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马赫数对振荡涡轮叶片非定常流动影响的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对影响颤振稳定性关键参数进行研究,并探讨颤振稳定性随关键参数的变化规律,对颤振问题的研究具有重要意义。在进一步完善非定常雷诺平均N-S方程求解程序的基础上,基于影响系数法,在不同振型下就出口马赫数对三维涡轮振荡叶片绕流的影响问题进行了数值模拟。数值模拟结果表明,所发展的程序对振荡叶栅流动模拟具有较好的精度;出口马赫数对振荡叶栅内部非定常流动以及叶片表面的非定常气动力将产生影响;且不同模态下出口马赫数对非定常流动的影响规律表现不尽相同。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the aerodynamics of a high speed low pressure turbine works in high Mach number and low Reynold number environment,the effect of freestream turbulence(FST) on the boundary layer development on the high speed low pressure turbine under different Reynolds numbers(Re) is numerically investigated.Large eddy simulation is adopted here with a subgrid scale model of Wall Adapting Local Eddy viscosity(WALE).Cases with Re ranging from 100 000 to 400 000 under an exit Mach number(M...  相似文献   

采用高分辨率压力修正算法求解任意马赫数下的流动情形.在非正交适体曲线坐标系下采用了同位网格下的有限体积方法对控制方程离散,并以速度的协变物理分量作为基本求解变量.对流项差分格式使用一致精度高分辨率有界差分格式(UHRBS),该格式绝对稳定,满足有界性,并且具有三阶计算精度.该算法结合高分变率有界差分格式称为高分辨率压力修正算法.计算表明方法具有一致的计算精度,能适合任意马赫数下流体的流动情形.  相似文献   

张海鑫  余志利  陈华 《热能动力工程》2020,35(2):103-109,116
为研究亚音速高负荷扇形扩压叶栅NACA0065-K48的变工况性能,采用数值方法研究了来流马赫数对叶栅气动性能和流场结构的影响,来流马赫数的取值范围为0.3~0.8。计算结果表明:随着来流马赫数的增大,叶栅静压比不断提高,但总压损失先减后增,马赫数在0.5~0.7范围内叶栅具有较好的综合气动性能。扇形叶栅下角区分离程度大于上角区的不平衡流动现象会随着马赫数的增大而加剧,通道涡则是这一发展趋势的主导,且马赫数达到0.7之后,下角区通道涡与集中脱落涡趋于融合。此外,下端壁分离螺旋点的形成与发展是控制下角区分离程度和损失大小的关键。  相似文献   

柴油在亚、超声速气流中横向喷射实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改造普通油嘴,采用单次高压燃油喷射系统和阴影照相,首次研究了柴油射流柱在亚、超声速气流中横向非定常喷射问题。忽略破碎和雾化过程,用双流体模型和高精度格式,对该问题进行了初步的数值模拟。结果表明:沿射流柱表面传播的表面波是引起射流柱破碎的主要因素,破碎点位于表面波的波谷。高速气流中射流柱的雾化过程可分为射流柱区、大液块的首次破碎区、小液块的二次破碎区和液滴区。射流激波贴近射流柱迎风面,为三维凸形结构,在通道内反射,形成非定常的复杂波系结构。射流、来流动压比是影响柴油穿透深度的关键参数。计算得到的液相等密度线分布与实验结果在定性上一致。  相似文献   

This work aims to experimentally examine the effects of different roughness structures on internal flows in high-aspect-ratio rectangular microchannels. Additionally, a model based on lubrication theory is compared to these results. In total, four experiments were designed to test samples with different relative roughness and pitch placed on the opposite sides forming the long faces of a rectangular channel. The experiments were conducted to study (i) sawtooth roughness effects in laminar flow, (ii) uniform roughness effects in laminar flow, (iii) sawtooth roughness effects in turbulent flow, and (iv) varying-pitch sawtooth roughness effects in laminar flow. The Reynolds number was varied from 30 to 15,000 with degassed, deionized water as the working fluid. An estimate of the experimental uncertainty in the experimental data is 7.6% for friction factor and 2.7% for Reynolds number. Roughness structures varied from a lapped smooth surface with 0.2 μ m roughness height to sawtooth ridges of height 117 μ m. Hydraulic diameters tested varied from 198 μ m to 2,349 μ m. The highest relative roughness tested was 25%. The lubrication theory predictions were good for low relative roughness values. Earlier transition to turbulent flow was observed with roughness structures. Friction factors were predictable by the constricted flow model for lower pitch/height ratios. Increasing this ratio systematically shifted the results from the constricted-flow models to smooth-tube predictions. In the turbulent region, different relative roughness values converged on a single line at higher Reynolds numbers on an f–Re plot, but the converged value was dependent on the pitch of the roughness elements.  相似文献   

