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高级多层材料的直接表面和深度分布化学分析要求了解多维信息,包括同时了解元素和分子信息。用飞行时间质谱法(TOFMS)检测的脉冲式射频辉光放电(pulsed rf-GDs)可以从种类繁多的材料中直接提供化学信息,且简单快捷。另一方面,脉冲式射频辉光放电中输入功率的时间分布由于不同的离子化机理产生3个主要放电阶段(峰前,高峰平稳,峰后)。结果证明将辉光放电离子源和一个快速飞行时间质谱仪相结合能够实现在不同的脉冲阶段几乎同时获得元素和分子信息。  相似文献   

The distribution and desorption processes of hydrogen and deuterium have been visualized by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The present article deals with four principal points: (1) visualizing the hydrogen distribution, (2) visualizing the hydrogen desorption process from each metallurgical microstructure under various holding times at 25 °C, (3) visualizing the hydrogen desorption process during heating, and (4) determining the correspondence between desorption profiles and desorption sites. A spheroidal graphite cast iron specimen was prepared for visualizing hydrogen, since it consists of basic microstructures of steels such as ferrite and pearlite. Hydrogen and deuterium were occluded into the cast iron. The amount of hydrogen and the existing states of hydrogen in the cast iron were analyzed by thermal desorption spectrometry (TDS). The TDS analyses show that the hydrogen desorption has two peaks, namely, the low- and high-temperature peaks corresponding to trap activation energies of 21.6 and 105.8 kJ/mol, respectively. The SIMS analyses of the specimen cooled after heating to 100 °C, 200 °C, and 300 °C reveal that the hydrogen desorbs from the ferrite after heating to 100 °C, from the pearlite and the interfaces between the ferrite and the graphite after heating to 200 °C, and from the pearlite after heating to 300 °C. The graphite remains, trapping hydrogen after heating to 300 °C. On the basis of TDS and SIMS results, the relationship between the desorption profile and desorption sites was identified; that is, the low-temperature peak corresponds to ferrite, pearlite, and graphite/ferrite interfaces, while the high-temperature peak corresponds to graphite.  相似文献   

The products of a wide variety of organic reactions were rapidly identified by their masses through a combination of thin layer chromatography (TLC) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS). Crude mixtures of peptides and glycopeptides, complex carbohydrate reactions, and a classical organic reaction were analysed using the following standard protocol. The components of the reaction mixtures were first separated on the TLC plate, scraped off, extracted and analysed by MALDI-TOFMS. The technique used is easy and applicable to most organic reactions, becoming a very powerful technique in reaction optimization once composition and identity of TLC spots have been established by MS. Moreover, the TLC/MALDI-TOFMS method was used to identify low molecular weight compounds with masses within the matrix region (100-500 u), a goal which is normally difficult to achieve. We successfully detected low molecular weight compounds by suppression of the matrix peaks using a relatively low matrix:analyte ratio (15:1 or lower). Doping both matrix and analyte solutions with [Cs]+ ions resulted in suppression of both [Na]+ and [K]+ peaks, thus enhancing the spectral signals and making identification of low molecular weight compounds more facile.  相似文献   

An ion trap/ion mobility/time-of-flight mass spectrometry technique is shown to be a rapid and sensitive means of analyzing peptide/protein mixtures. In this approach, an ion trap is used to accumulate ions that have been electrosprayed from a mixture into concentrated packets. The ion packets are injected into a drift tube where components of the mixture are separated based on differences in mobility through a buffer gas. Ions that exit the drift tube are dispersed in a time-of-flight mass spectrometer for mass-to-charge (m/z) determination. The gas-phase separation strategy reduces congestion in the mass spectrum, and experimental mobilities complement m/z measurements in assigning peaks. Examples of the application of the approach to identification of peptides (from tryptic digests) and to separation of charge-state distributions from electrospray of a mixture containing ubiquitin and myoglobin are presented. Most peptides that are observed from tryptic digests of proteins such as cytochrome c and myoglobin can be identified from data that are acquired in under 1 min; studies of mixtures with known compositions indicate that detection limits are approximately 0.5-3 pmol for individual components. Factors that may influence the distributions that are observed, such as storage time in the trap, injection voltages used for the mobility experiment, and variations in ion cross section with charge state, are discussed.  相似文献   

