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Adult New Zealand rabbits were used to transplant autologously harvested and in vitro cultured chondrocytes into patellar chondral lesions that had been made previously and were 3 mm in diameter, extending down to the calcified zone. Healing of the defects was assessed by gross examination, light microscope, and histological-histochemical scoring at 8, 12, and 52 weeks. Chondrocyte transplantation significantly increased the amount of newly formed repair tissue compared to the found in control knees in which the lesion was solely covered by a periosteal flap. In another experiment, carbon fiber pads seeded with chondrocytes were used as scaffolds, and repair significantly increased at both 12 and 52 weeks compared to knees in which scaffolds without chondrocytes were implanted. The histologic quality scores of the repair tissue were significantly better in all knees in which defects were treated with chondrocytes compared to knees treated with periosteum alone and better at 52 weeks compared to knees in which defects were treated with carbon scaffolds seeded with chondrocytes. The repair tissue, however, tended to incomplete the bonding to adjacent cartilage. This study shows that isolated autologous articular chondrocytes that have been expanded for 2 weeks in vitro can stimulate the healing phase of chondral lesions. A gradual maturation of the hyalinelike repair with a more pronounced columnarization was noted as late as 1 year after surgery.  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to evaluate reparative tissues formed in chondral defects in an adult canine model implanted with cultured autologous articular chondrocytes seeded in type I and II collagen GAG matrices. Two defects were produced in the trochlea grooves of the knees of 21 dogs, with cartilage removed down to the tidemark. This study includes the evaluation of 36 defects distributed among five treatment groups: Group A, type II collagen matrix seeded with autologous chondrocytes under a sutured type II collagen flap; Group B, type I collagen matrices seeded with chondrocytes under a sutured fascia flap; Group C, unseeded type I collagen matrix implanted under a sutured fascia flap; Group D, fascia lata flap alone; and Group E, untreated defects. All animals were killed 15 weeks after implantation. Six other defects were created at the time of death and evaluated immediately after production as 'acute defect controls'. In three additional defects, unseeded matrices were sutured to the defect and the knee closed and reopened after 30 min to determine if early displacement of the graft was occurring; these defects served as 'acute implant controls'. The areal percentages of four tissue types in the chondral zone of the original defect were determined histomorphometrically: fibrous tissue (FT); hyaline cartilage (HC); transitional tissue (TT, including fibrocartilage); and articular cartilage (AC). New tissue formed in the remodeling subchondral bone underlying certain defects was also assessed. Bonding of the repair tissue to the subchondral plate and adjacent cartilage, and degradation of the adjacent tissues were evaluated. There were no significant differences in the tissues filling the original defect area of the sites treated with chondrocyte-seeded type I and type II matrices. Most of the tissue in the area of the original defect in all of the groups was FT and TT. The areal percentage of HC plus AC was highest in group E, with little such tissue in the cell-seeded groups, and none in groups C and D. The greatest total amount of reparative tissue, however, was found in the cell-seeded type II matrix group. Moreover, examination of the reparative tissue formed in the subchondral region of defects treated with the chondrocyte-seeded collagen matrices (Groups A and B) demonstrated that the majority of the tissue was positive for type II collagen and stained with safranin O. These results indicate an influence of the exogenous chondrocytes on the process of chondrogenesis in this site. In all groups with implants (A-D), 30(50% of the FT and TT was bonded to the adjacent cartilage. Little of this tissue (6-22%) was attached to the subchondral plate, which was only about 50% intact. Remarkable suture damage was found in sections from each group in which sutures were used. Harvest sites showed no regeneration of normal articular cartilage, 18 weeks after the biopsy procedure. Future studies need to investigate other matrix characteristics, and the effects of cell density and incubation of the seeded sponges prior to implantation on the regenerative response.  相似文献   

