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An experiment, using two versions of a Web site varying in usability, tested three models of user experience: an interaction experience model, a technology acceptance model and an integrated experience-acceptance model. We found that the perceptions of three product attributes (Pragmatic Quality, Hedonic Quality-stimulation and Hedonic Quality-identification) and technology acceptance variables (the beliefs of Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Enjoyment and Perceived Usefulness, and Intention to Use) are separate underlying psychological dimensions. A positive effect of usability on task performance, interaction experience and acceptance was found. In the interaction experience model, the evaluation of Goodness (overall interaction quality) was less stable and influenced by both Pragmatic Quality and Hedonic Quality, but the evaluation of Beauty was more stable and only influenced by Hedonic Quality. In the technology acceptance model, Perceived Ease of Use was a determinant of Perceived Enjoyment and Perceived Usefulness, and the latter two were independent determinants of Intention to Use. In the integrated model, perceptions of product attributes were independent determinants of beliefs, but evaluations were not independent determinants of Intention to Use. Future modelling work should address a range of interactive systems, information architecture and individual differences.  相似文献   

Previous studies on technology adoption disagree regarding the relative magnitude of the effects of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. However these studies did not consider moderating variables. We investigated four potential moderating variables – perceived risk, technology type, user experience, and gender – in users’ technology adoption. Their moderating effects were tested in an empirical study of 161 subjects. Results showed that perceived risk, technology type, and gender were significant moderating variables. However the effects of user experience were marginal after the variance of errors was removed.  相似文献   

This research represents a theoretical extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which IS researchers have used to explain technologies’ perceived usefulness and individuals intention to use it. The authors developed a model, referred to as the Mobile Wireless Technology Acceptance Model (MWTAM), to test the relationship between theoretical constructs spanning technological influence processes (Perceived Ubiquity, and Perceived Reachability) and cognitive influence processes (Job Relevance, Perceived Usefulness, and Perceived Ease of Use) and their impact on Behavioral Intention. MWTAM is assessed using data collected from an online survey and analyzed using AMOS 5.0. Results provide evidence to support MWTAM as both the technological and cognitive influence processes accounted for 58.7% of the variance explained in an individual’s Behavioral Intention toward using mobile wireless technology. Additionally, the path coefficients between constructs ranged from 0.241 to 0.572 providing further evidence to support the theoretical extension of TAM.
Gary GarrisonEmail:

Determinants of behavioral intention to mobile banking   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
With the improvement of mobile technologies and devices, banking users are able to conduct banking services at anyplace and at anytime. Recently, many banks in the world have provided mobile access to financial information. The reason to understand what factors contribute to users’ intention to use mobile banking is important issue of research. The purpose of this research is to examine and validate determinants of users’ intention to mobile banking. This research used a structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the causalities in the proposed model.The results indicated strong support for the validity of proposed model with 72.2% of the variance in behavioral intention to mobile banking. This study found that self-efficiency was the strongest antecedent of perceived ease-of-use, which directly and indirectly affected behavioral intention through perceived usefulness in mobile banking. Structural assurances are the strongest antecedent of trust, which could increase behavioral intention of mobile banking. This research verified the effect of perceived usefulness, trust and perceived ease-of-use on behavioral intention in mobile banking. The results have several implications for mobile banking managers.  相似文献   

Technology adoption has been the topic of several theories. We empirically assessed and integrated four models to help in predicting smart phone adoption. The varying factors were combined and a survey was conducted in five sales branches of a delivery service company. Results of the analysis of the collected data show that the relationships amongst constructs were similar. Self-efficacy was a strong predictor of behavioral intention through attitude; after innovation, diffusion theory was added. Attitude towards smart phone adoption was found to be affected mainly by testability and organizational and environmental factors. We decided that an iterative approach to implementing smart phone adoption was effective. Managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper explores regional gender differences in information systems adoption based on a sample of 496 Chinese individuals from four universities and one firm, by a lens of theory of planned behavior. It enriches the literature by explaining and examining the moderating effects of gender on the relationships between antecedents and behavioral intention of using information systems for Chinese users. Contrary to prior findings in the US-based research, Chinese women were found to be more strongly influenced by their computer attitudes whereas Chinese men were found to be more strongly affected by their subject norms. Perceived behavior control was important for both sexes without significant difference. The results were robust across prior experience, ages, educational levels, as well as academic disciplines and job occupations. Meanwhile, the paper uncovers under what conditions perceived behavior control and subject norms will be salient determinants of Chinese user acceptance of information systems. Practical implications about gender sensitivity in information systems adoption are discussed.  相似文献   

