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复杂系统的多学科设计优化综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从设计和分析的本质出发,结合复杂系统的特点,通过分析传统设计优化流程在面对复杂系统时存在的困难和缺陷,指出多学科设计优化(multidisciplinary design optimization,MDO)方法是解决复杂系统设计优化问题的一种有效措施.在此基础上,介绍了多学科优化方法的基本思想,总结了子系统耦合方式及MDO在处理耦合时的基本方法,归纳了MDO的知识框架和主要研究内容.最后在现有研究成果的基础上,对MDO今后的研究提出了几点参考意见.  相似文献   

卫田  范文慧  高丽  王威 《高技术通讯》2006,16(12):1259-1264
针对多学科设计优化的数值算法比较研究上存在的不足,提出了算法在进行优化时所需的时间、解决问题个数及选用目标函数的相对精度等三项评估标准相结合的三维算法比较方法,首次将精度作为算法比较的一个重要指标,由此得到的算法比较三维模型,为算法选择提供了更加合理的理论依据.在理论研究的基础上,对组合算法和数值算法进行了比较,突破了传统算法比较局限在数值算法的不足.结果表明,在时间变化不大的情况下,组合算法的精度比单纯的数值算法有大幅度的提高,为工程应用提供了更全面的支持.在此基础上给出了数值算法及其组合的算法选择流程.最后,通过手机的多学科设计优化实例,验证了所提出的算法选择流程的合理性和可行性.  相似文献   

多学科设计优化(MDO)是为实现复杂产品设计方法升级换代的最佳技术途径。针对先进航空发动 机设计面临的各学科间耦合关系复杂、指标冲突严重等困难,按零件、部件和总体方案设计3个阶段对MDO的 各项关键技术开展了研究、开发及应用工作,提出了基于MDO技术的航空发动机一体化设计方法。给出的5个 工程应用实例表明,该方法与传统设计方法相比,能大幅提高航空发动机设计水平,具有广泛的工程应用前景。  相似文献   

为了处理好复杂产品各子系统之间的耦合关系以及各子系统的异构性问题,以协同优化(CO)算法为基础,结合系统不确定分析(SUA)方法和近似不确定传播(IUP)方法,构建了多学科鲁棒协同设计优化算法框架.在设计变量的不确定性能够被概率分布函数描述的情况下,此算法框架能够解决复杂产品的设计优化问题.通过对梳齿式微加速度计的多学科鲁棒协同优化设计算例的计算,验证了此算法在输入参数存在微小扰动的情况下能够有效提高设计解的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

研究了某型飞机风挡及舱盖减重多学科设计优化的方法,优化过程中考虑风挡舱盖相关的传热、结构强度、屈曲和模态各学科之间的影响,建立了包括4个学科在内的风挡及舱盖系统多学科优化模型,通过改变透明件厚度达到减重的目的.采用本文提出的优化方法,使得风挡舱盖在满足约束条件的情况下,总重量减少了15.73%,各个设计变量收敛到最优值.本文提供了一种解决风挡及舱盖设计中学科耦合问题的方法,并为进一步研究飞机整机减重优化提供了一定的技术支持.  相似文献   

刘钊  凌闻元 《包装工程》2021,42(2):35-42
目的研究多学科不确定性设计优化中多学科设计优化方法、不确定性建模与传递、不确定性设计优化的相关理论。方法通过研究并分析国内外相关文献,总结归纳考虑不确定性的多学科设计优化中的耦合系统解耦方法、参数和代理模型不确定性的建模方法,以及高效的不确定性传递和设计优化方法。结论系统探讨了在面对复杂多变的外界环境时,多学科设计优化对不确定性量化与传递的需求,提出多学科设计优化不仅要考虑确定性的系统,而且需要考虑由于外界环境变化导致的系统响应的不确定性。针对现有的多学科不确定性设计优化方法的理论研究,提出提高计算效率的关键在于将传统的三层嵌套循环计算框架解耦成单层循环。研究结果表明,考虑不确定性的多学科设计优化将成为复杂多学科系统设计的有力支撑,能显著提高系统的可靠性和稳健性,提高使用寿命,同时能够加快产品的更新换代设计。  相似文献   