张书义  杨波  任兰学  王琦 《热能动力工程》2021,36(10):113-118,125
叶片参数化是叶轮机械气动优化过程中十分重要的一个环节,它决定着叶片的气动优化空间。传统叶片是通过叶片几何或特征来实现参数化,很少利用气动参数来实现。为了解决该问题,提出一种基于气动参数的三维叶片参数化方法,该方法通过经验公式将气动参数引入叶片参数化过程,并利用几个重要截面中的两条重要特征曲线(中弧线和厚度分布曲线)实现叶片重构。通过对实际叶片进行参数化可以发现:参数化后叶片与原始叶片之间的几何相对误差最大不超过0.01;两者表面压力系数变化趋势基本一致。因此,该方法不仅能够准确描述三维叶片形状,还将气动参数直接设置为优化控制变量,从而有利于优化效率的提高。  相似文献   

方形旋风分离器内气固两相流湍流特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应用三维颗粒动态分析仪(3D-PDA)对方形下排气旋风分离器内气固两相流场进行了实验研究,并对流场、脉动速度、颗粒浓度、湍动能、湍流强度等的分布做了讨论。方形旋风分离器的流动具有Rankine涡 的特点,即中心部分为强制涡区,边壁附近是准自由涡区。边角处因颗粒与壁面间的相互碰撞引起的准层流运动,并使得颗粒湍流脉动强烈,湍流动能和局部湍流强度在边角附近取得较大值,表明此时两相流耗了气流的能量较多,是造成分离器压力损失的主要区域之一。边角有利于颗粒分离。研究结果为结构优化提供了基础数据,并为今后的数值模拟研究提供了实验对比。  相似文献   

研究了简化的电磁暂态电力电子器件应用于机电暂态仿真的可行性。使用MATLAB-SIMULINK的相量算法,将电网中电流电压视为相量,采用滤去直流与谐波分量的隐式梯形法求解相量方程。在相量算法下搭建静止同步补偿装置(STATCOM)模型,对其电流和电压相量进行dq分解,采用PI和前馈解耦控制,通过对风电机组正常情况下的无功补偿以及短路故障下低电压穿越能力的无功支持来验证这种方法的可行性。仿真结果表明,在相量算法下,STATCOM具有快速无功调节的能力,从而验证了简化电磁暂态的STATCOM应用于机电暂态仿真的可行性,也体现出相量算法在大规模电力系统仿真中的精确性和快速性。  相似文献   

杨林  顾宏中 《内燃机学报》1999,17(4):409-412
建立了用于内燃机增压系统流动模拟的零维与一维相结合的非定常流动混合计算模型。计算实践表明,该模型在各种计算条件下,排气压力波预测精度较高,计算流量误差一般均小于1% ,而且计算稳定。所编制的内燃机增压系统一维非定常流混合模型计算源程序具有较强的通用性,可适用于组合式MSEM、MPC、脉冲、脉冲转换器和MIXPC涡轮增压系统  相似文献   

Presented in the paper are the results of an investigation of 2D heat conduction effects on the transient heat transfer of a rotating disk heated up to a non-uniform initial temperature and suddenly subjected to unsteady cooling by still air. A self-similar solution of the transient laminar convective heat transfer confirmed that the heat transfer coefficient rapidly becomes time-independent and equal to its value at steady-state conditions. An analytical solution of the unsteady two-dimensional heat conduction inside a disk made of Plexiglas® confirmed that the known infinite-slab approach can still be used as a transient technique for determining heat transfer coefficients. Use of the regular heat transfer regime theory for the same purpose can be recommended only for the cases with the moderate initial temperature non-uniformity.  相似文献   

InboductionThe requirements for high efficiency and high headhave led to a widesPread use of vaned diffuser in diffeserPumP. Usually the kinetic eneny of the flow leaving theimPeller of a diffeser PUm stage is equlvalent toWtimately 20% to 40% of the total work inPu underthe tyPical operatin conditions. If an efficient diffoserpumP is to be designed, much Of thes kinehc eneTgy mustbe recovered efficienhy The vaned thser can convertboetic energy into a static pressure rise. HoweVer thecon…  相似文献   