Adult articular chondrocytes are each surrounded by a heterogeneous microenvironment and together form the chondron. Since little is known of chondron development, agarose gel culture, confocal immunohistochemistry and image analysis have been used to characterize the molecular anatomy and temporal development of the chondrocyte pericellular microenvironment in vitro. Two structurally distinct domains were identified during the 12-week culture period. The first comprised a narrow glycocalyx, 1-3 microns in width, which consolidated over time and was rich in collagen types II, VI, IX and XI, fibronectin, decorin and the aggrecan epitopes, 5D4 and HABR. The second region emerged after 4-6 weeks in culture and progressively developed a broad territorial region up to 12 microns wide around the chondrocyte and pericellular glycocalyx. Co-localization studies confirmed the dominance of aggrecan epitopes 2B6, EFG-4, 5D4 and HABR in the territorial domain, whereas surface density mapping with NIH image revealed two patterns of staining, one punctate and stippled, the other more uniform in distribution. The pericellular differentiation identified appeared analogous to the chondrons of adult articular cartilage, and provides an appropriate in vitro model for further studies of cell surface receptor function in the orchestration of pericellular matrix assembly.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In this paper we describe the proportion of US adults who report receiving oral cancer screening and tobacco cessation counseling and assistance from dentists and other health professionals. METHODS: Data from the 1992 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Cancer Control Supplement, a nationally representative sample of 12,035 adults 18 years of age and older, are analyzed. RESULTS: In 1992, less than 10 percent of adults reported oral cancer screening by a dentist or hygienist within the past three years. White adults (10.1%, 95% CI = 9.3, 10.9) reported an oral cancer screening three times more frequently than black (3.2%, 95% CI = 1.9, 4.5) or Hispanic (3.4%, 95% CI = 2.1, 4.7) adults. About half of adult current smokers had seen a dentist within 12 months, and of those only 24.1 percent (95% CI = 21.7, 26.5) had been advised to quit smoking. Heavy smokers (two or more packs a day) were more likely to have been advised to quit than light (pack or less per day) or occasional smokers. A similar proportion (24.3%, 95% CI = 17.6, 31.0) of white adult men who reported using smokeless tobacco products had been told by a dentist to quit using tobacco. CONCLUSIONS: Results from this population-based survey indicate that cancer screening and tobacco cessation advice are underutilized in the dental practice. Increased patient awareness and implementation of screening and tobacco cessation interventions could improve oral cancer incidence and mortality and have a public health benefit for other tobacco-related morbidity and mortality as well.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: We investigated the effectiveness of Levovist (SHU508A, Schering AG, Berlin, Germany) in the characterization of breast lesions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: June, 1996, to May, 1997, we studied 29 solid lesions in 29 patients (aged 17 to 83 years); our patients were 28 women and 1 man. The 29 solid lesions were 20 carcinomas (15 infiltrating ductal carcinomas, 4 ductal carcinomas in situ, 1 lobular carcinoma in situ), 6 fibroadenomas, 1 suspected postoperative recurrence and 2 apparently benign lesions. We used parameters suitable for the study of slow flows. A single bolus of contrast agent (300 mg/mL) was administered at 1-2 mL/s. Before Levovist injection, we studied the lesion signal intensity and the number of vascular poles. After contrast administration we re-evaluated both these parameters and studied the changes or presence of vessels undetected on the previous images. We also investigated the beginning and duration of enhancement and the presence of vessels inside and outside the lesions. RESULTS: We observed no signal enhancement in 17% of cases, mild enhancement in 7% and strong enhancement in 76% of cases. We found 3 more vascular poles (17%) in 5 lesions and 4 more poles in 3 lesions (10%). Increased vascularization was seen inside the lesion in 17% of cases, inside and outside it in 41% and only outside in 35% of cases. Carcinomas showed a rapid and long-lasting enhancement, while fibroadenomas showed a later and weaker enhancement. CONCLUSIONS: Levovist can be useful in the differential diagnosis of benign from malignant lesions, of recurrences from postoperative fibrosis, as well as in the staging and follow-up of the patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy.  相似文献   

DNA repair was measured in human fibroblasts, mouse C3H 10 T 1/2 fibroblsts and rat hepatocytes by the non-semi-conservative incorporation of [3H]-TdR during DNA repair synthesis using liquid scintillation techniques. Confluent monolayers of these cells grown on cover slips were exposed to split doses (125 or 250 microgram/ml) of the mutagenic and carcinogenic alkylating agent MNU and DNA repair synthesis compared with that produced by a single dose (500 microgram/ml). No significant difference in DNA repair capacity was detected in the three cell lines treated with a single dose or split doses of MNU.  相似文献   