张强  刘继红 《包装工程》2023,44(8):37-47
目的 基于系统建模语言SysML,分析多学科设计建模与优化过程,在理解多学科设计与优化数学模型的基础上,构建系统设计优化模型。方法 通过分析多学科设计优化的数学模型,利用SysML语言对多学科优化对象模型进行元模型表征,将生成的SysML模型进行模型转化,转换成XML格式以便优化求解器进行求解。结论 提出了一种用于多学科设计建模与优化的SysML扩展优化建模方法。通过SysML系统建模语言的扩展版型,添加多学科优化相关的优化目标、优化约束、优化变量等优化元素的模型内容。提出了SysML优化信息的提取方法,以XML为中间格式,将提取的优化模型与优化求解器进行集成。通过系统设计与系统优化的集成求解为产品系统架构设计人员提供有效的决策支撑。  相似文献   

支持多学科协同设计的约束网络技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对多学科协同设计中约束条件过于复杂的情况,提出了一种基于约束网络协调模型的设计方法。该方法以约束网络协调模型管理所有领域的约束条件,以区间的形式描述设计参数、状态变量的不确定性信息,并利用区间算法实现了通用的一致性模型求解框架,具有求解代数方程、微分方程等形式约束的能力,从而可以建立跨领域的指标与设计变量间的双向联系。该方法现初步应用于某型转向架弹性元件参数的设计中。  相似文献   

针对国内外已有的复杂工业产品多学科设计仿真优化框架与平台在多学科模型集成能力、计算能力、协同能力方面的不足,研究和开发国产自主的新一代复杂工业产品多学科设计仿真优化框架与平台UniXDE (unified exploration and design environment)。本平台基于微服务云架构技术构建整体框架,提供低代码仿真优化流程编排、组件化CAD/CAE参数化集成接口、丰富的多学科设计优化算法库、分布式高性能优化计算引擎、可视化计算监控和报告自动生成等功能。通过白车身轻量化、船型优化、飞行器起落架性能优化等工程应用,表明UniXDE可显著提升产品综合性能和设计成功率。  相似文献   

校园监控系统对于学生安全与校内安全而言有着至关重要的影响作用,为了从根本上确保校园安全与学生安全,就需要针对校园监控系统的设计及其智能化发展趋势展开分析与研究,从而为校园安保工作的顺利开展提供良好的基础保障。基于此,该文将会针对校园监控系统的结构组成展开研究,进而针对校园监控系统的智能化发展趋势展开分析,希望可以为相关人员提供参考。  相似文献   

This article proposes an uncertain multi-objective multidisciplinary design optimization methodology, which employs the interval model to represent the uncertainties of uncertain-but-bounded parameters. The interval number programming method is applied to transform each uncertain objective function into two deterministic objective functions, and a satisfaction degree of intervals is used to convert both the uncertain inequality and equality constraints to deterministic inequality constraints. In doing so, an unconstrained deterministic optimization problem will be constructed in association with the penalty function method. The design will be finally formulated as a nested three-loop optimization, a class of highly challenging problems in the area of engineering design optimization. An advanced hierarchical optimization scheme is developed to solve the proposed optimization problem based on the multidisciplinary feasible strategy, which is a well-studied method able to reduce the dimensions of multidisciplinary design optimization problems by using the design variables as independent optimization variables. In the hierarchical optimization system, the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II, sequential quadratic programming method and Gauss–Seidel iterative approach are applied to the outer, middle and inner loops of the optimization problem, respectively. Typical numerical examples are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