李湘华 《柴油机》2015,37(2):32-35, 38
针对某V型发动机两侧进气不均匀问题,采用一维三维耦合计算分析方法,对影响进气流量的因素,如进气管路直径、进气结管分叉长度、进排气管路尺寸、配气相位间隔角等进行对比分析。分析表明:两侧进气不均匀主要是由于各缸进气间隔角度不一致导致,可通过独立布置左右两侧进排气系统加以改善。  相似文献   

为了提高电网振荡动态特性中振型信息的有效获取速度,提出了一种综合分析算法,基于实测数据用于快速估计低频振荡振型、获取节点参与振荡程度的大小。它采用经验模态分解(EMD)对实测信号进行预处理,并基于信号能量分析方法、Teager能量算子和相关分析技术快速估计系统模态参数,通过计算各节点在电网关心模式的频率下有功注入功率占系统中该频率总有功振荡功率的比例,来衡量相应节点所关联的发电机对该模式的低频振荡的参与或贡献程度,从而得到该振荡模式下系统的振型信息。通过人工合成信号和某实际电网仿真算例,验证了该算法的快速性、有效性以及实用性。  相似文献   

For the purpose of improving turbine efficiency, a detailed investigation of flow field near rim seal region in the main annulus is absolutely essential. Purge flow egressed from the seal gap penetrates the hub boundary layer and travels along with the secondary flow in the main path. The propagation of the purge flow and its influence on the turbine performance are crucial and cannot be neglected in the aerodynamic and thermal design. In addition, the interaction of vane wake and blade potentia...  相似文献   

边界层转捩流动的特征参数明显不同于层流或湍流,转捩流动的这些特征直接影响着流体的动力、传热特性。而通过有效地控制转捩起点、转捩区长度就可以有效改善流动效率。作者将修正的转捩模型应用到实际流场计算中,对计算结果进行了比较,从中得到了一些有意义的分析结果。  相似文献   

应用旋流器控制并联管组中流量分配的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗永浩 《动力工程》2000,20(4):750-753,759
在分配集箱的进口处加装一只旋流器,使进入集箱中的流体发生旋转,增加沿程摩擦阻力对集箱静压分布的影响,从而达到控制并联管组流量分配的目的。在旋流条件下所得出的离散型数学模型,能够预测不同旋流强度下的集箱静压分布和管流量分配,计算值和实验结果吻合良好。图10参6  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the nonlinear steady‐state boundary‐layer flow, heat and mass transfer of an incompressible Jeffrey non‐Newtonian fluid past a vertical porous plate. The transformed conservation equations are solved numerically subject to physically appropriate boundary conditions using a versatile, implicit finite‐difference technique. The numerical code is validated with previous studies. The influence of a number of emerging non‐dimensional parameters, namely, Deborah number (De), Prandtl number (Pr), ratio of relaxation to retardation times (λ), Schmidt number (Sc), and dimensionless tangential coordinate (ξ) on velocity, temperature, and concentration evolution in the boundary layer regime are examined in detail. Furthermore, the effects of these parameters on surface heat transfer rate, mass transfer rate, and local skin friction are also investigated. It is found that the velocity is reduced with increasing Deborah number whereas temperature and concentration are enhanced. Increasing λ enhances the velocity but reduces the temperature and concentration. The heat transfer rate and mass transfer rates are found to be depressed with increasing Deborah number, De, and enhanced with increasing λ. Local skin friction is found to be decreased with a rise in Deborah number whereas it is elevated with increasing λ. And an increasing Schmidt number decreases the velocity and concentration but increases temperature. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/htj ). DOI 10.1002/htj.21111  相似文献   

在柴油机电控蓄压式泵-喷嘴参数优化设计过程中,以其工作过程的仿真计算为基础,应用了一种新兴的高效寻优方法-遗传算法。中对基于遗传算法的参数优化过程进行了全面和简要的说明。实践证明:对于电控蓄压式泵-喷嘴而言,采用遗传算法可获得比较满意的参数优化设计结果。  相似文献   

在柴油机电控蓄压式泵一喷嘴参数优化设计过程中,以其工作过程的仿真计算为基础,应用了一 种新兴的高效寻优方法──遗传算法。文中对基于遗传算法的参数优化过程进行了全面和简要的说明。 实践证明:对于电控蓄压式泵一喷嘴而言,采用遗传算法可获得比较满意的参数优化设计结果。  相似文献   

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