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Relationships between light exposure, milk yield, and reproductive traits in Norwegian Red cattle were studied using data from 1538 farms in southern Norway during the darkest part of the year (November 1 to February 28). Production level was expressed as milk yield at first artificial insemination (AI) and 305-d milk yield. Reproductive performance was calculated using the following dependent variables: age at first AI, age at first calving, days open, calving interval, number of AI per cow, and nonreturn rate at 60 d. Days open and calving interval were both 4.0 d shorter, number of AI per cow was 0.07 less, non-return rate was 3.1% greater, and daily milk yield at first AI was 0.5 kg greater in herds that used dim illumination at night compared with herds that used no illumination at night. Milk yield at first AI was 0.5 kg greater in herds with photoperiods > 12 h. Photoperiods > 12 h were associated with a reduction in age at first AI by 4.8 d and age at first calving by 6.6 d. We concluded that dairy cattle kept at high latitudes during winter should be exposed to dim illumination at night and a minimum photoperiod of 12 h to stimulate reproductive performance and milk yield.  相似文献   

Records (2263) from a single north Florida herd for 3 yr were evaluated in a series of analyses. Environment was subtropical. Data set included only cows that had normal milk records and became pregnant. Holsteins and Jerseys averaged 6799 and 4504 kg milk, 587 and 418 kg postpartum body weight, 164 and 141 days open, and 2.3 and 2.1 services per subsequent pregnancy. Pooled within breed, repeatabilities and heritabilities of these performance measures were .37, .15; .53, .25; .20, .06; and .30, 0. Estimable genetic correlations were milk yield and body weight -.09, milk yield and services per conception .38, and services per conception and body weight .37; range of standard errors was .22 to .39. Substantial genetic antagonism may exist between milk yield and body weight, and efficient reproduction. If results of this research are verified elsewhere, breeders should be aware that selection for increased weight could lead to decreased reproductive efficiency.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between reproductive performance and milk yield in central-southern Chilean Holstein cattle that calved from 1990 to 2003. The analysis included 150,457 lactations obtained from a certified recording system. Reproductive indexes included in the study were calving interval (CI, d), calving to first service interval (CFSI, d), calving to conception interval (CCI, d), services per conception (SC), and conception rate at first service (CRFS). Survival analysis for the risk of pregnancy was also conducted. Models for reproductive indexes were significant and included, as independent variables, year and season of parturition, parity, length of dry period, milk and fat production standardized to 305 d, herd size, and herd. In 1990 and 2003, respectively, means ± SEM for CI were 399 ± 1.6 and 415 ± 1.1 d; for CFSI were 85 ± 0.6 and 97 ± 0.6 d; for CCI were 124 ± 1.3 d and 137 ± 1 d; and for SC were 1.6 ± 0.02 and 1.7 ± 0.01. For every 100 kg of 305-d standardized milk yield, the CCI increased by 0.6 d and CRFS decreased by 0.9%. Association between milk yield and the risk of pregnancy was almost zero when a Cox proportional regression model was conducted (hazard ratio = 1.005; 95% confidence interval = 1.002 to 1.008). We conclude that CCI has increased over time and is related negatively to the increase in milk yield experienced by central-southern Chilean Holstein cattle during the last 15 yr. Nevertheless, risk of pregnancy was not explained by the individual level of standardized 305-d milk yield of cows studied.  相似文献   

Effects of premilking preparation on complete lactation performance were measured with two groups of multiparous Holstein cows; 1) 17 cows received full stimulation, a 60-s routine, and 2) 16 cows received minimum stimulation, a 15-s routine, before machine attachment. Actual unadjusted average lactation milk yield for cows receiving full stimulation was 5.4% less than that for cows receiving minimum stimulation. When postpeak persistencies were compared by linear regression of either 1) daily milk weights or 2) 3.5% FCM from DHI records of milk yield and milk fat percent and fitted to lactation curves using an incomplete gamma function, cows receiving full stimulation produced 1) 2.8 or 2) 2.5% more milk per lactation than did cows receiving minimal stimulation. However, none of the treatment differences in mean milk yield was significant statistically. Milk flow rates, strip yields, and machine on-times were measured at 8-wk intervals throughout lactation. Cows receiving full stimulation had significantly higher average milk flow rates and shorter machine on-times starting at wk 32. There were no significant differences in strip yields or percent residual milk between cows receiving full and minimum stimulation.  相似文献   

