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基于构件软件开发的主要思想是使用现存的构件来建构软件系统。而这样的系统由于构件本身的特点导致了许多测试困难。B. Meyer将构件与其客户代码之间的关系形式化地定义为一种合约,它严格限定了构件对象之间的交互规则。通过对合约的监视和检查,可以容易地发现构件之间的交互错误,从而达到集成测试构件化软件的目的。该文提出了一种基于合约检查的构件集成测试框架 (contract-checking test framework,CCTF)。讨论了该框架合约检查的思想、5大功能模块以及其测试流程,并介绍了将CCTF应用到构件化软件测试平台实现的一些关键技术。  相似文献   

构件功能行为测试的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于构件的内部信息屏蔽和演变速度快等特点,使用者在验证构件所提供的功能与其需求是否真正一致时往往比较困难.我们用接口自动机为构件的行为建模,研究构件功能行为的测试问题.首先提出基于简单运行的测试准则,然后介绍了从构件模型中生成简单运行序列并获得功能行为的算法,最后用一个实例对所提出的方法进行了说明并与相关方法进行了对比.文中介绍的方法在系统级别对构件整体行为进行测试,可自动生成测试序列,有利于构件的验证和测试.  相似文献   

构件复用是提高软件开发效率的有效途径,构件测试是保证构件质量的重要手段。针对目前构件测试的现状,对构件测试进行了深入研究,提出了一种合约检查的构件测试方法,将Bertrand Meyer的合约概念引入到构件设计开发测试过程中,从构件开发者和复用者的角度分析构件及构件的测试,违反构件合约时抛出异常信息,快速定位异常位置,提高软件开发的效率。  相似文献   

普适计算应用运行在高度异构、复杂多变的环境中,如何便捷、高效地部署与配置此类系统,是目前普适计算领域面临的挑战之一。为有效支持构件化普适计算应用的部署与配置,基于模型驱动的思想,遵循OMG的轻量级构件规范和构件部署与配置规范,设计实现了一个轻量级构件部署与配置工具StarDCTool。StarDCTool能够通过目标运行平台建模对计算环境的异构性进行支持,通过部署计划建模支持构件化应用的部署和配置过程的重用,进而自动化地生成与部署和配置相关的元数据。通过具体的构件化导航应用案例,验证了StarDCTool的功能和特点。  相似文献   

本文围绕现阶段接口自动化测试的产生原因,以及怎样设计框架去实现接口测试的自动化,这两个方面去讨论.通过借助python语言并和unittest来实现接口自动化测试的框架的建设,并将其应用于冒烟测试、回归测试,在敏捷开发过程中缩短测试时间,提高产品质量,该框架可复用性高,测试人员只需提供接口测试用例,配置jenkins'定时任务,生成测试报告发送到企业邮箱内,能够更快更方便到监控接口的正常运行.  相似文献   

基于XML的具有性能约束构件的组装技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用在软总线TAO(The ACE ORB)上利用XML文档中所包含的语义化的抽象数据类型对构件对象进行操作,从而实现语义化的性能约束构件组装。建构的XML模式描述了构件组装相关的构件接口、交互及配置规约,并通过接口显式地表达构件对环境的依赖,使得能在一个分布式的网络环境里,将多个处于不同节点、提供紧密相关服务的构件在运行时动态地组装成功能系统。在给出的示例中,实现了将三个分布在不同节点的性能约束构件通过它们接口的交互及配置,实现在运行时开放的松散式组装。最后给出了下一步研究工作的重点及方向。  相似文献   

对于构件使用者来说,源代码的不可得性决定了测试构件需要从构件的接口层面上进行。文章首先介绍了变异测试和遗传算法的概念;接着将遗传算法运用到构件接口变异上,通过变异测试过程获取有效而充分的测试用例,进而对构件进行测试;最后通过一个实例验证这种测试策略。  相似文献   

针对构件质量受测试数据影响较大的问题,提出了一种合约构件测试数据生成方法。首先,对合约类型进行划分;对简单合约采取等价类划分、边界值选取和取随机值相合的方法,对复杂合约采取复杂合约联立组成线性方程组,利用高斯消元法求解线性方程组,得到相关测试数据;最后,对所有参数采用笛卡尔乘积的形式生成最终测试数据。实践证明,该方法提高构件测试效率,保证构件测试质量。  相似文献   

构件合约化测试方法可用于改善软件质量、提高软件可靠性,但在其使用过程中,容易造成合约代码和业务逻辑代码的交叉混乱,影响代码的封装性和复用性.针对该不足,文中提出一种基于AOP的构件合约化测试方法,分别运用横切关注点和纵切关注点实现合约代码和功能代码,达到代码分离的目的.最后通过架构构件测试平台验证该方法的有效性.实践结果表明,该方法能有效地解决代码之间的混乱问题,提高代码的可维护性,对实现高内聚度的软件构件提供一定的理论支持.  相似文献   

通用鱼雷模拟器适应性软件开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
杨占龙  陈航  杨虎 《计算机工程》2011,37(24):290-292
提出一种具有动态重配置功能的分布式仿真系统成员适应性软件构架,开发通用鱼雷模拟器的适应性软件,它由接口通信层、需求管理层、适应性重配层以及功能实现层构成,给出软件开发所需的关键技术,包括动态重配引擎、可配置化构件模型与功能构件库。利用该通用鱼雷模拟器适应性软件进行实例测试,结果验证了其可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