The investigation involved a search for a model of atrophic nonunion. Fifty-two mature, adult, mongrel dogs were used to study the repair after creating a 0.5-cm bone defect in the mid-diaphysis of the radius. In addition, a 2-cm wide strip of periosteum was circumferentially resected from each osteotomy extremity. No immobilization was used thereafter. The reparative process was assessed by X-rays, histology, vascular injection, and scintigraphy. The dogs we distributed into three groups according to the time of follow-up (1, 3, and 6 months). Two kinds of repair were recognized after 3 months and were well-established after 6 months: disturbed healing with much callus (54%) and disturbed healing with absent or scanty callus (46%). In the first instance, the periosteum had regenerated and produced the external callus. The bone ends were capped with fibrocartilage; the vascularization around the defect was increased and displayed a well-defined vascular picture. In the healing pattern with absent external callus (atrophic nonunion), the bone defect was enlarged and filled with fibrous tissue, but there was no deficient vascularization in and around the osteotomy. Radioactivity counting showed an increased uptake around the osteotomy site in both types of repair, which persisted over time but was higher in the 1-month group. It was concluded that the present model yields a consistent pattern of a disturbed reparative process that mimics human cases of atrophic or hypertrophic nonunion. The differences between the two kinds of repair seemed to be related to the periosteal capacity of regeneration.  相似文献   

Embolus radiolabelling with 131I fibrinogen was studied in a canine model of internal carotid artery embolization. The dog was chosen as the experimental animal because of its maxillocarotid artery which permits collateral flow round the occlusion and helps to prevent strokes. Clot was prepared by incubating blood at room temperature to inactivate plasminogen activators and then refrigerating it to promote clot retraction. Emboli persisting 48 hours were seen in 80% of animals. Major strokes were not seen when 0.25 to 0.30 cm3 were used. Autoradiography and well counting revealed uptake of isotope. The test, when refined, should provide a tool for the investigation of thromboemboli.  相似文献   

Gap junction-mediated intercellular communication has been implicated in a variety of cellular functions. Among these, signal transduction can be coordinated among several cells due to gap junctional permeability to intracellular second messengers. Chondrocytes from articular cartilage in primary culture respond to extracellular ATP by rhythmically increasing their cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. Digital imaging fluorescence microscopy of Fura-2 loaded cells was used to monitor Ca2+ in confluent and semi-confluent cell layers. Under these conditions, Ca2+ spikes propagate from cell to cell giving rise to intercellular Ca2+ waves. The functional expression of gap junctions was assessed, in confluent chondrocyte cultures, by the intercellular transfer of Lucifer yellow dye in scrape-loading experiments. Intercellular dye transfer was blocked by the gap junction inhibitor 18 alpha-glycyrrhetinic acid. In imaging experiments, the inhibitor caused the loss of synchrony of ATP-induced Ca2+ oscillations, and blocked the intercellular Ca2+ propagation induced by mechanical stimulation of a single cell in a monolayer. It is concluded that gap junctions mediate intercellular signal transduction in cartilage cells and may provide a mechanism for co-ordinating their metabolic activity.  相似文献   

The capacitative properties of the major left coronary arteries, left main (LM), left anterior descending (LAD), and left circumflex (LCX), were studied in 19 open-chest isolated dog hearts. Capacitance was determined by using ramp perfusion and a left ventricular-to-coronary shunt diastolic decay method; both methods gave similar results, indicating a minimal systolic capacitative component. Increased pericardial pressure (PCP), 25 mmHg, was used to experimentally alter transmural wall pressure. The response to increased PCP was different in the LAD vs. LCX; increasing PCP decreased capacitance in the LCX but increased capacitance in the LAD. This may have been due to the different intramural vs. epicardial volume distribution of these vessels and a decrease in intramural tension during increased PCP. Increased PCP decreased LCX capacitance by approximately 13%, but no changes in conductance or zero flow pressure intercept occurred in any of the three vessels, i. e., evidence against the waterfall theory of vascular collapse at these levels of PCP. Coronary arterial capacitance was also linearly related to perfusion pressure.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the computer-derived measures of median frequency or peak amplitude of ventricular fibrillation (VF), obtained by fast Fourier transform of the VF waveform, change during selective aortic arch perfusion in a canine model of cardiac arrest. METHODS: Eight mongrel dogs (including 4 control animals) were sedated, intubated, catheterized, and instrumented to record the electrocardiogram (digitally at 100 Hz, filtered with a finite impulse response filter at 2 Hz), right atrial pressure, and aortic pressure during resuscitation in a model of VF-induced cardiac arrest. After 10 minutes of VF-induced arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with a mechanical chest compression device was initiated. Beginning 2 minutes later, the 4 study animals received, every 2 minutes, 45 seconds of selective aortic arch perfusion (SAAP) with autologous blood infusions under high pressure. Defibrillation was attempted after 3 minutes of CPR and every minute thereafter. Both study and control groups received standard-dose epinephrine (.01 mg/kg) every 3 minutes by means of an intraaortic catheter. The median frequency, peak amplitude, and coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) during the 5-second period just before defibrillation were obtained with the use of computer algorithms. RESULTS: All SAAP animals and 1 control animal were resuscitated. Baseline measures of median frequency (8.4 +/- 1.5 versus 6.6 +/- 1.0 Hz) and peak amplitude (.18 +/- .05 versus .36 +/- .13 mV) were not different between the SAAP and control groups, respectively, at the start of CRP. SAAP infusion resulted in significant increases in the SAAP group compared with the control group: median frequency, 9.6 +/- .4 versus 7.3 +/- 1.4 Hz; peak amplitude, .74 +/- .21 versus .39 +/- .15 mV; and CPP, 40.5 +/- 7.1 versus 18.0 +/- 15.0 mm Hg, respectively. Median frequency correlated with CPP (r2 = .67). Peak amplitude did not correlate with CPP (r2 = .06). CONCLUSION: Median frequency and peak amplitude increase with SAAP during cardiac arrest in a canine model. This method of resuscitation was reliable in allowing restoration of a stable perfusing rhythm after defibrillation. Changes in measures of peak amplitude and median frequency may reflect interventions that enhance the likelihood of successful defibrillation and may thereby offer a noninvasive means of monitoring interventions during cardiac arrest.  相似文献   