Reproductive performance in dairy cows can be improved through genetic selection and herd management. Milk protein concentration is strongly associated with various measures of reproductive performance, but the relative importance of genetic and environmental components of these associations have not been defined. The primary objective of this study was to estimate the magnitudes of correlations and covariances between 9 reproductive performance traits in dairy cows and each of milk protein concentration and milk yield at 4 levels: genetic, permanent environmental effects of cow, herd-year-season, and residual levels. A retrospective single cohort study was conducted using data collected from seasonally and split calving dairy herds. We used animal models to partition covariances for the relationships between 9 fertility traits and each of milk protein concentration and milk yield at lactation level, with up to 80,203 lactations from 27,244 cows that were 780 herd-year-seasons in 65 herds. For the fertility traits, of the explained covariance with milk protein concentration, between 33 and 79% (median 53%) was genetic and 21 to 67% (median 47%) was nongenetic. We concluded that research should be conducted to identify management strategies that capture the nongenetic components of relationships between milk protein concentration and reproductive performance. Genetic correlations with milk protein concentration were generally similar to genetic correlations with milk yield, but the correlation with milk protein concentration was closer (i.e., the absolute value of the correlation coefficient was nearer to 1) for pregnant by wk 6, a key trait for seasonally and split calving dairy herds (correlation coefficient ± standard error = 0.28 ± 0.05 and ?0.17 ± 0.07 for milk protein concentration and milk yield, respectively). As the associations also have substantial genetic components, it is possible that reliabilities of estimated breeding values for fertility may be improved by including milk protein concentration in multitrait genetic evaluation models for fertility traits. From our preliminary analyses, reliabilities were only slightly higher when pregnancy by wk 6 of the breeding period was analyzed with milk protein concentration rather than alone or with milk yield, but further research should be considered to assess this question. Importantly, the benefits of these strong relationships can only be fully harnessed through joint use of both management strategies and genetic strategies.  相似文献   

Estimates of genetic trends in 24 measures of milk and constituent yields, somatic cell counts, and reproduction were obtained from 935 records of 374 Jerseys in a single herd. Data were obtained from a designed project for single-trait selection from 1969 through 1987. One line was subjected to selection solely for milk yield and included 259 cows; an unselected control line included 115 cows. Estimates of trends were based on differences in linear phenotypic trends between lines for first lactations, all lactations, and for 305-d and total records. The genetic changes in milk yield for these four data sets were 1.22 to 1.48%/yr (36.8 to 41.0 kg per cow yr) and 0.54 to 1.64%/yr for five constituent yields. Except for the percentages of minerals plus lactose, all constituent percentages decreased by 0.05 to 0.60%/yr. The ratios of protein to fat and solids-not-fat to fat increased 0.30 to 0.54%/yr, respectively. The number of services required per conception increased (0.17%) in first parity records and in all data (0.69%). The intervals from parturition to first estrus and from parturition to first service decreased in first lactation (1.19 and 0.82%) annually but increased (1.25 and 0.01%) in all data. Age of heifers at first estrus decreased by 0.44% annually. Most of the five measures of somatic cells decreased in first lactations but increased for all data. Estimates of realized genetic correlations of 14 measures of constituent yield and composition (four correlations each) agreed well with values expected from the literature. The results quantified change in milk yield, constituent yields and percentages, reproductive performance, and somatic cell counts in a single herd and should prove useful in the development of selection programs for dairy cattle.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(7):6251-6260
