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张喆 《化工中间体》2021,(10):67-68
随着我国城市化步伐的推进,不断增加了对矿产资源的需求量.为了满足这种发展的刚性需求,就必须提高矿产资源的开采水平.文章通过介绍自动化技术的优势,深入研究自动化技术在矿产资源开采的机电控制中的具体应用,希望与同行共同探讨.  相似文献   

基于案例推理的电熔镁炉智能优化控制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
吴永建  张莉  岳恒  柴天佑 《化工学报》2008,59(7):1686-1690
电熔镁炉是生产电熔镁砂的主要设备之一,电熔镁砂冶炼过程具有非线性、强耦合、随机干扰严重等特点,传统的控制算法无法满足控制要求,本文提出了一种将案例推理与规则推理相结合的智能优化控制方法,详细阐述了基于规则的冶炼电流设定技术和基于案例推理的电熔镁炉冶炼电流补偿技术,研制了电熔镁炉智能优化控制系统,成功应用于国内某企业的电熔镁炉上,取得了满意的控制效果和明显的经济效益。  相似文献   

周欣 《贵州化工》1997,(2):6-8,14
氨基酸是人体必需的一类重要化合物,其实际用途日益广泛,特别在食品,化妆品等方面有较大发展 。  相似文献   

谢富良 《化肥工业》2007,34(6):39-42
对生产信息管理系统进行了介绍。该系统的主要功能有浏览生产工艺流程和重要参数;对某装置、某时间段、某事件进行查询;各类报表、数据(包括操作、产品质量、消耗、成本等)存储和查询等。总结应用情况及其在生产管理方面所起到的重要作用和帮助。  相似文献   

前言在盐酸或硫酸等酸性溶液中,加入极少量物质即可显著地抑制酸对金属的腐蚀,这种物质通称酸洗抑制剂。日本从1950年左右,以铁路机车锅炉酸洗为对象,在市场上开始出售日本最早的酸洗抑制剂——依毕特—1~#(Ibit—1)。五十年代中期,日本电力需要的增加,建设新型火力发电锅炉以及在重化学工业中以石油化学装置为起点的大型设备的出现等,可以认为如果不发展高水平的酸洗技术和优  相似文献   

分析了常规继电器与PLC控制的电气系统可靠性主要因素,并以自动焊机冷却工序为具体实例,提出了利用PLC软件(如内部计时器,辅助继电器等)来解决它们的设计方法,此方法经济、实用,对提高PLC控制电气系统可靠性具有普遍意义和使用价值。  相似文献   

许多高聚物尤其是橡胶必须经交联作用——硫化,才具有实际应用价值。无论采用有硫、无硫或辐照等硫化方式,目的都是使高聚物产生交联作用,即使橡胶分子由线型结构转变成体型结构。虽然不同硫化体系和硫化条件可能产生不同类型的交联桥键,但硫化后的橡胶无论物理化学性质或力学性质都有明显的变化,且与硫化程度密切相关。交联密度是硫化程度的度量指标。因此,测定交联密度对产品  相似文献   

1 工程概况及特点北京华旭工程建设监理事务所是化工系统较早取得甲级资质等级的监理单位 ,从 1996年起 ,先后承担了两大国家重点工程———广西鹿寨磷铵复合肥工程(前半期 )和河南义马煤气化工程施工阶段的监理任务。本着“公正、独立、自主”的原则 ,华旭先后成立了广西监理部和义马监理部 ,积极开展工程建设监理工作 ,充分运用目标规划、动态控制、组织协调、信息管理、合同管理的基本方法 ,公平地维护项目业主和被监理单位的合法权益 ,在充满曲折的困境中靠扎实的工作和良好的专业素质显示出水平和实力 ,赢得了建设单位、施工单位及有…  相似文献   

密炼机的推断控制系统   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
提出橡胶密炼机的一种基于神经网络软测量的推断控制系统,针对橡胶密炼机混烧胶的质量指标需要比较精确估计的一类软测量建模问题,研究了达用于MISO软测量模型的一种RBF逄法,并在此基础上实现了密炼机混炼胶粘度的推断控制。  相似文献   

《Drying Technology》2013,31(3):683-690

Moisture content is an important variable in low-temperature drying but it cannot easily be followed “on line” so an inferential control strategy is proposed, particulary for canola. The strategy uses the inlet temperature to control the grain moisture content. Good results (R2≥0.925) were obtained when the strategy was tested by experiment. The value of this control strategy is its relatively low cost and the resulting decrease in energy consumption.  相似文献   