Full-thickness articular cartilage defects are a major clinical problem; however, presently there is no treatment available to regeneratively repair these lesions. The current therapeutic approach is to drill the base of the defect to expose the subchondral bone with its cells and growth factors. This usually results in a repair tissue of fibrocartilage that functions poorly in the loaded joint environment. The use of phenotypically appropriate chondrocytes embedded in a collagen gel delivery vehicle may provide a method that could be used to repair full-thickness articular cartilage defects with functionally satisfactory hyaline cartilage. Allograft articular chondrocytes embedded in a type I collagen gel were transplanted into large (6 x 3 x 3 mm), full-thickness articular cartilage defects in condylar and patellar weight-bearing surfaces to develop clinically applicable methods to repair articular cartilage defects. Chondrocytes were isolated from the articular cartilage of 4-week-old New Zealand rabbits and embedded in type I collagen gels. This composite was transplanted into a full-thickness defect on the medial femoral condyle and patellar groove of adolescent host rabbits. The repair cartilage was assessed histologically by a semiquantitative scoring system and biomechanically with a microindentation technique of specimens 4-48 weeks after chondrocyte transplantation. Defects in both locations were repaired with histologically apparent hyaline cartilage observed from as early as 4 weeks until 48 weeks after transplantation. The repair cartilage in the medial femoral condyle was more irregular than in the patellar groove, but in all other respects was similar. The grafted tissue did not remodel and differentiate into the morphological zones seen in normal articular cartilage. No tidemark or subchondral bony plate formed even 48 weeks after transplantation. Biomechanically, the repaired cartilage demonstrated indentation values similar to normal articular cartilage 12 weeks after transplantation and remained the same 48 weeks after transplantation. By contrast, the control (i.e., empty) defects healed with tissue that exhibited very poor metachromatic staining and exhibited very high indentation values. Incomplete bonding of the repair tissue to the normal cartilage was seen, and the surface was significantly irregular with major discontinuities. These observations provide the basis for considering the use of allograft articular chondrocytes to repair articular cartilage defects in the weight-bearing regions of the knee.  相似文献   

Exposure to low levels of chemicals indoors is often to a mixture of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It is of interest to determine if the symptomatic and sensory responses can be attributed to a single chemical or to a mixture of chemicals. To determine if sensory or symptomatic responses differ with exposure to single or mixed VOCs, 100 female subjects participated in a 6-hr exposure study. Subjects were exposed to one of six equimolar concentrations equivalent to 24 mg/m3 toluene, control, m-xylene, n-butyl acetate, m-xylene plus n-butyl acetate, a mixture of 21 chemicals including n-butyl acetate and m-xylene, and to the same mixture of chemicals without n-butyl acetate and m-xylene (19 chemicals). The results indicated that there was no difference in reporting of symptoms or sensory responses between the exposures. When the control group was added, some variables, primarily odor intensity and nasal irritation, attained significance.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In anticipation of the availability of genetic testing for a breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility gene (BRCA1), this study examined interest in and expectations about the impact of a potential genetic test. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The subjects were 121 first-degree relatives (FDRs) of ovarian cancer patients. The design was cross-sectional. Subjects completed a structured telephone interview of attitudes about cancer and genetic testing, and self-report psychologic questionnaires to assess coping style and mood disturbance. RESULTS: Overall, 75% of FDRs said that they would definitely want to be tested for BRCA1 and 20% said they probably would. In bivariate analyses, interest was associated positively with education, perceived likelihood of being a gene carrier, perceived risk of ovarian cancer, ovarian cancer worries, and mood disturbance. In logistic regression analysis, perceived likelihood of being a gene carrier was associated strongly with interest (odds ratio, 3.7; P = .006). Results of stepwise linear regression modeling indicated that an anticipated negative impact of genetic testing was associated with being younger (beta = -.66, P = .009), having more mood disturbance (beta = .015, P = .01), and having an information-seeking coping style (beta = .19, P = .002). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the demand for genetic testing for BRCA1 among FDRs of cancer patients may be great. Moreover, those who elect to participate may represent a more psychologically vulnerable subgroup of high-risk women.  相似文献   

