerate limit under the hypothesis that no change occurred and that it diverges to infinity under the alternative of a change‐point with constant height. Furthermore, we derive the asymptotic distribution of the self‐normalized Wilcoxon test statistic under local alternatives, that is, under the assumption that the height of the level shift decreases as the sample size increases. Regarding the finite sample performance, simulation results confirm that the self‐normalized Wilcoxon test yields a consistent discrimination between hypothesis and alternative and that its empirical size is already close to the significance level for moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   

Self‐normalization has been celebrated as an alternative approach for inference of time series because of its ability to avoid direct estimation of the nuisance asymptotic variance. However, when being applied to quantities other than the mean, the conventional self‐normalizer typically exhibits certain degrees of asymmetry, an undesirable feature especially for time‐reversible processes. This paper considers a new self‐normalizer for time series, which (i) provides a time‐symmetric generalization to the conventional self‐normalizer, (ii) is able to automatically reduce to the conventional self‐normalizer in the mean case where the latter is already time‐symmetric to yield a unified inference procedure, and (iii) possibly leads to narrower confidence intervals when compared with the conventional self‐normalizer. For the proposed time‐symmetric self‐normalizer, we establish the asymptotic theory for its induced inference procedure and examine its finite sample performance through numerical experiments.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of detecting a change in the parameters of an autoregressive process where the moments of the innovation process do not necessarily exist. An empirical likelihood ratio test for the existence of a change point is proposed and its asymptotic properties are studied. In contrast to other works on change‐point tests using empirical likelihood, we do not assume knowledge of the location of the change point. In particular, we prove that the maximizer of the empirical likelihood is a consistent estimator for the parameters of the autoregressive model in the case of no change point and derive the limiting distribution of the corresponding test statistic under the null hypothesis. We also establish consistency of the new test. A nice feature of the method is the fact that the resulting test is asymptotically distribution‐free and does not require an estimate of the long‐run variance. The asymptotic properties of the test are investigated by means of a small simulation study, which demonstrates good finite‐sample properties of the proposed method.  相似文献   

We discuss parametric quasi‐maximum likelihood estimation for quadratic autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) process with long memory introduced in Doukhan emphet al. (2016) and Grublyt? and ?karnulis (2016) with conditional variance involving the square of inhomogeneous linear combination of observable sequence with square summable weights. The aforementioned model extends the quadratic ARCH model of Sentana ( 1995 ) and the linear ARCH model of Robinson ( 1991 ) to the case of strictly positive conditional variance. We prove consistency and asymptotic normality of the corresponding quasi‐maximum likelihood estimates, including the estimate of long memory parameter 0 < d < 1/2. A simulation study of empirical mean‐squared error is included.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the empirical likelihood (EL) method for the pth‐order random coefficient integer‐valued autoregressive process. In particular, the limiting distribution of the log EL ratio statistic is established and the confidence regions for the parameter of interest are derived. Also a simulation study is conducted for the evaluation of the developed approach.  相似文献   

A time‐series model in which the signal is buried in noise that is non‐Gaussian may throw up observations that, when judged by the Gaussian yardstick, are outliers. We describe an observation‐driven model, based on an exponential generalized beta distribution of the second kind (EGB2), in which the signal is a linear function of past values of the score of the conditional distribution. This specification produces a model that is not only easy to implement but which also facilitates the development of a comprehensive and relatively straightforward theory for the asymptotic distribution of the maximum‐likelihood (ML) estimator. Score‐driven models of this kind can also be based on conditional t distributions, but whereas these models carry out what, in the robustness literature, is called a soft form of trimming, the EGB2 distribution leads to a soft form of Winsorizing. An exponential general autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (EGARCH) model based on the EGB2 distribution is also developed. This model complements the score‐driven EGARCH model with a conditional t distribution. Finally, dynamic location and scale models are combined and applied to data on the UK rate of inflation.  相似文献   

Abstract. An approximate likelihood function for panel data with an autoregressive moving‐average (ARMA)(p, q) model remainder disturbance is presented and Whittle's approximate maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is used to yield an asymptotic estimator. Although an asymptotic approach, the power test is quite successful for estimating and testing. In this approach, we do not need to calculate the transformation matrix in exact form. Through the Riemann sum approach, we can construct a simple approximate concentrated likelihood function. In addition, the model is also extended to the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) function, in which the package of Gilmour, Thompson and Cullis [Biometrics (1995) Vol. 51, pp. 1440–1450] is applied without difficulty. In the case study, we implement the model on the characteristic line for the investment analysis of Taiwanese computer motherboard makers.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a version of empirical likelihood method for spectral restrictions, which handles stationary time series data via the frequency domain approach. The asymptotic properties of frequency domain generalized empirical likelihood are studied for either strictly stationary processes with vanishing cumulant spectral density function of order 4 or linear processes generated by iid innovations with possibly non‐zero fourth order cumulant. Several statistics for testing parametric restrictions, over‐identified spectral restrictions, and additional spectral restrictions are shown to have the limiting chi‐squared distributions. Some numerical results are presented to investigate the finite sample performance of the proposed procedures. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, we revisit a time series model introduced by MCElroy and Politis (2007a) and generalize it in several ways to encompass a wider class of stationary, nonlinear, heavy‐tailed time series with long memory. The joint asymptotic distribution for the sample mean and sample variance under the extended model is derived; the associated convergence rates are found to depend crucially on the tail thickness and long memory parameter. A self‐normalized sample mean that concurrently captures the tail and memory behaviour, is defined. Its asymptotic distribution is approximated by subsampling without the knowledge of tail or/and memory parameters; a result of independent interest regarding subsampling consistency for certain long‐range dependent processes is provided. The subsampling‐based confidence intervals for the process mean are shown to have good empirical coverage rates in a simulation study. The influence of block size on the coverage and the performance of a data‐driven rule for block size selection are assessed. The methodology is further applied to the series of packet‐counts from ethernet traffic traces.  相似文献   

