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In this paper, we present a new reversible data hiding algorithm based on integer transform and adaptive embedding. According to the image block type determined by the pre-estimated distortion, the parameter in integer transform is adaptively selected in different blocks. This allows embedding more data bits into smooth blocks while avoiding large distortion generated by noisy ones, and thus enables very high capacity with good image quality. For instance, by the proposed method, we can embed as high as 2.17 bits per pixel into Lena image with a reasonable PSNR of 20.71 dB. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms some state-of-the-art algorithms, especially for high capacity case. 相似文献
《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》2014,25(6):1425-1431
In this paper, we present an efficient histogram shifting (HS) based reversible data hiding scheme for copyright protection of multimedia. Firstly, an improved HS based multi-layer embedding process for rhombus prediction is employed by introducing a control parameter to explore the correlation of prediction errors. A rate-distortion model for HS embedding is then developed for optimal side information selection, which is especially suitable for low payload reversible data hiding when only a single layer embedding is required. Finally, a modified location map is constructed to facilitate the compression of location map and further increase the embedding capacity. Compared with similar schemes, experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed scheme in the terms of embedding capacity and stego-image quality. 相似文献
《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2014,68(4):346-350
Reversible data hiding techniques have gained much attention during the last few years because of the losslessness requirements of critical applications in military and medical fields. Among the various reversible data hiding techniques, difference expansion (DE) technique is one of the most popular techniques. The most common thing between DE-based schemes is their dependence on one or more thresholds. The threshold is used in order to control the hiding capacity aiming at keeping high visual quality of the embedded image. However, there is no such automatic way to predict or determine those thresholds as they are usually predefined. In this paper, we study the possibility of utilizing image characteristics as thresholds with a block based two-dimensional difference expansion scheme (2D-DE). The experimental results show that a threshold based on standard deviation may be used to control the hiding capacity and this leads to enhance the visual quality. 相似文献
基于复合预测误差差值和互补嵌入的可逆数据隐藏 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1
提出一种基于分块复合预测的误差差值和互补嵌入的彩色图像可逆数据隐藏算法。利用色彩分量之间的相关性和预测误差之间的关系减小差值,以增加差值直方图的峰值。采用双重嵌入方法提高嵌入容量,两次嵌入过程中像素值沿相反的方向扩展,部分像素值扩展量相互抵消,在图像分块的基础上选择最佳的预测方式组合,以增加扩展量抵消的机会,从而减小二次嵌入时图像质量的下降幅度。实验结果表明,本文算法在保证图像质量的同时大幅提高嵌入容量,算法的整体性能比其它同类算法更高。 相似文献
《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》2014,25(2):454-465
Reversible data hiding is a method that not only embeds secret data but also reconstructs the original cover image without distortion after the confidential data are extracted. In this paper, we propose novel reversible data hiding scheme that can embed high capacity of secret bits and recover image after data extraction. Our proposed scheme depends on the locally adaptive coding scheme (LAC) as Chang&Nguyen’s scheme and SMVQ scheme. Experimental results show that the compression rate of our proposed scheme is 0.33 bpp on average. To embed secret bits we propose the normal-hiding scheme and the over-hiding scheme which have an average embedding rate of 2.01 bpi and 3.01 bpi, more than that of Chang&Nguyen’s scheme (1.36 bpi). The normal-hiding scheme and the over-hiding scheme also has high embedding efficiency of 0.28 and 0.36 on average, which are better than that of Chang&Kieu’s scheme (0.12), Chang&Nguyen’s scheme (0.18) and Chang&Nguyen’s scheme (0.16). 相似文献
为了提高嵌入算法的性 能,提出一种基于分块最佳预测和直方图平移的灰度图像可逆数据隐藏算法。根据嵌 入阈值,统计 每一图像块中4种预测方案的嵌入容量,选择最大容量对应的预测方案作为该图像块的最佳 预测方案。嵌 入算法充分利用像素值局部相关性,自适应地选择最佳预测方案,有效提高嵌入容量。实验 结果表明,本 文算法在保证图像质量的同时有效提高嵌入容量,算法的整体性能比其它同类算法更优。 相似文献
为了提高嵌入算法的整体性能,提出一种基于边缘检测和像素分类的灰度图像可逆数据隐藏算法。算法按嵌入容量优先原则自适应地选择最佳阈值提取图像边缘,并根据边缘信息和指定的图像质量控制因子将像素分为平滑、弱边缘和强边缘像素3类。对平滑像素,通过增加嵌入强度的方法提高嵌入容量,预测误差直方图平移2位;对弱边缘像素,像素值最大修改量为1,从而保证图像含密质量;强边缘像素的像素值保持不变,进一步提高含密图像质量。实验结果表明,本文算法在保证图像质量的同时有效提高嵌入容量,算法的整体性能优于其它同类算法。 相似文献