Poor udder health status can have a detrimental effect on milk yield and reproductive performance, leading to reductions in the dairy farm profit. The objective of this retrospective longitudinal study was to assess the associations of somatic cell count (SCC) with daily milk yield and reproductive performance. A database with 1,930,376 lactations from 867 Argentinean grazing dairy herds records collected for 14 years was used. The association of the evolution of SCC (healthy vs. new case vs. cured vs. chronic; with 150,000 SCC/mL as threshold) and of the severity of SCC [mild (150,000­–400,000 SCC/mL) vs. moderate (400,000–1,000,000 SCC/mL) vs. severe (>1,000,000 SCC/mL)] with the odds for conception were estimated. Finally, the associations of the linear score of SCC (LS-SCC) with daily milk yield were estimated depending on parity and milk production quartile. The odds ratios (CI 95%) for conception at first service were 0.921 (0.902–0.941), 0.866 (0.848–0.884), and 0.842 (0.826–0.859) for the new case, cured, and chronic cows compared with healthy cows, respectively. Also, the odds ratios (CI 95%) for conception were 0.902 (0.881–0.925), 0.837 (0.808–0.866) and 0.709 (0.683–0.736) for mild, moderate and severe cases compared with healthy cows, respectively. An increase of one point of LS-SCC was associated with decreases of 0.349, 0.539, and 0.676 kg in daily milk yield for first-, second-, and third-lactation cows, respectively. In conclusion, SCC is negatively associated with the risk for conception and with daily milk yield in grazing dairy cows. This negative relationship with conception is higher when SCC increase occurs after the service date and it is influenced by severity of mastitis, and in the case of milk yield, the negative association is influenced by parity, milk production quartile, and severity of mastitis.  相似文献   

The relationship between breeding performance and postpartum milk yield was evaluated using data collected in a prospective field project from 33 New York Holstein herds. Herds selected were enrolled in the New York Dairy Herd Improvement Cooperative program and received monthly or biweekly herd health visits from the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine. Factors other than milk yield (e.g., postpartum reproductive disorders, inseminator, housing) that influence breeding performance were controlled in multiple regression analyses. Milk yield had a slight linear antagonistic relationship with conception at first service, services per conception, and days open but not with interval from parturition to first service, interval between first and second services, or interval between second and third services. Services per conception and days open increased by .009 and .6, respectively, for each 100-kg increase in cumulative milk yield during the first 60 d of lactation. Postpartum reproductive disorders, service method (artificial vs. natural), inseminator (farmer vs. technician), and calving interval of the previous lactation had more important relationships than milk yield with measures of breeding performance.  相似文献   

Path analysis was used to model the direct and indirect relationships among age, previous lactation yield or estimated transmitting ability for milk, body weight, days dry, reproductive disorders, milk fever, mastitis, reproductive performance, current milk yield, and culling. Prospective data were from 784 primiparous and 2,066 multiparous Holstein lactations from 33 herds. Heifers that were older, of lighter weight, or who had lower estimated transmitting ability for milk had more problems, less milk, and poorer survival. Dystocia in heifers had several detrimental consequences including 2.9 to 4 times more retained placenta, metritis, and culling and +7.4 d more to first service. Cystic ovaries were associated directly with 376 kg greater milk yield and with a 16.5-d delay in first service. Failure to conceive at first service and mastitis increased risk of culling 5.2 to 10 times. In multiparous cows, milk fever increased risk of reproductive disorders by 1.6 to 4.2 times and indirectly contributed to poor breeding performance and increased culling. Risk of culling was increased 2.1 to 3.7 times directly by mastitis and dystocia and by poor breeding performance.  相似文献   

