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APS .Application Platform Suite 应用服务器平台套件 即通常所说的中间件平台或信息化基础设施平台。APS中间件是集J2EE/WebService技术、门户技术和整合技术三者之大成的新一代中间件平台产品。  相似文献   

AWS Abyss Web Server 小巧而非简单的免费个人Web服务器 它虽然很小,却能支持HTTP/1.1、CGI、SSI、访问控制、用户与组管理、远程网络管理等功能,让您轻易架起个人Web站点。  相似文献   

BOA Business Oriented Architecture面向业务的体系架构它为中小型行业企业的信息整合提出了解决方案。BOA,顾名思义,就是Business+SOA。简单地讲,可理解为在SOA技术的基础之上融入行业经验,利用传统技术和SOA技术来实现对业务系统通用构件的对接、部署,使得SOA与行业个性化应用得以融合。相比SOA,BOA架构整合了大量的本土企业用户的应用经验,使得软件的开发、部署更加贴近国内中小企业的应用,能更好地满足中国日益膨胀的行业支撑平台的需求。  相似文献   

从空运信息网络系统到财务系统整合,再到“海运”项目,再到未来的物流系统整合,中外运IT建设每一次重大变革的背后,更多的是管理模式和业务发展的变革。  相似文献   

秦丽 《多媒体世界》2010,(15):45-48
迅销拥有优衣库(UNIQLO)品牌,迅销中国在企业内部IT建设过程中,拒绝使用信息系统,IT等词汇,他们识谈“业务系统”。2010年秋天,迅销中国也将正式步入“G1时代”!  相似文献   

邢芳 《中国信息化》2006,(11):83-83
新加坡网利系统有限公司(NetGain Systems Pte Ltd)出品的Enterprise Manager作为一款基于硬件的IT业务系统监控和管理解决方案支撑平台,帮助客户快速有效的实现对IT业务系统的统一监控和管理,用以保障客户IT业务系统的高可用性。帮助用户降低IT管理投入成本.使用户能够节省费用,缩短部署时间,减轻开发与培训工作量.更好的支持业务目标,真正的实现企业资源优化。  相似文献   

近年来。随着ITIL(MOF)在企业中走向深入,如何在较低成本的前提下,实施高效而安全的商业客户端管理。就成了企业IT运营者魂牵梦绕的心病。2002年。微软顾问咨询服务(MCS)最先在美国的Woodgrove Bank实现了Windows XP的自动化部署与管理的解决方案。随后将其中使用的技术经过整理完善,就成为了商用客户端部署加速器(TheMicrosoftSolutionAcceleratorforBusinessDesktopDeployment)。经过大面积推广使用。企业用户反应很好。2005年微软中国技术中心开始在国内推广BDD解决方案。随着WindowsVista的发布,BDD也发布了新的版本BDD2007。更多高效部署的特性和强大功能。必将为国内商业客户端部署带来新的气息![编者按]  相似文献   

IT支撑系统是电信企业的重要组成部分,是电信企业差异化竞争的关键所在。通过对电信企业IT支撑系统的建设背景、模式和系统架构以及IT支撑系统中存在的问题进行分析,结合云计算的优势及特点,对云计算技术在电信企业IT支撑系统中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着国民经济和社会信息建设地不断深入,越来越多的企业积极投身IT系统的部署和实施当中,以此来发展自身业务。应对日益激烈的市场竞争,信息技术已经成为推动企业业务创新的源动力。如何有效地进行IT管理,保证业务的不间断运营,进而更好地达到业务目标,已经成为企业面临的重大挑战。  相似文献   

2003年行业信息化将呈现两大特征:第一,在金融、电信等诸多IT基础深厚的行业,IT系统将面临不得不“变”的情况,以策应业务和管理的变革;第二,经过了初级的信息化方案“万精油”阶段,各行各业的行业特征越来越明显,行业信息化的区别会渐渐拉大。  相似文献   

