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住房问题已经成为中国城市所面临的主要问题。进入新世纪,保障性住房建设大规模展开,保障房社区作为一种独特的新社会空间,受到广泛关注。基于米歇尔·德塞都的日常生活实践理论,本文对广州金沙洲新社区展开实证研究,探讨当前中国城市保障房社区居民的日常生活机制。研究主要采用典型案例、实地观察、半结构式访谈、深度访谈相结合的综合研究方法,从“日常生活实践”的角度探讨地方政府、市场和保障房社区居民的“结构化”互动,梳理和解析居民日常行为规律。研究表明,保障房作为地方政府为推进劳动力再生产而实施的一种空间战略,目的在于解决“集体消费”下的城市问题。在此背景下,保障房社区居民面临着社会、经济和文化上的“边缘化”及“空间锁定”问题。作为应对,社区居民采取各种生活“战术”予以应对:生活回市区、巧妙改造、隐性就业、维护社交网络、积极生活等。本文以此为保障房研究提供新视角,并为相关政策的制定和实施提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

应用香港、深圳住房市场历史数据,分别构建了香港居屋推出数量、深圳经济适用房推出比与房价变动Granger因果检验模型。发现房价水平可显著影响居屋、经济适用房的推出比;较高居屋推出数量可显著影响房价,而在经济适用房推出比较低情况下,推出比变化却无法影响房价。结论指出,当前为拉动经济发展、有效调节商品房价格水平,应积极提升经济适用房推出比、增强供给冗余、实现"建售分离"。  相似文献   

The importance of both land banks and community land trusts is increasing, and the two organizations are complementary. In distressed neighborhoods, land banks and community land trusts share the same roles as providers and stewards of affordable housing. However, contact points between land banks and community land trusts are currently scarce. This paper analyzes various combinations of land banks and community land trusts in both weak markets and stable markets. When a misalignment of land banks and community land trusts occurs, business models of land banks and community land trusts as well as public policies need to be adjusted. Utilization of community land trusts is an option to add on the disposition of land banks properties because community land trusts have a potential to create perpetual and diverse communities. In order for community-based organizations including community land trusts to grow in depopulated cities, the government needs to show a clear future perspective to each community.  相似文献   

Shared equity homeownership (SEH) is a form of resale-restricted, owner-occupied housing for lower income households that remains affordable in perpetuity. This study explores the evaluations of and reception to SEH relative to existing tenure options by potential beneficiaries of a SEH program in Nashville, TN. Fourteen focus groups with 93 participants were conducted among lower income renters, prospective homebuyers, and delinquent homeowners. Findings revealed that 73 per cent of participants expressed interest in SEH. Participants perceived that SEH was more likely to deliver individual, community, and economic benefits than rental or homeownership options in the market. However, participants also maintained concerns about program design, development, and location of shared equity homes. Findings suggest that SEH development may be viable in localities with relatively affordable housing markets, and a large proportion of targeted beneficiaries comprehend and perceive a need for this tenure alternative.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recent third sector housing research contends that community-based housing organizations can successfully balance social and financial objectives by simultaneously involving and building communities while developing and managing long-term affordable housing. This article analyzes the impact of the federal housing policies of the 1980s and 1990s on the ability of community-based housing organizations to meet this “double bottom line” (Bratt et al, 1994). It builds upon Salomon's (1989; 1993) thesis that an increased commercialization and marketization of the nonprofit sector occurred in response to the post-1980 federal social policies by arguing further that such a commercialization threatens the nonprofits' ability to prioritize standards of participation, neighborhood control, community building, and long-term affordability. I argue that federal housing policies need to be more closely allied with these standards in order to ensure their long-term viability.  相似文献   

This paper examines the response of Massachusetts to problems of housing affordability during the 1980s. State and local government historically has not played a major role in housing provision within the United States of America, constrained by fiscal dependence upon the federal government and by a lack of control over the more significant determinants of housing market performance. In the face of intensified problems of housing affordability and cutbacks in federal expenditures on low income housing programmes, the majority of US states increased their intervention in housing markets during the 1980s. Massachusetts more than doubled in real terms expenditures on housing and community development over the decade, initiating a variety of innovative programmes aimed at alleviating housing stress and stimulating the construction of affordable housing. The paper examines the impacts of these housing programmes upon problems of housing affordability, and assesses their likely durability in the context of the slow‐down in the Massachusetts economy in the 1990s. The increase in Massachusetts housing expenditures was a response to a local political economy of growth, rather than any fundamental dilution of the political and economic relations that limit the ability of states to shape housing market dynamics in the United States.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Inclusionary zoning—requiring and encouraging developers to build some affordable housing in market‐rate projects—is a growing but deeply contested practice. We evaluate the experience of inclusionary zoning programs in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, including their structure and elements, effectiveness in delivering affordable housing, and effect on housing markets and supply, to address the debate. We find that the programs vary but are not heavily demanding and include cost offsets. Low in‐lieu fees, however, can be the weak link. Many of the mandatory programs are effective, if effectiveness is measured by comparing the affordable housing productivity of inclusionary zoning with other affordable housing programs. We found no statistically significant evidence of inclusionary zoning's adverse effect on housing supply in cities with inclusionary mandates. We conclude that critics underestimate the affordable housing productivity of inclusionary zoning, and overestimate its adverse effects on housing supply. Nonetheless, inclusionary zoning is no panacea and needs to be part of a comprehensive housing strategy.  相似文献   