Effects of milk protein genetic variants on milk yield and composition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effects of genetic variants of the milk proteins, alpha S1-casein, beta-casein, kappa-casein and beta-lactoglobulin (beta-lg), on milk yield and composition, particularly the protein composition, were investigated in milk samples from 289 Jersey and 249 Friesian cows in eight commercial herds. Milk protein genotypes had no significant effect on yields over a complete lactation of milk and fat, but significant differences in fat content were detected for beta-casein (B, A1B, A2 greater than A1A2) and beta-lg (B, AB greater than A) variants. Significant differences between beta-lg variants were also found with total solids (B, AB greater than A), casein (B, AB greater than A), whey protein (A greater than AB greater than B) and beta-lg (A greater than AB, AC greater than B greater than BC) concentrations. Casein genotypes were not significantly different in total protein and casein concentrations but many differences were found in casein composition. alpha S1-Casein variants significantly affected alpha S1-casein (BC greater than B) and kappa-casein (B greater than BC) concentrations. beta-Casein variants affected concentration and proportion of beta-casein (A1B, A2B greater than A1, A1A2, A2, B), alpha S1-casein (A1, A2 greater than B) and kappa-casein (B greater than A2) and concentration of whey protein (A1 greater than most other beta-casein variants). kappa-Casein variants affected concentration and proportion of kappa-casein (B greater than AB greater than A), proportion of alpha S1-casein (A greater than AB greater than B) and concentrations of beta-lg (A greater than AB, B) and alpha-lactalbumin (A, AB greater than B). Differences in milk composition were found between breeds, herds and ages, and with stage of lactation. The potential use of milk protein genotypes as an aid in dairy cattle breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty-two primiparous Holsteins were assigned to receive 0, 5.15, 10.3, or 16.5 mg/d recombinant bST. Treatment began between 28 and 35 d postpartum and continued until 60 d prior to next expected calving or 400 d postpartum. Metabolic hormones and metabolites were measured in blood weekly during the first 10 wk of treatment, and progesterone was measured in milk twice weekly to assess ovarian activity until conception. Milk production (305 d, actual) was 8350 +/- 562, 8348 +/- 515, 9571 +/- 515, and 9070 +/- 515 for cows given 0, 5.15, 10.3, or 16.5 mg/d and did not differ statistically. Insulin, glucose, NEFA and blood urea nitrogen were not influenced by dose of bST. However, insulin-like growth factor-I increased linearly with dose of bST. Days from parturition to first detected estrus, days open, and services per conception did not differ among groups; however, days from parturition to first service increased with dose of bST. Rate of detection of estrus decreased with dose of bST, resulting in a longer interval to first insemination. The lower rate of detection of estrus in bST-treated cows may have been associated with reduced expression of estrus. Additional statistical analyses were conducted to determine the relationship between metabolism, milk production, and reproduction over all doses of bST. There was a negative correlation between 305-d milk yield and glucose (r = -.44) and insulin (r = -.46) concentrations during 30 to 100 d postpartum. In stepwise regression analyses, insulin accounted for 21% of the variance in 305-d milk yield. Glucose and NEFA accounted for 18% of the variance in days open, and there was a negative correlation (r = -.32) between glucose and days open. Days open and milk production were not correlated.  相似文献   

