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变性淀粉软糖生产工艺的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对影响变性淀粉软糖生产的工艺和品质的关键因素进行探索,通过对不同变性淀粉的凝胶强度、粘度、感官特性的比较和探究熬煮温度和时间对软糖质量的影响。得出变性淀粉软糖最佳工艺条件和配方是变性淀粉NF13%、白砂糖42%、淀粉糖浆44%、柠檬酸0.5%、干燥温度40~50℃。  相似文献   

对影响变性淀粉软糖生产的工艺和品质的关键因素进行探索,通过对不同变性淀粉的凝胶强度、粘度、感官特性的比较和探究熬煮温度和时间对软糖质量的影响。得出变性淀粉软糖最佳工艺条件和配方是变性淀粉NF13%、白砂糖42%、淀粉糖浆44%、柠檬酸0.5%、干燥温度40~50℃。   相似文献   

变性淀粉在明胶软糖中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以明胶、变性淀粉为凝胶剂生产出来的新型明胶软糖,甜度低、口感舒适、咀嚼性好、热稳定性好。  相似文献   

影响变性淀粉软糖生产工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖兰  芮汉明 《广西轻工业》2007,23(1):11-13,56
本文通过对不同变性淀粉的凝胶强度、粘度、感观特性的比较,探究熬煮温度和时间对软糖质量的影响,得出变性淀粉软糖最佳工艺条件和配方是变性淀粉NF13%,白砂糖42%,淀粉糖浆44%,柠檬酸0.5%,干燥温度40~50℃。  相似文献   

挤压法生产淀粉软糖工艺的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了挤压法生产软糖用变性淀粉的可行性,应用双螺杆挤压机进行了淀粉软糖生产的工艺试验。结果表明,该法所得产品不仅质量稳定可靠,且无须后期干燥。  相似文献   

<正> 淀粉是由许多D—葡萄糖通过α—1.4糖苷键及α—1.6糖苷键连接而成的生物高分子物体,连接葡萄糖残基的糖苷键以及分子间的氢键在受到加热等物理因素的影响时,会发生断裂,而葡萄糖残基上具有的三个游离羟基可以和多种化学试剂反应。也就是说,淀粉在受物理、化学因素的影响时,均会发生质的变化,产生相应的淀粉衍生物,这些淀粉衍生物的性质与原淀粉的性质有着根本的不同,我们就称这些衍生物为变性淀粉。目前用于淀粉变性的方法主要有物理法、化学法以及酶修饰法。淀粉变性的目的就是为了改变淀粉的性质如糊化温度、热粘度、冷粘  相似文献   

苏式淀粉软糖是以砂糖,葡萄糖为主要原料,以淀粉为填充剂,经糊化熬制而成的具有该产品独特风味的淀粉型软糖。这类软糖一般都加入各种果仁,所用果仁,多富含油脂而松脆,如炒脆的花生仁、核桃仁、芝麻、松子等,都是配制淀粉软糖的最好辅料。果仁的松脆与淀粉产生的软糯性相配合,  相似文献   

由淀粉原料生产的淀粉产品称为原淀粉,因其化学结构和性质与原来存在于原料中时相同,在加工过程引起的变化很少。随着科学技术的发展,这种淀粉在用途上受到一定限制。人们为使淀粉更适应于一定应用的要求,又进一步用化学、物理或酶法等处理原淀粉,使其改变性质,这种二次加工产品,统称为变性淀粉(即改变了性质的淀粉)。变性淀粉品种繁  相似文献   

变性淀粉在食品工业中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了变性淀粉在食品工业诸如面制品、焙烤食品、甜品、冷冻食品、冷饮、调味品、馅料和糖果中的应用。  相似文献   

透射电子显微镜(TEM)常用于研究淀粉颗粒、淀粉糊和淀粉衍生物的结构,对于淀粉及其淀粉衍生物颗粒形态的分析具有重要作用。本文综述了TEM的样品制备方法和在淀粉及其淀粉衍生物中的应用情况。  相似文献   

淀粉衍生物在冰淇淋中的应用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对淀粉衍生物替代明胶作为冰淇淋稳定剂进行了探讨。实验证明,凡具有良好冻融稳定性和粘度稳定性的淀粉衍生物均可用于冰淇淋生产。  相似文献   