Wearable fitness technologies (WFT) track physical activity, such as steps taken, calories burned and workout intensity, through a device that is typically worn at all times. While the market for WFT devices continues to grow, current theoretical understanding of adoption is lacking. Thus, in an attempt to extend the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the current study employs a structural equation model to increase current understanding of wearable technology use. Further, to better understand the outcome of WFT use, the current study examines the relationship among health related outcomes of WFT use such as overall exercise behavior and perceptions of health. Results support the TAM and WFT use was significantly related to perceived health outcomes.  相似文献   

With an increasing inflow and outflow of users from social media, understanding the factors the drive their adoption becomes even more pressing. This paper reports on a study with 494 users of Facebook and WhatsApp. Different from traditional uses & gratifications studies that probe into typical uses of social media, we sampled users' single recent, outstanding (either satisfying or unsatisfying) experiences, based on a contemporary theoretical and methodological framework of 10 universal human needs. Using quantitative and qualitative analyses, we found WhatsApp to unlock new opportunities for intimate communications, Facebook to be characterized by primarily non-social uses, and both media to be powerful lifelogging tools. Unsatisfying experiences were primarily rooted in the tools' breach of offline social norms, as well in content fatigue and exposure to undesirable content in the case of Facebook. We discuss the implications of the findings for the design of social media.  相似文献   

Several approaches in technology adoption, such as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), ask future users to provide evaluations of technology. Such evaluations are expected to predict actual use behavior. For example, users’ evaluations in terms of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are considered meaningful indicators of intention to use the technology, and future usage. However, these approaches still show limited reliability and do not consider other critical aspects, such as situated, unconscious goals and the tendency to perceive related affordances. In order to test the hypothesis that technology evaluation may be influenced by unconscious goals, forty participants were split in two groups. The experimental session included two phases. In the first phase, each group explored a virtual environment that primed a specific goal. In the second phase, participants were asked to evaluate the usefulness and the easiness of use of two versions of the same technology (a mobile devices interface). Results showed that each group evaluated as more useful the version of the technology which featured an affordance related to the respective primed goal. Discussion deals with the possible unconscious influences on attitudes towards technology adoption, and provides operative guidelines to account for them in technology adoption research.  相似文献   

The most important factor in the decision to adopt mobile systems is user perception of their value. However, behavioral theory suggests that context affects user attitude and therefore influences acceptance. We therefore hypothesized that the benefits of mobile systems should be evaluated against users’ contextual needs and that reduced dependence on time and place required providing service at any time and place needed by the user. Mental costs or costs of learning to use the system, however, may not be evaluated in the same way, because system use and learning about it are acts with different contexts. Our findings advance knowledge of IT adoption and suggest that we should start to identify the contexts of both the benefits of use and in learning to use the system.  相似文献   

Using a modified TAM as a conceptual framework and SEM for analysis, we determined the factors influencing the adoption of Internet Protocol Television by surveying 320 consumers. The modifications involved new constructs that incorporated user-perceived control and security in the model. The perceived quality of the content and system were found to have a significant effect on perceived usefulness and perceived playfulness. In addition, perceived control was found to have a significant effect on both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. A significant relationship was also found between consumer-perceived security and intention. Also consumers regarded price as a main driver for switching TV services. We discuss the significance of this observation in the context of the emerging trend of technology convergence and importance in acquiring customer preference and other strategies.  相似文献   

This study combines the technology acceptance model (TAM) and uses and gratifications theory (U&G) to create an integrated model that predicts usage and satisfaction with Web-based information services (WIS). Two pilot studies and three laboratory experiments were conducted to test and develop the concepts, measurements, and the integrated model. The results support the proposed integrated model. Behavioral intention and entertainment motive collectively predicted behavioral usage. Satisfaction was positively associated with the level of usage. The good structure fit with the merge model and data showed that the model explained more than 30% variance of behavioral usage. Although both theories are solid acceptance theories, U&G provides specific information and a more complete understanding of usage, whereas TAM constructs are easily used with Web-based applications. This study gives researchers and practitioners an interdisciplinary perspective for investigating the phenomenon of technology acceptance. In addition, it merges the strengths from the fields of information systems and communications.  相似文献   

Even if m-learning is spreading rapidly in many regions of the world, research addressing the driving factors of m-learning adoption is in short supply. Built on the Technology Acceptance Model, this paper proposes a hypothesized model of m-learning adoption. Employing structural equation modeling technology, the model was assessed based on the data collected from 230 participants using a survey questionnaire. Results indicate that perceived near-term/long-term usefulness and personal innovativeness have significant influence on m-learning adoption intention, while perceived long-term usefulness significantly affects the perceived near-term usefulness. Personal innovativeness is a predictor of both the perceived ease of use and perceived long-term usefulness as well. Of all variables, the perceived long-term usefulness contributes to the most influential predictor of m-learning adoption. The model accounts for approximately 60.8% of the variance of behavioural intention. The results indicted that offing high-quality contents complying with students’ future targets is key to the success of m-learning in China. Both theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has been considered to be fundamental in determining the acceptance of new technology in the past decades. The two beliefs, ease of use and usefulness, in the model may not, however, fully explain the consumers’ behavior in an emerging environment, such as mobile commerce (m-commerce). This paper aims to develop a framework for m-commerce adoption in consumer decision-making processes. In this paper TAM has been adopted and extended to analyze successful m-commerce adoption. The key elements of the proposed confidence-based framework for B2C m-commerce adoption include psychological and behavioral factors. Psychological factors include history-based confidence, institution-based confidence and personality-based confidence. Behavioral factors include perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of the mobile application and technology.  相似文献   