Periparturient hypocalcemia is frequently observed and considered as a gateway disease that is associated with various health issues. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of hypocalcemia with early-lactation milk yield, reproductive performance, and culling across a large number of different managerial systems. A prospective cohort study was conducted based on a convenience sample of 125 dairy herds from 8 federal states of Germany between February 2015 and August 2016. A blood sample was drawn from 1,709 animals within 48 h after parturition and analyzed for serum calcium concentration. After discarding cows (n = 283) with missing data, a total of 1,426 cows were considered for final analyses. The median time from calving to sampling was 14.0 h (interquartile range = 5.0–24.9 h). For each herd, a record of the herd management software was requested 150 d after the last cow was sampled. Serum calcium concentration of each cow was associated with early-lactation milk yield (Dairy Herd Improvement Association equivalent test 1 to 3), reproductive performance [days in milk (DIM) at first artificial insemination (AI), pregnancy at first AI, time to pregnancy within 150 DIM], and culling (until 60 DIM) data. Generalized linear mixed models were used to analyze continuous or categorical data. Shared frailty models were used for time to event data. Five different thresholds were used to define hypocalcemia. Thresholds ranged from 1.8 to 2.2 mmol/L using 0.1-mmol/L increments. Clinical hypocalcemia was defined as serum calcium concentration <2.0 mmol/L in combination with clinical signs (e.g., recumbency). The effect of hypocalcemia on milk yield was conditional on parity. In primiparous cows a serum calcium concentration <2.0 mmol/L (6.4% of cows were below this threshold) had no effect on milk production, whereas there was a tendency for multiparous cows with a serum calcium concentration <2.1 mmol/L (63.2% of cows were below this threshold) to produce 0.80 kg/d more milk compared with multiparous cows at or above the threshold. Multiparous cows suffering from clinical hypocalcemia produced 2.19 kg/d less milk compared with normocalcemic cows in early lactation. Calcium status was not associated with days to first insemination. Cows with a serum calcium concentration <1.9 mmol/L (34.6% of cows below this threshold) had decreased odds (odds ratio = 0.56) of pregnancy at first AI. A serum calcium concentration <1.8 mmol/L (24.1% of cows below this threshold) had a significant effect on time to pregnancy. Compared with animals with a serum calcium concentration ≥1.8 mmol/L, the hazard of becoming pregnant within 150 DIM was reduced when cows had a serum calcium concentration <1.8 mmol/L (hazard ratio = 0.68). Cows with a serum calcium concentration <2.0 mmol/L (44.3% of cows were below this threshold) had a 1.69 times greater hazard of being culled within the first 60 DIM compared with normocalcemic animals. The present study shows that the association of hypocalcemia with milk yield was conditional on parity and serum calcium concentration measured once within 48 h after calving. Considering reproductive performance and culling in early lactation, a negative effect of postpartum hypocalcemia was demonstrated.  相似文献   

In this field trial, a protocol for the treatment of retained fetal membranes (RFM) without any intrauterine therapy was compared with 3 protocols based on the intrauterine use of antibiotic pills (AP), the manual removal (MR) of the fetal membranes, or the combination of both (PR). The study was conducted on 5 commercial dairy farms in Germany. Cows with RFM for at least 24 h after calving were assigned to 1 of 4 treatment groups. Cows of all groups with a rectal temperature ≥ 39.5°C received a systemic antibiotic treatment with ceftiofur (1 mg/kg per d) for 3 to 5 consecutive days. In case of continued fever after 5 treatments, cows received a different antibiotic as an escape therapy. In the reference group (REF; n = 131), cows did not receive any additional treatment. All cows in group AP (n = 119) received intrauterine treatment with antibiotic pills consisting of 1,000 mg of ampicillin and 1,000 mg of cloxacillin for 3 consecutive days. In group MR (n = 121), an attempt was made to remove the fetal membranes manually, but uterine pills were not administered. In group PR (n = 130), an attempt was made to remove the fetal membranes manually and all cows received a local antibiotic treatment as in group AP. All cows received 2 doses of 25 mg of PGF2α: one dose between 18 and 24 d and another between 32 and 38 d postpartum. Statistical analyses were performed using binary logistic regression models and survival analyses with group REF as reference. Of all animals, 79.8% had a body temperature of ≥ 39.5°C at least once within 10 