Tapioca and maize are the major sources of starch in India. Tapioca starch is produced in very small units which are not extensively mechanized. This quality of the starch produced is not of a high quality. Maize starch is produced in mechanized units. The liberalization of the economy and growing consumerism bode well for the starch industry in India. Growth of the starch industry would depend on developing applications for starch as well as optimizing usage to derive maximum benefits. The unique properties of maize and tapioca should be considered.  相似文献   

香精香料对糖果产品的香气风味起着决定性的作用,本文联系香精的组成、性质等,着重讨论糖果生产中影响香精使用效果的关键因素以及使用操作过程中的技术问题.  相似文献   

Innovative starch‐based polymeric products were synthesized for utilization as sizing agents, flocculants, and finishing agents. The synthesis involved reaction of starch and hydrolyzed starches with monochlorotriazinyl‐β‐cyclodextrin (MCT‐β‐CD) to yield starch grafted with cyclodextrin (St‐g‐CD). The latter was further reacted with 3‐chloro‐2‐hydroxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride (Quat‐188) to effect cationization of St‐g‐CD. Grafting of starch with cyclodextrin and cationization with Quat‐188 were concurrently expedited by reacting starch with both MCT‐β‐CD and Quat‐188 in a one‐step process using NaOH as catalyst. Maximization of the reaction of starch‐g‐CD with Quat‐188 (expressed as%N) and the concurrent reaction of starch with MCT‐β‐CD and Quat‐188 could be achieved at 40ºC for 90 and 120 min, respectively, by using NaOH as catalyst at concentrations of 8 and 15 mmol, respectively. These reaction conditions were employed to prepare six innovative polymeric starch derivatives. Derivatives I, II and III represent St‐g‐CD prepared from hydrolyzed starches having different molecular sizes after being cationized with Quat‐188. Derivatives IV, V and VI represent those prepared from reacting the hydrolyzed starch with both MCT‐β‐CD and Quat‐188 in a one‐step process. The six derivatives were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Although all six derivatives bear cyclodextrin and Quat‐188 moieties, their characters and properties differ considerably, which was reflected on their efficiency as flocculants and sizing agents and as additive in durable press finishing (DP) of cotton fabric. The efficiency of the six derivatives when applied in these fields depends on the molecular size of the parent starch, the graft content of the in St‐g‐CD, the extent of cationization and the condition of application. At any event, however, the innovative derivatives in question exhibit salient features which advocate them for application in sizing, flocculation and DP finishing.  相似文献   

Although water soluble synthetic polymers find wide applications as flocculating agents, the potential problem associated with their use is lack of biodegradability and high cost. Development of substitutes based on natural polymers can be more attractive from biodegradability point of view and the important factor here will be matching the performance. We have studied the flocculating effects of starch derivatives (cationic and anionic) for ferric soap flocculation at different pHs and compared their efficiency with synthetic flocculants like Zeetag-63 and Floc-acid-25. Charge interaction between colloidal particles and polymeric flocculating agents is one of the factors that contribute to the changes in rae and extent of flocculation. :Under certain pH conditions starch based flocculants are shown to perform better than the synthetic flocculants (Zeetag-63) and the effects are explained on the basis of variation of surface charge (measured by collid titration) of ferric soaps precipitated at different pHs.  相似文献   

研究了阳离子淀粉和两性淀粉在不同施胶环境下,不同用量的变性淀粉对纸张物理强度的影响以及对于抄纸过程助留助滤性能的影响.结果表明,两性淀粉比阳离子淀粉有更宽泛的pH值应用范围,在相同加入量的情况下,两性淀粉对于纸张的增强效果比阳离子淀粉更显著,它能有效地提高纸页的强度,增加细料的留着率,改善浆料的滤水性能.  相似文献   

Continuous enzyme conversion in a jet cooker offers a lot of benefits compared to batch conversion. The starch has improved binding properties and a better overall performance. Gelpermeation chromatography shows a more favourable molecular weight distribution for the continuous enzyme converted starch. Wheat starch is a valuable binder in paper coating compared to maize starch and potato starch, when the conversion happens in the right way; continuous jet cooking gives the best results. Modified starches, such as Mylbond AC, an esterified starch, are very suitable as cobinder in topcoat applications. They show excellent binding properties and react faster with insolubilizers than oxidized enzyme converted starch, as shown by DSC measurements.  相似文献   

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