高效、高灵敏度的原位微区分析技术开发对于固态电迁移等稀土提纯工艺具有重要意义。实验以固态电迁移提纯后金属镝棒为研究对象,将激光剥蚀-电感耦合等离子体质谱法(LA-ICP-MS)应用于高纯稀土金属的微区分布分析。研究了激光剥蚀速率对样品覆盖率和分析时间的影响,确定了剥蚀速率为50μm/s;考察了剥蚀池及ICP-MS载气流量对待测元素信号强度、氧化物产率及元素分馏效应的影响,确定了载气流量分别为0.60L/min(He)和1.0L/min(Ar)。采用线扫描方式,以基体元素~(158)Dy为内标,获得了不同电迁移区域各杂质元素的二维相对强度分布图,初步探究了各杂质元素的迁移规律。结果显示:在电迁移过程中,Al、Si、Ti、Fe、Mo、W元素从阴极向阳极迁移;Ni、Cu元素从中间区域向两极迁移。这一迁移趋势与辉光放电质谱法(GD-MS)分析结果相一致。同时,LA-ICP-MS还得到更丰富的微区统计分布信息。不同电迁移区域各杂质元素最大偏析度、相对标准偏差(RSD)值及最大偏析位置进一步揭示了各元素的迁移状态,可能与固态电迁移工艺相联系。因此,LA-ICPMS有望为稀土金属提纯工艺解析及优化提供一种新的有效分析手段。  相似文献   

The concentration of deuterium at the surface of cathodically charged high strength steels AISI 1062, 4037, and 4140 has been determined by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The beneficial effects of pickling in NAP (a mixture of nitric, acetic, and phosphoric acids) to remove surfacebound deuterium have been observed. formerly with AMCA International Limited, Kanata, ON, Canada  相似文献   

Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) by external injection of matrix-assisted laser desorbed and ionized (MALDI) polymers offers good possibilities for characterization of low molecular weight homopolymers (MW range up to 10 kDa). The molecular masses of the molecular weight distribution (MWD) components of underivatized and derivatized (dimethyl, dipropyl, dibutyl and diacetyl) polyethylene glycol (PEG) 1000 and 4000 were measured by MALDI-FTICR-MS. These measurements have been performed using a commercial FTICR spectrometer with a home-built external ion source. MALDI of the samples with a 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid matrix in a 1000:1 matrix-to-analyte molar ratio produces sodiated molecules in a sufficient yield to trap the ions in the ICR cell. The masses of the molecular weight distribution of PEG components were measured in broad-band mode with a mass accuracy of < 5 ppm in the mass range around 1000 u and within 40 ppm accuracy around 4000 u. From these measurements, the endgroup mass of the polymer was determined by correlation of the measured component mass with the degree of polymerization. The masses of the PEG endgroups have been determined within a deviation of 3-10 millimass units for the PEG1000 derivatives and 10-100 millimass units for the PEG4000 derivatives, thus confirming the identity of the distal parts of the model compounds.  相似文献   

For the first time, the new technique of time-resolved electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) has been used to accurately measure the pre-steady state kinetics of an enzymatic reaction by monitoring a transient enzyme intermediate. The enzyme used to illustrate this approach, Bacillus circulans xylanase, is a retaining glycosidase that hydrolyzes xylan or beta-xylobiosides through a double-displacement mechanism involving a covalent xylobiosyl-enzyme intermediate. A low steady state level of this intermediate formed during the hydrolysis of 2,5-dinitrophenyl beta-d-xylobioside was detected by time-resolved ESI-MS. The low concentration of this intermediate and its rate of formation did not permit pre-steady state kinetic analysis. By contrast, the covalent intermediate accumulates fully when the Tyr80Phe mutant hydrolyzes the same substrate. Using time-resolved ESI-MS, the pre-steady state kinetic parameters for the formation of the covalent intermediate in the mutant xylanase have been determined. The kinetic data are in agreement with those determined by monitoring the release of 2, 5-dinitrophenol with stopped-flow UV-vis spectroscopy. This demonstrates that time-resolved ESI-MS can be used to accurately monitor the pre-steady state kinetics of enzymatic reactions, with the advantage of identifying transient enzyme intermediates by their mass.  相似文献   

In 1990 Kapolowé was, without a doubt, the site of the only surgical centre in Zaire dealing with handicaps which developed in as an after-effect of leprosy. It would be useful to explain the hazards involved in such a venture for reasons which do not pertain to medicine but, rather, to particularly trying socio-political circumstances. The best surgical expertise was thrown out for political reasons. Insecurity and economic hardships practically halted movement and, consequently, the wider application of such expertise. During a mission in 1994, there was a partial resumption of activities. The surgical team was reinstalled and made operational. It had been possible to state that multidrug therapy (MDT) had always ensured that the disabled leprosy patients, living in groups, and treated before 1990 under regular supervision, did not experience serious relapses. That fact corroborates earlier information relating particularly to surgical decompression. Although most of them were able to resume a certain measure of professional activity, social factors must still be borne in mind and the concept of partial permanent disability must be applied.  相似文献   