"十二五"是我国保障性住房建设的"加速跑"时期,国家与各省政府签订了保障房建设的协议,各城市政府也提出了保障性住房的建设目标与落实方案。为了更好地推进我国保障房建设,本文介绍了新加坡保障性住房政策,讨论了新加坡保障性住房体系的政策内容和特色,并以乌兰新镇的开发管理为例总结新加坡社区建设和管理经验,对我国保障性住房建设提出了参考建议。  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Local residents often oppose place-based affordable housing on the grounds that such housing will increase crime and decrease property values. New York City has actually used affordable housing investment as a neighborhood revitalization tool, leading to a positive impact on neighborhood property values. Households in distressed neighborhoods consistently cite crime as a problem, but we know little about the impact of housing investments on crime. Using a unique set of point-specific data on affordable housing and crime locations between 2002 and 2008 in New York City, I estimate a set of regression models to identify the effect that affordable housing investments have on crime on the block where they are situated. I find little evidence that affordable housing investments either reduce or increase crime on New York City blocks, suggesting there are limits to the revitalization effects of these subsidies and that crime fears about subsidized housing are unwarranted.

Takeaway for practice: Cities with tight rental markets such as New York should continue to invest in affordable housing construction. However, these cities need to find ways to expand housing options in higher-income, less-distressed neighborhoods, or they risk exacerbating concentrated poverty and further subjecting low-income households to unsafe living environments.  相似文献   

保障房的供应对于商品房市场起到一定的分流作用,又是影响房屋租售比的重要因素之一;商业配套、与CBD 的距离、交通、教育资源等均会对租售比产生影响,但以往的研究没有注意到保障房建设对商品房市场存在的作用,因此,以南京市为例,利用2002~2014 年各区保障房建设的历史数据与近5 年南京市各大行政区租售比的平均数据,结合ArcGis、 SPSS 等软件对数据进行实证分析,研究结果表明:保障房的供应量与租售比成显著负相关,即保障房供应量多的行政区,租售比较小,租赁市场相对活跃,反之,租售比值较大,则销售市场更为活跃。对购房投资而言,在保障房供应较多的区亦即租售比较低的区投资,能够更快的回收资本。  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Mixed-use zoning is widely advocated to increase density; promote active transportation; encourage economic development; and create lively, diverse neighborhoods. We know little, however, about whether mixed-use developments affect housing affordability. We question the impact of mixed-use zoning on housing affordability in Toronto (Canada) between 1991 and 2006 in the face of waning government support for affordable housing and increasing income inequality due to the occupational restructuring accompanying a shift to a knowledge-based economy. We fi nd that housing in mixed-use zones remained less affordable than housing in the rest of the city and in the metropolitan region. High-income service occupations experienced improved affordability while lower wage service, trade, and manufacturing occupations experienced stagnant or worsening affordability. Housing in mixed-use zones is increasingly affordable only to workers already able to pay higher housing costs. Our findings are limited to Canada's largest city but have lessons for large North American cities with similar urban economies and housing markets.

Takeaway for practice: Mixed-use developments may reduce housing affordability in core areas and inadvertently reinforce the sociospatial inequality resulting from occupational polarization unless supported by appropriate affordable housing policies. Planners should consider a range of policy measures to offset the unintentional outcomes of mixed-use developments and ensure affordability within mixed-use zones: inclusionary zoning, density bonuses linked to affordable housing, affordable housing trusts, and other relevant methods.  相似文献   

Under the Rhenish model of capitalism the interests of other stakeholders than shareholders are essential to the interests of the firm. However, Rhenish institutions in Germany have been changing. In the housing sector, many organizations that promoted the provision of affordable housing are currently managed by private equity firms promoting shareholders’ interests. This paper presents a dual case study on two housing providers: Annington in the UK, and Deutsche Annington in Germany which were owned by the same private equity investor, Terra Firma. The paper – based on this analysis of a single approach to the management of two comparable firms in the Rhenish and Anglo-Saxon contexts – considers the question of whether the Rhenish model is being swept away by the shareholders revolution. The paper concludes that this is not the case and that certain differences between these cases reflect the continuing differences between the Anglo-Saxon and Rhenish models of capitalism.  相似文献   

鉴于租赁型保障房建设目前存在的资金缺口以及其他国家保障性住房发展的经验,采用LIHTC 机制运用税收抵免吸引社会资本投资可支付租用住房建设,对解决低收入人群住房问题将发挥重要作用。介绍了LIHTC 机制主体及其运行模式,分析了该机制在经济激励效果、政府负担、有力监管、开发商融资四方面所展现出的优势。提出了创建我国租赁型保障房税收抵免经济激励机制的构想,从宏观经济流动性过剩与地方政府积极性角度分析该机制在我国推行的可能性,同时阐述实施过程中将会遇到的税收抵免分担比例问题。并为构建我国租赁型保障房税收抵免经济激励机制提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

