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This paper proposes a complete analytical solution for stress field near a crack-tip in closed form to analyse the effects of load biaxiality and is concerned with the following problems: stress intensity factor of pure type-I and type-II fracture; patterns of maximum shear isostats (isochromatic fringe patterns); patterns of octahedral stresses σi and small-scale elasto-plastic stress field; the direction of initial crack extension and the biaxial effects on the crack with a blunt tip.  相似文献   

Barchiesi D  Gharbi T 《Applied optics》1999,38(31):6587-6596
In near-field optical microscopy the resolution is strongly related to the experimental illumination conditions and to the separation between tip and sample. Therefore the spectral information in near-field data (related to the resolution in images) can be described only locally as a function of the tip-sample position. To make a local study of the spectral information in near-field data, we use wavelet decomposition that is associated with the calculation of entropy. We deduce the resolution from the characteristics of the wavelet, which leads to an automatic and numerical evaluation of the resolution in near-field data.  相似文献   

Interface problems in magnetostatics are formulated as boundary integral equations of the second kind involving the appropriate scalar (no current sources) or vector potentials. The boundary element method (BEM), which employs parametric representation of surfaces and sources, is used to solve some two-dimensional examples by way of illustration. A novel approach, automated to address Green's functions singularities over arbitrarily-shaped geometries, is introduced.  相似文献   

A finite deformation analysis of the region surrounding the tip of crack-like elliptical perforations in an infinite plate under all around tension is presented as a model of the near field behavior of stress freezing photoelastic materials above critical temperature. The study is carried out in the deformed geometry and includes the effects of finite strains and rotations. A stress function is first introduced into the complete compatibility equations through linear constitutive relations; the resulting governing equation is solved through finite differences. The range of root radii investigated varies from one to nine times that of a deformed crack. Normal stresses and stress intensity factors are presented. The results of the analysis are compared to the linear analysis of Inglis. The effects of finite strains and rotations are shown to be large but are concentrated within a few root radii of the tip. Results suggest that the stress distribution near the notch root depends on the size of the root radius: small root radii produce maximum stresses away from the tip, whereas larger root radii produce maximum stresses at the tip itself. These effects are judged too local to influence photoelastic stress intensity determination.  相似文献   

Terahertz pulse propagation in the near field and the far field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a detailed investigation of the propagation properties of beams of ultrashort terahertz (THz) pulses emitted from large-aperture (LA) antennas. The large area of the emitter is demonstrated to have substantial influence on the temporal pulse profile in both the near field and the far field. We perform a numerical analysis based on scalar and vectorial broadband diffraction theory and are able to distinguish between near-field and far-field contributions to the total THz signal. We find that the THz beam from a LA antenna propagates like a Gaussian beam and that the temporal profile of the THz pulse, measured in the near field, contains information about the temporal and spatial field distribution on the emitter surface, which is intrinsically connected to the carrier dynamics of the antenna substrate. As a result of pulse reshaping, focusing of the THz beam leads to a reduced relative pulse momentum, with implications in THz field-ionization experiments.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of varying excipient content on the formation and physical properties of 3?D printed tablets. Fifteen different excipient preparations were formed into tablets with radii of 5?mm and thickness of 2?mm, using binder jetting (BJ). The tablets were analyzed by assessing visual and microstructural appearance, friability, hardness, and disintegration time. We found that filling agents with high water solubility (e.g. D-sucrose), binding agents with a high viscosity in solution (e.g. polyethylene glycol 4000) and moistening agent with higher water content can increase the bonding strength and hardness of the 3?D printed tablets and prolonged their disintegration time. This work has demonstrated that the type of excipient and its concentration affects the properties of the 3?D printed tablet. This article may be used as a guide for elucidation of the effects of using conventional tablet excipients in the field of 3?D printed pharmaceuticals. The present work should enable the identification of excipients that satisfy requirements, reduce analysis time, and improve efficiency.  相似文献   