Abstract. We propose a non‐parametric local likelihood estimator for the log‐transformed autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (ARCH) (1) model. Our non‐parametric estimator is constructed within the likelihood framework for non‐Gaussian observations: it is different from standard kernel regression smoothing, where the innovations are assumed to be normally distributed. We derive consistency and asymptotic normality for our estimators and show, by a simulation experiment and some real‐data examples, that the local likelihood estimator has better predictive potential than classical local regression. A possible extension of the estimation procedure to more general multiplicative ARCH(p) models with p > 1 predictor variables is also described.  相似文献   

We derive tests of stationarity for univariate time series by combining change‐point tests sensitive to changes in the contemporary distribution with tests sensitive to changes in the serial dependence. The proposed approach relies on a general procedure for combining dependent tests based on resampling. After proving the asymptotic validity of the combining procedure under the conjunction of null hypotheses and investigating its consistency, we study rank‐based tests of stationarity by combining cumulative sum change‐point tests based on the contemporary empirical distribution function and on the empirical autocopula at a given lag. Extensions based on tests solely focusing on second‐order characteristics are proposed next. The finite‐sample behaviors of all the derived statistical procedures for assessing stationarity are investigated in large‐scale Monte Carlo experiments, and illustrations on two real datasets are provided. Extensions to multi‐variate time series are briefly discussed as well.  相似文献   

Abstract. The portmanteau statistic is based on the first m‐residual autocorrelations, and is used for diagnostic checks on the adequacy of fit of a model. In this article, we propose a modified portmanteau statistic with a correction term that allows for the use of small values of m for the chi‐squared test. For this modification, we take a different approach to that suggested by Ljung [Biometrika (1986), Vol. 73, pp. 725–30]. Their empirical behaviour is clarified using asymptotic theory.  相似文献   

Self‐normalization has been celebrated for its ability to avoid direct estimation of the nuisance long‐run variance and its versatility in handling the mean and other quantities. The self‐normalizer in its original form uses only recursive estimators of one direction, and generalizations involving both forward and backward estimators were recently given. Unlike existing results that weigh the forward and backward estimators in a deterministic manner, the current article focuses on a data‐driven weight that corresponds to confidence intervals with minimal lengths. We study the asymptotic behavior of such a data‐driven weight choice, and find an interesting dichotomy between linear and nonlinear quantities. Another interesting phenomenon is that, for nonlinear quantities, the data‐driven weight typically distributes over an uncountable set in finite‐sample problems but in the limit it converges to a discrete distribution with a finite support.  相似文献   

Abstract. A test for the cointegrating rank of a vector autoregressive (VAR) process with a possible shift and broken linear trend is proposed. The break point is assumed to be known. Our test is not a likelihood ratio test but the deterministic terms including the broken trends are removed first by a generalized least squares procedure. Then, a likelihood ratio‐type test is applied to the adjusted series. The asymptotic null distribution of the test is derived and it is shown by a Monte Carlo experiment that the test has better small‐sample properties in many cases than a corresponding Gaussian likelihood ratio test for the cointegrating rank. Moreover, response surface techniques can be used to easily obtain p‐values of the test for any possible break date.  相似文献   

The existing estimation methods for the model parameters of the unified GARCH–Itô model (Kim and Wang, 2014 ) require long period observations to obtain the consistency. However, in practice, it is hard to believe that the structure of a stock price is stable during such a long period. In this article, we introduce an estimation method for the model parameters based on the high‐frequency financial data with a finite observation period. In particular, we establish a quasi‐likelihood function for daily integrated volatilities, and realized volatility estimators are adopted to estimate the integrated volatilities. The model parameters are estimated by maximizing the quasi‐likelihood function. We establish asymptotic theories for the proposed estimator. A simulation study is conducted to check the finite sample performance of the proposed estimator. We apply the proposed estimation approach to the Bank of America stock price data.  相似文献   

A time‐varying autoregression is considered with a similarity‐based coefficient and possible drift. It is shown that the random‐walk model has a natural interpretation as the leading term in a small‐sigma expansion of a similarity model with an exponential similarity function as its AR coefficient. Consistency of the quasi‐maximum likelihood estimator of the parameters in this model is established, the behaviours of the score and Hessian functions are analysed and test statistics are suggested. A complete list is provided of the normalization rates required for the consistency proof and for the score and Hessian function standardization. A large family of unit root models with stationary and explosive alternatives is characterized within the similarity class through the asymptotic negligibility of a certain quadratic form that appears in the score function. A variant of the stochastic unit root model within the class is studied, and a large‐sample limit theory provided, which leads to a new nonlinear diffusion process limit showing the form of the drift and conditional volatility induced by sustained stochastic departures from unity. The findings provide a composite case for time‐varying coefficient dynamic modelling. Some simulations and a brief empirical application to data on international Exchange Traded Funds are included. Copyright © 2014 Wiley Publishing Ltd  相似文献   

Abstract. We develop extensions of the Dickey–Fuller F‐statistics for the joint null hypothesis of a unit root that allows for a break in the innovation variance. Our statistics are based on the modified generalized least squares (GLS) strategy outlined in Kim, Leybourne and Newbold [Journal of Econometrics (2002) Vol. 109, pp. 365–387] that requires estimation of the break‐date and corresponding pre‐break and post‐break variances. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the new F‐statistics, tabulate their finite sample and asymptotic critical values, and present finite sample simulation evidence regarding their size and power.  相似文献   

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