在探讨内标法和基体归一法校准的基本原理基础上,建立了193 nm ArF准分子激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱无内标定量分析钢铁标样的方法。结果表明,采用Fe作内标和基体归一法(无内标)两种校正方法获得的中低合金钢GBW01398、含氮铸铁GBW01138和不锈钢GBW01659分析结果相对误差在5%以内。与传统的内标法相比,采用基体归一校准法的最大优点是无需预先知道样品中某一内标元素的含量即可进行定量。这一特点使得该技术也可适用于难以找到均匀分布的内标元素的样品的空间分布测定。剥蚀坑电镜扫描图像显示的波浪形底以及剥蚀坑周围显著拓展的外缘表明样品在剥蚀过程中,由于"热效应"发生了较严重的部分熔融。计算的分馏因子表明钢铁标样中元素V、Cr、Fe、Co、Ni和Cu的分馏因子与所用的外标参考物质NIST 610相似,接近于1且标准偏差较小。其它大部分微量元素由于含量低和分布不均一造成计算得到的元素分馏因子标准偏差特别大。钢铁标样中Cr、Fe、Co、Ni测定值与认定值的相对偏差都在10%以内。本文还发现Mg和轻稀土以及Bi和Pb在钢铁标样GBW01138中的分布具有很好的相关性。  相似文献   

The use of explosives as matrices, a principle used previously in plasma desorption mass spectrometry, was applied to fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FABMS). Ternary matrices were prepared by the addition of picric acid and related compounds to the binary matrix routinely used for the analysis of peptides, viz. thioglycerol-dithiodiethanol. With the new matrices, the spectra of three ferri-pyoverdins (iron-siderophore complexes which are often difficult to analyse by FABMS with standard matrices) showed a significant increase in both intensity and duration of the ion current. They present a valuable tool for the analysis of problematic analytes and for collision-induced dissociation MS/MS experiments.  相似文献   

Electrospray ionization coupled to a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer is used to differentiate between the isobaric amino acids lysine and glutamine in sequence analysis of peptides. Collision-induced dissociation is used for fragmentation. Several isobaric peptides with one or more lysines or glutamines at different positions were investigated. The ambiguous amino acid either in the peptide chain or at the C- or N-terminus can be clearly identified based on specific side chain fragment ions resulting from MS3 or MS4 of B- and Y"-fragment ions.  相似文献   

A new sensitive assay has been developed for the quantitative measurement of BN50727 at the picomole level in human plasma and urine. The drug and the internal standard (BN50788) were measured by combined liquid chromatography/negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry with methane as the reagent gas. A simple solid-liquid extraction procedure was used to isolate BN50727 from the complex biological matrices. The mass spectrometer was tuned to monitor the intense and stable ion at m/z 333 which was generated in the ion source by a dissociative capture process. This assay was performed with 1 ml of plasma or 0.1 ml of urine and the quantification limit of the method was statistically calculated as 1 ng ml-1. The very low relative standard deviations and mean percentages of error calculated during the different within-day or between-day repeatability assays have clearly demonstrated the ruggedness of the technique for the routine determination of BN50727 in biological fluids. Some preliminary results on the pharmacokinetics of the drug are presented to illustrate the applicability of this powerful liquid chromatographic/mass spectrometric method.  相似文献   

The glycosphingolipid compositions of rat mammary tumour cell lines with different metastatic potentials for the lung [a parental tumour cell line (MTC) and its subclones MTLn2 (a non metastatic subclone) and MTLn3 (a subclone with high metastatic potential to the lung)] were studied using a newly developed TLC blotting/secondary ion mass spectrometry system and crude glycosphingolipids obtained from 0.5-1 x 10(7) cells of each cell line. GM3 and GM2 were the major components of the MTC cell line, but they were very minor components in the MTLn2 and MTLn3 cell lines, GDla being the major ganglioside HexNAc-fucosyl-GMla was found in the MTLn2 cells by the TLC blotting/SIMS method, and the terminal sugar linkage was shown to be a blood group A-type structure by immunostaining. These findings suggest that the ganglioside is a novel type of blood group A-active ganglioside, GalNAc alpha 1-3(fuc alpha 1 -2)GMla. No blood group A-active lipid was present in MTLn3 cells, whereas Hex-GMla and neutral glycosphingolipids with more than 5 sugar residues were.  相似文献   

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