This paper proposes a multilevel histogram modification based reversible data hiding scheme using a new difference generation strategy called pixel value grouping (PVG). It aims to produce shaper difference histogram by exploiting the high correlation among pixels within block. After sorting, pixel values are grouped according to their distribution. For each set of similar pixel values, real or virtual reference pixel will be determined to compute differences in the scope of pixel values group and next secret message is embedded through expansion embedding. By PVG, we success to greatly reduce the number of to-be-shifted pixels while producing sufficient EC and hence less distortion can be introduced for embedding the same payload. Moreover, the same grouping can be achieved at the decoder and the real or virtual reference pixel can be determined without any prior knowledge, which guarantees the reversibility. Experimental results demonstrate that our scheme outperforms previous related state-of-the-art schemes. 相似文献
Reducing location map in prediction-based difference expansion for reversible image data embedding 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper, we present a reversible data embedding scheme based on an adaptive edge-directed prediction for images. It is known that the difference expansion is an efficient data embedding method. Since the expansion on a large difference will cause a significant embedding distortion, a location map is usually employed to select small differences for expansion and to avoid overflow/underflow problems caused by expansion. However, location map bits lower payload capacity for data embedding. To reduce the location map, our proposed scheme aims to predict small prediction errors for expansion by using an edge detector. Moreover, to generate a small prediction error for each pixel, an adaptive edge-directed prediction is employed which adapts reasonably well between smooth regions and edge areas. Experimental results show that our proposed data embedding scheme for natural images can achieve a high embedding capacity while keeping the embedding distortion low. 相似文献
基于排序和直方图修改的可逆信息隐藏方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出一种基于排序的差值直方图修改的可逆信息隐藏方法。首先,对图像分块;然后,采用按灰度值大小排序后的中值作为参考点,并和其余像素点做差,以产生更多的相同的值,使其差值直方图更紧凑、直方图的峰值点更大;最后,采用基于直方图修改的方法在差值中进行隐藏。实验表明,该方法不仅可以实现可逆信息隐藏,隐藏效果更好,并且嵌入量更高。为了提高嵌入量,进行了多层信息嵌入,并且在嵌入层数不同时采用不同的分块方式,提高了隐藏效果。分析了实验结果。 相似文献
De-Sheng Fu Zheng-Jun Jing Song-Gang Zhao Jing Fan 《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2014,68(10):933-943
This paper proposes a reversible data hiding scheme for gray-level images. The scheme exploits the similarity among adjacent pixels and uses the side-match predictors to obtain prediction-error histogram. Then secret bits are embedded by using histogram shifting method. To achieve high capacity, nonary Exploiting Modification Direction (EMD) algorithm and multi-layer embedding mechanism are used when embedding the secret bits. Additionally, we improve the method of preventing overflow and underflow problems which enhances the compression ability of location map. In the extraction process, we use the same predictors to generate the error histogram, then we can extract the secret bits and recover the original cover image. Experimental results show that our algorithm can achieve better performance compared with the previous related algorithms. 相似文献
基于插值预测和块分类的低失真可逆数据隐藏 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
提出一种基于插值预测和块分类模型的低失真可 逆数据隐藏算法。首先,对原始图像 进行插值预测, 得到预测误差图像;然后根据误差图像建立直方图,使得产生的直方图更陡峭,峰值点出现 频率更大;接 着对误差图像进行分块,利用块分类模型,在隐藏块内利用直方图平移隐藏信息,尽可能地 减少平移点的 数量;最后,相应地修改原始像素的灰度值,得到低失真的隐秘图像。实验结果表明,本文 算法不仅可以实现可逆数据隐藏,而且隐藏效果较好,有效载荷较高。 相似文献
For sensitive areas that even the slight distortion in images is not tolerated, we propose a prediction error expansion-based reversible data hiding algorithm which can embed reversible watermark in high dynamic range (HDR) image with low distortion. On the one hand, considering unique floating-point storage format and perceptual characteristics of HDR image, the multiple carriers are generated with low distortion and various characteristics to improve the embedding capacity. On the other hand, multi-model predictor and multi-level embedding strength are adopted adaptively to realize multi-level reversible HDR image information hiding based on prediction error expansion. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has good invisibility by making full use of HDR image characteristics. Meanwhile, the multiple strategies of multiple carriers, multi-model predictor and multi-level embedding strength, which further improve the embedding capacity and security of the algorithm, can meet the needs of sensitive areas such as medical processing, judicial authentication, and so on. 相似文献
《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》2014,25(2):322-328