Owing to their promise of obtaining optical as well as topographic information in nanometer scale, apertureless near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) and apertureless near-field scanning optical spectroscopy have drawn much attention recently. However, NSOM is still not a mature technique. A proper understanding of and the ability to tune the near field around the tip end is critically important in NSOM instrumentation and in NSOM image interpretation. On the basis of reflection geometry, we systematically studied the effects of a number of parameters pertinent in the application of apertureless NSOM, e.g., polarization, incident angle, wavelength of the incident laser, tip material, and tip length, by using the generalized field propagator technique. Our results show that all the above parameters have a significant influence on near-field enhancement and that care must be taken in the design of the experiment in order to maximize the near field. In addition to apertureless NSOM and spectroscopy, apertureless near-field lithography can benefit from these simulation results.  相似文献   

This article contains electromechanical analysis of a piezoelectric bimorph actuator at high electric field by incorporating second-order constitutive equations of piezoelectric material. Tip deflection, block force, block moment, block load, output strain energy, output energy density, input electrical energy, and energy efficiency are analytically derived for the actuator at high electric field. The analysis shows that output energy and energy density increase more rapidly at high electric field, compared to the prediction by the linear model. The analysis shows energy efficiency depends on electric field. Some analytical results are validated with the published experimental results.  相似文献   

New transition elements used with the collapsed triangular singular elements are constructed by using the improved isoparametric transformations. Without 1/r singular terms, the new transition elements' strain fields contain only % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGak0Jf9crFfpeea0xh9v8qiW7rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaaGymaiaac+% cadaGcaaqcaawaaiaadkhaaKqaGfqaaaaa!3B47!\[1/\sqrt r \] singularities and match the Williams solution quite well near the crack tip. It is convenient for the new transition elements to be constructed and introduced in the general purpose finite element programs by adding some modifications. Numerical results show that the transition elements possess good properties and are worth being applied to linear fracture computations.  相似文献   

Limits on the effective resolution of many optical near-field experiments are investigated. The results are applicable to variants of total-internal-reflection microscopy (TIRM), photon-scanning-tunneling microscopy (PSTM), and near-field-scanning-optical microscopy (NSOM) in which the sample is weakly scattering and the direction of illumination may be controlled. Analytical expressions for the variance of the estimate of the complex susceptibility of an unknown two-dimensional object as a function of spatial frequency are obtained for Gaussian and Poisson noise models, and a model-independent measure is examined. The results are used to explore the transition from near-zone to far-zone detection. It is demonstrated that the information content of the measurements made at a distance of even one wavelength away from the sample is already not much different from the information content of the far field.  相似文献   


The optical near field of a localized source has been studied by means of the angular spectrum representation of the electromagnetic Green's tensor. This Green's tensor can be expressed in terms of four auxiliary functions, which depend on the field point through the dimensionless radial distance q to the source, or origin of coordinates, and the polar angle ρ with the z axis. Each function separates into a part containing travelling (radiative) waves and a part which is a superposition of evanescent (decaying) waves. We have derived series expansions in q of the four functions, both for the travelling and for the evanescent parts. It is shown that the travelling waves are finite at the origin of coordinates, and that all singular behaviour of the radiation field is governed by the evanescent waves. It is illustrated numerically that the series expansions are applicable up to about five wavelengths from the origin. In order to extend the range to also cover larger values of q, we have derived series expansions of the auxiliary functions which converge rapidly near the x-y plane, and a full asymptotic expansion with the z coordinate as the large variable. Finally, from the properties of the Taylor coefficients we have derived simple new integral representations for the auxiliary functions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the characteristics of the cosmic-ray neutron field near air/ground and air/water interfaces with an emphasis on the angular distribution. Two sets of high-efficiency neutron detecting systems were used. The first one, called the Bonner Cylinders, was used for measurements of the energy information. The other one, referred to as the eight-channel neutron detector (8CND), was used to characterize the angular information of the neutron field. The measured results were used to normalize and confirm one-dimensional transport calculations for cosmic-ray neutrons below 20 MeV in the air/ground and air/water media. Annual sea level cosmic-ray neutron doses were then determined based on the obtained characteristics of low-energy cosmic-ray neutrons near interfaces and estimated contribution from high-energy neutrons.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the accuracy and information content of three-dimensional reconstructions of the dielectric susceptibility of a sample from noisy, near-field holographic measurements, such as those made in scanning probe microscopy. Holographic measurements are related to the dielectric susceptibility via a linear operator within the accuracy of the first Born approximation. The maximum-likelihood reconstruction of the dielectric susceptibility is expressed as a linear combination of basis functions determined by singular value decomposition of the weighted measurement operator. Maximum a posteriori estimates based on prior information are also discussed. Semianalytical expressions are given for the likely error due to measurement noise in the basis function coefficients, resulting in effective resolution limits in all three dimensions. These results are illustrated by numerical examples.  相似文献   