d postpartum and were treated with ceftiofur. Occurrence of fever within 10 d postpartum was significantly lower in groups AP and PR compared with reference group REF, but was not different between groups MR and REF. Risk of receiving an escape therapy in case of fever after 5 treatments with ceftiofur did not differ among groups. Reproductive performance measures did not differ significantly between group REF and any of the comparison groups. Compared with a treatment protocol based only on systemic treatment with antibiotics for cows with a fever, neither intrauterine antibiotics nor manual removal of fetal membranes alone or in combination reduced proportions of cows needing an escape therapy nor did those treatments improve reproductive measures in the current lactation. Systemic treatment alone based on elevated rectal temperature was effective and reduced use of antibiotics compared with therapies that included intrauterine antibiotics.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to assess the relationship between individual cow milk yield and fertility, accounting for the contextual effect of the herd. A data set including 657,968 lactations from 677 dairy herds in Argentina from 2001 to 2012 was used. The odds of pregnancy by 100 d in milk (DIM) were assessed by a multilevel logistic model (with cow as the first and herd as the second hierarchical level), and time to pregnancy was assessed by a proportional hazards regression model. Multilevel logistic models included the fixed effects of milk yield by 80 DIM, parity, year, and calving season at cow level and quartiles of herd milk yield by 80 DIM as a contextual effect. The proportional hazards model included the effect of daily cow-level milk yield as time-dependent variable, with milk yield at herd level as the stratification variable. Cows producing 1 standard deviation over the mean milk yield of their herd had 1.3 percentage point lower pregnancy by 100 DIM (from 31.4 to 30.1%; odds ratio = 0.942) when in herds in the top quartile of milk yield, whereas they increased 0.5 percentage points (from 27.9 to 28.4%) when in herds in the lowest quartile of milk yield. Only 4% of the observed variation in pregnancy by 100 DIM was explained by the random effect of the herd. Similarly, cows producing 1 standard deviation (8 kg/d) greater than the herd mean daily milk had 1.3% lower hazard of pregnancy (hazard ratio = 0.987) at 63 DIM in herds in the top quartile of milk yield, whereas they had 14.8% higher hazard (hazard ratio = 1.148) in herds in the lowest quartile of milk yield. The magnitude of the negative association between the cow's daily milk yield and the hazard of pregnancy increased with DIM. In conclusion, the relationship between milk yield and reproductive performance is statistically significant, but the effect size is practically small and is modulated by herd production level.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of treating Holstein cows with pegbovigrastim on periparturient diseases, milk production, and reproductive performance while exploring the mode of action of an immunomodulatory protein. Cows were randomly allocated to 1 of 2 treatments, untreated control (CTR, n = 423) and pegbovigrastim (PEG, n = 417). At 7 d from the anticipated calving date (d ?7), cows allocated to PEG received a subcutaneous injection of 15 mg of pegylated recombinant bovine granulocyte colony stimulating factor (pegbovigrastim injection, Imrestor, Elanco Animal Health, Greenfield, IN). A second injection was administered within 24 h after calving (d 0). Blood samples were obtained from a subset of cows (CTR, n = 103; PEG, n = 102) at ?7 and 0, 3, 7, and 14 d relative to parturition. Samples were used for hemogram and quantification of haptoglobin, nonesterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate, and trace and macro minerals. Vaginal cytobrush was performed on the same subset cows at d 0, 7, and 14 to assess the relative neutrophil count. Additionally, colostrum samples were collected to measure IgG, IgM, IgA, and lactoferrin concentrations. Postpartum disease occurrence was recorded from calving until 30 d in milk (DIM). Weekly milk yield was recorded for the first 12 wk after calving. Cows treated with PEG had a 3- to 4-fold increase in circulating polymorphonuclear leukocyte, lymphocyte, and monocyte numbers, with a peak at 3 d after treatment followed by a gradual decline, but the counts remained significantly