通过丁家庄经济适用房的规划设计实践,探索大型保障房社区持之有效的住宅规划模式,结合绿色建筑的评价标准,打造可持续发展的节能省地型社区。"街坊式"布局在大型社区中的成功运用,从而解决了不同人群的混居问题,解决了当地的就业和安居的平衡。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study examines the conflict between inner city property owners and lower income tenants for control of neighborhood development agendas and community-based organizations. Utilizing a case study of Minneapolis and St. Paul, the authors investigated neighborhood conflicts over community revitalization. In a number of neighborhoods in the two cities, the community organization has come to be dominated by property owners espousing an “ideology of property” hostile to affordable housing. This has led to tension and conflict between neighborhood organizations pursuing owner interests and community development corporations focusing on low income housing.  相似文献   


Discourses regarding homeownership in the United States emphasize housing as an economic investment. This focus fosters a number of problems, including inflated housing values, increased segregation, economic divisions, and the foreclosure crisis. Community land trusts (CLTs) put land in a non-profit trust to keep it affordable long-term. We examine CLTs as affordable housing organizations where individual residents own homes in the trust and lease the land underneath from the CLT. Interviews of CLT homeowners and staff in Minnesota, USA, show that the use value of CLT housing creates opportunities for different life choices. CLT homeowners cite stability and autonomy as the primary benefits of homeownership. They expressed newfound confidence and freedom to pursue personal goals and live less restricted lives after moving into CLT homes, a finding also emphasized by CLT staff. Limited equity housing such as CLTs can both reinforce dominant meanings of homeownership as providing security and autonomy, while also fostering access and affordability for low-income residents.  相似文献   

Toronto is Canada’s main port of entry for new immigrants and refugees as well as the country’s most culturally diverse city. It is also one of the most expensive housing markets in Canada. This study examines the housing experiences of three relatively recent, Portuguese-speaking African immigrant groups—the Angolans, the Mozambicans, and the Cape Verdeans—in Toronto’s rental market, by examining their settlement experiences and housing search processes, as well as the outcomes of those searches. The evidence indicates that most respondents experienced discrimination by landlords in their housing search (this was less of a problem for the Cape Verdeans, who have a lighter skin colour). Both Angolans and Mozambicans encountered significant barriers in locating and securing affordable housing in a suitable neighbourhood. The study also examines their relations with the established white Portuguese community. Clearly, race (the colour of one’s skin) still matters in Toronto’s rental housing market. Racism—whether real or perceived—can result in social exclusion and housing segregation of immigrant groups in low-income neighbourhoods, and thus a slower integration of newcomers into Canadian society. This study points to the need for more comparative studies on visible and non-visible minorities, including newcomers from Africa (whether English-, French-, Spanish-, or Portuguese-speaking), to understand why certain groups are more successful than others in finding affordable housing in a neighbourhood of their choice.  相似文献   

While critical work has focused on revealing underpinning motives of affordable housing strategy, there has been lesser attention given to how factors beyond affordability undergird affordable housing definition. The cultural embeddedness of affordable housing in Israel enables the concept to exist without formal definition, thus, laying bare the agendas and causal narratives and providing an effective laboratory to explore affordable housing’s varied interpretations. This research is based on 60 interviews, analysis of legislation, policy documents and newspaper articles. We use the framework of problem definition and social construction to explain how affordable housing can be manipulated by various institutions and actors to promote interests or agendas that may have little to do with affordability. The findings reveal that Israel’s affordable housing definition, or lack thereof, reflect both various demographic, fiscal, social and political interests and a perpetuation of an ideological shift from the social welfare state to a neoliberal regime.  相似文献   

I. M. Eldemery   《Cities》2002,19(6):147
Most of the developing countries, including Egypt, face problems of providing affordable housing for low-income strata. The evolution of these problems and their nature differ from one country to another, according to the political, social and economic contexts. This paper represents an attempt to provide an insight into the development of a housing scheme which offers a way of reducing costs without completely losing control of appearance. This case study, of low-income housing projects in Egypt’s Helwan new community, provides an example which serves to present the major common problems in such housing projects. The paper will shed light on the obstacles that were encountered when implementing the project and the recommended actions that should be taken in order to apply this policy. It is argued that the participatory loan-supported housing scheme is a means of creating low income and affordable housing in many developing countries.  相似文献   

Powerful arguments have emerged that English planning is currently characterised by technologies of governing that generate consensus over top-down neoliberal plans. For post-politics scholars, this dynamic has been conceptualised as post-politics. Using the case of affordable housing planning within the London Legacy Development Corporation, I explore these two perspectives. I find that affordable housing planning within the London Legacy Development Corporation has indeed been shaped by techniques of governing which aim to generate consensus over this Corporation’s affordable housing plans. However, drawing from a power-based understanding of politics, I argue that these efforts represent political techniques of governing.  相似文献   

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