一、印度软件产业的发展 在过去十年中,印度软件业销售额增长了十倍,从1997年的48亿美元到2006年的478亿美元。 印度软件人才发展状况2003年83万人到2006年163万人。 印度软件出口地区分布2006年美国67.18%欧洲25.13%其他7.69%。  相似文献   

Keep IT Simple     

Distance education students are often goal-oriented and task-driven. They do not appreciate roadblocks that prevent them from gaining access to the information or services they need to complete their course objectives. However, Web-based reference support sites are sometimes more frustrating than helpful. This article discusses some of the difficulties of accessing reference services faced by distance education students and examines ways in which librarians should “keep IT simple” when designing the tools and methods to access reference support.  相似文献   

黄小波 《计算机工程》2005,31(Z1):148-150
针对目前国内大型企业存在的普遍信息安全建设问题,从企业网络防护体系、操作系统防护体系、防病毒体系等多方面进行论述,讨论如何以实际可行、简单的技术措施把企业的信息安全提高到一个比较高的水平。  相似文献   

Effective IT governance will ensure alignment between IT and business goals. Organizations with ineffective IT governance will suffer due to poor performance of IT resources such as inaccurate information quality, inefficient operating costs, runaway IT project and even the demise of its IT department. This study seeks to examine empirically the individual IT governance mechanisms that influence the overall effectiveness of IT governance. Furthermore, this study examines the relationship of effective IT governance, the extent of IT outsourcing decisions within the organizations, and the level of IT Intensity in the organizations. We used structural equation modeling analysis to examine 110 responses from members of ISACA (Information Systems and Audit Control Association) Australia in which their organizations have outsourced their IT functions. Results suggest significant positive relationships between the overall level of effective IT governance and the following mechanisms: the involvement of senior management in IT, the existence of ethic or culture of compliance in IT, and corporate communication systems.  相似文献   

《IT Professional》2001,3(5):65-68
Unfortunately for IT professionals, e-mail represents only the tip of the iceberg in how legal and regulatory duties will impact IT operations. In addition to privacy issues, regulators and other legal officials have already expressed interest in intruding into data center operations for audits of digital rights management (distribution of copyrighted materials) and taxes. They also want to determine whether e-commerce personalization engines have the impact of illegally redlining users. (Redlining is the illegal practices of a lending institution that denies loans or restricts the number of loans for certain areas of a community. There have also been redlining problems in the insurance industry.) Data centers house information, and information is of critical interest to legal and regulatory authorities. The net result is that IT architecture isn't just about technology any more. The last year's market realities made it clear that everyone must worry about the fiduciary realities of return on investment and total cost of ownership. Now that the rest of the world is catching up, IT architects need to deal with the legal realities imposed by governments and regulatory agencies. It is argued that companies that host e-mail should prepare to cooperate with law enforcement authorities and comply with search warrants or risk having their systems seized and carted away  相似文献   

2004年对零售业来说是一个技术的转折点,是许多技术开始变成现实应用的令人兴奋的一年。尽管不少企业应用新技术的步伐放缓,但零售业巨入沃尔玛仍然站在引领世界先进技术的前沿。  相似文献   

The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), a model of the user acceptance of IT, synthesizes elements from several prevailing user acceptance models. It has been credited with explaining a larger proportion of the variance of ‘intention to use’ and ‘usage behavior’ than do preceding models. However, it has not been validated in non-Western cultures. Using a survey sample collected from 722 knowledge workers using desktop computer applications on a voluntary basis in Saudi Arabia, we examined the relative power of a modified version of UTAUT in determining ‘intention to use’ and ‘usage behavior’. We found that the model explained 39.1% of intention to use variance, and 42.1% of usage variance. In addition, drawing on the theory of cultural dimensions, we hypothesized and tested the similarities and differences between the North American and Saudi validations of UTAUT in terms of cultural differences that affected the organizational acceptance of IT in the two societies.  相似文献   

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