This paper proposes a novel scheme of reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on lossless compression of encrypted data. In encryption phase, a stream cipher is used to mask the original content. Then, a data hider compresses a part of encrypted data in the cipher-text image using LDPC code, and inserts the compressed data as well as the additional data into the part of encrypted data itself using efficient embedding method. Since the majority of encrypted data are kept unchanged, the quality of directly decrypted image is satisfactory. A receiver with the data-hiding key can successfully extract the additional data and the compressed data. By exploiting the compressed data and the side information provided by the unchanged data, the receiver can further recover the original plaintext image without any error. Experimental result shows that the proposed scheme significantly outperforms the previous approaches. 相似文献
为了提高嵌入算法的整体性能,提出一种基于三 差值直方图平移和互补嵌入的彩色 图像可逆信息 隐藏算法。利用色彩分量之间的相关性以及预测误差之间的关系减小差值,以增加差值直方 图的峰值。采 用三差值直方图平移和双重嵌入方法提高嵌入容量,两次嵌入过程中像素值沿相反方向扩展 ,部分像素值 扩展量相互抵消。选择两种不同的预测方向计算预测误差,以增加扩展量抵消的机会,解决 双重嵌入时图 像质量严重下降的难点问题。实验结果表明,本文算法在保证图像质量的同时大幅提高嵌入 容量,算法的整体性能优于其它同类算法。 相似文献
《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》2014,25(6):1378-1386
Achieving a high embedding capacity and low compression rate with a reversible data hiding method in the vector quantization (VQ) compressed domain is a technically challenging problem. This paper proposes a novel reversible steganographic scheme for VQ compressed images based on a locally adaptive data compression method. The proposed method embeds n secret bits into one VQ index of an index table in Hilbert-curve scan order. The experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve the different average embedding rates of 0.99, 1.68, 2.28, and 3.04 bit per index (bpi) and average compression rates of 0.45, 0.46, 0.5, and 0.56 bit per pixel (bpp) for n = 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. These results indicate that the proposed scheme is superior to Chang et al.’s scheme 1 [19], Yang and Lin’s scheme [21], and Chang et al.’s scheme 2 [24]. 相似文献
In this paper, a new high-performance reversible data hiding method for vector quantization (VQ) indices is proposed. The codebook is firstly sorted using the unidirectional static distance-order technique to improve the correlation among the neighboring indices. The two-dimensional structure of image and the high correlation among the neighboring blocks are used to update the self-organized list L in the improved locally adaptive coding scheme (ILAS). Then a new embedding rule according to the complexity of the region at which the current block locates and the position of current block index in the list L is proposed to obtain a better embedding capacity. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method has a better performance in terms of compression rate, embedding capacity and embedding rate compared with the related data hiding methods. 相似文献
《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》2014,25(7):1704-1716
Reversible data hiding is a technique that not only protects the hidden secrets but also recovers the cover media without any distortion after the secret data have been extracted. In this paper, a new reversible data hiding technique for VQ indices which are compressed streams based on the mapping function and histogram analysis of transformed VQ indices is introduced to enhance the performance of some earlier reversible data hiding schemes that are based on VQ indices. As a result, the proposed scheme achieves high embedding capacity and data compression simultaneously. Moreover, the original VQ-compressed image can be perfectly reconstructed after secret data extraction. To estimate the performance of the proposed scheme, variety of test images are used in the experimental testing. As can be seen in the experimental result, our scheme is superior to some previous schemes in term of compression rate and embedding rate while maintaining the reversibility. 相似文献
《Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation》2014,25(5):1164-1170
Encrypted image-based reversible data hiding (EIRDH) is a well-known method allowing that (1) the image provider gives the data hider an encrypted image, (2) the data hider embeds the secret message into it to generate the encrypted image with the embedded secret message to the receiver, and (3) finally the receiver can extract the message and recover the original image without encryption. In the literature, the data hider and image provider must be specific parties who know the shared key with the receiver in traditional encrypted image-based reversible data hiding. In this paper, we propose an encrypted signal-based reversible data hiding (ESRDH) with public key cryptosystem, not only for images. The proposed scheme is secure based on Paillier homomorphic encryption. Finally, the experimental results show that the proposed scheme has much payload and high signal quality. 相似文献