Antiradical and antioxidative activities of dieton, phoridon, niphedipin, phlamicar, mildronat in vitro were studied by spectrophotometer's method with the use of dyfenilpycrilgydrasil and method of pulse voltametry. Also influence of drugs was studied under antioxidative insufficiency (AOI), which had modelled by exclusion of alpha-tocopherol from the animal's ration.  相似文献   

The serotonin3 receptor antagonist ICS 205-930 (ICS) may act peripherally to attenuate the anorectic response of rats given an imbalanced amino acid (IMB) diet. Rats were divided into four groups: SHAM+saline (sal); SHAM+ICS; total liver denervation (TLD) + sal; and TLD+ICS. Rats were then given a purified basal diet for 16 days. Next, the groups were injected with sal or 9 mg/kg BW of ICS at 0800 h and at 0900 h (lights out) an isoleucine IMB diet was presented. By 12 h postinjection, the food intake (FI) of TLD and SHAM rats receiving ICS was similarly higher (p < 0.02) than sal-injected counterparts whose FI was also similar; BW followed FI. By day 3, the SHAM groups had similar low FI, whereas the FI of the TLD groups was increasing. The above study was repeated with similar results. Liver innervation is not required for ICS attenuation of IMB diet-induced hypophagia. Also, while sal-injected TLD rats show a normal attenuation of consumption of the IMB diet on the first day of exposure, they subsequently consume more of the IMB diet than SHAM rats. The reason for this difference in TLD rats is not clear but may be related to metabolism of the IMB diet or possibly learning.  相似文献   

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) causes recurrent sleep disruption that is thought to contribute to excessive daytime sleepiness in patients with this disorder. The purpose of this study was to determine the specific effects of OSA on overall sleep architecture in a canine model of OSA. The advantage of this model is that sleep during long-term OSA can be compared to both normal sleep before OSA and recovery sleep after OSA. Studies were performed in four dogs in which sleep-wake state was monitored continuously by a computer that received telemetered EEG and EMG signals. Whenever sleep was detected, the computer sent a signal to close a valve through which the dog breathed; when the dog awoke the occlusion was released. In each dog, data were analyzed from 4 consecutive nights in three phases: a control phase before induction of OSA, a phase during long-term OSA (mean = 85 days, apnea index = 59/hour), and a recovery phase after cessation of OSA. During recovery there was a significant increase in the amount of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep compared to the OSA phase (p < 0.01), as well as significant increases in sleep efficiency and decreases in wakefulness (p < 0.01), similar to that reported in OSA patients. The REM rebound during recovery, however, could not be attributed to overall REM deprivation since the amount of REM sleep during the OSA phase was not different from the control phase (p = 0.708). This finding suggests that REM rebound during recovery from OSA is not the result of an overall REM sleep deficit per se. Rather, repeated sleep disruption due to the effects of repetitive apneas and hypoxia may lead to an increased REM sleep drive that manifests itself as a REM sleep rebound during recovery sleep after OSA.  相似文献   

This study directly compared the behaviour of chondrocytes in porous matrices comprising different collagen types and different pore diameters. There was a dramatic difference in the morphology of the cells in the type I and type II collagen matrices. The cells in the type II collagen matrix retained their chondrocytic morphology and synthesized glycosaminoglycans, while in the type I matrix the chondrocytes displayed a fibroblastic morphology with less biosynthetic activity than those in the type II. Small pore diameter affected morphology initially in the type I matrices and showed a higher increase of DNA content, but with time the cells lost the chondrocytic morphology. Our results demonstrate the marked influence of collagen type and pore characteristics on the phenotypic expression of seeded chondrocytes.  相似文献   

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