greater compared with CTR at 14 DIM. The administration of PEG did not affect the incidence of clinical and subclinical mastitis, retained fetal membranes, metritis, puerperal metritis, and endometritis. Primiparous cows treated with PEG tended to have lower odds of developing hyperketonemia than CTR [odds ratio (OR) = 0.57, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.23 to 1.42]. Cows treated with PEG had higher odds of being diagnosed with lameness within 30 DIM compared with CTR (OR = 1.79, 95% CI = 1.16 to 2.76); however, we found no significant differences by 60 DIM. Treatment with PEG increased the odds of displaced abomasum (OR = 8.27, 95% CI = 1.02 to 66.6). Cows treated with PEG had higher odds of being diagnosed with 1 or more clinical diseases compared with CTR cows (OR = 1.39, 95% CI = 1.02 to 1.90). We observed no differences in linear scores or milk composition between treatments. Furthermore, primiparous cows treated with PEG produced more milk than CTR primiparous cows during the first 12 wk postpartum (PEG = 37.51 ± 0.66; CTR = 35.91 ± 0.65 kg), but no differences were observed on energy-corrected milk. Treatment did not alter reproductive performance; additionally, cows diagnosed with metritis or puerperal metritis and treated with PEG tended to have higher proportion of neutrophils in the vaginal mucosa when compared with CTR metritic cows. Although PEG treatment increased circulating polymorphonuclear leukocyte, monocyte, and lymphocyte numbers, as expected, it was detrimental to cow health because it increased morbidity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare 2 strategies for the management of dairy cows having retained fetal membranes (RFM) with regard to clinical traits, milk yield, and reproductive performance. In contrast to recent studies evaluating optimal strategies for the management of cows with RFM, this trial was conducted on small dairy farms with 26 to 166 cows per herd. In the systemic (SYS) group (n = 116), cows having RFM and a rectal temperature ≥39.5°C were treated with 1 mg/kg of body weight of ceftiofur on 3 to 5 consecutive days. The RFM cows without fever remained untreated. In the intrauterine (IUT) group (n = 115), all RFM cows received an intrauterine treatment with 6 g of tetracycline on 3 consecutive days combined with an attempt to remove the fetal membranes manually. The IUT cows with a fever received an additional systemic treatment with 10 mg/kg of body weight of amoxicillin on 3 to 5 consecutive days. Body temperature, daily milk yield, prevalence of vaginal discharge 28 to 35 d in milk (DIM), and reproductive performance traits within 200 DIM were monitored. The proportion of cows experiencing fever within 5 d after enrollment was greater in SYS compared with IUT. The proportion of cows with mucopurulent or purulent vaginal discharge 28 to 34 DIM did not differ between the groups. Furthermore, no significant differences between groups were found in daily milk yield in the first 10 d after enrollment, or in reproductive performance or proportion of cows culled. Significant differences in the proportion of cows with a fever in SYS and IUT have not been reported in studies with similar study designs conducted on large dairy farms. Further results on milk yield and reproductive performance, however, support findings that a management strategy for RFM based on a selective systemic treatment of feverish cows is at least as efficacious as a strategy based on intrauterine treatments of all cows and a systemic antibiotic treatment of feverish cows.  相似文献   

A new generation of inorganic ultrafiltration (UF) alumina membranes was tested on milk considering membrane porosity, UF pressure. duration of treatment. concentration factor, and ultrafiltrate flux. The experiments were carried out on whole raw milk at a low temperature to simplify the technology and to limit bacteriological growth while considerably reducing the cost of energy. Different modifications were studied to improve the UF process: pre-remitting, enrichment of milk with calcium, and flow regime. The results indicate that it is possible to increase the ultrafiltrate flux considerably while maintaining a high level of retention of nitrogen compounds, thus opening the way to industrial application. A simple cleaning and sanitizing cycle ensures a longer live for this new alumina material and eliminates the technical and economical problems associated with current polymeric membranes.  相似文献   