Assembling new software systems from prefabricated components is an attractive alternative to traditional software engineering practices which promises to increase reuse and reduce development costs. However, these benefits will only occur if separately developed components can be made to work effectively together with reasonable effort. Lengthy and costly in-situ verification and acceptance testing directly undermines the benefits of independent component fabrication and late system integration. This position paper outlines and introduces an approach for reducing manual system verification effort by equipping components with the ability to check their execution environments at run-time. When deployed in new systems, built-in tester components check the contract-compliance of their server components, including the run-time system, and thus automatically verify their ability to fulfill their own obligations. This comprises functional/behavioural contracts as well as quality-of-service contracts between individual components. Enhancing traditional component-based development methods with built-in contract testing in this way reduces the costs associated with component assembly, and thus makes the “plug-and-play” vision of component-based development closer to practical reality.  相似文献   

经过对大量设备的接口测试软件调查研究,发现现有的测试软件大多都是采用传统的软件开发方法且只针对某个具体设备开发,软件可复用度低、可扩展性差;针对此问题,基于构件思想对接口测试软件框架进行设计,研究了构件的适配和组装机制,对构件适配逻辑和组装逻辑进行了规范,设计了构件的组装框架和运行框架,并在.NET平台下进行了实现;用户可以方便地通过调整、修改、添加、删除构件之间的连接关系就可以实现对不同设备接口的测试,以避免对只是存在一点差异的不同设备就不得不重新开发一套测试系统,节约了大量的开发费用,系统具有复用度高、易扩展等特点。  相似文献   

陈鑫 《软件学报》2008,19(5):1134-1148
现代构件系统通常包含多个并发执行的主动构件,这使得验证构件系统的正确性变得十分困难.通过对构件演算进行扩展,提出了一种主动构件的精化方法.在构件接口层引入契约.契约使用卫式设计描述公共方法和主动活动的功能规约.通过一对发散、失败集合定义契约的动态行为,并利用发散、失败集合之间的包含关系定义契约间的精化关系.证明了应用仿真技术确认契约精化关系的定理.定义构件的语义为其需求接口契约到其服务接口契约的函数,以此为基础,可以通过契约的精化来证明构件的精化.给出了构件的组装规则.在构件系统自底向上的构造过程中,应用构件的精化方法和组装规则可以保证最终系统的正确性.  相似文献   

Component users need to customize components they obtain from providers, because providers usually develop components for general use. Although the customization is accomplished by modifying the interface of a component, faults from customization appear when the implementation part of a component and the interfaces interact. The implementation part is a black‐box, whose source code is not available to a component user, while the interface is a white‐box, whose source code is available for customization. Therefore, customization faults should be tested using both the black‐box part and the white‐box part of a component. This paper proposes a new technique to test customization faults using software fault injection and mutation testing, and the technique is tailored to Enterprise JavaBeans. Test cases are selected by injecting faults not into the entire interface but into specific parts of the component's interface. The specific parts that are chosen control the effectiveness of the test cases. An empirical study to evaluate the technique is reported. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Software components are increasingly assembled from other components. Each component may further depend on others, and each may have multiple active versions. The total number of configurations—combinations of components and their versions—in use can be very large. Moreover, components are constantly being enhanced and new versions are being released. Component developers, therefore, spend considerable time and effort doing compatibility testing—determining whether their components can be built correctly for all deployed configurations–both for existing active component versions and new releases. In previous work we developed Rachet, a distributed, cache-aware mechanism to support large-scale compatibility testing of component-based software with a fixed set of component versions.In this paper, we observe that it is too expensive to perform compatibility testing from scratch each time a new version of a component is released. We thus add a new dimension to Rachet: to perform incremental and prioritized compatibility testing. We describe algorithms to compute differences in component compatibilities between current and previous component builds, a formal test adequacy criterion based on covering the differences, and cache-aware configuration sampling and testing methods that attempt to reuse effort from previous testing sessions. Because testers are often interested in focusing test effort on newly released and modified components and their versions, we have developed a prioritization mechanism that enhances compatibility testing by examining the configurations that test new or modified component versions first, while also distributing the work over a cluster of machines. We evaluate our approach using the 5-year evolution history of a scientific middleware component. Our results show that our methods can increase performance significantly over Rachet’s previous retest-all approach and also tests important component compatibilities early in the overall testing process, making the process of compatibility testing practical for evolving components.  相似文献   

基于界面构件关联图的软件功能测试技术   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
针对具有图形用户界面(GUI)且进行事务处理软件系统的功能测试,从界面构件间关联特征出发,提出了界面构件关联图,描述界面中各个构件之间相互联结,制约关系,进而提出了基于界面构件关联图的软件测试覆盖准则和测试用例生成方法,最后给出一个利用界面构件关联图进行软件测试的应用实例。  相似文献   

Component‐based development has emerged as a system engineering approach that promises rapid software development with fewer resources. Yet, improved reuse and reduced cost benefits from software components can only be achieved in practice if the components provide reliable services, thereby rendering component analysis and testing a key activity. This paper discusses various issues that can arise in component testing by the component user at the stage of its integration within the target system. The crucial problem is the lack of information for analysis and testing of externally developed components. Several testing techniques for component integration have recently been proposed. These techniques are surveyed here and classified according to a proposed set of relevant attributes. The paper thus provides a comprehensive overview which can be useful as introductory reading for newcomers in this research field, as well as to stimulate further investigation. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着构件技术在软件开发中的广泛应用,人们对构件化软件系统质量的要求也在不断提高。该文运用模型检验技术进行接口变异测试的相关研究工作。该文首先详细介绍了基于模型检验技术的变异测试的基本原理,随后通过对构件集成时接口之间的交互关系进行分析后,提出了通过构造接口函数调用关系模型进行基于模型检验的接口变异测试方法。最后,通过实例进行了对JavaBean构件的接口测试用例的自动生成。  相似文献   

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