To adequately control the reductant flow for the selective catalytic reduction of NO x in diesel exhaust gas a tool is required that is capable of accurately and quickly predicting NO x emissions from the engine's operating variables. Two algorithms for non-linear modelling are evaluated: neural networks (Solla et al., Adv. in Neural Information Processing Systems 12 (MIT Press, Five Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA, 2000)) and the split & fit algorithm (Bakker et al., submitted for publication to NIPS). Measurements were carried out on a transient automotive diesel engine and a semi-stationary diesel engine. Both algorithms gave excellent predictions with a short computation time (0.03–0.13 ms). This makes them very promising tools in automotive catalytic NO x emission control.  相似文献   

代志芹 《广东化工》2010,37(2):145-146
空压密封料是一种干粉硅质料,熔化温度与炉墙的平均温度接近一致,通过压缩空气的喷吹,密封料会浸入到炉墙裂缝和缝隙中,由于热膨胀而达到密封。同时在裂缝里能熔化生成一层密封薄膜,能够密封炉墙上任何可能有的裂纹和缝隙。  相似文献   

Decentralized control system design comprises the selection of a suitable control structure and controller parameters. Here, mixed integer optimization is used to determine the optimal control structure and the optimal controller parameters simultaneously. The process dynamics is included explicitly into the constraints using a rigorous nonlinear dynamic process model. Depending on the objective function, which is used for the evaluation of competing control systems, two different formulations are proposed which lead to mixed‐integer dynamic optimization (MIDO) problems. A MIDO solution strategy based on the sequential approach is adopted in the present paper. Here, the MIDO problem is decomposed into a series of nonlinear programming (NLP) subproblems (dynamic optimization) where the binary variables are fixed, and mixed‐integer linear programming (MILP) master problems which determine a new binary configuration for the next NLP subproblem. The proposed methodology is applied to inferential control of reactive distillation columns as a challenging benchmark problem for chemical process control.  相似文献   

Knowledge required for the basic understanding of pH values is outlined. The practical significance of pH with respect to dye exhaustion and stability of fibres and dyes is discussed. The relationships between the pH-control and temperature-control of dyeing processes, and the implementation of pH control are discussed. Methods of control of pH in temperature-controlled and pH-controlled dyeing processes are illustrated.  相似文献   

王武生 《涂料工业》2018,48(6):75-82
光泽作为涂料的一个重要的美学价值体现,很大程度上影响涂装产品的客户需求。为了控制水性聚氨酯涂料的光泽,需要从理论上了解涂料光泽与树脂结构的关系。文章首先介绍了涂料光泽的基本理论,在理论基础上探讨了水性聚氨酯结构(聚合物结构的反射率、折射率、分散体粒径、涂膜表面粗糙度以及成膜过程)对涂料光泽的影响。  相似文献   

Paper presented at the Society's ‘Teach-in’ on Quantitative Colour Control at the University of Nottingham on 20 September 1975. The requirements that are considered essential for successful operation for both the control system and the dyehouse organization are stated. There is a brief review of problems of formula selection, colorimeter selection, computation, and presentation of colour differences. Problems of dyehouse organization and tolerance-limit selection are discussed and illustrated. Views on customer-contractor relations in this connection are expressed.  相似文献   

范儆 《化学与粘合》1999,(4):186-188,205
本文介绍了研制的聚硅烷型密封材料的密封防潮,高低温适应性,电气绝缘和化学稳定必胼指出了它的应用前景。  相似文献   

An offset‐free inferential feedback control strategy for distillation composition control using principal component regression (PCR) and partial least squares (PLS) models is presented in this paper. PCR and PLS model based software sensors are developed from process operational data so that the top and bottom product compositions can be estimated from multiple tray temperature measurements. The PCR and PLS software sensors are then used in the feedback control of the top and bottom product compositions. With this strategy the problem of substantial time delay in composition analyzer based control and of substantial bias in single tray temperature control can be overcome. A practically very important issue in software sensor based feedback control is that static control offsets often exist due to a static estimation bias, especially when the process operating condition changes. A technique for eliminating the static estimation bias and the resulting static control offsets through mean updating of process measurements is proposed in this paper. Applications to a simulated methanol‐water separation column demonstrate the effectiveness of this control strategy.  相似文献   

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