发酵黄芪粉对奶牛产奶量及乳成分的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究发酵黄芪粉对奶牛产奶量及乳品质的影响.对照组奶牛饲喂基础日粮,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ组奶牛分别饲喂10、20和30 g/(头·d)的发酵黄芪粉基础日粮.结果表明:与对照组相比,试验组奶牛产奶量增加了0.95、1.45和1.58 kg/(头·d),但试验Ⅱ、Ⅲ组组间差异不显著;可显著提高奶牛乳蛋白率,但对奶牛乳脂率、乳糖及非脂固型物均无显著影响;可降低奶牛乳体细胞数,其中试验Ⅱ、Ⅲ组奶牛乳体细胞数显著低于对照组和试验Ⅰ组,但试验Ⅱ、Ⅲ组组间差异不显著;可提高奶牛经济效益,各试验组奶牛经济效益分别高于对照组2.6、3.4和2.72元/(头·d).该试验条件下,发酵黄芪粉以20 g/(头·d)的添加量较好.  相似文献   

The objectives were to evaluate the associations of lying time (LT) during the first 14 d in milk (DIM) with milk yield, cyclicity (CYC), culling within 60 DIM (CULL), and reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows. A total of 1,052 Holstein cattle (401 nulliparous heifers and 651 parous cows) from 3 commercial dairy farms had electronic data loggers (IceQube, IceRobotics, Edinburgh, UK) placed on a hind leg 14 ± 3 d before the expected parturition date and removed at 14 ± 3 DIM to assess their LT. Serum concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate were determined at 7 ± 3 and 14 ± 3 DIM. Cases of retained placenta, metritis, mastitis, pneumonia, and digestive disorders within 30 DIM were recorded and lactating cows were categorized into 1 of 4 groups: (1) nondiseased (ND, n = 613; cows without ketosis or any other diagnosed health condition); (2) cows with only ketosis (KET, n = 152); (3) sick cows experiencing ≥1 health conditions but without ketosis (SICK, n = 198); or (4) cows with ketosis plus ≥1 health condition (KET+, n = 61). Ultrasound was performed at 28 ± 3 and 42 ± 3 DIM to assess ovarian cyclicity (presence or absence of corpus luteum). Milk yield at first Dairy Herd Improvement Association test was not associated with LT during the first 14 DIM, but it was negatively correlated with the coefficient of variation of LT during the first 14 DIM. Lactating dairy cows experiencing KET+ had the lowest milk yield compared with ND, regardless of parity. Parity, health status, and season were significantly associated with CYC and CULL. Lying time had a significantly linear association with the risk of being culled: for every 1-h increment of LT during 0 to 14 DIM, the risk of culling within 60 DIM increased by 1 percentage point. Lying time had a negative quadratic association with cyclicity at 42 DIM. Multiparous cows with a LT of 9 to 13 h/d had a significantly greater probability of pregnancy up to 300 DIM compared with cows with a LT >13 h/d. Regardless of parity, KET+ cows had significantly higher proportion of culling within 60 DIM and decreased probability of pregnancy up to 300 DIM compared with ND cows. These findings suggest that there is an optimum daily LT range for early postpartum cows housed in freestall barns, different from that reported for mid-lactation cows, with the potential for improved survival, health, and the overall performance (milk yield and reproduction).  相似文献   

The effects of milk fever, ketosis, and lameness were studied using data from 23,416 Finnish Ayrshire cows that calved in 1993 and were followed for one lactation (i.e., until culling or the next calving). Monthly test day milk yields were treated as repeated measurements within a cow in a mixed model analysis. Disease index variables were created to relate the timing of a disease to the measures of test day milk. Statistical models for each parity and disease included fixed effects of calving season, stage of lactation, and disease index. An autoregressive correlation structure was used to model the association among the repeated measurements. The milk yield of cows contracting milk fever was affected for a period of 4 to 6 wk after calving; the loss ranged from 1.1 to 2.9 kg/d, depending on parity and the time elapsed after milk fever diagnosis. Despite the loss, cows with milk fever produced 1.1 to 1.7 kg more milk/d than did healthy cows. Milk yield started to decline 2 to 4 wk before the diagnosis of ketosis and continued to decline for a varying time period after it. The daily milk loss was greatest within the 2 wk after the diagnosis, varying from 3.0 to 5.3 kg/d, depending on parity. Cows in parity 4 or higher were most severely affected by ketosis; the average total loss per cow was 353.4 kg. Lameness also affected milk yield; milk loss of cows diagnosed with foot and leg disorders varied between 1.5 and 2.8 kg/d during the first 2 wk after the diagnosis.  相似文献   

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