We study a numerical method of calculating the near field of ensembles of arbitrary spheres by extending Mie theory. A recursive method based on the orders of scattering is presented. This method represents a concise way to calculate the near field of aggregates of any number of arbitrary spheres, Numerical examples are given to show its validity.  相似文献   

For magnetic field analysis by edge elements of the magnetic components, the method considering inhomogeneous current distribution within the conductor windings is investigated. To consider the inhomogeneous current distribution within the windings, we utilized the magnetic vector potential represented by edge elements and the current conservation equation represented by nodal elements in the region of the windings. In the first application, the eddy-current model, which has the conventional wire winding, was analyzed. For correct analysis using our method, it is required that all turns of the wire winding be divided into meshes. However, if the region of the wire winding does not exceed the winding window of the magnetic core, even the combination of our method and the solidly modeled wire winding enables us to correctly analyze the transformer and the inductor with conventional wire winding. In the second application, a flat transformer with conductor winding, such as a copper foil or sheet, was analyzed. The magnetic flux densities within the flat core and the inductance calculated by our method were in good agreement with the experiments. Thus, we confirmed the effectiveness of our method considering inhomogeneous current distribution within the conductor windings.  相似文献   

为系统研究精密机床进给系统热误差的形成机理及其影响因素,提出了一种考虑结构热变形的进给系统热误差建模方法。在考虑进给系统内生热源及冷却系统对丝杠螺母副的温升和丝杠热变形作用机制的前提下,同时考虑了进给系统内生热源对精密机床结构大件(床身、立柱、溜板)热态特性的影响规律。通过分析结构热变形引起的进给系统电机座和轴承座相对位置的变化,建立了综合考虑结构大件和丝杠热变形的进给系统热误差模型。以JIG630精密卧式加工中心为例,进行了考虑结构热变形和不考虑结构热变形的进给系统热误差建模与仿真分析,并开展了相应的测试验证实验。结果表明考虑结构热变形的进给系统热误差模型仿真值与实验结果具有更高的一致性。该建模方法对精密机床进给系统热平衡设计、热误差的控制与补偿具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

Stress fields on elastic-creep bi-material interfaces with different geometry of the interface edge are analyzed by finite element method. The results reveal that the stress highly concentrates near the interface edge at the loading instant and it gradually decreases as the creep-dominated zone expands from the small-scale creep to the large-scale creep. The stress singularity due to creep which resembles the HRR stress singularity appears near the interface edge in all cases. The stress intensity near the interface edge time-dependently decreases and becomes constant when the transition reaches the steady state. The magnitude is scarcely influenced by the edge shape of elastic material, though it depends on the edge shape of creep material. The stress intensity during the transition can be approximately predicted by the J-integral at the loading instant.  相似文献   

为了修正目前国内所普遍采用的船舶辐射噪声测量方法,建立了一个具有一定空间分布的船舶辐射噪声源模型。利用渡数积分方法仿真计算了该模型在自由场条件下的近程声场,并分析了近场辐射噪声的基本规律。仿真结果与国外文献提供的船舶水下辐射噪声近场特性吻合,验证了所建模型的正确性。  相似文献   

A representation of the temperature fields and the components of the vector of heat-flux density in both the base material (matrix) and the conjugate medium (inclusion) has been found for anisotropic media in the case of the interface with a singular line on condition of ideal thermal contact. It has been shown that the anisotropy of thermal properties makes it possible to do away with the singularity of the components of the heatflux-density vector. Particular cases of isotropy of the media and of heat-insulated and isothermal inclusions have been investigated. The results obtained are applicable for studying the nonstationary heat conduction of an anisotropic body with an uneven anisotropic inclusion. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 82, No. 1, pp. 157–162, January–February, 2009.  相似文献   

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