This article introduces a method which combines the collaborative optimization framework and the inverse reliability strategy to assess the uncertainty encountered in the multidisciplinary design process. This method conducts the sub-system analysis and optimization concurrently and then improves the process of searching for the most probable point (MPP). It reduces the load of the system-level optimizer significantly. This advantage is specifically more prominent for large-scale engineering system design. Meanwhile, because the disciplinary analyses are treated as the equality constraints in the disciplinary optimization, the computation load can be further reduced. Examples are used to illustrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Advances in computational performance have led to the development of large-scale simulation tools for design. Systems generated using such simulation tools can fail in service if the uncertainty of the simulation tool's performance predictions is not accounted for. In this research an investigation of how uncertainty can be quantified in multidisciplinary systems analysis subject to epistemic uncertainty associated with the disciplinary design tools and input parameters is undertaken. Evidence theory is used to quantify uncertainty in terms of the uncertain measures of belief and plausibility. To illustrate the methodology, multidisciplinary analysis problems are introduced as an extension to the epistemic uncertainty challenge problems identified by Sandia National Laboratories.After uncertainty has been characterized mathematically the designer seeks the optimum design under uncertainty. The measures of uncertainty provided by evidence theory are discontinuous functions. Such non-smooth functions cannot be used in traditional gradient-based optimizers because the sensitivities of the uncertain measures are not properly defined. In this research surrogate models are used to represent the uncertain measures as continuous functions. A sequential approximate optimization approach is used to drive the optimization process. The methodology is illustrated in application to multidisciplinary example problems.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary design and optimization strategy for a multistage air launched satellite launch vehicle comprising of a solid propulsion system to low earth orbit with the implementation of a hybrid heuristic search algorithm is proposed in this article. The proposed approach integrated the search properties of a genetic algorithm and simulated annealing, thus achieving an optimal solution while satisfying the design objectives and performance constraints. The genetic algorithm identified the feasible region of solutions and simulated annealing exploited the identified feasible region in search of optimality. The proposed methodology coupled with design space reduction allows the designer to explore promising regions of optimality. Modules for mass properties, propulsion characteristics, aerodynamics, and flight dynamics are integrated to produce a high-fidelity model of the vehicle. The objective of this article is to develop a design strategy that more efficiently and effectively facilitates multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization for an air launched satellite launch vehicle.  相似文献   

We propose solution methods for multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) under uncertainty. This is a class of stochastic optimization problems that engineers are often faced with in a realistic design process of complex systems. Our approach integrates solution methods for reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) with solution methods for deterministic MDO problems. The integration is enabled by the use of a deterministic equivalent formulation and the first order Taylor’s approximation in these RBDO methods. We discuss three specific combinations: the RBDO methods with the multidisciplinary feasibility method, the all-at-once method, and the individual disciplinary feasibility method. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the procedure. Anukal Chiralaksanakul is currently a full-time lecturer in the Graduate School of Business Administration at National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Bangkok, Thailand.  相似文献   

Several formulations for solving multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) problems are presented and applied to a test case. Two bi-level hierarchical decomposition approaches are compared with two classical single-level approaches without decomposition of the optimization problem. A methodology to decompose MDO problems and a new formulation based on this decomposition are proposed. The problem considered here for validation of the different formulations involves the shape and structural optimization of a conceptual wing model. The efficiency of the design strategies are compared on the basis of optimization results.  相似文献   

This article presents the performance of a very recently proposed Jaya algorithm on a class of constrained design optimization problems. The distinct feature of this algorithm is that it does not have any algorithm-specific control parameters and hence the burden of tuning the control parameters is minimized. The performance of the proposed Jaya algorithm is tested on 21 benchmark problems related to constrained design optimization. In addition to the 21 benchmark problems, the performance of the algorithm is investigated on four constrained mechanical design problems, i.e. robot gripper, multiple disc clutch brake, hydrostatic thrust bearing and rolling element bearing. The computational results reveal that the Jaya algorithm is superior to or competitive with other optimization algorithms for the problems considered.  相似文献   

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