Our study empirically examined how Davis's Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) helped managers predict a user's intention to revisit a website and how this changed over time as a user gained experience of the Internet and the website. The user's experience of the website played a moderating role. For less experienced users, perceived ease of use was found to be a more important factor in deciding to revisit the website, whereas perceived usefulness had more effect on more experienced users. Thus, web designers can identify and remove web factors that hinder user acceptance and address underlying obstacles to post-adoption usage.  相似文献   

This research study develops and tests a theoretical acceptance model to explain users’ acceptance of computer-based communication media. The model, which is referred to as TAM_CCM, originated from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and conforms to the context of Computer-based Communication Media (CCM). It explains perceived usefulness and actual system use in terms of system characteristics (information process support and facilitating conditions), social influence (subjective norm and rules on media use), and user characteristics (experience and computer self efficacy). The model was tested using empirical data collected at nine organizations (N = 425), of which four had media rules and five had no similar rules. The TAM_CCM model was strongly supported accounting for 74% of the variance in usefulness perceptions and up to 74% of the variance in behavior intention to use. System characteristics (information process support), social influence (subjective norm and rules on media use), and user experience significantly influenced user acceptance of computer-based communication media. These advanced theory findings on computer-based communication media adoption and the research approach contribute to future research aimed at incorporating the TAM into specific contexts.  相似文献   

The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), a model of the user acceptance of IT, synthesizes elements from several prevailing user acceptance models. It has been credited with explaining a larger proportion of the variance of ‘intention to use’ and ‘usage behavior’ than do preceding models. However, it has not been validated in non-Western cultures. Using a survey sample collected from 722 knowledge workers using desktop computer applications on a voluntary basis in Saudi Arabia, we examined the relative power of a modified version of UTAUT in determining ‘intention to use’ and ‘usage behavior’. We found that the model explained 39.1% of intention to use variance, and 42.1% of usage variance. In addition, drawing on the theory of cultural dimensions, we hypothesized and tested the similarities and differences between the North American and Saudi validations of UTAUT in terms of cultural differences that affected the organizational acceptance of IT in the two societies.  相似文献   


Hand hygiene (HH) prevents harmful contaminants spreading in settings including domestic, health care and food handling. Strategies to improve HH range from behavioural techniques through to automated sinks that ensure hand surface cleaning. This study aimed to assess user experience and acceptance towards a new automated sink, compared to a normal sink. An adapted version of the technology acceptance model (TAM) assessed each mode of handwashing. A within-subjects design enabled N = 46 participants to evaluate both sinks. Perceived Ease of Use and Satisfaction of Use were significantly lower for the automated sink, compared to the conventional sink (p < 0.005). Across the remaining TAM factors, there was no significant difference. Participants suggested design features including jet strength, water temperature and device affordance may improve HH technology. We provide recommendations for future HH technology development to contribute a positive user experience, relevant to technology developers, ergonomists and those involved in HH across all sectors.

Practitioner Summary: The need to facilitate timely, effective hand hygiene to prevent illness has led to a rise in automated handwashing systems across different contexts. User acceptance is a key factor in system uptake. This paper applies the technology acceptance model as a means to explore and optimise the design of such systems.  相似文献   

Empirical studies have investigated the effect of attitude and behavior on IT acceptance in organizations but yielded ambiguous results. Possibly they have not effectively accounted for the moderating effects of experience gained through direct interaction with the target technology. We examined the moderating effect of the length of direct experience on IT acceptance relationships and constructs. Using multi-group invariance analysis, we demonstrated that relationships between key IT acceptance constructs differed, depending on the user's experience. The incorporation of direct experience can lead to convergent results and contribute to further understanding of the process. We discuss some implications from the knowledge that IT use is a dynamic process and suggest that IT management must account for direct experience in their decision making.  相似文献   

It is often presumed that individuals with greater computer experience will easily adopt new or updated replacements of existing information technology. To examine this assumption, this study reviews prior computer experience research, identifies two key dimensions of computer experience i.e. computer use and computer proficiency and evaluates their effects individually. Analysis of survey data from 737 respondents using structural equation modeling indicates that each dimension had differential effects on behavioral intentions to use a newly introduced internet-based technology with computer use having curvilinear effects on adoption intentions. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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